Astaroth part 2- The birth

Story by Razil8 on SoFurry

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This is the second part of the story. Astaroth Ankh the batmorph (and the concepts in which this series will develop is MY CREATION, so NO STEALING). May contain adult situations. If you are a minor you should NOT read this material or where this material is forbidden.Thanks to for helping me write this story and to Proffesor Bob for inspiring me to write.

Astaroth felt groggy as he climbed out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. He was going to use the small ladder to reach the sink and brush his teeth when he realized that he just made a mess in his diapers. He went to his mother and yanked her tail like a bell rope.

She woke up with a squeal and looked with suprise at the young bat who gave her a smile and greetings: 'Good morming, mother'.

She responded with a 'good morning' before an acrid smell assaulted her nostrils. The bat chirped: 'Momma, change me'. Katherine sighed as she touched the bat's rubber pants.

She said: ' I'm going to clean you with some rags, then I'm going to give you a shower little man'. 'You really did a mess down there'.

As she was going to put her slippers she noticed a dead dragonfly on one of them. She wondered how the insect would come inside the room if the window remained closed all night. She shrugged as she took the cub's paw and went to the bathroom. She sat him on the diaper changer and began to strip the rubber pants and diapers. Then she cleaned him with baby towels as she was giving him raspberries in the belly. He started to caress and pet her head while tugging her pointed ears. She began to examine his ankle as they showered together and she was relieved that although the cub felt a bit of pain his ankle wasn't hurt. She satisfied her curiosity with the cub's wing membranes as she began to dry his fur but she noticed a horrible swirling scar on his back and another white line in his left thigh. Then she carried him to Amanda's room to dress him.

Embarrassed was an understatement when he saw her playing video games in the same room. The inside of his ears turned bright red when Kate called the cat to help him dress for this morning's visit. The feline giggled as she was appliying some perfumed hair lotion on his whole fur. Amanda was delighted to no end now that she had a live Barbie doll to play with. Astaroth would give anything he had to make this experience end. They cooed as they finished their job. He didn't mind the nappy outfit but he hoped that the perfume would wear off. Just as Amanda was putting new shoes on the cub's hind paws when the females heard a car honking. When the trio came down the stairs they saw a middle-aged bat with a streak of gray hair on his huge bat ears and a black mustache. He was dressed in a dapper gray suit and had an arm full of gifts.

(Screeeeee!) 'Uncle Vinnie, I knew you would come to visit me'. Astaroth says as he gave the older bat a fierce hug and kissed his hand as the older bat began to lovingly pat his head. The older bat, the foxes and the cat began to exchange pleasantries as the cub began to suck his paw. Vincent began to give Astaroth five boxes containing things that he knew the cub would use. The first box contained a formal suit with a long sleeved shirt, slacks, belt, tie and the works. The second box had three denim pants with tail holes. The third one contained four shirts in assorted colors. The fourth one was a crescent shaped double edged wooden sword, clearly designed as a hand-to-hand weapon. It was a curious toy but the real one would look very gruesome. The last one was 12 x 16 trapezoid-like musical string instrument with five double strings (or ten), about 28 inches long.

Astaroth was very happy but he complained: 'Everything looks cool uncle Vinnie, thanks. But I do not know how to use the string instrument'. Why don't you give it to Lilith La Sombra. She's the musician in our family'. Vincent asked : 'Aster, you do not like it?' Astaroth replied: Well, him very happy you thought about me but it would take forever for me to learn and...

Vincent replied: 'I forgot that you don't have the same love for the music as the rest of the family'.

Aster said:' I'm sorry uncle'. Vincent said: 'Don't fell guilty; sometimes I forget I'm pushing you too hard. Now be a good cub and practice some martial art with your new weapon like you used to, but don't get too far'.

William interrupted vincent: 'MIster La Sombra, I am very intrigued about some of the things that we saw yesterday night and today in the morning. We think we have an idea about what happened to this cub but we would like to hear more about this cub's life before he came to live with us. We would like to hear more details about the cub's life and if possible, we would want to know what happened to him. Vincent smiled as he said: 'Well, I'm glad that both of you asked about all this. It shows both of you are responsible parents. Astaroth is really in good hands. All I have to tell you is that our winged race was persecuted during centuries in our native country for religious and political reasons, and because we were more susceptible to develop certain kind of abilities that are considered invaluable by a lot of unscrupulous persons'.

Vicent said: 'And you are right, martial arts are a form of protection againt kidnapping'. Vincent sighed: 'As for what happened to him I will tell you everything I know. It was a tragedy that happened a month an a half ago".

To be continued...