Relationships part 6

Story by crazy wolf on SoFurry

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Part 6! Sorry for the cliffhangers haaaa this chapter might have one. XD Thanks for the comments and favs! Keep the comments coming they help me to better myself!


Max closed the door. They saw Rex's mom beckon them into the kitchen they followed.

"So were have you been sweetie I was worried sick. why didnt you call me to tell me that you hanging out with your friend."

"I was in school sorry for not calling."

"Why where you at school so late son." Rex's dad said. Rex's dad was very tall 6ft 5in his fur was pure black and golden eyes. He was very intimidating. Rex looked at the clock it was 7:30pm he was suprised. School ended at 3:15 pm they were in the school for 2 hours plus Max's house which he neglected to say.

"Umm..."Rex stood there thinking of something to say.

"We were working on my math." Max said

"Yea I was helping Max with his math he's having troubles in it. So I gave a helping paw." Rex said with a cheesy smile.

"Well next time call."

"Yea i will."

"Who's ready for dinner?!" she chimed. Max looked at Rex he wasnt doing anything he stood there soulless. Max quickly elbowed Rex to singnal him. Rex snapped out of his trance.

"Mom Dad before we eat dinner I have somthing important to say." He said nervously

"Well what is it." They both said simultaneously. Rex's heart was pounding hard like it was about to give out. Sweat running down his fur and visions of different scenarios corssing through his head on how they would take the news. He opened his muzzle to say something. No words were coming out they were stuck in his throat.

"Well son what is it?"

"Yea were dying to hear the news. Remeber where your parents well understand." Still nothing. Max sensed that Rex choked up. He grabbed his paw Rex looked at him he was welcomed with a warm smile of encourgement. He took a deep breath.

"Mom Dad I'm...." Rex looked at his parents they were dying of anticipation.

"I'm gay!" He said. The room was dead silent. They both were horrifed of the tragic news they just recived. They were both amazed that there only son was gay there only kid was gay! Tears were running down Rex's mom eyes. Tears of disappointment. She ran out of the kitchen up the stairs and you could hear the door shut. Rex's dad was still taken aback he was angry as well.

"What did you just say son?" he voice sounded aggravated

"I'm gay cant you hear! My friend here yea he's my boyfriend!" Rex's dad glared at Max.

"What the hell did you do to my son to make him a damn tail raiser!" He shouted at Max.

"I kissed him and showed him the right path the path he suppose to take not the one given by his parents." He said. Rex's dad was at the boiling point he was about to blow gaskit.

"Dad I thought you and mom would understand but thats a lie!"

"I understand that your a fucking tail raiser!"

"Dont talk to him like that he's your son!"

"You stay out of this you have no right to say anything."

"Oh I have every right to say whatever I damn please! He's my mate I love him more than you could ever give." That was the last straw.

"Get the fuck out of my home never come back! I want you out of here leave I never want to see you again!" He was crying and filled with anger. Rex never seen his father cry he was divested. The person he looked up to was in tears he wanted to comfort him.

"Dad plea...."

"Get out!!" They both left the house. They both went inside the car. Rex was crying and Max was comforting him.

"Its okay pup shh shh I'm here." Rex was sobbing he muttered somthing.

"I just lost my parents.....I loved them so much but know they hate me. I dont know what to do any more I'm lost."

"Come on pup...I'm here to guide you out of the abyss and into the light."

"I'm glad I have you Max"

"Yea I'm glad i have you too." They sat both sat in the car Max holding Rex cressing him.

"Well lets go home pup your new home our home."