Club Kinetics

Story by Kris Auburn on SoFurry

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Right now I'm living the life. When I tell others what I do, they almost always give me a skeptical look and ask me how I can stand a job like that. It may sound like a dirty boring job, but being security for a club has its positives. Sure, there's some negatives, such as the drunk assholes that I have to deal with every night, but come on, all of the free booze and hot guys make up for it. And who wouldn't want to get paid thirty bucks an hour to just stand there and look intimidating? And I really don't have to deal with that many problems. Someone will usually take one look at me and that's all they need to get the idea that I won't take any shit.

I work at the gay nightclub call Kinetics. It's a pretty nice joint that gets crowded every night. I have to admit, the dancers there are pretty hot, so I guess that's why guys keep on coming back. There's one dancer there who's pretty famous and definitely stands out from the rest. His name is Ryan, a young but one hell of a dancer. The husky is only about twenty-two I think and he has the body of a professional model. Every single time he's up on the stage, I get hard as I watch his lithe body move back and forth across the stage. We're actually pretty good friends and I'm glad I've gotten to know him. His job is to heat the crowd up, and my job is to sometimes cool them back down.

This night is unusually crowded, but then again, it is spring break. I quietly inspect everyone as they walk through the large glass double doors and into the club. Even outside, I can hear the bass thumping through the walls. My buddy Seth has the job of checking everyone's ID's tonight. My job is to make sure no one tries to slip past us. Seth and I have known each other for a few years. The black panther used to be security for the bank, but that grew way too boring for him. I don't blame him.

"Busy tonight." Seth says as he checks a white tiger's ID.

"You're telling me. It's spring break though." I reply as I lean up against the wall.

"You see Ryan tonight in his new outfit. He's looking pretty hot." Seth replies without looking up from his job.

"No I didn't. What's he wearing this time?"

"Go in there and see for yourself. He's probably backstage."

"You sure?"

Seth gives me a wave.

"Yeah, no problem. Just take your radio and I'll call you if I have a problem."

"Okay. I'll be back." I reply as I make sure the radio on my belt is hooked securely.

I open the doors to the club, happy to be out of the hot and humid California air. I make my way through the crowds of dancers and give a nod to the twin wolves who are guarding the doors to the backstage.

The backstage area is always a mess. Costumes are always strewn everywhere and the place smells of musk and cologne. I greet some of the dancers that I know but quickly make myself back to Ryan's station. The husky is busy applying some type of eyeliner. He's clad in a black jockstrap type garment that covers only his private area and his tailhole. Other than that, he's wearing nothing at all. The husky looks up in the mirror and notices me standing there.

"Hey Chris! What are you doing back here?" He asks excitedly as he stands up and rushes over to me.

"Just enjoying the show." I reply as I give him a grin.

Ryan blushes as he chuckles slightly.

"You would! I'm not on for another half hour so you'll have to wait until the real show begins."

"Awww. Not even a sneak peek?" I ask slyly.

Ryan laughs again and traces his paw up my abs.

"This is all you get right now stud." Ryan says as he grins.

I shiver underneath his soft touch and I can feel my sheath start to expand.

"Well, I guess I can wait." I reply.

"Great! It's going to be a great show tonight." Ryan says as he sits down in front of the mirror again. "So what's a German Shepherd like you doing during the day?"

"Nothing really. Working out, some swimming here and there, just enjoying life. How about you?" I ask as I lean up against the wall.

"Well, I've been invited to a few other big clubs around the city as their guest of honor." Ryan replies as he applies some kind of glitter above his eyes. "They're not as nice as Kinetics though."

"Still, that's pretty cool." I reply. "Is this your new outfit?"

"Yep!" Ryan replies as he stands up and gracefully spins around. "What do you think?"

"You're definitely going to get the crowd heated up tonight." I grin as I stare at the husky's body.

"Well you don't look to bad yourself stud. Anyone hit on you yet?" Ryan asks.

I glance down at my security uniform, which is a skin tight black shirt and a pair of black spandex material shorts that stop right above my knees. I carry no weapons, just a radio and headset that I can use to communicate with other security personnel and even the dancers.

"No not yet." I sigh.

