Samantha's Thrid Chance Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#3 of Samantha's Third Chance

Jackie stumbles to the ground, her injured leg unable to support her weight. A catgirl approaches her with an evil grin on her face. Jackie looks over to her parents, they both lay unmoving nearby. The catgirl is nearly on top of her. "Once your dead we'll be one step closer to cleansing the world of you Kanin filth." Her fellow cat people look on with eager anticipation, until one finds a sword in his chest. He eventually collapses when the sword is pulled out. As he falls Jackie sees another style of cat with white fur on her belly and black fur all over the rest of her body, strangest of all is her blue tiger stripes. She has a fierce determination on her face. The cat people are stunned for a bit before their leader shouts. "Get her!" The group rushes toward the strange feline who takes up a defensive stance and begins to chant. They exchange blows for a bit before the feline jumps back and extends her free hand. A pillar of flame comes from the hand and engulfs most of the cat people. Some of them manage to scream for a bit before finally and mercifully die. The remaining two cat people including the catgirl that was gonna kill Jackie attempt to flee. The feline races after them, Jackie tries to crawl to her parents. Her leg causes her a lot of pain though and she fights to stay awake. The last thing she sees is the strange furred feline walking back with a bloody sword in her hand.

Samantha cleans her sword on the body of a neko and goes to check the adult Kanins. They were male and female and clearing dead, their throats slit. Samantha then heads over to the child she saw earlier. The child was equivalent to a human 5 year old in age, female and to Samantha's surprise has an interesting fur coat. At first glance she has a typical red furred coat and black furred paws and forearms as well as her feet and up to her knees. However a closer look at her fur reveals golden highlights through her red fur. The girl is still alive, as Samantha moves her to check injures the girl moans and Samantha sees her leg wound. Samantha puts her hand over the wound and a blue light appears soon the wound is healed and Samantha looks around and decides she should get moving. She picks up the girl and heads away from the scene.

After a couple of hours Samantha settles down and makes camp in a clearing. She gathers some wood for a fire, and she opens the backpack Q gave her for the first time. First she bunch of rectangular objects made out of a weird metal. Surprisingly there in her language and say "Meals Ready To Eat" and she spots a booklet and picks it up. She reads it and it tells her all that she has in the backpack and how to use it. The first thing she looks for is this "lighter" the booklet mentions. In minutes she finds the small object shown in the booklet. She looks at the little object and presses the button. She jerks her head back as the flame shoots out. She then puts it to the wood and the wood alights quickly. "Nice." She finally says and heads over and pulls out the sleeping bag attached to the backpack and unrolls it on the ground. Thankfully for her it's not unlike bags she's had before though she was amazed at the zipper. Samantha goes over and checks on the girl, she finds her still asleep the pained look she had was gone. She then carries the girl to the bag and lay the girl beside her and then takes one of the "meals ready to Eat" and opens it. She takes a sniff of it shrugs and takes a bite. "Hhhmmm. Better than the preserve food I usually have to pack." She mutters to herself and continues eating. She's nearly done with her meal when the girl moans and wakes up a little.

"Mom?" She asks weakly.

"Shhhh. Here drink this and go back to sleep." She brings the canteen she was using to the young Kanin's mouth. After taking a few sips the girl falls back to sleep. Soon Samantha puts them both in the sleeping bag and she tries to get some sleep, exhausted by the events leading her here.

Jackie awakes the next morning to find herself in a strange bag. She looks around and sees no sign of her parents but the strange colored feline from before. The feline looks at her and smiles a bit. "Good your awake." she grabs an object and extends the paw holding the object towards Jackie. "Hungry? I know it looks weird but it's not bad."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Samantha, yours?"

"Jackie." Jackie looks around again. "Where's my mom and dad?" Samantha sighs then looks intently at Jackie.

"Your parents died Jackie. I didn't get to them in time."

"No , no! MOMMY!DADDY!" Jackie starts wailing and Samantha goes over and holds Jackie as she mourns her lost. After a half an hour Jackie calms down. Still rubbing tears from her eyes Jackie says. "I'm hungry."

