death of an enemy part 1

Story by darkwolf843 on SoFurry

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from my last story to now i have gone to quite a few writing classes and i think ive gotten better.

this story is the first chapter of a story im writing called Death of enemy. These stories are about a wolf named Cameron Hall, and he is in a very deep debt to the mob.

"Death of an Enemy: Part One"

I was strapped to a chait in front of a white and black siberean tiger, he was holding a Kalishnikov ak-47 to my head. "this is the last time I am going to ask you Mr. Hall, where's the money?" he asked with noticible annoyance in his voice. "for the last time I was just going to pay the don when you kidnapped me." I told him with a straight face. He aimed the barrel of the gun straight at my nose. "you know Mr. Hall, i've heard that wolves use there nose more than any other part of there body, if you didnt have your nose what would be the most used part of your body?" he asked, squeezing the trigger a little more than earlier. But the good thing about his questions and his orders not to kill me was that it was giving me the chance to get out of my hand restraints.

"I would say it would be the hand i kill people with." and with that statement i grabbed his throat and tossed him over my shoulder and across the room, his gun landing about 10 feet away from him. i walked up to the now dissarmed tiger. Grabbing his throat i said. "which would be this one." I continued holding his throat until he stopped squirming. I chuckled. "and that my friend is why you dont fuck with Cameron Hall." As i left i turned around looking at the now dead tiger. "But he is right, i should probably go pay off my debts."