Dissension - The Prologue

Story by Blake Amaterasu on SoFurry

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"What happens when you try to change the world?"


"I mean change it the way you think it should be...in your image, I suppose."

"I-I wouldn't know."

"Of course not. But you will. Sometime soon I'd imagine. Everyone will."

"Well...sometimes people need to die for things to change. For things to get better."

"Then why should I be the one to do it? Why me?"

"Because you're the only one who can."

"I wish I'd never gone to that opera...then I wouldn't be in this mess."

"No...you would be. Just not as soon."

"I love you."

"Does it scare you? Having to kill someone?"

"...a little."

"It's for the best, you know."

"Says who? You?"

"Mommy always knows best, sweetie."

"It's astounding. The power the mind holds over the body."

"I love you too."

"You're no son of mine."

"No. I'm not. And you're definitely no father of mine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"There's no lingering doubts? No second-guesses hiding in the back of your mind?"


"We'll see."

"Those are titles. Words you cling to as this darkness falls around you."

"I'd much rather have him say nothing at all than brag about how great his oldest adopted son is."


"I'm sorry."

"Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. Your curiosity will be the death of you."