"No doubt." Samantha grabs a MRE opens it and hands it to Jackie. "These are surprising good for road food eat." Jackie grabs it looks at it for a bit, sniffs and takes a bite. After chewing for a bit she scarfs it down.

"Any more?" Jackie asks. Samantha chuckles and grabs another.

"You are hungry." Jackie is finally full after the third MRE. Samantha starts packing up everything, but she is curious on what happened. " Jackie, why did those nekos want to kill your family?"


"Those beings that look human with cat ears and tails."

"Like you?"

"No, I'm Catrai."

"Oh, I don't know."

"Hhhmmmm." Samantha thinks deeply for a minute. "Well do you have any uncles or pack that could take you in?" Jackie shakes her head.

"It's always just me, mom, and dad. What will happen to me?" Samantha looks intently at Jackie.

"Is she who Q sent me to protect?" She thinks in her mind. "Doesn't matter, she's alone and young. Too young to survive on her own. She's Kanin and Kanin are always naturally good at combat so she can be useful. I still have debts to pay." A loud she says. "You can stay with me."


"Really." Jackie runs up and hugs Samantha's leg.

"Thank you." Samantha then rubs the little Kanin pups head.

"It means however that you do what I tell you like you did your mother." Jackie hugs harder on Samantha's leg and pats Jackie's head. "I know I can never replace your mother but I will do my best to take care of you. Now do you know any nearby towns we could go to?"

"Dad was talking about stopping at a town west of here. Where ever west is?" Samantha goes over to the back pack again. She remembered that the booklet mention a compass in there. She uses it and in a few minutes they walk off to the west and what ever is there.

After a couple of days Jackie is utterly exhausted for Samantha used a pace her parents never did. She ended up carrying the Kanin pup half the time. As she carries Jackie one day Samantha hears movement. Stepping more quietly she continues towards the source. She sees a horse with brown fur with white spots including one over most of its upper head. Its mane was blond with blue grey eyes. Samantha puts the sleeping Kanin down and stalks towards the horse. The horse was grazing on some grass in a clearing. Samantha cast a charm spell on the horse. It takes affect and Samantha summons the horse to her. As the horse starts to get close a feral fox appears. The fox's appearance breaks the charm and the horse bolts. Samantha sighs and strips to transforms into a tigress and chase after them. She catches up with the fox first and with a pounce her fore paws land on the fox's head killing it instantly and she continues onward. She sees the horse just ahead but she is already feeling tired, tigers aren't meant for long runs and full speed. She gets an idea and cast a spell to cause the trees ahead of the horse to bend down and block the way. The horse manages to stop just short of the blocking trees. "Perfect." Samantha thinks and she leaps. The horse was attempting to go around when Samantha landed on its back and forced it down on its side. As Samantha grabs its neck with her mouth and begins a new stronger charm spell she finds out this horse is a mare. "Well that's interesting. How is this going to work?" Samantha lays on top of the still struggling mare thinking on how to solve this. Her tail whipping around as she thinks. "That's it my tail!" She continues the spell and inserts her tail in the mare's pussy and starts pumping . With the spell the mare was already wet and desperate to be filled. She pumps for a few minutes before the mare finally cums on her tail. Samantha releases the mare's neck and heals the wound she put there before reverting back to her Catrai form. The mare gets up and bumps her head against Samantha's affectionately. Chuckling Samantha pats the mare's neck and says "Good girl." Samantha climbs up and signals the mare to head back. She stops the mare where her clothes were and put them back on and leads the horse to where she left Jackie. The Kanin pup was just waking up when Samantha approaches with the mare.

"OOOOHHHH! HORSIE!" Jackie races and hugs the mare fore leg.

"I'm glad you like her. What should we name her?" Jackie steps back and looks at the mare and notices the way the sunlight radiates of the mare's mane.

"I think Radia is a nice name."

"Okay, your Radia for now on." Samantha then goes to the back pack and with a rope she makes a makeshift rein for Radia. She grabs Jackie and climbs on. She has to right bare back since theirs nothing to make a saddle out of. They resume their trek to the town.