What about binary fission? (prologue)

Story by Dr Soup on SoFurry

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#1 of What about Binary Fission

12:00 a.m.

Axiomn Laboratories

John's breathing increased; fear began clawing at his mind like a rabid animal. He knew he was going to die. That was the one thing he was sure of. He heard the heavy gurgling of the monstrosity that was following him. He turned a corner, then another. He came upon a dead end. Dammit, he thought franticly I don't have time for this! He turned around and ran in a new direction. Exactly what that direction was, however, he wasn't entirely sure. He just knew that it led away from the horrible scene he'd come across. Just thinking about what he'd just seen made his blood turn to ice in his veins. "This is a maze..." he realized horrified, a test. A test to see what he would do. That's why it's so dark. That thing thrived in the dark. They wanted to see its capabilities at their full capacity. They wanted to see what it was fully capable of. This thought made him even more afraid and more determined to escape. He turned another set of corners, heading nowhere in particular, just away from the demented screams of the atrocity following him. He rounded what he thought would be his last corner, his continuance of life. To his shock, however, he ended up running into the very thing he was trying to avoid. The creature turned quickly, pouncing on the frightened wolf without any warning.

Behind a computer screen sat a brown ermine, watching this grizzly scene. "Sir," he said calmly, "subject 3 has been neutralized."

"Excellent." said a dark figure a few feet away from the ermine. "How long did this one last?" the figure asked.

"Just a few minutes short of an hour, sir." the ermine said stoically. "The creature seemed to be toying with the subject, sir. It almost seemed to enjoy the chase." the ermine noted.

"Yes," said the figure moving closer, "it almost has a sadistic sense of moralities about it." The figure smiled and looked at the monitor. In the maze, the creature had already devoured some parts of the wolf, and in doing so had managed to smear blood and intestines everywhere. The figure's grin widened even more at the disgusting sight. "It feeds to gain new DNA, you know; the more it feeds the more complex it gets and the more efficient of a killer it becomes." the figure said excitedly. "Alright everyone," it said rising, "15 minute break and then it's back to work. We have another subject to test, and I want to see some decent results this time."


*Author's note*

Ok, first story I've written in a little over 5 months. This is just the prologue, as I intend to make it go for as long as my magical writing juices continue to flow. This is a lot shorter than I'd like it to be, and I mean A LOT SHORTER. Like, to the point of rage inducingly short. But, it feels good to be writing again. Also, this is gonna be a horror/action/survival series so no yiff. Plus, I'm not entirely sure which category it should go in, so for the moment it goes in clean. However, if any of you can give me an idea of where to put it, please let me know.