Remembrance to a Mentor

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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Remembrance to a Mentor

I wrote this late at night with a clouded mind so there may be a few mistakes, but I don't care much about them, because either way this was something I just wanted to get off my chest.

Here I am again, nearing eleven at night, thinking of him once more. Even though it's been almost half a year the pain hasn't stopped spreading. Last night I dreamt of him, I came home and opened the door, and there he was, smile on his graying muzzle, almost blending with the golden fur that covered his body. I sunk to the floor, him putting his paws on my lap and licking my face while my hands running through his fur. I still remember how it was soft, yet stiff, but always wanting to be scratched. Tears come to my eyes whenever I think deeply about my Ohh so beloved Dakota, that crazy little German Sheppard, golden retriever, with a little hint of chow mixed all together. Gods he was so protective of us when we were smaller, always running through the house when we were asleep, making sure nothing happened to us. Even in his dyeing months, even through the pain, suffering, and struggles, he still always seemed to have a smile on his muzzle and always loved unconditionally, wishing only to be loved in return this is where I find myself looking, not anymore, but remembering my dog, Dakota. I look around and see him no more; instead I am looking at a world full of lies, cheats, scams, hatred, and suffering. There are times where I wish we could all act more like a dog, never lying, never plotting, never trying to cheat you out of what's yours, but instead, loving any and all, unconditionally, and only wanting in return to be loved. Some cuts may heal, some may leave scars, but Dakota will forever hold a piece of my heart until the day I die. Until then, I wish to live my life more like my dog. Not judge people because they look funny or talk weird, never trying to swindle people for my own personal gain, and always, always loving and only wanting to be loved in return. It is at this hour, nearing eleven at night, that I remember a true mentor. He couldn't speak, but he could love. And that's what this world needs, more love. With this final tear I shall shed for now, I say I love you Dakota, rest in peace, now and forever...