"Really? I'm surprised. Don't worry though. I'm sure plenty of guys will be eyeing you tonight."

I nod in reply.

To tell the truth, I've had a huge crush on Ryan ever since I first saw him. And it's not because of his body and physical features, although those are very nice too, but I love his sweet personality though. But I know that he's way out of my league. Seth keeps on trying to convince me to get some balls and ask him out. Several times I've wanted too, but I can never muster myself to ask.

"Hey Chris, would you mind doing something important for me tonight?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah sure. What do you need me to do?" I ask gladly.

"Would you be willing to stay in contact with me during my show? You know, like let me know how I'm doing, and whether I need to pick it up a little?"

"Uh, yeah! Sure!" I reply with a smile.

"Great! I'm on channel three. All you need to do is find a place where you can watch me and the crowd. It's not that hard of a job."

"Okay. Sounds easy enough." I reply.

"Awesome! Thanks so much Chris!" Ryan exclaims as he suddenly wraps me in a hug.

I kind of stagger back a little, suddenly surprised by the physical contact, but I return the hug and find myself smiling.

"Hey Ryan? You're on in fifteen." Seth says as he pokes his head into the room.

"Okay! I'll be out soon!" Ryan replies.

He turns to face me with a smile again.

"Well, I better go warm up. Remember, I'm on channel three."

"Got it. Good luck out there!" I reply as I wave to the husky.

Ryan gives me a wink as he disappears through the door. I stand there for a few seconds, wishing that I could just muster up the strength to ask him out already.

"Soooooo? How'd it go? Did you ask him?" Seth asks as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

Seth and I aren't boyfriends or anything, but we do like to fuck around sometimes.

"No." I sigh as I squirm out of his grasp.

Seth smiles and shakes his head.

"Chris, Chris, Chris, how many times do I have to tell you that you just have to go for it? He totally wants you dude, he's just waiting for you to make the first move."

"I doubt that." I grumble as I turn to leave. "I've gotta get ready."

Seth gives me a light squeeze on my ass as I walk by.

"Okay man. I'll catch you later."

I leave the backstage area and walk out into the club area again. Strobe lights are flashing and the bass is absolutely deafening. I pass by a crowd that consists of two wolves, a tiger, a doberman, and two foxes. I feel their eyes stare at me lustfully as I pass by, but I don't stop to talk or anything. I find a spot that gives me a good view of the crowd and the stage at the same time. I lean up against the wall and adjust my radio to channel three.

"Okay Ryan, I'm in position." I speak into my mouthpiece.

"Great! I'll be on in about five minutes." Ryan replies.

A doberman named Archer walks up to me and leans up against the wall with me.

"Is Ryan on next?" He asks without looking at me.

"Yep." I reply.

Archer is what I like to call the senior of Kinetics. He's only twenty-five, but he's been here longer than anyone has. I'm not surprised because he makes one hell of a good security guard. Not only that, if you catch him in a good mood, you can get a good fuck from him in the dressing room at the end of his shift.

"You know, you should really ask him out." Archer says with a sly grin as he shifts his eyes over at me.

"Oh don't you fucking start now." I scoff as I roll my eyes.

"What? You've known him for about two years now. Whenever I see you, you're either talking to him, or vice versa."

"Yeah I know, he's just way out of my league though. I mean, do you even know how many guys throw themselves at him? Why would he choose me out of all of them?" I ask.

The lights suddenly start to dim and the music fades out as the stage starts to glow in blue and violet ambient light.

"Because you're not a complete stranger to him." Asher replies with a wink. "I've gotta get going pup. Take care."

I wave goodbye to Archer and then turn my attention to the stage.

"And now, for the event you've all been waiting for, please give a warm welcome to the Kinetics dancer, Ryan Milski!" The DJ booms through the speakers.

The crowd erupts in cheers and whistles.

"Showtime." I hear Ryan whisper into my headset.

I grin in anticipation.

The steady bass starts up as the strobe lights start flashing. I watch as a platform rises up from underneath the stage with Ryan posed on it. As the music starts, Ryan starts dancing to the beat. I watch in awe as the husky gracefully slides across the stage, showing off his flexibility and his body. He takes up several seductive poses on the stripper poles which causes the enormous crowd to whistle and cheer.

