Devin the Rebel (Diapers)

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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Devin had a wild side. He liked to collect weapons and sharp objects. In high school, the equine was known for being defiant and a bit of an exhibitionist. One day, he brought a few knives on campus to show his friends, but the dean of students quickly caught word of it and had him suspended for nearly a week. He insisted that he had no intention to hurt anyone, but -- as the dean put it -- "rules are rules." The suspension didn't deter him from collecting, but his fascination started to intimidate his friends, except for Michael.

When Michael was in high school, he knew people in the ROTC who enjoyed collecting replica guns and knives. Naturally, he wanted to serve in the military and be on the frontlines.

The equine had a suitable build for the job: he was muscular, and clearly a weight-lifter. He often spent more time at the local gym than he did at home, and he routinely did lengthy workouts. Though he looked like a force to be reckoned with, he always carried a pair of pocket knives with him just in case things went south. Having a long background in martial arts, Michael admired Devin's commitment to keeping safe, but he also learned to keep the equine at arm's length.

Devin showed Michael his collection of knives and military memorabilia at his house one weekend. Michael walked around the equine's bedroom, picking up and looking at realistic-looking airsoft guns.

"Yeah... and that's the M4 Carbine replica airsoft gun," said Devin.

"Looks like this thing's got a high torque motor on it. Wow, nice. How much did this cost you?"

"About 250. But it has this adjustable hop up that can shoot at, I'd say, over 450 per second. Top that with a 300-round high capacity magazine, and nobody will mess with you. Nobody."

"I'm impressed. Hey, you know, if you aimed the M4 at that guy, Derrick, he'd piss his pants."

"Heh, Derrick... yeah."

"I mean, what better way to get a bully off someone's back then having them stare down the barrel of your gun, right?"

"True, true. So, hey, speaking of pissed pants: everything's cool between you and Tyler?"

"Yeah. Actually, he e-mailed me earlier asking about the brand of diapers I use. I told him, and he said he ordered some."

Devin kneeled down to the floor beside his bed. He flipped up the bed skirt, and fished for something that was under the bed. The equine took out a bag of diapers, which was unopened. When he first saw the bag, Michael rolled his eyes and thought to himself, "Oh brother."

"Let me guess... you wear them too," Michael observed.

"I, uh... no, but I always wanted to. Bought these online." Devin, the burly horse, started to blush.

"But you're not incontinent, are you?"

"No. It's just that I thought, 'If Tyler wears them, why can't I?' Thought he might feel better if someone else was... uh... diapered with him."

Devin felt comfortable admitting this to Michael even though they barely knew each other.

It was true. Devin wanted to try on diapers since he found out that Tyler was wearing them. He never produced enough courage to ask his best friend for one because he feared Tyler would feel that he was being exploited, or would feel he'd be the victim of some elaborate prank. Devin didn't want to make Tyler more uncomfortable about his personal inconvenience. Over the years, Devin focused on bring a supportive friend to the tiger. Nonetheless, the equine couldn't stop thinking, "What does a diaper feel like when you're wearing one?"

Michael closed Devin's bedroom door and walked back to Devin, who started to open the bag. Michael took out his claws and sliced the top of the bag, effectively opening it. Both of them stared at the bag, which had 18 white, pre-folded thick diapers neatly packed. The diapers smelled fresh, and had a surprisingly pleasant fragrance. For a second, Michael remembered when he was a cub, laying on the changing table. He remembered seeing his father opening the bag of diapers beside him. Michael curled his tiny footpaws and giggled happily, knowing that his diapers would always be there for him if he was ever unsure about anything.

Even now, Michael curled his footpaws in excitement after opening a fresh, new bag. The lion swished his tail elatedly.

"I know this sounds awkward, but can you show me how to put one on?" Devin scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, sure."

