Arietta-Delat Arc, Part 1

Story by Medan Lynn on SoFurry

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Arietta-Delat Arc

The room was completely silent, save for the breathing of the fox that came out rather quickly, as if he'd just run a mile or two. The woman lying next to him, that had offered him the hotel for the night, the one that had offered him sex, and the one that gave him one of the strangest, most gratifying sensations he'd ever felt in his life, had caused him to become so tired, lying there. During their intercourse he felt almost drained, as if the life was taken out of him and replaced with a pleasured sensation so he wouldn't notice. It was the weirdest feeling he'd ever had in his life, and he almost couldn't describe it. What kind of woman could do such a thing to a man, and why would she offer it to him? It felt good though, even lying there next to her after the fact, he still had that strange sensation of pleasure. "That was... That was amazing..." he commented to her through breaths. Normally he would never have been so straightforward about saying something like that, but for some reason he didn't seem to care that much at the moment.

''Mhmm. Pleased to meet your approval~'' His host replied so nonchalantly, yet in a terible cute way. The female husky who'd offered him the room in exhange for a one- night stand obviously had her differences with the male, but probably the one that stuck out like a sore red thumb right then and there the most was how energetic she looked...While he looked like he ran a mile, she looked like she could run one.Sitting up, against the bed head, the woman spent her after-glow smiling to herself and rubbing her belly, before looking towards the panting nude fox next to her. ''Though, I should be thanking you..maybe now Ill finally have that kid Ive always wanted.''

Delat shook his head, almost like you'd see in a cartoon and sat up, ignoring the pleasured feeling as it began to fade away. His expression changed from one of thanks to one of clear anger. "You said that you were on birth control!" he screamed at her, standing up and walking around the bed, standing only two feet from her, as if his exhaustion wasn't a problem, though he still felt the fatigue. "You ARE on it right?" he asked, wondering if perhaps she wanted to perhaps learn how to have sex again before she went and found someone or something, though the idea seemed far fetched, he wanted to cling to that last chance that he was misinterpreting her statement. Did she find out he was a prince so she could give birth to the next air of... no, he was sure that no one knew who he was. So why?

His reaction wasnt so unbelivable, in fact she kind of anticipated it. What made her eyes buldge ever so slightly was how soon he reacted to what she just said-especially considering what she'd just done to him. Maybe she should have drained him of more of his energy while she was busy on her back. Her thoughts suddenly drifted off, as the same indifferent expression returned while he stood right in front of her (she'd tell him she got it from her father, not that she'd want to compare him with her) Instead of forming some kind of explanation in her mind, she was thinking of good names for her new child. Dredin? Ahmald? Living where she called home for so long had affected her ability to think up normal sounding names. ''No, I lied to you.'' She finally answered while giving him a shrug. Her hand was still over her stomach meanwhile. ''But dont worry, you're getting a free ride here. I dont expect you to help me take care of it or anything.''

It still surprised her to no end that he was able to flare up, let alone stand or walk, even after she'd gotten over it. Either way, she moved over so that she was sitting at the edge of the bed before pushing him back with a poke on his chest. It didnt seem like much sure, but there was quite a bit of..power behind it. ''You wont ever have to see me again soon anyway, so you can still have that kid with someone you actually like.'' She'd neglected to answer a few of his questions, but then she didnt feel she needed to. She had what she wanted, now it was time for her to go.

It was nearly unbelievable how she was acting to him. As she poked him in the chest, his legs finally gave out and he fell to the ground, breathing heavily from the simple task of standing. "That is my kid... There is no way that you can possibly have that kid and never let me see it... Call me traditional, but that kid is... that kid, assuming there is one there... is mine as well... There is no way you can just run away with it..." he said, sounding obviously desperate. He then used his one trump card, hoping that it, of all things, would work. "That kid is heir to the thrown to rule over Lilatra! I will use my power to find you... and that kid... so please, don't make me do that!" he said, not really knowing where she was from, thinking that he could find her if she decided to run away.

She watched him topple like a house of cards with a giggle. Sure she used some of her own juice to knock him over, but still..she thought he'd have been able to stay up at the very least. Then, with a tilted head, she calmly listened to the closest thing to a threat he could muster up. From the unconcerned looks she was giving him, it was easy to tell she didnt care before she got a chance to reply. Either that or she didnt believe him; maybe a combination of both. ''Thrown to Lilatra? Whats that, A kingdom or some shit?'' She didnt believe him. Still, she'd humor some of what he had to say. ''Even if that were true, what would some royal brat be doing in the middle of this dump? Run away or something? I cant imagine your folks being too happy about that- let alone that you had an illegitament kid.''

Cursing at himself for sleeping with such a bitch, he sighed, calming himself down, at least, as far as she could see. "Look... wherever you live, please let me come with you... It's my kid; are you really going to deny me that? There is no way in hell that you thought I would have no problem with you taking my kid and leaving... And you still haven't told me why you mentioned it in the first place... Why didn't you just leave? Surely you wanted me to know so I could... so I could show you that I cared? What is it?!" he yelled at her, not even mentioning his heir to the thrown or the power struggle back on his home land.

''Pretty much. I wanted to see how you'd react to knowing you'd never see your first born.'' As harsh as it should have sounded, the playful stance she took with him, coupled with the giggly tone seemed to dimm her words down. No..the way she was treating him with such disrespect made it that much worse. ''Besides, you cant live with me. You's surely have your throat slit in more than one way..but the less said about that the better yeah?'' Sounding a bit more serious now..she was starting to return his glare, as if telling him that she was leaving without him, whether he liked it or not.

A loud growl of strain could be heard as Delat somehow managed to pull himself to his feet, knowing that he'd probably collapse any second. "No... There is no way you can be like this... I'll gladly have my throat slit if it means being with my kid... That kid, once again ASSUMING that you are actually pregnant, is ... well, it's all I have left. I did run away, and I have no family to go back to... please don't take the only family that I do have..." he pleaded out, sounding like a lost puppy talking to the soon to be murderer of his owner that he finally found again.

Her giggly air was steadily but noticably changing as things went on. Soon enough, the game she was playing with him had grown dull from his whining, and what amuzment she was getting from the way he was literally begging by her feet was now frustration. ''Ugh! What kind of male are you? Buck up!'' She was thinking to herself how much of a bad influence he would have surely been on her child. Far too ''human'' for her tastes, though to be fair, he was a fox. ''Listen to yourself! You cant be with anyone when you're dead.''

The anger finally poured over inside of the fox. "Buck up?! Fine!" he screamed, the claws of his feet digging into the carpet as he swung the claws of his right hand at her, hoping the scratch her across the face. He figured it wouldn't do much, but he wasn't really thinking too much at that point anyway. He was only concerned about getting his revenge on the woman, as much as he could before she left him there, as he knew she would.

It might have been surprised him upon realization that he was upside down..against a wall not even a second later. The bed should have been all he could see, until the girl crawled over to the other side to look down at him, while supporting her head with both hands. Whats more, whatever she did to him, she was just inches shy of getting him out the window, seeing how right above his ass in the air, was the thinly plated glass window, going down 5 stories. ''You okay?'' she asked innocently.

"Yup. I've lost it. I was hoping this was some kind of nightmare, and it seemed I was right... so please just let me wake up, alright? I get it, I won't do any more one night stands..." he said to the air, as if the woman wasn't even in the room with him. He was dizzy, tired, and finally calm about his situation. However, as he didn't wake up he let out a sigh, turning to the woman. "Hey, you, how do you wake up from a nightmare again?" he asked, trying to remember the rumors he'd heard on his travels about how to wake yourself up; something to do with pinching.

Her feet were kicked up and gently swaying through the air while she continued looking down on him. ''Oh dear..I guess you hit your head didnt you?'' Now she had to deal with his wait, no he didnt. With a grin on her face she said ''Okay, well if you're so sure that this is all a dream, then I guess you wont have any problems with me leaving!'' before quickly leaving his line of sight. She was now standing up, looking for her shirt on the carpeted floor.

"You're still talking? Still threatening me with that? Ugh..." he said, trying to think of some ultimate solution to his problem; once he figured out what it was. That was top priority. "Assuming you are a nightmare, you would know that you were and you would know that threatening to leave wouldn't scare me, but you said it anyway... but that means that you aren't a nightmare... but then what are you, some kind of demon?" he asked aloud, clearly talking to himself, though his questions were directed at her. Demons? Ha. There was no such thing as demons.

''Yah, Im a demon. Half-demon actually.'' He'd hear her call back. Though she made it seem like some every day thing (as it would have been for her) she sounded completely and utterly serious. By then, she had found, and pulled on her black shirt, then went looking around for her panties..damn what did she do to them? He had them for like..a minute or two didnt he? Oh well..where she was going, she wouldnt need them anyway, so she went right for her green pants.

By that point, Delat wasn't sure what to think, but a demon kid wasn't exactly his, was it? Noentheless, he played along and asked "Well then, why don't you just take me to hell and make me serve you or something? Why just leave me here?" he asked, curious as to just how deep this lie was set up.

She didnt andwer him. Instead she bent down, and picked up the queen sized bed to look under..It didnt go over her head. It was like she was lifting the edge of a box to peek at what was underneeth. Regardless, Delat was greeted with an eyefull of the woman 2 or 3 inches shorter than him, lifting a heavy matted bed. ''Fuck! Where are they..''

"So you are ignoring me...? What, don't have an answer to that question? Yeah I didn't think so... guess this is all just a bad nightmare... and I guess I found its flaw in logic... So... can I wake up now?" Delat asked the air again, as if not even realizing that the demon was in the room. He didn't know what he should be thinking, doing, or worrying about, but as far as he was concerned, he was just in the waiting line to be woken up.

Arietta, not that she told him her name just yet, continued looking around for her missing under-garmets, unable to bring herself to leave them behind for some reason. Then, like a ditzy school girl she slaped herself upside the head when she noticed the pair of cool pinkpanties hanging from the bedpost. How it got there, she couldnt remember. All that mattered, was that she had all her stuff, and could go. ''Well it was nice knowing you.'' She called out to him one last time before going for the door.

Delat watched as she finally decided to go. He was still waiting for himself to wake up, or at least to return to a normal shift of gravity. He had no idea what was going on anymore and just wanted to end. "And why aren't you taking me with you, again?" he asked, as if he needed a reminder, or a confirmation.

The door was going to open if he hadent spoken up. ''Because, you'd just be in the way of things. Dont take it too personally if you can manage it.'' She did wait for him to reply before deciding to get out of the room at least. Another thing that told her brining him was a bad idea was his ''sense of reality''. If he had a hard time believing what she was, then he certainly wouldnt have lasted very long with her.''And in case you're still wondering, you arent dreaming.''

Delat tried his best to consider the fact that he wasn't dreaming, even though he nearly completely believed it. "If I'm not dreaming... then can you please take me with you?" he asked, completely calm. "I swear... wherever you are going, you must take me... Teach me how to live where you live... I am asking one more time... Take me to be with my... no... our, child."

There was a long pause of silence, then the sound of the door closing. From where he was, he could only assume she had left him along in the room with his thoughts..though she actually did the exact opposite. Having him believe the whole thing was some kind of drunken dream was ideal for her. So why was she still with him. ''Get up.''

A startle seemed to take Delat off guard, but he still managed to listen to her and stumble to his feet. He wasn't sure why she had left him, nor why she was still there. Had what he said actually struck a chord? Then... it wasn't a dream? Or is that what the dream wanted him to think? He was thining too much, so he simply waited to see what she would do.

She was standing by the door with her arms crossed looking like she had something to say, even though it took her about a minute before she up and said anything, the awkward silence doing little to help her find the right words. She didnt want him thinking she was going soft or anything-because really she just wanted to see what would happen if she brought him along. At the very least, the sight of a mortal getting killed by a rabid demon would be at least somewhat entertaining. ''You think you can handle it huh?''

Delat didn't even need time to answer that one. He instantly said his answer as if he'd been thinking about it the entire time. "Yes. I know I can. Especially for a child that I helped create. Anything" he said, sounding completely determined, as if he'd -ahem- go through hell if that was what it took.

His sense nobility absolutely disgusted her, noticably so actually. In fact, she groaned loudly while considering that technically, half of her child was -him-. 'Okay. Ill let you come with me. On one condition.'' She was making it seem so dramatic, but really Ari thought it'd be easy for him to follow. ''My child will have its own royalty. You will be its servant when its born. Thats all.''

Not really sure of what to think of that at the moment, Delat agreed. If being a servant meant being able to see his child, he'd gladly do it. She would probably explain what she meant by servant, but it was kind of obvious. He'd always been treated as royalty his entire life, so the thought of being a servant seemed a little abstract to him. "Yes, ma''am."

It was obvious that there was more to her deal than she'd yet brought up. Still a mischevious grin bestewn her face to hear ''Ma'am'' come out of his mouth. '' Not only that, but my child has no father. As far as it will be concerned, he died. Are you prepared to face that kind of torture?''

That one hit Delat pretty hard. He looked down and then back up to her, as if about to say something, but changed his mind. "Y-yes. I will endure that if I must" he said to her, almost wanting to question her as to why, but finding it better to leave it alone.

''Splendid!'' She seemed happier to know he'd willingly accept torture more than his willingness to obey her. If the atmosphere was less dense in the room, that might have made for some nice foreshadowing. Instead the air in the room kept getting denser, and denser, until something was noticably wrong. Air was being sapped out of his lungs as a nearby hole was starting to form in the middle of the room, just floating and sucking up everything it could Luckily it was a weak suction anyway (nowhere near like the one she gave him earlier mind you).

Delat put his hand on his chest, not feeling very scared at the moment, considering the torture that he'd just accepted. "I take it that means it's time?" he asked, stating the obvious. He didn't really have much more to say. A one night stand turned into the rest of his life changing. A sort of... plot twist, if you will.

''Pretty much. Just jump in the hole and hope you dont land anywhere too bad. You're taking all this pretty well by the way.'' The hole just continued growing larger and larger until its edges were touching both the ceiling and the floor, pulling in the dust and carpet hairs from both.

