Hell Jumpers

Story by OrdanCoal on SoFurry

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Warning. Though this story contains no sexual content of any kind, it is rather graphic and those of you who don't have the stomach may want to go elsewhere. And please, don't forget to comment. I'd rather have criticism then praise, so put plenty of it (constructure criticism please). No matter how big or how small, any advice is well appreciated ^^

Andrew was sitting on one of the seats of the Black Hawk, headset on. Andrew Morrie was a Lieutenant, a recent graduate from an ROTC scholarship. He was a young Falcon, with greyish white feathers. He wore your standard chamo uniform from the military, the helmet, boots, fatigues, the whole nine yards. They were flying over a couple of some low mountains at the moment. Andrews eyes were sharp, and he saw something shine in the tree line. He thought it might have been a Harley Motorcycle, parked on top of one of the mountains. He didn't really think twice about it though. He was to excited. It had been a couple of hours earlier when they had been woken up, shouted at and been told to dress for the field, lined up, Andrew included, and gone running into the armory. They picked up there weapons, marched out to the airfield, and been packed into Black Hawk. There he had been briefed on what was going on. He might have been new to the army, only two years in, but he was an ROTC scholar. That meant he was in charge of his own squad. He had eight guys under him. His squad was there for support mostly, rescue operations. If one of the squads went missing or they needed medical evacuations, his squad were the ones to do it. The hardcore fighting was left up to the other squads, who would touch down while they waited in the air. Even though they were mostly medical personal, they were still front line infantry. He had four assault specialists with M16 automatic rifles, two support gunners with SAWs, a technical support agent to set up communications, and a sniper who had a m24 sniper rifle. Andrew was medical personal and assault, but he always carried a longer barrled and heavier M16 with a scope. He was the best marksmen in his platoon, and almost never missed. He was even considering becoming a scout sniper after his service in the infantry. "Alright, listen up!" yelled Andrew. "Apparently there are some riots going on in some city in Utah, called 'Salt Lake'. No one knows whats caused all of the ruckus, but we're here to find out! Our job is to stay back and wait for further instructions from the ground forces. If they need any assistance of medical evactuations, we'll touch down and do our part. Remember, we're going into a US city, so watch your targets!" he yelled over the sounds of the Black Hawk.

"Sir, over there!" yelled one of the privates, who pointed out the open door into the distance. Andrew looked, and saw a large city. Andrew looked at the city. From this distance, it looked so peaceful. As they closed in though it became overwhealmingly clear that this was not the case. Smoke was filling the air, the ground was littered with abandoned and crashed veichles. However, something caught Andrews attention early on. They had been told there were riots, but the streets were deserted. The Black Hawk started hovering over the city like bees over a field of flowers. Andrew watched as a couple of Black Hawks touched down. Soldiers spread out, securing the area. The Black Hawks would then rise back up, going to watch the area from the sky. Already the Black Hawks were taking routes, preparing to give air cover if nesecary. It was really starting to occur to Andrew. A question that creapt up Andrews spine. Would civilians attack US soldiers? If they did, would they really have to return fire? These questions filled his mind, sending a sick feeling to his stomach as they began doing there routes over the city...

It was about 15 minutes later. All the Black Hawks had released the soldiers onto the ground, and reports of crashed veichles and scared civilians were filling the airwaves. At that moment, a call came over the airwaves, just for them. "Sir, some of the civilians attacked my men, we have six dead civilians confirmed, repeat, six dead civilians confirmed. We have one injury, one of them bit one of my men. It's pretty bad, awaiting evac" said a voice of the one officers. Andrews stomach sank. Six dead civilians. Six dead American civilians. They had actually tried to attack a squad of armed men? Why would they even try such a thing? The Black Hawk shifted directions, heading towards the distress call. About half way there, screams came over the radio, it was the same squad. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! WE NEED IMMEDIATE SUPPORT, REPEAT, WE NEED IMMEDIATE SUPPORT!" he yelled. It wasn't the officer that had been talking before, it sounded more like a panicking Private. A minute later, the Black Hawk came over the area the distressed squad had been. They weren't there any more, but shots were coming from a nearby building. Dozens of bodies litered the streets. Soldiers and civilians alike. It was still, and absolutely nothing was moving. Andrew stared in disbelief, trying to grasp that the situation was real. "Ok, this is it!" yelled Andrew. The ropes dropped, and the soldiers dropped down, one by one. Andrew went last, hanging up his headphones carefully. He grabbed his gun, strapped it on tight, and slid down. He didn't realise yet what he had just dropped into..