Michael explained the diapering process. "You need to lay on a flat surface," said the lion. "Sure, you could diaper standing up, but it's easier to do it when you're on your back. Slide the diaper underneath you. See these adhesive tabs? They go in the back, and it should be right up to your belly button. Then you connect the tabs together, close them to make a snug fit. Once you do it again and again, and practice, it'll become second nature."

Fully clothed, Devin laid in bed and snarled. "I didn't know I needed to take notes."

The lion went over the instructions one more time, and had the equine change himself. Michael teased him occasionally through the process, saying things like, "You're a big boy. You can do this," and, "If you're going to be a big baby about it, I don't mind doing it." Devin would shake his head and shout, "No! No! No!" Michael and Devin laughed extensively.

From the corner of his eye, Michael watched as Devin nervously put on his diaper. He was obviously waiting eagerly for the moment to try one on, the lion observed. The excitement coming from the equine was analagous to a man who is on the verge of losing his virginity. To Devin, it was a rite of passage, or perhaps -- he thought -- one way to better understand what Tyler was going through.

Devin appreciated sharing his desires and insecurities to someone who understood him, even if he was sharing his personal feelings to people he barely knew. The equine often masked his true emotions, and carried the heavy burden of being the strong, stoical type who hid behind his masculinity and bravado. In actuality, he was much more than that -- and Michael understood.

After he put on his diaper and put his pants back on, Devin asked Michael if he was interested in walking into town. Michael was interested, and he offered to drive Devin downtown. Devin said he wanted the exercise. The two left for a two-mile jog going east on a local bike trail, which was conveniently located behind Devin's house.

"I'm thinking ice cream," said Devin. "We should head to Falton Ice Cream in town, and check out the arcade after that."

"Sure, sounds like a plan." Michael walked beside Devin with his paws deep in his jean pockets.

"Hey, check this out." Devin pulled out a switch blade, and flipped the blade out. "It's awesome. It's got a titanium, nitride-coated stainless tanto blade, and can extend up to three inches." The equined swiped at the air with his knife. This concerned Michael.

"Yeah, but people might be concerned when they see someone suddenly pull a knife out. Put it away."

"Fine, have it your way, mother!"

Michael chuckled nervously, and quickly changed the subject. "How does the diaper feel on you, Devin?"

The equine shifted his eyes. "Kinda weird. It's so soft, but thick. Comfy, but it sticks to your fur when it gets hot."

"True, but you get used to it. Then again, I often don't walk around outside when it's almost a hundred." Michael could feel sweat soaking up his rich, brown-colored mane. Going into the afternoon, humidity in the area was steadily rising and there was no sign of any cool breeze. Michael faintly cursed to himself, realizing that he should have brought a bottle of water with him.

It took nearly an hour for the guys to reach the small, rural town of Falton. By the time they reached the town's downtown plaza, Michael was craving an ice cream sundae. Devin lost interested in having ice cream, and got a root beer float instead. Both sat inside the ice cream shop at a table, which was satisfyingly placed underneath a high-powered ceiling fan.

"Dude, nothing beats padding up and eating ice cream. This is sweet!" Devin said before taking a sip from his root beer float.

"For sure." The lion was enjoying his two-scoop, chocolate ice cream with hot fudge, caramel, and whipped cream.

"So where are you from, Mike?"

"I came from Vicente, which is a city that's on the south coast about two hours north of here."

"Right on, and what brought you here to this place?"

"Actually, my family had a vacation rental here when I was little. They like it here, and they wanted to get out of the city, retire, and live out the rest of the days in the valley. We moved, and now I'm getting ready to go to college."

"That's cool. Hey, are you up for the arcade now?"


Michael and Devin went to the local arcade, which was a stone's throw away from the ice cream shop. Inside, there were several arcade machines including Skeeball, pinball, and dance games. Michael, a self-proclaimed "pro" at Skeeball, managed to earn dozens of tickets from playing. When he bent down to collect the tickets by the machine's coin slot, he felt his diaper shift around in his pants. Feeling less guilty about wearing diapers in public, the lion snickered, and looked over his shoulder at Devin.