Delat turned to the hole as it opened further, sucking in the air from the room. He looked to the demon and then back at the hole and stepped towards it, figuring that it was where they were going. As he stepped closer and closer to the hole, he did his best not to think to much and just stepped inside.

The last step sent him plumeting into a dark and firey abyess, while on the other side, the portal looked as if it lead into some grassy meadow. Arietta was such a bitch..Anyway, it didnt take long for him to hit the -real- ground. Hard. It was jsut as grassy as it looked before, maybe a little more so, though now instead of blue skies, there was a dark, gloomy forrest.

As he fell through the abyss, he wasn't sure what to really think and he closed his eyes, expecting the worse. As he slammed hard into the ground he grabbed onto his arm and let out a small scream of pain. "GOD DAMNIT!" he had screamed, waiting for the pain to dull down. As it finally began to dull down even slightly, he noticed the strange forest around him and the grassy floor he was lying on. How strange.

There were some odd noises coming from all around him up until he screamed, which was when everything suddenly went quiet..extremely so. The kind of silence you'd expect after accidently spilling your milk on the school bully's lap. The only thing making a sound now was the dreadful echo of the wind, blowing through the leaves. Behind him Ari was ''falling'' a bit more gracfully, having landed on her feet, naked again. She planned on finding an alley way in the mortal realm so she could go back home in secret, but now that Delat was coming with her, she found no need to keep her clothes around. The silent ''thud'' behind him was his sign that she landed.

The small thud behind him caused Delat to stand, still holding onto his arm as the pain still shivered through it slightly. "So... I take it this is... well, to be blunt, hell?" he asked, not really wanting to hear the answer, but if it was hell, where were all the burning people. Oh, and the 'yiffing in hell'?

''You still think this is all a bad dream. So what does it matter to you.'' She shurgged while giving him a pat on the head. ''Come. We have some distance to walk.'' It was told to him like he was a kit, but before he could make any come back she was on her way through the woods. One of the other reasons she brought him along (other than knowing he probably wouldnt be alive for long anyway) was that she wanted to see his face when he finally realize just how deep he was in.

Delat stood up. She thought that he still believed it was a dream? It was too real to be a dream. Too... authentic. There was no way that he could still think it was a dream, though the idea still lingered in the back of his mind, slowly fading. He stood up and ignored her speaking to him like a kid and simple followed her, looking around him to figure out as much as he could about the surroundings.

The place was thick and woody, just like your typical jungle..though there were a few odd quirks setting the two appart. For one, some of the trees were different colors. Aside from brown wood, a few were literally red, or violet. Then came the leaves and bushes. Had he ever seen a blue bush before? Probably not. For that matter, had he ever seen a plant about as big as he was, wraping around several of the trees in the area? Ones that looked like they wanted to snap out and bite his head off? Definetly not. What about that head sized bug that flew right by his face. At first glance, it looked like a flashing skull of some kind, but with fly wings..? ''Keep close.'' Ari called, some feet away from him.

Delat really did his best to ignore his surroundings, finding that task to be a little more difficult than he thought. All of the colors reminded him of a gay parade. Not that he'd ever been to one. Strange creatures, strange plants, this really was hell, wasn't it? Strange... After his train of thoughts were broken by the demon's words, he nodded and ran after the woman. He couldn't shake the strange feeling in the back of his mind that something was... trying to speak to him? It was weird, but he tried not to pay much attention to it.

She was groaning to herself, up until noticing him running to her side, which oddly enough brought a sly grin to her maw. 'So, how are you liking your new home so far? My name is Arietta by the way. Your's was Delat or something right?'' She remembered him telling her in the bar earlier that night, though in the world they were walking in now, it was so hot and humid that it had to have been in the afternoon, sometime during the summer. If hed worn any clothes it was likely Delat would have been sweating bullets by then.

It was just then that Delat realized two things. He didn't know her name until that moment. He found that extremely strange, seeing how she was bearing his child. "Yeah... Delat" he said as he realized the second thing. He was naked. He had never actually put his clothes back on, and that seemed to bother him a bit. "It's... it's just fine" he said with a sigh, still feeling that strange voice in the back of his head, still ignoring it.

With a pout, she looked him over a bit closely while walking. Other than considering how she wouldnt have to go back and forth anymore if she ever wanted to feed on a mortal male assuming he actually lasted, she could tell something was eatting at him. Ari figured it was just the gravity of the situation sinking in though. Another thing Delat should have noticed, was that his steps would have been a little heavier, and required more effort, like the gravity was kicked up a few notches.

Delat slowed down a considerable amount as he noticed things becoming a bit strange with the gravity. Why was it becoming difficult to keep walking? He quickly picked up his speed against, making sure to keep up with her. The voice in the back of his head became a little more potent and he listened to it for the first time, trying to make out what it was saying. "Turn ... ... b.... her..." he heard. He would have to concentrate a bit more to figure out what it was saying.

After suddenly stopping, Ari turned to face him, noticing he was having some trouble walking now. She always did forget that her world had a much desner gravitational pull-not that she cared so much that it was affecting him. ''You're pathetic. Tired after only a minute of walking..maybe I should carry his highness?'' She said to him, putting a special, annoyed epmhasis on ''highness''. Hopefully a woman mocking him would urge him to hurry the hell up.

Delat sighed to the woman as her talking made it more difficult for him to figure out what the voice was trying to say. He picked up his pace, finally managing to keep up with her again. As he caught up, he ignored her, quite clearly if she tried to speak again, and listened closer to the voice. "Turn back... ... llow... her" it said this time, and that hit him a little bit. Turn back? What was the voice? It sure as hell wasn't his conscience. Plus the voice was burly. Almost like a wolf or dog.

At least he had his ass moving..that was what was important. She actually thought her mocking him worked, which was why she had on one of her usual grins. If she werent such an evil bitch, her smily nature could have been seen as one of her more positive, friendly traits. As she lead him on, the forest seemed to only get darker and thicker, eventually forcing him behind her to wade through the tall grass and spiney bushes.

Delat continued to stay behind her, still not really paying much attention to anything but where she was so he could keep up, and the strange voice in his mind. "Turn back... Only pain follows her!" she heard the voice scream. For the first time, he heard the voice fully. He didn't know where it was coming from, and he stupidly said aloud "What?! Who are you?"

Ari snapped back with a scowl and slapped her hand over his mouth. Then as if she were looking otu for someone she started to look around. Nothing but a bunch of tall plants (and the bugs crawling up Delat's leg. He was new meat afterall.) ''Are you trying to get yourself killed!? What the fuck is wrong with you?'' She ''shouted'' at him in a hushed tone.

Delat pulled away from her, and brushed the bugs off his legs, not like he was scared, but just a bit annoyed. He didn't reply to her, because apparently talking got you killed in this realm. He listened to the voice one more time and it said the same exact thing, so he began ignoring it once again.

It wasnt that talking got you killed persay..but he would have it spelled out for him momentarily. ''This part of the woods has a whole lot of beasts. Who'd want nothing more than to gnaw on a nice skinny one of yours.'' She looked and sounded completely serious, but the way she poked at his arm made it seem like she was making fun of him again. Still she had a point. With that, she turned and continued leading the way, not even bothering to ask what he was screaming about. Ari was so focused on paying attention to their surroundings, that she didnt hear a word he said really. She figured some skin gnawer was chewing at his ankle.

Delat was sick and tired of the damn bugs messing with him and he stepped on the one chewing at his ankle. The voice seemed to stop so he continued to follow after her quietly as she seemed to prefer, ignoring her threats or teases. He hated this place already, and hoped that her home was not in this forest.

When things seemed like they couldnt have gotten worse, something bit at the back of his ankle, right above his heel. It was one of those skin gnawers she was thinking about, only this one was a matured female, easily the size of his entire arm. How it waded through the graw without making a sound, she couldnt tell him, but what was apparent was the sharp, razor like pincers digging through his flesh and drawing blood.

"FUCK!' he screamed out as he turned and reached down, tearing the thing off of him with a wince and throwing it into the grass. Sure, he'd just screamed, but it hurt and it surprised him, so it wasn't like he could've controlled it. The voice didn't go away from the back of his head and kept trying to talk to him, which also began to annoy him. "How far away are we, damnit?!" he screamed to her, showing that he had balls for the first time since he'd met her.

The bug that had its mouth around his leg tore into it a bit deeper, even pulling back a bit of his skin and fur like a peeled back rug. It looked absolutely wretched once he got it above the sea of grass and into the light. A long blag body with five legs on each side, all kicking wildly. Along with that, the giant, sheer like pincers snapping at him all made up the Skin gnawer, at least until he threw it back into the woods, where he could see the rustling travel away from him. In the meantime, Ari had turned to him again, and was about to scream again before he ended up screaming at her. In a way, he shut her up, which actually surprised her..but like in the hotel room, her amazment wasnt long lived. ''We're just a little ways there.'' She told him dryly. ''Why? Bugs starting to get to you?''

Delat looked at her like a cow would look at an oncoming train. "I don't know, ask my ankle" he said, gesturing the the bleeding, burning mess. He was more than glad as he had seen the bug run away and hoped that any others near him were smart enough to get the idea to stay away. He was sick and tired of the grass and the forest in general and was very relieved when she said that they were almost there.

'If you want I can just carry you the rest of the way.'' It was in the form of an actual offer that time, though she'd never let him live it down under less serious circumstances. Namely, while they were walking unprotected in a forest filled with danger at every dark turn, unless you knew where you were going (she had a vague recollection of the path they needed to take).

Delat would not want to have to live that down if he accepted his offer, so he simply said "No, I'll be alright, let's just get-" he was cut off as he turned to his right. There was a deep growling coming from the trees and he wasn't sure what to think about it. Was it a dog? Some kind of tiger?

Ari blinked quite a few times before looking up, studying the area where the growls came from. It could have been a tree lurcher..but those tended to be on the ''huge'' side. Still, better safe than sorry. ''If you want to live, get on my back. Slowly.'' She ordered him while turning around, holding her hand behind her for a makeshift seat. It probably wasnt the time for that, but she remembered doing something similar to him in the form of a grope eariler.

Delat was quite mad at himself for remembering their time in the bed when she'd made that hand to grope at him. He shook off the thought and remembered that he was still naked which made it more awkward. Nonetheless, he did as she said and slowly moved to climb onto her back, holding on tightly. She knew her way around here better than he, and the last thing he wanted to do was disobey her.

He hopped up a bit, to get a good grip on his ass, more or less; other than that, she seemed to have no problems what so ever holding up his weight on her back. It was fairly urgent, but that didnt stop her from making more than a few uncomfortable gropes on his rear, not that he'd have the time to dwell on it. WIthout warning she broke out into a full sprint, after a brief pause, opting to outrun anything that might have been on their tail. Besides..with this set up, if it seemed like she couldnt escape (as unlikely as that was) , she could always throw him off her back and fly.

Delat held on a bit tighter as she broke out into the sprint. He wasn't sure if anything was chasing after them, but he did not take the time to look back and see. Sprinting like this would get them out of the forest quicker anyway, so he didn't seem to mind all that much. The gropes were a bit strange, but his mind wasn't really focused on that at the moment.

As far as she knew, nothing was chasing them, but she kept on running regardless, as with the racket she was making, something was bound to be on their tails sooner or later. The tall grass slowly started shrinking the farther she ran, until they were out of the forest completely. The downside with that, was now she was off the ground and in the air, having ran off the cliffside and missing the dirt path going down the mountian they were once on. ''Oops.'' And now they were falling a bit.

Delat held on tighter to her. "OOPS?!" he said in a makeshift scream, not wanting to scream into her ear. He wondered if she wouldbe able to land like she had before, even with him on her back, and hoped to god she wouldn't throw him off to land like he had before. Just thinking about that landing made his arm shiver in pain a bit.

''Yeah oops. Looks like I missed the road.'' With the dry statment, they were falling a bit more rapidly than he might have been used to. At that rate, they'd hit the ground at 400+ miles per hour easily. The only thing stopping him from suffocating from the air rushing down his throat was the back of her head in fact. Onto more pressing matters, she considered trying to catch herself and fly, but she was finding it difficult with the extra load, and the bit with her falling faster than a nascar racer driving.

Delat placed his head against the back of he neck, doing his best to try to breath, finding it nearly impossible. Oops? That was all she had to say? Did that mean that she didn't fear the landing, or that she had a way to save them? Or was she really going to throw him off and land like she had before. He hoped to god it wasn't option C.

Truth be told, she was deeply considering it in the seconds she had to think. Either way, he'd probably die if she ended up hitting the ground, while she'd end up with a whole lot of her bones broken..good thing she wasnt afraid of getting hurt..but that would but their baby to be in danger. That just wasnt acceptable. At the last possible second, she finally gained a firmer hold of her center of gravity with some concentration, managing to stop in midair in the process. With a sigh, Air ''floated' up back to the edge of the mountain where she fell. If Delat was looking, he'd see they were in another forest, the one down below, until she was floating over the tops of the trees.

Delat sighed to himself as he saw that they were once again in another one of the blasted forests. He was still a bit stunned from the fall, extremely surprised that she managed to catch herself like that in mid-air as he coughed a bit, breathing in more of the air, glad to have it back. "Another forest? Really?" he asked, sighing.

''No.Just wait a minute.'' Was all she said to him while acending to the sky. Once they were near the edge they (well she) ran over. Two red suns were beaming brilliantly in the oraange sky as they were overlooking a sea of green and blue treetops. Out in the distance, was the blue tiled roof tops of what looked like an anchient japanese manor. The kind a renowed shogun or even an emporor might have called his home. ''Okay, thats where I live. Way over there.''

''Thanks I guess. It means so much coming from his highness.'' She said to him, before asking a more serious question. ''What do you mortals call the step daughter of someone really really -Really- strong? A princess or what?'' In the back of her mind, Arietta was a little surprised that he wasnt shitting himself for..flying. Not to mention that ''near-death experience'' she just put him through didnt do much either. Maybe he was tougher than she gave him credit for...or maybe she just wasnt trying hard enough? That had to have been it (thought to be fair, the falling off the edge part wasnt exactly as planned out as taking the long way home.)