Andrew hit the dirt hard. He took a second to get his barings, pulling up his gun and looking around. His squad was already securing the area. Gun shots came from what sounded like a couple of streets down. "Ok, on me, double time it! Keep it tight!" yelled Andrew. The Black Hawk above was deafening, sending strong currents down and kicking all the dirt around them up. The dirt smacked off his goggles, and he could barely see anything. It finally was rising back up into the air when they started down the street towards the direction of the gunshots. Two streets down, they found what the others had been shooting at. Dozens, hundreds of civilians were around the building, smashing the windows and going through one of the broken down doors. Litered on the streets were a couple more dead soldiers leading up to the house, dozens of civilians lying around them. Flashes and the crackle of gunfire came from inside the house. "Secure that building! Find any surviving soldiers and GET THEM OUT!" yelled Andrew, trying not to panic. He ran about eighty meters in front of the crowd. They looked angry. "STEP AWAY FROM THE BUILDING OR YOU WILL BE FIRED UPON!" yelled Andrew, who was now on a knee with his M16 up against his shoulder. As soon as he yelled, he regretted it. They all turned and looked at him. They began running towards him and his squad madly. "Halt! Stop! Last warning!" yelled Andrew as they got closer. At about 60 yards, Andrew let off a couple of warning shots, hitting a few in the legs. They fell over and then got back up. At this, Andrew felt little choice. "Open fire!" yelled Andrew. His squad began firing, the roar of automatic weapons filling the air. The bullets tore through the crowd kicking up dirt, but many began getting back up. Andrews eyes went wide. He aimed, shooting one in the head. It dropped and didn't get back up. The crowd was now only a mere 20 yards away. "Aim for the head!" yelled Andrew. He wasn't worried about the civilians at all at this point. 'Holy shit they move fast!' was the only thought that was going through his mind now. The squad began firing, and bodies dropped hitting the floor. There were to many. "Back up! Retreat!" yelled Andrew. They began to back up, but it was to late. Several of the civilians tackled three of his assault specialists to the ground, biting and hacking at them. Andrew couldn't bare to watch, retreating a couple of yards, taking a few shots to cover his men, and then backing up again while his squad covered him. The cry of automatic weapons was replaced with controled, silent bursts 'tat tat tat'. They were still closing in on them. At that moment, one of the Black Hawks came overhead. It spotted the squad and the mob. The sound of chain guns roared, and in an instant later the entire mob was just a pile of corpses on the ground. Andrew shook with fear. It had been shouting, gunfire, yelling, and then silence...

...it was quiet now. One of his men threw up on the side of the road. He couldn't blame him, he felt like doing the same thing right now. The smell of the dead engulfed the area, hundreds of dead and mashed bodies were lying on the ground now. "Alright, secure the building, asap, lets move out.." said Andrew. Andrew checked his ammo. He had used up quite a bit, and they never knew if they would need more. He looked at some of his fallen men, and said relucantly "The bodies, get ammo". They began picking ammo relucantly off some of the fallen soldiers. They all knew each other, alot of them had been to basic training with these men, gone to advanced training with them. And then in an instant, they were gone. Several of the soldiers surrounded the front door of the building, then rushed in. Andrew followed up, walking into the building last. Several men began shouting. "Clear!" came a voice, several replying the same. Four of them rushed upstairs. "Lieutenant! Come here!" yelled one of the privates. Andrew rushed upstairs. Several soldiers (not of his squad) were on the ground, dead. One of them was up against the wall, bleeding from the stomach. He was completely pale, and Andrew thought for sure he was dead. But he was still blinking, still looking around. He rushed over, looking at the mans stomach. He could tell it was to late for him. He had lost to much blood, received to many wounds. But that wasn't about to stop him from trying. Andrew yelled to one of the privates and he brought over a medical bag. The soldier, a hairy boar, looked at him. "Let..me...die...." he said. Andrew closed his eyes and put his hand over his own eyes, rubbing his eyelids. He knew that the man was going to die, within the next few minutes. Should he put him out of it? Should he help him? "Please....don't let me...end up like them...." he said, looking at one of the civilians on the ground, apparently the one that had done this to him. At that moment, the boar took a few deep, sputtered and hacking breaths, then stopped. He passed away right there in front of Andrew..

Andrew sat there, staring at him. He put his hand over the boars eyes, closing them. Andrew stood up, looking around at the brutal scene in around them. They had failed this suqad. They had shown up to late. He went over to the window and looked outside. The bodies were scattered outside, hundreds of them. What the hell was going on? What did he mean, "don't let me end up like them"? "Private Kyle" said Andrew calmly. "Yes sir?" said there technical support agent, an orange haired fox. "Set up communications with base, give them our cooridinates, and tell them we need immediate evac. Tell them to bring two helicopters.." said Andrew. "Two helicopters sir?" asked the fox, a puzzled look on his face. "We need one for the other squad, they're going home to.." said Andrew, looking outside. The fox stood there, stunned for a moment. "Sir" he said, setting his radio up in the living room downstairs. "The rest of you, secure the perimiter, check the bodies for ammo" instructed Andrew. They all began searching bodies and set up camp. The air smelled putrid, the smell of death was in the air..