"How am I doing?" Ryan pants into his microphone.

"You're doing amazing babe. Keep it up." I reply as I continue to watch the show.

Ryan decides to pick it up a little and starts teasing the crowd a little more. He starts showing off his perfect toned ass but he never lets the crowd get a peek of the good stuff. Sweat is dripping down the husky's body and causes him to glisten in the ambient light. He goes to his knees and lifts his tail to the crowd, which causes an uproar of excitement.

"You're such a showoff." I chuckle into the mike.

"That's all they see for now until they start paying." Ryan replies with a giggle.

Sure enough, the crowd starts to offer five, ten, and even twenty dollar bills in their outstretched paws. Ryan comes up to the edge of the stage and allows the them to stuff the money into the waistband of his thong.

"All units, stay sharp. Ryan is currently interacting with the crowd." I say into my headset.

"Units two, three, and five acknowledge. We are currently at the front of the stage."

We've never really had a problem before, but it's just precautionary.

I shift uncomfortably as my member expands and strains against the tight fabric of my shorts. Damn, he's so hot. If I wasn't part of the security right now, I'd be up there in the front row.

The show finally comes to an end and Ryan steps back to bow to the crowd. The crowd erupts into applause as the husky waves to the crowd and blows kisses to certain lucky ones. I smile as I start to make my way back behind stage again. Ryan greets me with a wide smile.

"How'd I do?" He asks, panting.

"That was absolutely amazing, and I mean it." I reply with a grin.

Ryan chuckles as he grabs my paw and presses a wad of twenties in it. I glance at the money in surprise.

"Just a little something for being such a great spotter tonight." Ryan says with a wink.

"Ohhh, this is your money. You earned it. Keep it." I reply as I hand the money back to him.

Ryan just grins slyly as he takes the money but then pulls the waistband on my shorts and drops it down to my crotch in one swift motion.

"I insist." Ryan replies slyly as he rests his paw on my package.

I try to speak but my mind can't form coherent words. Instead, I just nod in reply.

"Glad you see it my way. Now can you be a dear, and come back to my dressing room really quick? I want to show you something."

I fish the wad of cash out of my shorts and pocket the money.

"Yeah sure. Seth is closing up anyways." I reply.

I follow the bushy tail of the husky back through the backstage rooms and into his own private dressing room.

"After you." Ryan says as he opens the door for me.

I walk into the middle of the room, and my ears twitch as I hear the door close and lock with a click. I turn to face Ryan who is leaning against the door, a sly gleam in his blue eyes.

"What are you up to?" I ask the husky curiously.

"Doing what I should've done a long time ago, stud." Ryan replies as he strolls over to me.

Before I can react, Ryan presses his lips against my muzzle. I kind of stagger back in surprise, but then I feel the warmth of Ryan's muzzle. I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. Ryan's tongue ventures into my muzzle and wrestles over my own tongue. The husky finally breaks the kiss after what seemed like hours.

"You're a really good kisser." He says with a smile.

I lick my lips as I stare at him.

"I uh...yeah you too." I reply.

My member starts to expand and strain against the tight material of my shorts. Ryan looks down as my package rubs against his lower chest.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" He murrs as he slides down to his knees.

I watch as his fingers grip the waistband of my shorts and slowly pull them down. I don't wear any undergarments while I'm working for certain reasons such as this, so my member immediately springs free from its prison.

"Such an impressive package you have." Ryan says as he gently strokes it with one of his paws.

I shiver against the husky's touch as his soft pads tickle the head of my cock.

"Well, let's start the show then." Ryan says with a grin as he opens his muzzle.

I gasp as he takes my entire length into his muzzle. I've been working here for nine months and received many blowjobs, but never have I ever had someone immediately take my entire length in their muzzle. I brace myself against the dressing table as Ryan starts sucking me off.

"Ohhh fuck..." I groan as the husky twirls his tongue around the head of my member.

I'm leaking pre and Ryan immediately licks the sticky liquid up. My tail lashes against the table and my toes curl as intense waves of pleasure shoot up my body. My tongue lolls to the side and I lean back in pure ecstasy. I start to feel the pressure build up in the base of my cock and I know that I'm about to blow my load soon, but Ryan quickly pulls off.