"Um... yeah a princess unless she has a real daughter" he commented to her, ignoring the teasing once more. He was surprised himself that he wasn't scared but the whole thing from the bug to the voice to the gravity shifting and impregnation all in one night had jumbled his thought about what to be scared about anyway.

''I see. Yeah then, Im a princess..' She didnt seem too thrilled about it though. ''Daddy's supposed to rule this area or something, I dont know. I never got into his politics too deeply. He's got my brother to see to that.'' The air around them started to breeze passed his fur, not because they were falling again, but because she was actually flying towards her home, as apposed to floating around to enjoy the view.

Delat simply continued to hold on. He was a prince, just like she was a princess, and he found that very ironic, but he didn't bother to point out the fact. He simply waited with his eyes closed, waiting for her to reache wherever she was taking him. The forest was beautiful, but it was hell, or so he assumed, so calling it so was just asking for a smack in the face by the devil.

''Say didnt you say you were some kind of royalty before? You werent lying then?'' She then asked, with the roof of her home getting dangerously close now. Just another few miles and they were home free. Just as long as those..whateverthosewere flying around in the sky didnt swoop down and grab at them. They were ar away sure, but just how big they were even at that distance told of how gigantic they really were up close. Although, the large shillouettes flying by one of the suns did have a serien feeling to it.

Because Delat's eyes were closed, he didn't really notice the beasts flying above them, or the rooftops gettitng closer to them. "No, I wasn't like... I was royatly, yes. A prince..." he said, as if it was some kind of dramatic irony. The price that went to hell with his princess. How poetic. It didn't really help the situation that the scene around them matched the dramatic irony of it.

''Oh? How exciting! '' Arietta sounded excited. Call it bad referencing if you will, but it was the first time she -legitamently- sounded interested in anything about him. ''So you actually -do- know some magic? Well lay it on me, what can you do mortal?'' Then things when downhill from there. Just what did she mean by that? It seemed like she thought he knew how to perform a spell or two because he was a part of a royal family.

Delat was expecting to be shot down, thrown off, or ridiculed when he answered, but he couldn't very well lie to her, or she might as him to prove it. "I have the magic of money" he said with a small chuckle, knowing that no matter what he could've said, she would be angry or annoyed, so he said the first thing that had co me to his mind.

As he thought, she didnt take his answer too well, even stoppin in her tracks mid-flight. ''What..Magic of money? Thats not a spell!'' At first she sounded a little more confused that she probably should have, but as anticipated she grew quite annoyed. ''Then again Ive never heard of that family of yours. I guess you're one of those -common- rich folk.'' WIth a shrug she went back to work, flying, although she was literally right over the gates of her home. The ''gate'' as in the great wall of china, or their own personal great wall that wound around the small city like structure she casually reffered to as ''home''. The big manor in the middle of the buidlings(which was surrounded by its own, signifigantly safer wooded area) was the one she was going for.

Delat let out a sigh as her reaction wasn't quite that terrifying as he thought it would be, and as he opened his eyes again, he saw the gate/wall and was quite impressed. "You guys afraid of some kind of attack?" he asked her. "I mean... you are flying. Doesn't that kind of ruin the point of a wall?" he asked, clearly oblivious to anything involving war or battle.

''Dont ask me. It was there when I got here; as far as I know, most folks dont dare mess with daddy, or drop by in his land I guess its for decoration--and to keep the feral demons out.'' She explained while touching down in some kind of garden. The pink flowers, small ponds, rock paved walkway, and fountains were (besides the japanese decore) the closest to mortal looking yet. ''We're home!'' With the exclamation, she bent down to let him off. ''This is my house.''

Delat was a bit confused at her sudden change of character. She seemed almost happy. Feral Demons? 'Daddy'? "Who's your father?" he asked her, hoping that she wouldn't say "SATAN" or something similar, though it wouldn't surprise him all that much by this point. Boy, wouldn't that be one hell of a introduction. The fox looked around the garden, quite surprised at how neat it looked. How... unhellish. The day continued to get stranger and stranger as time went on. The buildings were nice and refined, if not a little strange(because he'd never been to Asia.)

For the most part, she was just happy to be home after a long while of feeding in the mortal world. She had to have been gone in the demon world for about a month, and the thought sickend her to no end, despite the fact that she'd only experienced a week at most. She lost count somehwere down the line. ''No. His name is Beelza-something. As him.'' Before Delat got a change to reply, Arietta suddenly called out ''RIC!'' Within seconds, a large white wolf ran out from the house wearing nothing but a strap aroud his shoulder, holding his knife and in front of her. ''Mistress! You're finally home.'' He greeted her with the most elegant of boys and softest of tones. Both of which, looked absolutely out of place with the brawny figure. Not to mention that painfully gentle look about his face..But then the large creature glanced dryly at Delat. The kind of glace Ari might have given him when she wasnt the face she made with him the most often. Anyway, he looked the fox down closely, then back at his ''mistress''. ''You brought back dinner too? How nice of you~ Ill have him prepared within the hour...'' While he spoke he was still giving Ari some kind, and polite gestures, meanwhile his paw was tightly gripping the handle of the knife strapped to his upper body.

Delat looked at the wolf with an extremely dry expression as well. "Dinner? You've got to be kidding me. No way in hell am I going to be someone's dinner, you dog" he replied, clearly disgusted that the wolf would talk of him in such a way. He then looked at Arietta with a sigh. "Very nice home you have here" he said, before adding "And a nice puppy, too" gesturing to the wolf, as if just trying to piss him off. Now that Delat was on flat ground again, and in a semi-normal setting, he could be himself again, rather than simply feeling scared or seeming pathetic. It was clear that he wasn't just a pussy as he stood up to the wolf with not a care in the world about his size or the knife.

The same could have been said about Ric, the white wolf. No matter how much of a bark Delat thought he had, his throat would have been slit within seconds of Arietta's command, which was what he was waiting for. ''No Ric, he isnt dinner. He's the new servant.'' In responce, Ric shurgged and sheathed his knife again, looking a little dissapointed. ''You're so cruel know how much I like foxes.'' She did, but that wasnt why she picked Delat..okay yes it was. ''Ask Daddy to have one sent here the next time you see him then. You cant eat this one.'' With a sigh the ''doogie'' seemed a little out of it, until his ears perked back up. ''But Im still your favorite..right mistress?'' With a giggle Aarietta replied, ''Of course! who else can I go to for demonic energy?'' Their little exchange might have been seen as cute, assuming they werent talking about what they did on Saturday nights. That, and they way Ric's almost effeminate voice just outright refused to sync up with his burly figure. Now that that was out of the way, she turned back to Delat. ''You've impressed me mortal! You should be proud.''

As the wolf and Arietta talked, Delat simply found it quite revolting, though he didn't show it. They were making it seem as if he couldn't fight back at all or defend himself, which ticked him off quite a bit. "Thank you, but I can't help but get the vibe that you think I couldn't defend myself against your little puppy" he said, wondering how he'd impressed her, or if she really meant it, or, even, if it made any kind of difference. "Well, other than making dinner out of me, what would you have me do now?" he asked, doing his best to... to get on her good side, by offering, rather than waiting to be told.

''Oh my..the tongue on this one.'' Ric muttered with his palm resting on his cheek. ''Yup! It almost reminds me when you first came'd slaughter all of daddies guards just to try getting out of here..'' The memory couldnt help but make the both of them giggle, but after clearing her voice Arietta got down to business. ''Well, what can you do against my little puppy, other than throw some rather harsh words at him?'' She asked, holding off the actual servitude for a moment.

Delat smiled as he heard what she had to say. He had been in many fight before in his life, and he was no wimp, despite his size. He most certainly wanted to give the wolf a nice scratch across the face, and thought about how to word it. "Well, I'm not sure what I 'can' do, but I know quite a few things that I could 'try' to do" he said to her, rubbing the claw on his left thumb against the index finger to send the noise of a knife being sharpened through the air towards the wolf.

From the looks of it, neither of them knew what to make of what Delat was doing. Ric even went as far as to tilt his head, being the most puzzled of the two seeing how it was directed mostly at him. '''d try to scratch him?'' Arietta had her hands behind her back, leaning forward to closely examine those sharp claws of his.

"Thats a start I suppose. What else would you try doing to him?'' Now Ric looked fairly curious, leaning over Arietta to get a better look now too.

''Mine personally? Oh dear..Ive never actually sat and thought about it.'' He whined to Ari, who looked over her shoulder and said ''Well maybe you should, shit's getting real!'' Ric stood up straight and poked his finger under his chin, and actually thought..and thought..and thought until finally snapping his fingers. ''Oh I know! My heart. Definetly my heart.''

''Oooh, good answer! Didnt daddy tie you up to a post once?..he used it as a punishment didnt he?'' Ric looked confused before giving her an ''Ah!'' and a nod. ''Why yes, thats right mistress. You see..'' He was looking at Delat now. ''The master actually tore my heart out once, and made me eat it-not before letting it roast in the sun for a day or two mind mine is probably too worn out by now. Ill have to pick the stomach.''

Delat stood frozen for a few moments. What kind of being was he? Ate his own heart and...? No, he shook off the thought, not wanting to get sick. How in the world would he fight such a person. It wasn't like tearing out his stomach would even do anything, so why did he sharpen his nails all those years? He looked over at Arietta, still acting calm as ever and said, "Oh, well, if he's immortal, isn't that kind of an unfair fight? It's not like I'm a kitsune or anything" he said, remembering hearing about the fox demon at some point.

Arietta nodded sagely. ''That would be true, if Ricie here was immortal. He's a demon..full-blooded. He just looks like that because what you mortals would call his ''true'' form looks so vulgar....What was your real name again?'' Ric looked surprised when Ari asked him that. ''Oh was so long ago.'' He replied seriously, actually giving some real thought into it. ''I think it was Fenrir? Fenir? Gods, I should know this.''

While he was muttering ''Fen's'' to himself, Ari looked back at Delat. ''Anyway..He's eternal, not immortal.''

Delat suddenly smiled as he got an idea. If it was a dream, great. If this wasn't, which really was the more realistic possiblity at the moment, then it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. "Arietta. Is there any way that I could become a demon as well? Because living ... well, living here like I am isn't going to really work out all that well for me" he said, and he hoped that he had a point, because being a demon would make so many things so much easier. Like attacking a demon wolf, for example.

''Eh?'' She said, looking at him like he was the seventh sage from the planet Neptu 6...and she didnt care. ''I guess there is a way mortals can become demons, thats what happened to my mother afterall. But you just want power.'' Which was the exact same reason why her mother agreed to become a demon, to get revenge on the men who murdered her in life..and to get back at all men in general--which was ironically how she met Ari's real father, but she didnt want to think about that asshole. Not when she was having such a good time. ''Fenmir? Fenkir...Fen...'' Ric was still going on behind her. ''Besides, it would involve signing over your soul for all eternity, and I dont think you'd like a front row seat to hell.''

At that point, Delat wasn't really sure if he'd mind. He'd become so interested in all of the things that he didn't know, and the idea of becoming a demon, as it probably would to some other mortals, was extremely intriguing. "And... and what I am do think I'd like a front row seat?" he asked her, tilting his head curiously. He then turned to the idiot wolf that was rambling off names and suddenly remembered the story of the wolf demon that ate the moon or something like that and he said "Fenris?"

With another snap of his fingers Ric-or Fenris gave a big grin and a sighed the name ''Fenriiis! Thats it.'' Like he'd just missed out on a question in a gameshow, and the host gave him the answer. Arietta was far beyond the running gag of remembering her servants name, and stared right into Delats eyes. 'You have no idea what hell is like. If you did, you wouldnt even be considerin--'' before she could finish Ric butted in. ''Oh dont listen to her. Hell is so overrated. In fact, just last wee--'' That time Ari interupted him with an elbow to the gut. The way he 'Oofed' and started rolling on the floor meant it clearly hurt. Either that or he was fucking with her. ''Dont lie to him! He's dumb enough to probably believe your lies.''

Delat sighed. "Hmm... What a decision. To believe the murderous wolf with a knife, or the seed stealing demon princess?" he said to her, as if his choices were some of the two best in the world. "Besides... look at it this way. It'll teach me a lesson, right?" he asked, not really afraid of being sent to hell, and not sure whether or not the wolf was telling thr truth, or the lying bitch that bedded him for his semen was.

She had him there ''At least I told you in the end. Anyway you have to have some stronger demon to give your soul to. And the only one who probably wouldnt eat it on the spot instead of use it to change you would be my father, if I asked nicely. And if he was in a good mood. And if you didnt get on his nerves..and...'' So many variables. Ric was ''recovering'' from the effects of the blow and stood up. ''Tell you what. Ill have Ric train you instead. In fact I was going to have him do that anyway. At least then you'll be strong enough to run errands for me.''

Delat looked at her, wondering how he could met every single variable, but knowing that he co uld if it cam down to it. "Alright then... so... What do you mean by having Ric 'train' me? Can he turn me into a demon or something?" he asked, clearly interested in what she was getting at. He liked the idea of becoming a demon more and more by the second, because it would also mean that he would be able to defend himself against things that he'd otherwise not be able to.

She, on the other hand was starting to think she made the wrong decision in letting him follow her, and it showed by the distant scowl on her muzzle. Especially putting in her personal feelings regarding the matter. ''He cant make you a demon no. He can just train you to use magic and things like that. You know, what you mortals call witches, and wizards? ''

He thought about that for a moment. "So I take it that means you don't want me to become a demon?" he asked, wondering if that was her goal. "I wouldn't mind learning magic. After all, it would make it easier to serve you, Mi'lady" he said, giving her a bow as he noticed her scowl, as minor as it seemed from where he was. It was probably best to keep her happy at all costs.

