Holier Than Thou

Story by Finalhours on SoFurry

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Dark thoughts flew through Caitlyn's head as she sat there listening to the pastor explain to her that being depressed was a sin and that she needed to break out of her slump lest she be damned to the infernal dungeon of hell. "Do you understand me?" Pastor Ryou asked after he finished. "Yes Sir." She said as her thoughts settled on an idea. "I will see you tomorrow?" she asked with hope in her voice as she pulled out of acting depressed. as though she had been touched by his words she gradually got happier as she imagined what she wold do this time. "Yes i will see you tomorrow." His voice got less stern as though she were his daughter. "Thank you Pastor!" She said as she walked from the church to her house just a few blocks away.

When she got home her darling little kit came up to her. "Mommy when do we get to move again?" Kesandra asked with hope in her voice. "Soon my darling." She said hugging her child as she went up to her room to grab the blood stained ropes, nailgun, and her gloves as she walked to her backyard with the thorn bush. She finished her handy work and put it with the rest of things she would need tomorrow. "Are you packed sweet one?" She asked lovingly as she tucked her child in for the night. "Yes mama." Her darling kitten said as she pointed to the bag in the corner. "Good tomorrow we have to get moving again!" She said cheerily as she left he room with her daughter dozing off. Caitlyn went back to her room and did all of her usual nightly ritual to keep away the demons that haunted her since she had been a child no bigger then her darling Kesa. She got under the covers and let her thoughts wander to the night of darkness that lay ahead for her tomorrow that would keep the demons away.

As the service ended she waited till the church had emptied out and waited for the pastor to come and talk to her. she set the ropes up on the cross at the back of the church. "Hello there Mrs. Naisla." The mouse said coming out from his study in the church. "Pastor can i talk to you by the cross?" The black cat asked with joy in her voice. she knew this would keep the demons away from her and Kesa... her darling Kesa... her thoughts wandered as they walked together up to the cross. "What i-" he was cut short as the wind was knocked out of him from being slammed into the cross with the force from Caitlyn. "Wha-" he managed to gasp as he was tied to the cross and gagged. "You see pastor this is my faith it has shown me the way to enlightenment!" she shreiked with psychotic glee at seeing him struggle. "If you are a true man of faith you will indeed go to heaven after this!" She shriked further as she grabbed the nailgun and nailed him to the cross.

she felt the shadows gather at the edge of the candlelight waiting for the sacrifice from their master. he screamed in pain at feeling himself pinned to the cross. The cat untied him leaving him nailed to the cross. "It's required! I can't go back to the shadows of that life again! I can't let Kesa deal with that!" She screamed in terror at the memories. Caitlyn left the light feeling the demonic forces in the shadows whisper their thanks. "Almost finished!" She told the silent pastor numb from the pain. She put on her gloves and picked up the crown of thorns she had woven the night before. "The holy man!" She said after putti ng it on his head she removed the gag o hear the thanks that would be forthcoming. "Demon spawn! Begone!" he spat at her feet. "Kesa doesn't think so! She needs this more than i do!" She said not wanting to betray the fact that her darling was haunted if not more the she was. Caitlyn grabbed the holy candles seeing the expression on his face change from rage to fear. "No Don't!" He screamed in fear. "I have to!" She shreiked back at him. "You're Saving a little girl! Is there no better reward?" She whispered in his ear kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you pastor." She said one last time as she walked from the area plunging him into darkness as she waited for the sounds of screaming and tearing to end.

Caitlyn heard the eriee silence retake the church as she walked back to the cross to see if she had done it to the demons satisfaction. All she saw was bleach white bone of a once reknowned man. "The demons will leave us alone for awhile now." she thought as she laid tha candles back to where they had originally been and walked from the church.