"Delicious." Ryan chuckles as he licks his lips.

I watch as the husky turns around and slowly pulls his thong off of his toned body. His fully erect cock springs out as the garment falls to his ankles. With a grin, Ryan leans down on his paws and knees and lifts his tail up for me.

"Well what are you waiting for stud? This is what you've always wanted." He says deviously.

I stare at the husky's ass in shock. Is this actually happening? Without anymore hesitation, I take my place behind the husky and aim my cock towards his tight tailhole. I slowly tease the ring of flesh with the tip of my member. Ryan whimpers slightly as he presses his ass against me. I grin at the husky's submissive role. I grip the perfectly toned ass and slowly start to insert the tip of my member into the tight warm space. Ryan moans as my cock slowly slides into him and stretches his tailhole. Luckily, my pre and Ryan's saliva has nicely lubed my cock, so I don't cause too much pain as it slides all the way in.

"Fuck, you're tight." I pant as I my balls touch Ryan's ass.

I slowly start to slide out and Ryan groans in pleasure. Spurts of pre coat the husky's insides. His tailhole is now nicely stretched and I start to slowly thrust back and forth. Ryan moans and slams his paws against the floor to keep himself steady. His tailhole is so fucking tight. Every thrust causes Ryan to moan and whimper.

"Faster Chris. Please go faster. I want you to fuck me." Ryan pants lustfully as he looks back at me.

I can't pass that request up. I grip his ass harder and start thrusting into him as fast as I can. My member slams back and forth into the husky and my balls slap against his ass. Ryan closes his eyes and is now practically crying out in pleasure.

"Oh yes! Fuck me Chris!" Ryan moans as he raises his ass higher into the air.

The knot is now starting to form at the base of my cock and it starts to hit against Ryan's tailhole. The husky's tailhole tries to stretch against the intrusion.

"Please Chris! Tie me!" Ryan begs.

I close my eyes and start to slam into the husky. I feel an intense pressure as the tight walls of Ryan's ass tries to stretch around my engorged knot. With a final hard thrust, my knot breaks through Ryan's tailhole with a pop. Ryan howls as his tailhole is stretched to its limits. Fireworks go off in my eyes as my cock twitches and spurts my load into the husky. Spurt after spurt of cum coats the insides of Ryan. The feeling of me cumming inside of Ryan causes him to lose it. Ryan cries out in pleasure as thick ropes of husky cum splash against the carpeted floor. Both of our orgasms soon end, and we remain there panting in exhaustion.

"Fuck, that was great." Ryan pants as he looks back at me.

I nod in reply as I try to slow my breathing. I'm still tied in the husky. After a few minutes, my member is soft enough for me to pull out without hurting Ryan anymore. I watch lustfully as my cum pours out of Ryan's abused tailhole.

"That was quite a load." Ryan giggles as the last of my cum spurts out of his tailhole.

"Indeed." I reply as I reach down to pull my shorts up.

Ryan sets his paw on my member again, which stops me from getting dressed.

"Let me clean up for you." Ryan says.

I shudder as his tongue laps up the cum off of my member, and I feel myself getting aroused again. With all remaining cum gone from my cock, Ryan grabs a towel from the table and mops up the remaining cum on the floor. I stand there for a few minutes, too exhausted to even move. With the room cleaned up, Ryan walks over to the other side of the room and grabs a scrap of paper and pen. Curious, I watch the husky scribble something on the paper. He folds it up and walks back over to me. Without a word, Ryan grins and presses the folded up paper into my paw. I immediately unfold it. An address and phone number is scribbled on it.

"What's this?" I ask as Ryan gathers up his stuff and is about to leave.

Ryan smiles slyly as he pauses at the door.

"It's what you've wanted for the few months."

It takes me awhile for Ryan's answer to register in my mind.

"What the...How" I stammer.

Ryan just giggles and shakes his head.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, boyfriend."

With that, Ryan leaves the dressing room and closes the door. I remain standing there with my paw gripping the piece of paper. I read the address and phone number again. Slowly, I start to smile. I guess he's not too good for me.