''You can do whatever the hell you want. I honestly dont care.''She said, then soon corrected herself. ''As long as I say so first. I dont care as long as I say so.'' Ric was burshing himself off when he over heard their conversation. ''Perhaps you dont need to become a demon in the literal sense. Possibly you could have some ancestry with our kind anyway~'' Ric teased as he went back in the house.

He wasn't sure if she was talking to Ric or him but he shrugged and walked up to rick with a friendly smile. "Ancestry? I doubt it!" he said with a small chuckle. "Well, it looks like you are going to be my trainer for a while. Not sure what that entails... but I will do my bes-" he stopped and looked up into the sky as if listening to a god or something, hearing that voice in his head once again, and it was saying "I warned you, young one... you cannot turn back... You have chosen the 'red pill' so to speak... Now you get to see just how far back this story goes..." As the voice faded away, Delat said into the air "What do you mean? Who are you!?"

Ric turned to face him, blocking off the wooden interior of Ariettas home, which was somewhat akin to a bathhouse of sorts. The voice calling in sort of destroyed whatever joy he could have gotten from looking into her homes inteior. Something else was a little off about the voice, but not with the voice itseld. Ric didnt seem like he cared about his screams, whereas Arietta tried shutting him up almost as soon as she heard him. That alone wouldnt have ammounted to anything, if not for the very subtle grin hew as sporting. ''Im Ric. I dont think we've been aquainted though.''

Smiling, the fox noded to Ric and said, "Yeah, I'm Delat. Delat Lotra" he said, realizing that his name meant nothing down where he was. Save for the fact that it was the name of a demon some 500 years old. The voice seemed to go away rather quickly this time, and he was glad for that. Was he going insane? Or was something really speaking to him? Either way, it wasn't answering him back, so he ignored it.

''Oh? Why thats a pretty name. It matches your...vigor.'' Ric said, as if the name meant nothing to him-other than matching Delat's flamboya--vigor.Anyway he cut right to the chace. ''You're being awfully kind to me, now that you want something. I guess thats how its supposed to work. So lets cut the bullshit. What do you want.'' His tone suddenly turned deep, with a slight rasp..not only that, but the intense, scowling expression he wore now fully matched his menacing physique. It was like he was a whole nother person.

It was true that it seemed that he seemed to have a change of heart, but the truth was that he was no longer on the subject of being dinner, so he was no longer mad. "I don't want much. I simply wish to... well, to learn any magic that you can teach me" he said, bowing to the wolf, as if as a token of respect if the demon knew what it meant.

He did, but the way he snarled said he didnt care too much for his show of respect. Afterall, what was respect from some weakling. ''I suppose I have to. Lets start with what you can do..and if you sheer those fingers of yours, Ill bite them off.'' He said coldly, folding his arms as if waiting for some kind of show. ''Ric! Be nice!'' Ari yelled from the bench near the pond, which was when he'd shout back ''Oh FIIIIINE~'' His tone went right back to the softer, gentler touch with the raspe now completely gone. He was doing one of those voices on purpose, that was for sure..though it was hard to tell which. 'So you dont know anything do you?'' He then asked.

Delat sighed and said to the wolf, still in a respectful manner, but not overly done, "No, sir I don't." He generally hated admitting that fact, but he had to say it anyway. "And I know that makes things difficult, so I'm a bit sorry about that, but, I'm just a mortal after all" he said, purposefully putting himself lower than the wolf, figuring that the wolf would like that little bit. It was certainly obvious that he was good at dealing with diplomatic talk.

It was working quite a bit on the more ''effeminate'' Ric, who loved being praised. ''Well I guess I can start you off with something easy. Have you ever swallowed a star before?'' He asked curiously, with the head tilt. Then suddenly his eyes turned fierce again when he noticed somethign..Arietta wasnt around.

Delat himself wondered where Arietta had gonem and quickly turned her attention back to the question that he'd been asked. "No, I can't say I have" he said, wondering how the hell you could eat an entire star, unless he meant the weapon, but that was doubtful. He stayed quiet, and looked around the room one more time to make sure he was right about Arietta being completely gone, and found that he was correct.

Right as he was looking around, Ric put his hand in his mouth, then his fore arm..then his whole arm, until it looked like he was swallowing his shoulder. Aside from looking like his shoulderblade was being bent forward. That went on all up until he started pulling his saliva covered arm back out of his mouth. In his palm he held a glowing yellow ball of light, which shined and burned his hand beautifully. ''This is what I mean. Its a fucking star. You know? Twinkle twinkle?'' He had to clarify because he sensed some doubt in the fox.

Delat seemed rather disgusted, but then amazed as the ball of light was taken from inside of the wolf. "That's amazing. No, no I haven't eaten one before" he repeated, actually amazed, not acting. He... he thought stars would be a bit bigger, but he was still fascinated nonetheless. It was strange how he got it out of himself, but he was still interested.

Now that things were cleared up, he went and swallowed it right back up, which looked far less painful than the act of pulling it back out. Though, when he did swallow, there was a very noticable glow and a huge buldge in his throat, which he seemed to have been choking on before forcing it down his throat with his hand in his mouth..''Gah...fucking stars..'' He said to himself with a growl before going on. ''So you knocked up my mistress. Right?''

Delat let out a bit of a laugh at the way that he worded it. "Well, more like she knocked me up, but yeah, basically. She just wanted my seed for a kid, though" he said to the wolf, noting how painful swallowing the star actually looked. Was he going to ask him to do the same thing? Why did he want to know if they'd had sex or not?

He only stared at him before his ears twitched that time..''Fuck she's back...'' he said under his breath before going back to his usual voice. ''And here I thought Ige get to have some fun..Oh well.'' Ric shrugged. Really she only went across the fence to another servants home...

Delat raised his left brow, clearly wondering what the wolf meant by 'fun'. Was he planning on torturing him or something? He didn't even bother looking, because he knew that she was back because of what he'd said.

Arietta came in from behind them, and and looked over the two males, like she was trying to pick out a piece of fruit that was on display. ''Are you ready to feed then?'' Ric asked, to which Arietta nodded. ''Im a little hungry..''

''So, are you hungry for demon meat or..'' He gestured towards Delat ''Mortal?"

Delat kept his annoyance at the suggestion to himself. "Yeah, I hear fox arm is tasty" he joked to her, figuring that making a joke about it would be better than acting angry again.

''You.'' She pointed at Delat. ''Second room on the left. And you.''She pointed to Ric.''Have a portal to my fathers palace ready by tomorrow. Im not going to feel like walking or flying. '' Not even questioning her laziness the wolf grinned widely and bowed. ''Consider it done mistress. '' With that, he up and left the house alltogether..leaving just her and Delat alone.

Delat really wasn't sure what to think about the opening of the portal or her orders, but he listened nonetheless. As he watched Ric walk out of the room, he said "Yes ma'am" and headed towards the second room on the left, assuming she meant the hall way next to them. He slid open the door(assuming it was a sliding door) and headed on inside.

It was.Unlike the rest of her home, which was wooden, her bed was a black futon with a white bed sheet neatly folded on the matting. Other than that, the only other thing she had in that room was a low table, and a window, the rooms sole source of lighting.

Delat wondered why she'd sent him to a bedroom. Was it getting late? He couldn't remember how long it had been since they left or the time it was when they did. It was a rather cozy room though. Simple, and he liked it.

Before he could inquire any further there were a pair of arms reaching from under his arms, which curled up . One of the hands went to swirl around his chest, which made it completely obvious who it was teasing him. ''Doesnt this look familar hmm...'' Arietta said with the same sultry tone as before when they first met. Her other hand went down and groped his ''package''.

Delat nearly jumped in surprise as he felt the touch, until he realized who it was. She seemed disgusted with him throughout the day and now all of a sudden this? What did she want from him? Did she somehow just find out that the seed hadn't worked? No... no, that wasn't it. He had no idea what to think, the the touch did mess with his mind a bit, just as it had the first time she did it. "Yeah, it does..." he said to her with a slight murr.

Next came the nuzzle on the back of his neck, which lead to the sensioual bite. At the same time, the soft gropes had become all out jerks on his sheath while her other hand was pulling at the nipple underneeth his chest fur. She was still somewhat disgusted with him, but for other reasons entirely. In an ironic twist, he'd already proven he wasnt just some wimpy mortal-despite being just that, in a way. On the subject at hand her nuzzle quickly moved up to his ear which she bit after muttering ''Does it feel good yet?'' So far, her hex was working perfectly, clouding his judgment, and making him a little more ''agreeable'' than he usually would have been. At least in bed anyway.

Delat nodded to her, not really paying too much attention to the why any more. He could already feeling his length beginning to poke out of its sheath as she moved her hand against his sheath, biting lightly against the back of his neck. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but he had one anyway. He turned around to her and put his hands at her waist, being a little more assertive than he was last time. He moved his hand up her body and gently moved them underneath her breasts, leaning in towards her, licking slightly against her neck.

She didnt seem to mind. As if egging him on, she arched her neck, giving him more of an area to lick while clutching onto his shoulders. The deep moan she gave him, and the smell of her leaking sex both did well to penetrate his skull and nullify more of the doubt he'd have been feeling. ''Delat..'' She groaned again, with her perky breasts resting firmly in his paws. Returning the favor, her hand reached between their embraced forms and tightly sqeezed the head of his member.

Delat couldn't help but let out a moan of his own as he bit down lightly on her own neck, his left hand moving down to rub against the slit in between her legs. He moved his lips further up her neck, his right arm groping against her left breast gently. "Arietta..." he said, directly into her ear in a moaned voice. All thoughts and doubt he had, very quickly vanished.

The feeling of soft fabric washed his back all over, while she was climbing right on top of him. In his daze , Arietta had pushed him back on her futon, and was now sitting her lips on his leaking prick. Just as slowly, she lowered herself onto him, impailing her cavity with his member. All the while, she gave him back a softer grunt while resting her hands on his chest.

Gladly let her move onto him and let out another moan as she lowered herself onto him. He moved his hand down to hold her waist, thrusting himself up as he felt his member reach its full length of nine inches. "How do you do this to my mind...?" he moaned out, not really sure how she did it, but more than glad that she could.

It kind of killed the mood that he was noticing her involvment (which meant her skills werent quite what she wanted them to be) , though she figured it was because he lived through her session before. ''Im a succubus.'' She cooed, once he had her fully hildted, spreading her legs far appart before grinding down on his now engulfed flesh. The feeling of tightly constricting, hot muscles around his dick was just as prominent as it was before, but more-so as she was useing a heavier spell. ''Its what I do...'' While speaking she continued gyrating her hips in a circular motion, tacking the invading pole along for the ride.

Delat probably would've commented on that or perhaps even dislike the fact that he was under a spell, but his mind was so taken back that he really didn't care. He continued to gently push his hips up when she grinded against him, absolutely loving the feel of her tight insides against him. As she began to circle around, he let out another moan of pleasure, taking his hand off of her hips and moving them to her chest to grope at her breasts, gently groping the flesh.

Arietta's breasts felt firm, yet soft to the touch, as usual, though somewhat full..due to the milk forming inside of them. The same could have been said for the other four nipples along her belly, which hadent yet formed just yet. If he was thinking clearly, the creamy white stream that soaked out of her left breast and came down his hand might could have aroused some concern. She was too busy bouncing on his lap to keep him from thinking all that clearly though, clearly enjoying herself just as much as he was. That was whens he started feeding off of his energy.

The fox absolutely loved every feeling that he was getting, his thoughts becoming less and less worrysome and focusing only on the moment, and the feel of her body against his member, along with the feel of her breasts against his hand. Delat quickly moved his hand to grab Arietta's hips and he lifted her off of him, moving her onto her back and getting atop her, reinserting his member into her body, thrusting it halfway out and back in as he leaned over, his hands just above he shoulders to hold himself up.

Not that she resisted his assertion,. Once she was on he back, the first thing she did was reach up to grab his shoulders. Next, came her legs, which kicked up and tightly wound around his waist as if to keep him within those fixed inches her moisted depths had to offer. ''Oh gods..more!'' She literally demanded with ehr cunt doing its damndest to milk him dry. As far as mortal men went in bed , he took the cake, along with a few others. With the demand, her hands went further to gran at the back of his neck and pull him down. Her tongue was laping at his mouth, trying to pry it open whil he was going at it.

Delat gladly accepted the offer and his mouth opened, allowing her tongue to press into his mouth, moving his own tongue against it. He got that same strange milking sensation that he had before, and he loved it all the same. The fox closed his eyes as he pressed every inch that he could deep into Arietta, making sure to to make his thrusts into the woman harder as she demanded.

Her tongue just as gladly lapped back while her hands gredily pulled him down into her maw, spreading their jaws almost painfully. In her ''love'' making, she found that he couldnt go at his fullest with ehr holding him in, so reluctantly, she releaved some pressure around his waist, here her legs were trying to do a good job of keeping him in.

Delat closed his eyes as their mouths into locked. He continued to do his best to thrust against her, and when she released her tight grip on his waist, he could pull back a little more than half was and ram his full length into her much, much harder than before, loving the feel of her clenching down around him as he did.

Delat was once again breathing hard, lying next to Arietta. He couldn't help but wonder why she want what she did, but either way he was glad to help. He felt spent though, just like the last time, and really didn't think that even standing would be such a good idea. "I don't know why, but thank you" he said in between breaths as his body began to calm down from the after glow. Regardless of how spent he felt, it was more than worth it for that pleasured feeling of being drained of everything but pleasure.

''Oh no, thank YOU.'' She replied with a giggle, sitting up on the edge of her futon with her hands on the fabric behind her to hold her up. Just like before, she'd sapped him of most of his energy, and wouldnt need another feeding for at least a week or so because of it. Not that he knew that, nor did it mean she wouldnt be induldging for a week. ''Oh, I guess I should tell you. Our son is going to be born a month from now. Or -my- son. You're only his servant boy after all.''