Devin played the dance games, and worked up a sweat. His hooves were tapping away on the dance pad to frantic-sounding music, which got his adrenaline going. Michael slowly approached Devin from behind, and cheered his new friend. Devin had developed a consistent rhythm, and didn't skip a beat. Devin felt he was dancing like a professional. Everyone else saw a horse who danced like he was about to fall at an ice-skating rink. Michael, on the other hand, didn't have an opinion. He was happy that Devin was having so much fun.

Suddenly, Devin was dancing so furiously that his pants started to fall below his waist. The equine's thick diaper started to peek above his belt. Having noticed this, Michael reached over and pulled up Devin's pants.

"Hey, what the --" Devin barked at Michael, and briefly turned to him. Once he turned back to the game, Devin noticed that the game was already over. He lost, and was completely out of tokens.

"Sorry about that." Michael leaned over to Devin's ear and whispered, "Your diaper was showing."

"Oh God! Thanks, man." After his face turned bright red, the equine pulled his pants up higher, causing the diaper underneath to crinkle loudly. Devin walked off the dance pad, and took a deep breath. He was sweating profusely, and his diaper felt heavier than usual. He felt his stomach grumbling and bubbling with acidic undertones. He rubbed his stomach for a moment, and walked out of the arcade with Michael, who wrapped his arm around the equine's shoulder.

Once he was out of the arcade, Devin turned to the lion and spoke in a low, terse voice. "Mike, nobody saw the diaper?"

"No, don't think so."

Devin took a sigh of relief. The adrenaline started to wane for the equine until he felt his stomach grumbling again. This time, he knew he had to go. The restroom wasn't far away, and he could walk there -- but why the trouble? He was wearing a diaper after all, he thought.

"Hey Mike, mind if I sit for a minute?" Devin asked.


Devin sat down on clay bench nearby and took a deep breath. The lion heard a faint farting noise coming from the equine. Knowing what was about to come, Michael bit his lip, and pretended to look away.

"You're going now?" Michael snapped. Devin looked up at the lion with a devilish grin.

Slowly, Devin started to mess his diaper. His diaper slowly expanded from the bottom, and moved down. It felt warm, and oddly assuring. Being a bit of a daredevil and exhibitionist, Devin took his time making sure that every second counted. He could feel the mess filling his seat almost uncontrollably. It felt natural, and he didn't feel ashamed because of it.

On the other hand, Michael watched Devin in disbelief. The lion's initial reaction was, "Oh my God, he's doing it." After a while, he thought, "Oh my God, why is he doing it?" Pretending to act naturally, Michael sat down beside Devin on the bench, and observed everyone who walked around them. Nobody seemed to notice, but that didn't make the lion comfortable. He was firmly opposed to messing himself in public, but he had to set those feelings aside and resist the temptation to lecture someone who likes pocket knives.

Michael continued to watch as Devin's rear expanded into lumps. Though he felt embarrassed for Devin, he was ultimately impressed by the equine's brazen use of his diaper. The lion asked himself, "How could I get away with that?"

Devin finished with a grunt, and a gratuitous rub of his backside. "Well, gotta go when you gotta go."

"Feel better?"

"Yep," said Devin with a goofy smile and a tail swish. "Be right back. Heading to the restroom."

Michael walked to the music store, which was part of the plaza, and listened to a few CDs before Devin arrived. The equine sneaked up behind the lion -- while wearing headphones -- and shook him. The lion wet his diaper a little, and gave his younger friend a "noogie." Devin escaped the headlock and laughed. "That's what you get for freakin' me out."

"I deserved that," Devin admitted. "What are you listening to?"


"What kind of music?"

"DEATH METAL!" shouted Michael in a gruff, monotonous tone. The lion moved his head around rapidly and made the shaka sign with his paws. Devin put some headphones and listened to the same track as Michael, jerking his head in unison. Michael was starting to cherish the moments he had in a town he once thought was dreary and lifeless. Now, he was having the time of his life.