Delat found it a little strange to hear the demon giggling, but he rather liked the noise compared to some of the other ones that she often used towards him, usually screaming in anger. Even though she corrected herself, he was glad that she said 'our' son first, which meant that she probably didn't completely dismiss the idea. He felt a little more comfortable in being the servant for their, or her, son, now that he finally made it to her house and found what it was like. He's expected lava and brimstone, but the fact that it was rather peaceful was a bonus. "Glad to help. Just going to take a wild guess, but considering my state after that and yours, you get your energy through... well, through that?" he asked, in such a way where it didn't seem to bother him, because it didn't.

His semen was still leaking out from between her legs, not that it would have done anything to her then anyway. She was already pregnant afterall. Speaking of which, she heard something about mortal pregnancies lasting nine months or so-at least for humans anyway. So she was a little surprised that he wasnt the least bit surprised to know that her son would have been born in one measly month. Ari then figured the sensations the afterglow provided for him were scuttling with his thoughts. 'If I want to. I can feed off of the sexual tension of men as well, but not as much as the actual fact. is so much more fun.' She told him.

He did his best to sit up and scoot back against the wall, holding his forehead as his senses continued to return to him. It was then that he jumbled his thoughts together. So she was a succubus. That made sense, he supposed. Feeding off sex and sexual tension. That was... well, wouldn't that be the life. He then blinked a few times and said to her "Yeah, sex is fun indeed... Did... did you say one month?" he asked her, trying to confirm what he heard. Didn't it usually take eight or nine months? Well, to be fair, they were in hell or whatever the place was called, so he couldn't expect everything to run the same way.

''Yes, I said one month. And no, down here it takes about five at most.'' With the correction she stood up to stretch, raisings her arms and hands above her head to get the optimum effect while groaning. '' long were we out?'' She asked herself out loud. A glance over at the window, which showed a white sky (the sky was literally white. Not light blue, or clear no. White.) which told her it was the morning after. Irony. ''Ric! Is the portal ready?'' She shouted out loud, to which Ric screamed ''YES!!'' from inside of the house. Hewas actually finished with it ten minutes after they started fucking, and he was holding it open for the longest time.

Delat rubbed his eyes one last time and slid his eyes off the edge of the bed, attempting to stand. He managed to get to his feet, but grabbed onto the wall to keep himself balance. "Geez... you really took what you wanted..." he commented with a small chuckle while his mind began to regain his sense of balance. "Oh... right, the portal. Are you, or we, going somewhere?" he asked her, his tail swaying behind him like it was puzzled, as if trying to balance him as he let go of the wall.

''Im going to see my father. I want to tell him that Im having a child so he can give his blessings. '' Looking back at him, she noticed how out of it he was. She certainly took everything she wanted out of him, but he'd notice his energy very slowly returning to him, but no where near as slow as it should have been. Other than that..he'd soon realize he couldnt get hungry or food, nor need to go to the bathroom so to speak. Just get ''tired'' and thirsty. ''I dont have to ask. I just want to be formal around him.'

Delat sighed in relief. He thought that she was going to make him accompany her to her father's, but it seemed that she was just going for blessings. The fox shook his head, as if trying to shake of the exhaustion. His tail finally stopped 'searching' and found its rythm to keep him up. The increased gravity wasn't helping him at all either. Delat was suddenly feeling thirsty however, and it annoyed him a bit. "Hey, do you have... water or something? I'm a bit thirsty" he said, and it was then that he realized that he wasn't hungry at all. He put his hand on his stomach and looked a bit confused, but he let it go. Perhaps it was the world, or perhaps the trauma of it all sated his appetite.

''You want water?'' She turned fully..looking at him again like he was the Seventh sage of the planet Neptu 6, only this time she had her eyebrow raised. ''Jump in the pond then. I dont keep water here.'' That was because she was never home long enough to need something to drink (which she did once every..few days or so?) and Ric didnt need any fluids in order to sustain his life. All he needed was to devour a scrap of meat and hew as good for the next month. ''You can come with me to my fathers if you want. He has pleanty of water.''

Delat looked at her like a cow looks at an oncoming train, but this time, he tilted his head to the side. "Wait... you don't drink? Wait, wait, wait, me go to your father's?" he asked her, when suddenly an idea popped into his head. It was clear on his features that he thought of something, but it quickly turned back to normal. "Alright, I'll go. Better than staying here" he said to her, walking a bit closer to her, going to exit the room, though it would probably look like he just wanted to be closer to her if she didn't know better.

She honestly didnt care..other than the way she rolled her eyes however. Without looking if he was following , she moved right outside to the garden to see a large, portal in front of the pond just waiting for them. Unlike before, this one was just a black hole. ''Well theres the way. Are you sure you want to come in with me? You might not like what you see.''

Delat had to keep himself from laughing at that one. As if he'd liked what he saw up till now? Why stop? He let out a sigh and moved past her, just like before to head for the portal, when suddenly he stopped, about two feet from it. The voice. Before it even spoke, he could 'feel' it coming on. And he was right. "There he is... You are close to him... Revenge... Be careful..." the voice said, which once again caused Delat to close his eyes and sigh. He ignored the voice as he had before and entered the portal without a second thought.

Arietta watched him with a grin, figuring the moments hesitation was only because of what she said earlier. Naturally she walked right in after him..and in an odd twist they were already in her fathers room, instead of outside of his manor. The inside of his bathroom to be exact, or bathhouse judgeing by the sheer size of the hole area. Anyway, there was a red gargoyle like demon with a human shaped body, yet clearly reptillian looking factial features. The ears and horns whipped out of his long golden hair while those horribly sharp looking wings of his were potruding from his back. The tail, which was even longer, whiped around his form the arched up on the ground from where he sat..he was sitting in a pool of water, leaning against the outter rim. What was strange about the pool was that it was on the wooden floor for one (which was just recently polished). Two, there were two human looking demons both female, pouring jugs into his bath. The lettering on the clear blue jugs..did that say ''Aquafina''? He was bathing in drinking water!

''Eh? My little girl! What a pleasent surprise.'' He exclaimed, in an extremely elegant sounding voice, before waving at the girls to leave-whcih they did.

Delat looked around the room, having expected to be falling, but to his surprise, and preference, he wasn't. The voice once again said three words before it faded away. Was it following him everywhere? Ugh. The voice said, in the burly wolf-like voice, "Just be prepared..." Delat once again sighed and said aloud, not really thinking about the fact that there was others around, "Stay away from me, jeez!" He then turned to look at the father, feeling like an idiot for speaking aloud. As Delat had seen the aquafina label, his thrist only increased. "Sir, I'm sorry to start a conversation like this, but may I have a glass of water?" he asked, politely, as if meeting the president or something.

Arietta was about to greet her father when all of a sudden Delat got into one of his screaming fits- which brought her fathers gentle grin into an absolute frown. Just knit his brows a tad, and her father would have looked absolutely serious, but knowing how lazy he was, Ari deduced that Delat probably couldnt tell, especially not if he was so bold as to ask for a drink of water. If Arietta was the princess of indifferent looks, the demon before him was the king of that as well. Arietta was about to beg forgicness for her mortal servant, but the demon in the pool cut her off. ''A drink you say? but of course you may.'' He replied with a toothy grin, but Arietta knew. Something wasnt right. ''And who might this be my dear?'' He then asked, which made her snap back into reality, after considering all of the ways her father was about to screw Delat over. ''Oh! Um..this is my..erm..You remember how I said I was going to get pregnant by a mortal male?'' The recollection made him frown again, but this time, one could only assume he wasnt very amused. ''Yes. This is him?''


''Even better.'' That time his mouth opened with a wide grin, showing his green tongue and second row of razor sharp teeth.

Delat wasn't really sure what to think about her father, and couldn't really tell what he was thinking from his expressions which weirded him out a bit. As he tried to figure out, he answered a bit more formally with a bow, figuring that would help his situation, if only a bit, and said "I'm Delat Lot-" he stopped as he heard the voice in his head SCREAM at him for the first time. "DON'T SAY THE NAME" the voice screamed and it caused Delat to wince and grab his head, a ringing in his ears from the rather loud voice in his head as it faded away. He was getting sick and tired of the voice, but that right there really pissed him off. The voice wouldn't say what it was, or rather, who it was, and he was tired of it trying to command him. He wanted to make at least a decent impression for the father, and thanks to the damn voice, he was doing a horrid job.

He blinked once, and rather slowly while fetching his drinking glass, which was resting on the wood right behind his right arm. With a quick whisk he downed everything in the tall glass of water and pulled it back with a refreshed sigh. With that, he flicked the glass at Delat with his index and thumb claws. Whether or not he caught the glass, that was the only one Delat was going to get, as he told him ''Drink your fill.'' While slowly waving his arm at the bath water he was sitting in. Instead of giggling, the way she normally might have, she stepped in front of the fox to try and get his mind off of him. ''Um, Daddie! I came to tell you Im having a son. You're going to be a grandfather!'' She tried to sound excited to get him back in a cheerful mood, but the frown remained. ''You're giving birth to his son? Thats unfortunate.'' Air's ears perked. ''W-why is that?'' She asked with a worreid tone. ''Oh, its nothing special. Dont worry about it too much~'

Delat quickly perked up and caught the glass just before it hit his chest. He was thirst, and he didn't really think much about anything else. He walked over and scooped up some water in the glass and downed it, and the refreshing feeling of it was clear on his face. He set the glass down and looked to the father. "Sorry about that sir. I must look like an idiot" he admitted, trying to get on his good side, despite the horrid job he'd been doing so far. He didn't know anything about the father, but he didn't seem all that thrilled about being a grandfather, especially because the fox was the father, but he figured he'd do everything he could think of, use his main talent of diplomacy to try to sway things over. "It's an honor to meet a demon such as yourself."

''Oh god..'' Arietta groaned under her breath which got a steely look from her father-immediatly promting her to shut the hell up, before he went back to grinning at Delat. She was glad her father didnt do anything to him, or so it seemed. ''Oh? It is a pleasure to make your aquaintence Mr. Delat Lot-'' He added in the sudden gasped Delat made before the voice started talking right before he could finish the last name. '' I am called is Beelzi. No relation.'' Was he refering to Beelzeblub? The lord of the flies? Probably not, though before he could dwell on it, the intense burning in the pit of his stomach would have became much more prominant. Painfully so.

Delat sighed and finished his sentence from earlier. "Oh, sorry, I'm Delat Lotra", and he expected the voice to reappear and scream at him, but instead he felt the burning in his stomach. He grabbed onto it and winced, looking back up at the father, smiling actually, as if he'd just realized that he'd been tricked. "That's not just water, is it?" he asked, still wincing as the pain increased. If anything, pain was something he could deal with rather well, considering the number of fight he'd been in for all of the money that he had. It still hurt though, and it 'was' noticably affecting him, but not as notably as say someone else that would be affected by it. "What was that, exac-" he heard the voice, but ignored it, not even listening to what it had to say, and continued "-exactly?"

Beelzi didnt seem at all affected by his last name, whether that was aruse of he was feigning ignorance was a complete and utter mystery. He was however, smiling to see how harshly the water had effected him, not that Arietta was up to the task of patting his back. Not when her father gave the silent order to ''stay out of it'' earlier. ''Oh no, that was my bath water. You see, I was awfully dirty, so I wouldnt imagine it tasting very good.'' The water he darnk was more than simply dirty. It was infested with ''Mites'' dead aura particles which behaved much like dead skin cells. They just flake off. THe problem with mites, being it was energy. the cursed pure energy of an evil old demon (Who looked fairly young for his age one might add). He left that part out though. ''Maybe you should drinnk some clean water to wash it down?''

Delat shook his head, as if finding it a bit funny, not really wanting to think about the taste, as he hadn't really paid much attention to it. "Alright then... can I ask you where I can find some normal water?" he asked, a little annoyed that the father said to drink some clean water without telling him where it was. It was also quite a mystery to Delat as to why the voice didn't want him saying his last name. It's not like it caused a spark or element of surprise in the demon standing in front of him. The fox couldn't really think of a decent way to get the demon to like him, because complimenting him didn't seem to work, and impressing him was out of the question. Now what would he do?

''I am so sorry Mr. Lotra. Im fresh out of mortal water. I guess you'll have to live with the pain in your stomach for a little while...but I am impressed that you're so honored to meet such a demon like myself! Tell me, what have you head of me?'' He asked with a slight tilt of the head. The burning in the pit of his stomach was from the mites trying to rip their way out of his stomach, which, they could have done quite easily id Delat wasnt careful. Arietta had quite the worrisome expression, which Beelzi took note of and with a nod, bade her permission to speak. ''Father, knock it off. Heal him.' She used a tone hed never heard her use before. Up until then she had a giggly, bratty air to everything she said, but now she had the voice of pure elegance, like Beelzi. Actually no, she sounded that way while they were flying, and when he told her that he wanted to become a demon. Even if it meant going to hell. ''Oh fine.'' He pouted back, and with a wave of his hand the mites in his stomach all evaporated. ''Im waiting for your answer.''

Delat was extremely relieved as the pain in his stomach stopped and he stood up straight again, in a sort of proud manner, but nothing too silly. "I've heard from your daughter that you are extremely powerful. You even have the power to turn others into demons, correct?" the fox asked him, as if hinting at something, but trying not to make it too obvious. Arietta had already mentioned that bit to him and he figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. Delat kept a straight face this time, but ONCE AGAIN he heard that damn voice speak. "You make it sound like you aren't a demon..." the voice said, and that confused the fox. He wasn't a demon. He was a mortal. Just like Arietta had said to him several times... right? He didn't say anything to the voice this time but acted like it hadn't spoken, though in his mind he was wondering what the hell it meant.

''You make it sound like you aren't a demon.'' Beelzi said at almost the exact same time as the voice in his head, in perfect unison, so he may not have gotten it right away. Arietta, however did. ''What do you mean not a demon? This dope was hanging aroudn in the mortal world when I found him!'' She exclaimed. ''Besides, I didnt get a hint of anything remotely demonic from him..'' In responces to her protests Beelzi only shurgged. Completely ignoreing all the half-hearted compliments thrown at him, he waited for Delat's reply.

Delat was so lost. He looked at the father, then to Arietta, and then back. "Um... I promise you, I'm just a normal fox just like everyone else in my family... Nothing special... Other than my money and previous pathetic royalty status, I'm just like everyone else on earth..." he said. How did he speak with the voice? Was he- no, he wasn't the voice, it was completely different. He didn't feel demonic, he couldn't perform magic, as far as he knew, and he'd had all the troubles of a mortal in this realm, or so Arietta had said.

''Oh you're a demon, theres no question about that. In fact, I dont even have to look at you to tell. The Lotra family has demonic ancestry here.'' It was common knowledge for him, and he'd told Arietta the names of mortal families with demon blood dozens if not hundreds of times, which accounted for the annoyed looks he gave her, which made her ears bend back a bit. '' But dont get me wrong..its hard to tell.'' He said, ;ooking back at Delat. ''You're a half,half,half,half,half,half,half,half,half,half,...'' On the fifthteenth ''Half'' he looked down and started picking at the dirt under his claws, as if bored, finally stopping at the 20th before muttering ''Demon.'' Arietta couldnt believe it.

Delat looked at the demon as if he was crazy. Completely insane. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm pretty sure that I, a prince of the family, would have been notified if-" he stopped. Delat's body went limp and the only thing that stayed firm was his legs keeping him up. Delat lost all thought and passed out.

As Delat, or rather, the body of Delat, opened his eyes, they were completely black, as if ink had been directly injected into them. "Hello there Beelzi. It's been quite a while" Delat said, though his voice was quite a bit different. It was husky, and more like a wolf than a fox. "I see you have a daughter now. How cute" he said, looking over her, not even trying to hide his interest, before looking back to the demon in the tub. He sounded like they were college or drinking buddies or something, and the threatening voice coming from the fox would have seemed strange to any normal person.

There was something definetly a whole lot more threatening about Delat now, enough to make Arietta back away just a bit when he looked at her. Not to mention send a chill right down her spine. She conviniently had forgotten that while her father was around no harm would come to her. ''Oh hello. Its certainly has bee a while...fuck I can never remember that ridicioulous name of yours. What was it?'' Beelzi asked calmly while rizing from the water, letting the liquids pool down from hsi toned red figure. With that, his wings seemed to extend, a good ten feet on either side, as if to make himseld seem a little bigger while he was wading through the water, over to the edge.

The fox smiled and closed his eyes before opening them again with a chuckle. The kind of chuckle you'd hear from a mass murderer after he just got caught. "You've forgotten? Well, I must say I'm a little offended. I'm Augury Lotra" he said with a smile, once again looking over at Arietta. "Poor girl. There is nothing to worry about, Arietta" he said, as if he'd been watching her through Delat's eyes the entire time since they met. "I must thank you for bringing Delat here. I've been waiting for someone in that family to finally return here." He then turned to look at Beelzi again and said, "So how have you been these past... jeez, how many years has it been? Too many, surely."

Hence the unfortunate part Beelzi'd mention earlier, but there was no turning back for them anyway sadly. Arietta tried her very best to keep her fear as hidden as possible, though it was more than apparent just by the way she looked at him defiantly alone. ''Ah, Augury. Yes it has been quite some time. Tell me, why arent you burning in hell? I could have sworn you were dead the last time I saw you.'' Arietta couldnt recognize the name as the two old demons spoke to one another-another reason Beelzi would have gotten on her case later on. If she was listening to him while he was telling her about the Lotra family all those years ago, she would have known exactly who Augury was.''

With that smile still on his face he made that strange laugh again, this time a little louder. "Well, I was lucky enough to have someone in the family... Sarah, I think, seal me away instead of letting me die. And I've been stuck floating around bodyless for the longest time. But, now I've finally got the prince, or princess, if ya ask me" he said, gesturing to his body, "to come here and give something to mess around with. I'd like to kindly ask you not to hurt him 'too' much. I need this little girl to help me get my body back. But I'll do that a little later. I figured it would be amusing to watch the 25th prince of the Lotra family be a slave to his own kid. I think I'll stick around and watch that for a bit before I use him" the demon explained, looking towards Arietta every now and then as he explained, especially on the part where he mentioned not bringing too much harm to his body.

''You might as well stay in that body, It saves me the trouble of having to kill you again myself. '' With that the reptile demonwalked out of the bath, with his enormously long tail surrounding the two males. The spaded tip was slithering around to Delat's wounded ankle like an angry snake, cutting off his bath to Arietta. While he looked abck, in that brief moment anyway, Beelzi had moved right in front of the young foxes body, and had his right hand pulled back, with those sharp claws of his gleaming. SUddenly, the hand thrusted forward in a piercing motion aimed right for the heart.

The demon laughed out a bit at that as he saw the demon step out of the tub, as if expecting what was coming. If anything, the body he was in would be quick enough to dodge a hit or two, and the pain that the body endured wouldn't bother him at all, so he could push it to its limits without any trouble whatsoever. As he saw the hand thrust forward, he jumped up over the tail, his back just barely making it around it and landed on his hands and pushed off the ground with them flipping back to land about ten feet from the demon. He noticed that a small bit of blood was pouring from where the claw nipped at the skin. Apparently the body wasn't as quick as he'd hoped. "Come now, is that really neccesary?"

With an ''eep'' Arietta moved back, and away from where he landed as quickly as possible. In the mean time, Beelzi took flight and bolted right over to his old enemy while he was off guard inspecting the small wound. Normally a regular bathroom wouldnt be large enough for the demon to take flight of any kind, though his bathroom looked more like a gym from Pokemon if anything. -Beelzi used Fly!- Not that Arietta knoew what pokemon was, nor was she thinking about it at that given time, but she was hoping with all her might that her fathers next strike would have been super effective. It was the same thrust of the fist, this time with the left hand, and the speed he'd built up flapping his wings once or twice to back it up.

Delat blinked a few times, his eyes returned to normal and as he saw the demon flying at him, he widened his eyes in fear and confusion, wondering what he'd done to piss the demon off that much. "What the hell?!" he screamed, putting his arms up in a defensive stance, either thinking that it'd help him survive or out of reflex. You could say that the demon said 'Augury, enough! Go, Delat!'.

The strike stopped just milimeters short from his face before Beelzi sighed and grounded himself in front of him. Naturally (now that whoever he was fighting seemd to have left) Arietta ran up and literally shoved Delat to the side so she was in front of her father. ''Dad! Are you alright?! ' She excalimed, not that Augury had touched or injured him in the slightest of ways. ''Yes, Im quite alright. '' He replied calmly before looking over at Delat. Quite a few things were running through the demons mind. Namely if he should have stopped the attack or not. He was immediatly regreating the idea, and was deeply contemplating stabbing his hand right through the father-to-be's heart..obviously a familiy member was all he needed for whatever he had planned. So if he did that to Delat, his son would have had to meet the same fate. He couldnt do that to Arietta, or so his clearer mind told him..

Delat fell to the ground as he was shoved. He had no idea what was going and no idea what to think of it all. "Um... may I ask what is going on? One second I'm trying to make a good impression and the next I'm on the brink of being killed. Can someone please explain this to me?!" he screamed out, clearly extremely annoyed at the whole situation, which seemed to be fuzzing up his judgement a bit.

Beelzi glared at him, which would have shut any normal person up. He knew for a fact in the short time he got to know him though, that Delat was anything but. ''Shut the hell up!'' Arietta screamed at him suddenly. ''What the hell! Why didnt you do anything? You just let yourself get possesed?!'' Obviously she wasnt being very fair to him, which was about to change. ''Arietta, Enough.'' With his order, he moved passed her and back in front of Delat who was on the floor. '' How long was the voice in your head speaking to you?''

Delat looked a bit shot down as he heard Arietta screaming at him. He didn't know what was going on, and... did she say possessed? Two days ago and he would have called her crazy right there on the spot, but by that point, he supposed that anything was possible. He then turned and looked to the demon that walked up to him. He had to admit that he was a little frightened of the demon, but he did his best not to show it, and other than his swaying tail, he was hiding it well. "Um... ever since I entered this world..."

''As Arietta said, you were possessed by an ancestor of yours. The same one who was speaking to you in your head.'' He explained while poking at the foxes cranium. ''He wants to use your body to get back his I suppose. Thats the black and white about it.'' Arietta, who was already listening to what Augury said to them stayed silent. Also in part because Beelzi told her to. ''I dont know how though. Honestly if it werent for they fact alone that you are my grandchilds father, Id kill you.'' It was more like because there's another family member Im not willing to kill, there is no point in killing you, but Beelzi was trying to be nice.

Delat put his hand to his forehead and stood up. "Well, that's nice to know" he said, reffering the the fact that he was only alive because he was the father of the kid, which meant that Arietta hadn't really told her father about the slave deal. Besides her father would probably just laugh and insult the fox, so that was the last thing he wanted to bring up. Regardless of that fact she sighed and stood up. "Well... what should I do if I hear the voice again...?" he asked Beelzi.

''Id suggest you ignore everything you hear and block him out as much as you can. But I cant tell you to go against your blood. Do what you will.'' He waved. Suddenly, an imp like creature flew day from its perch above and drapped Beelzi with...a robe? There were so many designs of the two red sunds sparkling over the golded sky all over the amazingly wooven silk--just the sight to clear the mood, if things were less urgent. Arietta would have told him that her father had a thing for silk robes ever since his visit to the mortal realm centuries ago, but there was no time for small talk. As the black imp flew away Arietta butted in ''Father! What about the child?'' SHe already peiced together, based on what both demons said, that her child to be was in potential danger. ''What happens, happens. You have my blessings daughter.'' He told her dryly before turning to fit his wings through the holes on the back of the robe.

Delat felt a little nervous. If a demon could possess his body, the last thing he wanted to do was to defy him. And what did Beelzi mean by 'against your blood'? He had no idea what the demon had done or said, and he found it a little ironic that the one taken over knew the least about the demon. He then heard the voice in his head but did his absolute best to act like it hadn't said anything. "I'll contact you in three days time" is all that it said before fading away again. Delat blinked a few times, turning to Arietta. "So... now what?" he asked her, as if she had some sort of answer as to what they should do.

Arietta was, for the first time since he came to know her, at an absolute loss for words. ''Maybe..I should take you back to your home. It sounded like he couldnt reach you in the mortal world anyway so I think it would be best.'' It was actually the best idea she thought she had in her life, after witnessing how that demon made use of Delat's body. She found herself cursing herself for even bringing him along. ''What do you think father?'' She actually expected him to agree, but instead he shook his head. ''Are you going with him? Because then you'll still have to worry about him possessing that son of yours. Besides, I highly doubt he'll let you leave anyway.''

Delat sighed as he realized that Beelzi was right. The idea sounded flawless to him too, but the second that he mentioned the kid, Delat knew that he couldn't leave. He'd rather he be possessed than the little kid. The voice then reappeared in his head, and it was a little more difficult for him to ignore it, considering what it said: "Stop speaking like you are possessed. I am you and you are me. We are one and the same, boy."

''Ill swallow your soul.''

''..Wh-what do you mean? '' Arietta asked with a stutter. Clearly he couldnt have meant what he said..could he have? ''Give me your soul. That way, he'd have to go through me to control you. At the very least it would be harder for him to take control of you.'' With the suggestion, Beelzi was doing his best to mentally block off Delat's mind for the time being. If he refused however, he'd release his influence over the fox, and leave him to the wolf so to speak.

Delat looked at the man like he was insane. "Swallow my soul? I... um, I think that I'll be alright" he said to Beelzi, before turning to Arietta. "I'll just be a bit careful and keep him from taking over my mind, alright?" he said to her, just wanting to get out of there and back to her house. He almost wished that he hadn't followed her to her father's, but then he had no idea what would've happened with the demon.

''Its exactly what you wanted.' He explained. ''When I swallow your soul, the potential locked away in your bloodline will be able to flourish through you. You'll become a demon, or half demon at most'' He explained slowly. ''You'll have everything you could have ever wanted. Power, influence, ability..all yours.'' Arietta groaned, knowning exactly what he was doing. Sure it would have helped out..but Beelzi was a heartless prick first, and a caring stepfather somewhere way in the back of the line. The chance to add a new soul to his collection was something he'd readily jump at.

It was true that Delat had wanted that, but after the little scenario that had just gone on, he wasn't all that sure. It seemed that he already had a demon with him, and becoming one on top of that seemed to be overdoing things a little bit. "Sorry, but I think that it'd be best if I stayed as I am" he replied, a little bit afraid of how the demon was going to take it. He prepared to dodge out of the way if a hit was thrown, though the demon didn't seem to be that kind of person, it was still better to be safe than sorry.

He did nothing, and shrugged. At the same time, Arietta remained eversilent while the males spoke. Beelzi didnt strike him.but he did seem dissapointed. ''Alright then. Good luck to the both of you.'' With that, he turned to leave. Arietta only bowed her head to him as he walked by with the slightest of sighs. ''Of all the men I pick to sire a son, I have to pick the princess of the Lotra faimly..''

Delat ignored the comment completely, not wanting to argue about anything; just wanting to get out of that place. He was sore and he had a lot to think about, not to mention waiting for that voice in three days. That would keep him up at night for sure. What was the voice going to have him do in three days? And why three days in the first place?

Clearly Arietta was deeply regreating having Delat with her more and more. Even more so, she was right about him being a partial demon like she thoguht while they were flying..and it annoyed her to no end that even still he didnt have any powers to speak of. Suddenly he went from being an idiot to a usless idiot in her eyes all over again. ''How am I supposed to know that you arent going to be possessed while you're with me?'' She asked him. Then again, could Ric take on Arugue? The demon she was starting to remember learning about. In his condenced form, certainly not..''Maybe if I removed the seal..'' she said to herself.

Delat was still waiting for her to get them the hell out of that place. He sighed and said "I don't know, but can we please talk about this back at your place? Perhaps Ric will have an opinion or something..." He was trying to think of an excuse for her to take him back to the house. The last thing he wanted was for that demon of a father to come back and say he changed his mind.

More than likely if Beelzi wanted his soul, he'd have had it regardless, still Arietta shared his enthusiasm regarding their stay. ''I wanted to see my brother..oh well. He knows were I live.'' And with that, she made a portal for the both of them right then and theere, leading into the garden. In retrospect, she could have done it herself when they were going in the first place. Ari was just lazy. Besides, why make one when you can wake up to one already made and waiting?

Delat couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at the mention of a brother. The last thing that he wanted was to have to meet another one of her demonic family that may try to kill him. He stepped through the portal almost as soon as it was made, more than glad to be back at her place. It kinda felt more like home than it should've, but he didn't care.

With that, Arietta followed suit and sighed. As the portal closed she gelt a cramping in her stomachm and ran a paw over the now sensitive area of her belly, as if the life growing inside of her was reminding her just how problematic things had become. If Delat couldnt help Augury usher his return..then he'd try using her son's blood. She couldnt imagine that scenario being all too pleasent.

Delat suddenly got a thought that made his mood rather jump in comparison to just a few minutes ago. He wouldn't have to hear the voice for an entire three days. He then turned to Arietta and bowed to her again, trying to make sure he was still on her good side, and said "Is there anything that I can do for you, miss?"

She glared over at him, not even bothering to turn to face him. ''Save the bullshit. Im not in the mood'' That was her way of ''releaving him of duty'' for the time being, at least until she calmed down. Did his servatude with her count? Seeing how he could still be posessed, she didnt imagine it would.

Delat sighed and walked back towards her house, not wanting to mess with her at all for the time being. He wasn't sure what to do in his 'spare time' if you could call it that. Perhaps Ric would have an idea on what he could do. Now that he thought about it, Ric didn't know he was possessed, so he'd probably still treat him like he was just a mortal. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

Ric was actually sleeping alone, in his room in the house. Not giving him a chance to look for him, Arietta came up from behind him, grabbing his shoulder hesitantly (nothing like what she did to him the other afternoon). ''Wait..Delat. I apologize. This has me on edge.''

Delat was completely surprised that she apologized to him, and he felt really bad for some reason, feeling like he was the root cause of all of this, when, in all actuality, he probably was. "No... no, please, all of this is because of me" he said in a comforting tone. He took a step towards her, not sure if this was a good idea or not and said to her, in the most soothing voice he could, "Perhaps I could help relieve the stress some way... would you like some more of my energy...?" he offered to her.

She was hungry again..but couldnt tell why. She'd never been pregnant before, but with the child starting to develop a tad more rapidly, the drainage on her own energy was apparent. Coupled with the stress and anxiety of what just recently happened. This was an energy sapping child they were talking about afterall. ''Maybe later..'' she couldnt help but grunt, remembering the looks ''he'' was giving her while possessed. In the back of her mind, the scenario of her being raped by Augury while controlling Delat flashed in her mind. Really, she may have very well been stronger than Delat even if he was possesed. It wasnt like his body, while used at its current full potential, was that much of a threat to begin with. Still, paranoia was kicking in, and rightfully so.

Delat stepped away from her, as if he'd done something wrong and nodded. "Y-yeah, I understand" he said to her. "If you are worrying about me being possessed again... the... the voice said he'll be gone for three days, if that's any cancellation..." he revealed to her, hoping that would at least relieve her mind a bit. "If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to tell me... I'd be glad to help in any way I can..."

She blushed for a split second there. ''And what exactly can you do? What's supposed to happen in three days anyway?'' She asked with a bit of a harsh tone, which was just as warrented as they way she felt before. The building stress was becoming harder and harder for her to ignore, she didnt just need some kind of feeding, she needed a tension release. Badly. ''He comes back and fucks with us some more?''

Delat was tired of seeing her angry. He just couldn't stand it anymore. It was clear to him that she needed so me kind of energy or release, and he wasn't about to let her deny his help. He said nothing and stepped towards her, knowing that he may have to face consequences for trying such a thing, but as he took another step, Arietta and him were mere inches from eachother. He reached his hands forward and put them on her waist, giving her a look of affection, like someone saying 'I love you' for the first time in their lives might give and he said, in the same tone that would be used in that situation, "Please let me help you."

She eyed him..again, like he was the -eight- sage. Only now, she generally looked suprised by his advances, and the wanting look in his eyes. SHe continued giving him a firey gaze that said ''If you dont get your hands off of me I'll...'' before sighing to herself. Fuck it, she thought before leaning in and kissing him on the lips, resting her hands around his lowerback. Ric, who was watching from his room (His room was actually deep in the house, which was only accessible by taking a hallway in the living room and around the kitchen area, but the hole in the wall of said kitchen area was large enough for him to peek through) awwed to himself.

Delat kept his expression calm as she began to threaten him, but as she kissed him, he was very surprised. He kissed her back as well, moving his hands to wrap around her waist. Strangely, it was probably one of the most romantic kisses that he'd ever been a part of, which he found ironic due to a number of reasons that he didn't even consider counting. His tail swayed around to brush lightly against the side of her leg as they kissed.

She might have said the same thing if her tongue wasnt busy at the moment. She kept her eyes open throughout the ordeal, while at the same time the thoughts of how romantic it was were filling her head, despite her best efforst to shove them aside. It was good for releaving tension at the very least, and she couldnt fault him for trying. As a show of good faith, her left hand tightly groped the left side of his ass, as it seemed to have been something he wasnt too fond of.

Delat smiled as he felt the grope, and he moved his hand down to simply rub at the right side of hers, murring a bit as they kissed, and he closed the last few inches in between their bodies, pressing his chest and hips right up against hers. He was glad that he actually could help her, and the feeling he was getting towards her caused quite a confusion in his head, but he did his best not to dwell on it.

Said feeling was giving her more than enough tension to feed off of. Not to mention the oral contact being a direct conduet to his energy reserves. All in all, the only thing stopping her from having a triple-wammie was the fact that they werent having sex. That said, she finished feeding off of him at least a minute ag, with a few stange feelings of her own welling up inside. Ric, who was watching from his peep hole giggled, knowing exactly what was going on. ''So..the heirs of two conflicting families joining together. This must be what that play was like..Romeo and Juliet?'' He asked himself silently.

Delat was completely lost. He couldn't deny it any more. Regardless of why or how, he was falling in love with this woman. He loved the way that she acted; her bitchy, controlling attitude; and the fact that there was a loving side behind it all that she'd probably never noticed before. As he pulled off of the kiss, he looked her straight in the eyes, and perhaps for the first time in her life, she would see the fascination that mortals had with staring into another's eyes, or perhaps not, but either way, he looked into hers with a gentle smile. "They say the eyes are the window to the soul..." he quoted, though she would know more about souls that he.

She was lost in her own little world, in so deep that she had to take a few seconds to snap back to herself, which was when she gave a subtle blush. ''That sounds ridiculous. Then again I guess that is something you'd say.'' She said while looking away from him..and there was that part of her he loved so much, as strong as ever. ''Anyway..yeah, thanks for the that.'' She then tried prying him off of her but found it a bit hard to manage. Arietta also wanted to thank him for taking her mind off of her troubles (technically self-inflicted) if only for a minute or two. She couldnt manage to swallow her pride long enough though. That was when she noticed Ric watching, and when Ric went away form the peephole.

Delat did not try to stop her as she pried him off and allowed her to move away. "I'm glad I could help... Arietta" he said, putting a strange loving emphasis on her name, which she probably had never heard before. He then followed her eyes back, wondering what she saw. Perhaps a bug or something, he didn't know, but then again he really wasn't in the mood to care.

Ric would surely be punished sevearly later on, when she wasnt so bothered. The way he said her name also made her want to smack him..but oddly enough, the brand new emphasis she heard outside of a moaning voice made her mortal half's heart melt. ''Im going to sleep.'' She told him suddenlny and walked off in a hurry.

Delat seemed a little confused, but was glad at the same time. It seemed that what he did; the courage he had used, did pay off. He was glad that she seemed to like what he did, and for the first time in his life, he actually felt like he was falling in love. And with a demon no less... What a strange life he was living...

Now that he was all alone, the quiet serenity of her garden could have taken its full effect. THe black, charcoal trees mingled well with the glossy pink flowers budding off of their branches, and they pure white sky looked absolutely mily to the touch, like on a snowy day. ''Oh hey.'' Arietta called from her bedroom window, which was on the left side of her house. ''You can come in and sleep with me if you like. I just realized I dont have a spare bed for you.''

Delat loved the quiet aura that the garden gave off, and once again, strangely, he felt happy for the first time in his life. Truly happy... As he heard her voice offer for him to sleep with her he gladly accepted and headed to the room. As he approached the room, he let out a sigh of relief and entered, that gentle expression still on his face as he looked at her, actually looked over her body, not sexually, but as if she was a goddess of some sort.

As he came in, she was looking around for something, but apparently gave up the search before here eyes met his. 'What are you looking at?'' She grunted at him while laid out on her sideon her black matting. After all that happened, she needed a nap. Or some company not that he'd have been told. ''Are you coming in or not?"

Delat simply smiled, trying to keep himself from chuckling. "I'm looking at you, mi'lady" he said like a gentlemenly Englishman. He walked over and instead of moving to her side, he crawled up on top of her, not intending to do anything sexual and simply looked down at her, directly into her eyes. "Thank you" was all he said as he hovered over her, his body less than a foot away from her.

She got over things fairly quickly it seemed, as she stared back into his eyes without the slightest bit of awkward tension. ''Thank you for what? And you certianly are the bold one with your mistress.'' She remineded him, not that she seemed very offended or put of regardless. It was more of a harsh tease if anything.

Delat smiled to her and this time, he leaned down, resting himself on top of her, his chest pressing against her breasts, his sheath between her legs, not meaning anything sexual, and kissed her. He kissed her fully, his tail moving to gently brush against her right hip. At the point, he figured, if she was going to get mad, he'd be more than glad to deal with the consequences.

A leg bet up, and her arms wrapped around his back, bit other than that she didnt seem to mind to much, eagerly wanting to continue their session from before without prying eyes. She didnt know if she outright ''loved'' him after only a day, but she was attracted to him more or less, as far as mortal men went. That and she did like some things about him, like his snobby attitute, and the way he tried finding some kind of diplomacy in everything and anything- though that part actually annoyed her more than anything. It was a strange ordeal

Delat kissed her a little more fully, not wanting to think about much of anything at that moment. He moved his tongue against her lips, as if asking for entry, his body leaning gently against her own. He never wanted that moment to end, and he WAS in love with her. As for as demons went. He loved that she could be loving and a bitch both in the same day- though that part actually annoyed him more than anything. It was a strange ordeal.

Her maw opened, allowing him entry while her tongue shot out into his mouth. Her head arched forward just enough for a mouth to mouth embrace before pulling him back down. Now with her head against a pillow she was comfortable..possibly a little too much so considering what was going o--then there were those cramps. WIth a wince, she pulled off of his mouth and ran her hand on her stomach.

Delat pulled back as he noticed that she was in pain. As she put her hand on her stomach, he instantly knew what it was. He sat back off of her and placed his hand against her stomach, rubbing at it gently. "Are... are you alright?" he asked, in a worried tone.

''Im fine. Leave me alone.'' She suddenly snapped at him while pushing his hand away. Then after a few moments when things got a little less hot under the collar she said ''Its only a cramp..geez. Ill be fine.'' She swore to herself that if he said any of that lovey dovey bullshit, that she would have Ric stick a pole up his ass. Now she was waiting..

Delat nodded to her, realizing that she wanted him to just stay away from her for the time being. "Yeah, alright" he said, standing up off of the bed. He was considering walking out, not to be mean, but just to give her time to herself. Maybe he'd moved to quickly or something; he didn't know. And he wasn't sure what to do just then.

''W-wait I didnt say you had to go.'' She stopped him..then actually thought about what she just did, how concerened she soudned that he was leaving, how apologetic she sounded (or at least she thoguht it was, ). It made her want to puke. ''At least one of us is enjoying this set up I guess.''

Delat stopped. He knew the kind of person she was and knew that she would be regretting saying it like that, but it still made him a little glad. He did his best to relieve the awkwardness of it and said "Oh, yes, of course. I mean, what if you need something, right?" he said with a silly smile on his face, as if trying to move the awkwardness onto him somewhat.

With a shrug, she sat up against her wall and asked 'So, what made you want to leave your family anyway?'' in her usual uncaring tone, but there was a noticable hint of curiosity in there. The thought of leaving her family forever seemed very strange to her indeed. So knowing Delat was the heir to such a powerful family name only mad it that much more puzzling.

Delat sat back down and thought about the question, as if he'd only answered it once or twice before. "Well, I don't know about here, but in the mortal world, a prince's life is... well, contained. You can't go where you want, you can't do what you want, you have to keep your virginity for your 'princess'. So many things... No drinking alcohol, no partying, it's like a maze with no turns" he said, and then added "And, considering the events of today, apparently you are lied to as well."

''That doesnt sound very bad at all.'' She replied sagely, after listening to what he had to say. ''Dont you miss your mother or father? Is all of this even worth never seeing either of them ever again?'' It made her think about her son. What if he suddenly ran away and never came back, because of the way she'd raised her? It was the first time she actually gave intimate thought about how she'd actually be a mother soon. The very idea of her son running away, the only male she could without a doubt say she loved, made her heart freeze over.

Delat looked away from her, not really wanting to explain it to anyone, but he went ahead and did it anyway. "My mother was killed by a hired assassin when I was about four. My father was always to busy with his work to pay much attention to me. It's not like I had family that would miss me..." he said with a shrug. But he was done talking about his past. It was the last thing that he wanted to think about.

''Oh, that sucks then. Sorry.'' She said back. Now she felt as if it were her turn to tell him something hard or something like that, so she up and thought about it. ''My father, my real father is an assassin for some agency. He was supposed to bring my mother in for study when she managed to use her magic to seduce him. Thats how me and my brother were conieved.'' It didnt seem like much, but that story outright humiliated her.Thinking of how her real father helped her mother evade detection, she could have only thought he took some kind of pitty on her. It was bad enough he left her alone in-what he called earlier- in hell after botching an attempt at her life, but he leaves her there pregnant with twins? ''I hate him so much...''

Delat looked a bit confused for some reason. "Wait... your 'real' father? Then... then who was that demon that almost killed me?" he asked, reffering to Beelzi. Her story seemed pretty bad too, and he would have thought more of it if it wasn't for the supernatural part of it; or, he supposed, the 'natural' part, now that he knew about the demons.

''Beelzi is what you would call my stepfather. He adopted me and my brother when we were born, but he let our mother serve him before then.'' Se explained, though in her mind, the assassin who impregnated her mother accidently was just the sperm-doner. Beelzi was her one and true father. Her only heartfelt regreat with being Beelzi's child was that she wasnt -really- his.

Delat didn't say anything lovey dovey, and didn't attempt to say anything to calm her. Her simply moved over to her side and leaned against the wall next to, and put his arm around her shoulder, figuring that the worse that could happen was that she'd bat it away. He then said "Well... If he's your father in your eyes, that's all that matters" he said, not sure if it would help to hear, but figured that it couldn't hurt all that much.

They were toneless words, as she knew that for a fact already. ''I suppose thats why I didnt want you sticking around my son. If you were anything like him Id have killed you. I just didnt want to have to deal with it.'' For the most part, his arm around her shoulder wasnt batted away, nor was it noticed for that matter. Her legs, had since pulled up though, with one arm around them. ''Name him.'' She said after a short pause, sounding very demanding, like it was an order.

That one caught him off guard. He really wasn't sure what to say to that, so he thought to himself for a moment or two. Then he looked back at her and said "Amund". He knew the meaning if she bothered to ask, but wasn't sure if meanings really were a big thing in the demon world.

''Amund?'' She knew that meant something, and was in fact curiosu enough to incuire. ''What does that mean?'' Just after, Ric seemed to yell out ''Hooded man approaching the front door in approximatly thrity seconds mistress. Should I send him away?'' Arietta didnt like being interupted, but that sounded important. ''Ill sent Delat. Leave him be!'' She called back before turning to him, waiting for an answer.

Delat was curious as to why a hooded man was walking up to her house, and why she ignored it, but it wasn't his business. She looked her and said with a sigh, "Well... Perhaps you'll think it's pathetic, but the name means 'Ultimate and Undying Protection'." Sure, she may find it cheezy, but it seemed quite fitting for the child, considering the situation that they were in. Of course whether or not she used the name would be up to her, not him.

She stared blankly, unable to process the information her brain should have been telling her about the name he picked. Simply put, she didnt like it--and was at a loss of words of how she could put him down for it. So instead she just waved at him ''Go answer the door...'' The way he came into the house was actually the backdoor. Ric's room was on the other side and had a window that looked out into the town which was on the front. The hooded man was now walking through the dirt paved walkway and under the two trees that shaded the front ''porch'' and just waited.

Delat would've questioned letting him talk to the stranger, considering his limited knowledge of the world they were in, but he didn't. Instead he nodded to her and headed out to greet the stranger. He knew absolutely nothing about what type of greeting to give, or what type of people visited her house but he looked to the stranger and greeted like a demon probably would, saying "What do you want?"

He was actually spot on. If it werent for the stranger standing in front of him though, he might have admired the smaller, but just as beautiful patches of flowers and plant life in front of his new home, which looked out into a village from a hundred years into the past at least. Who carried hay via horse carrage anywhere?..or whatever that was. It certainly looked more like the Skin gnawer on steroids than a horse, that was for sure. Anyway, the stranger in front of him. He was wearing a dark black robe and wearing a red, disk like hat, with the hood of his robe draped over. ''Good morning kind sir.'' He said with an extreme rasp to his voice, with an polite bow. ''I am a traveling salesment you see..long story short. And I was hoping you'd take a listen to my wares.''

Delat wasn't sure exactly what to tell the man. But more than anything, he saw it as an oppurtunity to make it seem like he'd live there for years. "Wait a minute" he said and walked back to Arietta's room, poking his head inside. "Hey, it's a salesman. Want me to get Ric to cook him up for dinner?" he asked her, his face completely serious like he actually meant what he was asking.

Delat wasn't sure exactly what to tell the man. As he looked over to the strange animal and then back to the man, finding it a bit strange; the way he was dressed, the animal and carriage he had with him. But more than anything, he saw it as an oppurtunity to make it seem like he'd live there for years. "Wait a minute" he said to the man, wondering if they treated salesmen the same way in hell as they did in the real world. Assuming they did, he walked back to Arietta's room, poking his head inside. "Hey, it's a salesman. Want me to get Ric to cook him up for dinner?" he asked her, his face completely serious like he actually meant what he was asking.

''Of course.'' The old saleman bowed again. WHile he was gone, to took it upon himself to wait inside of her home. If Ric actually caught some kind of scent, he would have ran into the room and ripped the mans thoat out. Either way, he was asleep, deep in the slumber of a nap. Arietta didnt seemed too thrilled that a traveling salesman of some sort had came up to her home, but a lot of the things she loved in her home, like some of the fabulous paintings that hung in Rics room for example, all came from travelers. ''Well..see what he's offering first. If its nothing interesting, have him killed.'' She said before laying her back into the futon to look up at the cieling.

Delat nodded to Arietta and headed down that hall back to the salesman. As he re-approached the man he let out a sigh before putting on a happy customer's smile. "May I ask what you are selling, sir?" he asked the man with obvious curiosity. He wasn't sure exactly what Arietta generally was interested in, but was pretty sure that she wouldn't really care if he was killed even if he /did/ have something she found interesting because if Delat didn't know what she liked, she'd probably understand.

Plus there was the added bonus of his stock mysteriously ''vanishing'' with his death. However, Delat wouldnt be able to pull such a feat (dragging his shit in the house on command) out with what the man had to sell. ''I only sell one thing. Information, my young Lotra.'' With that he gave a bow, the kind his servants gave back home whenever he happened to walk by. ''I am humbled to make your aquaintence young highness.''

Delat did his best not to laugh out loud. Selling information? So he was a Jahova's witness? Well, that's just great; he thought he got away from them by going to hell, but apparently they went to hell as well. But in all fairness, he kept his friendly and asked "Oh? And what sort of information would that be, sir?" he asked him, still being polite to the man just as he had shown.

''Well sir..'' He replied while coming up from his bow. Through the scarf that was covering his face, and the large hat on his head..and the fabric covering his hat, Delat could see the mans eyes. As well as being able to see the gratiously humbled expression his eye showed, Delat could see that he only /had/ yellow one eye. The one on the right was closed shut by three large claw marks, as well as a fourth that wen down the bridge of his nose. ''My magic allows me to see into your soul..and read the history of your people. I can tell you anything about yourself, or those you know that you dont....for a fee.''

"Um... what? Seri- Look, give me another moment..." he said. He really wasn't sure what to think of the man and he had NO idea what the currency of the world was, so he headed back to Arietta again. "Um... Sorry to bother you again, but he claims he can read an entire family's history... A 'fee' for information. So... Stew?" he asked her with a chuckle. If she said yeah, he would just go wake up Ric to kill the man, because he really didn't want to have to do it himself, and Ric would enjoy it more than he would.

''Of course.'' He said with a bow of his head. Once he was back in Arietta's room, she was on the verge of actually sleeping-that is until he came back in. ''Wha..Information..? Familiy history....screw that. I dont want anything from him..but if you do tell him the fee is on me. If not wake up Ric.'' It was entirely up to him, or at least that was the message she was trying to get across to him..she really didnt care.

Delat thought about that for a moment. He wasn't sure whether or not he /wanted/ to know about his past. It frightened him enough knowing what little he did know, so more of it, it just seemed would scare him. He walked out into the hall and yelled "Ric! We have a visitor that you need to come see!" he said aloud, figuring that Ric would get the idea. He then walked back down the hall towards the visitor, and for some reason he wanted to see what Ric would do. Perhaps this place was getting to him or something.

Ric immediatly got the idea and ranout into the front room, knife in hand..though when he got there, he'd have a puzzled look on his face. There was no one there. ''Where is he?'' He called out. ''I thought we were about to have dinner?'' Outside the man had already gone away. Apparently that cart with the strange creature in front of it in front of the house wasnt his.

As Delat walked out, he couldn't help but think that he expected this outcome for some reason. "The hooded man was... well fuck" Delat said. He walked out towards the cart, wondering where the hell it came from. He didn't remember seeing it before. Was it Arietta's? Whatever it was, Delat was intent on figuring it out and he approached it with caution.

The animal holding the cart didnt seem to mind him approaching, and on closer inspection, it looked more like an incest that the Skin gnawer who ripped off a chunk of his skin did. In the cart, was a couple of mounds of hay, with a postcard in one of the bushels.

Delat did not really know what to think about the creature other than that it was kind of creepy and a little disgusting. He walked over behind the cart and looks inside. As he saw(Spice and wolf?! XD) the hay, he sighed. If he knew anything about cart, they usually hid things under hay. He reached into the cart and grabbed a huge chunk of the hay and through it to the ground behind the cart, then proceeded to do the same to the next bushel.

He found nothing in there until the second or fourth bushel of hay (For referencing sake, the postcard belonged to the carts owner, who was telling the people who were coming to pick it up not to be late. It was still white outside, but they were supposed to have the cart while the sky was red..aka dawn.). Under that bushel there was a small red box that glowed as the light hit it. The card attatched to the bow read ''To his young highness. A keepsake for old times. -Charade. ''

Delat read the post card and tossed it aside, figuring that whoever it was addressed to had been late in picking it up. He then picked up the small red box and read the card. He then remembered that the salesman had called him by 'young highness' as well. So this /was/ his cart? Well why did he leave it here and what was with the postcard? Regardless of that fact, Delat tore the bow off of the box and attempted to open it, wondering what could possible inside.

It opened easily, and along with the bow, the wrapping paper on the box tore off to reveal a ringbox with his family crest engraved on the metal. Opening small box revealed a cushioned interior, similar to the boxes a young fiance might give his wife to be, but it was what was resting /on/ the cushions of the box that would have made for an eye opener. The gold ring with a ruby jewel imbedded in the center was definetly familiar. That was because it was given to all of the direct female relatives of the kind. Namely the Queen.

Delat was quite speechless. What in the world was a Lotra Queen's ring doing here? Who sent it? The fox checked the card from the box and the post card, looking for a name of some sort, or a return adress. This ring was one that was only given to a prince to give to his princess when he is made king in order to make her a queen. He closed the box and shook his head, opening it again as if to make sure that what he saw really was the ring. Wait... No, there was no way that the ring would be sent to him, because if his father was dead, Delat was missing, his brother would take over. And on top of that there was no way that anyone in possesion of the ring could know where he was. So many questions opened up from the simple sight of the ring.

It really was real, as there was another family crest inside of the ruby. On closer inspection there was quite a bit of dried blood along the golded rim of the ring, and if he were to have read the inner side, he'd surely find the name of a woman very familiar to him, whod have been dead from an assassination several years prior. Charade. That was the only kind of name anywhere on it. The name shouldnt have sounded familiar, other than being a popular game with old people for some reason. Whoever ''Charade'' was, he certainly knew who Delat was, and could travel back and forth from both worlds. At least thats what having that ring in the demon realm suggested.

Delat did indeed pick up and examine the ring, assuming that Ric had gone back to whatever he was doing. The blood certainly gave him a small chill, and then he saw the name. That name.... he knew that name... He tried his best to remember where it was from. So the ring wasn't passed to him to give to anyone like he'd thought, or he assumed not because of the name already engraved on it. The family crest, which was a shadow of a feral fox looking at the viewer, extremely small topaz gems where the eyes would be. He would recognize it anywhere. He wasn't sure what to do with the ring. Why was it given to him? Who was this charade and how did she get to the demon world, and how did she find him? What did she want, if it was indeed this 'Charade' that left the ring for him, and what would have happened if he'd left it there and never found it? Was she counting on his curiosity for him to find it? How did she know him that well? SO many questions that he could not answer. He was also wearing no clothes so there was nowhere he could really think to hide the box. Well... now what?

Delat, as he looked at the card, he saw the name, 'Charade' and figured that it was some kind of prank or 'charade', if you will. As he looked over the ring, the blood that he noted certainly gave him a slight chill. Then he was the name. That name... the name of his mother. Ashlina... Why... It was his mother's ring?! But she died; was killed. The ring was never found when they found the mother's body, and had assumed that it was stolen for the sheer worth of it, but here is was... Does that mean that this 'charade' was his mother's killer? He almost wished that he hadn't gone and looked into the cart. He almost wanted to throw the ring back into the cart and act like he'd never seen it, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. So many questions had arisen at the finding of the ring. Why give it to Delat? Why the ring? Why leave it on a cart for him to find? Was this person depending on his curiosity to make him find the ring? And who could have known him so closely that they knew he would go look? Or was that what a normal person would do? He was thinking to hard... With no clothes on, he couldn't very well just hide it on his person. He assumed that Ric had gone back to doing whatever he had been, and Arietta was probably asleep by that point, so what was he to do...?

Yes, he was all alone, which would have surely given him a second to inspect his surroundings. How the towns layout (which was entirely comprised of Beelzi's more prized servants) Went like this..One long row of houses stretched on for what seemed like miles in both directions, decorated with tree's and japanese styled houses, while in front of him, there was the ''market'' area. TO the very left of where he was standing though, the form of the hooded man could be made out. Though it was hard to tell if it was actually him or not. Then, there was definetly the sound of something familiar where he saw the man vanish. A gunshot.

Delat sighed and figured he'd go explore. After all that had happened, death was the worse that could happen, and the idea didn't bother him all that much for some strange reason. As he saw the man, he took a few steps toward him but then stopped cold as he heard the gunshot. A gun in a demonworld? Wasn't that kind of... pointless? He had no idea who had shot the gun or why the man dissapeared just as the shot was fired. He simply walked over to where the man had been standing, being extremely cautious and looking around to see if he would be able to spot the person who'd fired the gun, if it was a person, that is.