A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 2)

Story by HornyArcticWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of A Pokemon's Reward

Lavana suddenly raised her head up, catching a familiar scent drifting in the air, knowing it as her trainers scent, the small Quilava spotting him just stepping over the edge of the hill leading up to where they were.

"Quil!" The Quilava cheerfully squeaked as she bounded towards her trainers direction, her spirits lifted once more at the mere sight of him. Cole waved at his two Pokemon, a smile painting his face now as well.

"Lava!" Lavana let out as she ran up to her trainers leg, quickly standing up right and hugging him around the thigh tightly, nuzzling her face at his hip affectionately. Cole reached down and rubbed the top of the Quilava's head, ruffling up her fur.

"Hey Lavie, is it just you and Chel?" Cole questioned, not catching sight of Malcolm or Ren anywhere ahead of him.

Lavana nodded once against his leg, letting out a small "qui" in response to him.

"I see...darn, I had some good news for him." Cole said, gently motion the Quilava away from his leg. Lavana looked up at him curiously, wondering what the good news was, able to tell from the sound of it though that it probably wasn't anything to do with Cole's girlfriend, since she and Malcolm had never met.

Cole walked on ahead, over to where Chelsa was still sitting, noticing Malcolms bag was sitting near by, letting him know that Malcolm was in the area. "Oh geez, he didn't go out berry picking again did he? We'll be waiting here all day..." Cole commented as he shook his head.

"Ampha." Chelsa let out as she shook her head in response to her trainers question.

"Ahh...good." Cole said as he paused, looking around at the surrounding area. "So where did those two go?"

Both of Cole's Pokemon pointed off in the general direction that Malcolm had walked off in, which was towards the forest. "Oh...well I guess we'll wait in that case." He let out as he eased himself down, sitting down near the Ampharos, quickly joined by the Quilava whom quite happily laid herself across her trainers lap.

Cole's hand immediately moved to the Quilava's thickly furred back, slowly stroking it down the length of her body from the nape of her neck to the base of her tailless rear. He repeated the motion again and again, the small fire type letting out a deep contented sigh in the form of a small puff of flames.

Chelsa couldn't help but chuckle a little to herself at the cute sight of the pokemon and trainer together. She also found it a little humorous how quickly Lavana's mood would change when it came to their trainer.

Few moments later, a dark furred pokemon happily sprinted over to the three, yipping every other step of the way. She slid to a halt and parked herself in front of the bunch, tilting her head to the side.

"Ah, Cole, you finally decided to catch up with us? About frickin' time." Malcolm commented, strolling past the resting bunch and kneeling over his bag, returning his fishing rod and reorganizing his things.

"Ah! Malcolm...yeah sorry bout' that..." Cole apologized as he rolled the Quilava out of his lap and onto the ground in front of him, the small fire type left laying on her back in a cute manner as the trainer stood up.

Lavana pouted at Cole as she looked up at him, a little upset that their moment together was ruined by Malcolm's interruption.

"Lavana..." Malcolm called, looking down at the fire pokemon.. "...even the eagle must close its wings...if you get what I'm saying." Malcolm made a small gesture to her legs, being that they were wide open for the whole forest to see.

Lavana blinked once then blushed furiously, closing her hind legs tight and rolling over onto her belly, embarrassed that Malcolm "noticed" her.

Cole glanced down at Lanava then back a Malcolm and shook his head. "Only you would notice that..." He commented with a sigh.

"Whatever...let's get moving. We have some ground to make up...thanks to the slow movers in the group." Malcolm scooped up his bag and flung it over his shoulder, walking off into the direction he felt was good.

"Yeah, yeah...oh! I've got some good news." Cole mentioned as he quickly joined up with Malcolm, matching pace with the fellow trainer. "We've got a surprise waiting for us in the next town."

"Surprise, you say?" Malcolm asked, the word 'surprise' immediate getting his attention. "And who is giving out this surprise?"

"Yeah, remember my girl friend? She's in the next town ahead of us, so we'll be meeting up with her there, you'll finally be able to meet her face to face." Cole explained, a bright smile crossing his face at the thought of his girlfriend.

Lavana's eyes went wide and what only could have been her heart just stopped dead to those words. This entire trip they had gone without seeing her, she in fact hoped they would have made it all the way back home without having come across "her", but now she was in the next town, waiting for them.

Chelsa gave Lavana a worried look, knowing from personal experience that she didn't do so well with the mention of Cole's girlfriend, let alone presence. It took a moment for the Quilava to take a very reluctant step forward, the flames on her head and rear explosively bursting to life as she tried to hold back her feelings of the subject, causing Chelsa to jump back from the sudden outburst.

Malcolm jumped a bit at the sudden appearance of fire behind him, glancing back and staring down at Lavana. "Hey...you okay?" Malcolm turned his body and began walking backwards.

Ren turned her head also towards the Quilava. She could feel the heat clearly from that strong burst of fire even though she was a couple feet away. "Umbre...?" Ren question, asking the same question.

The Quilava remained silent, the flames still pouring from her vents intensely, causing the air around her to shimmer slightly in the overwhelming heat. "A-ampha! Ros ampharos amph!" The Ampharos let out, trying to get Lavana to calm down a little, knowing first hand how Lavana could get while she was like this.

Cole sighed, knowing what the burst of heat behind him was, ignoring it however, having known Lavana longer than anyone, knowing that Lavana would usually get into one of her "moods" like this at the mention of his girlfriend since they both got together.

"Cole..what's up with Lavana? She was fine just a few minutes ago." Malcolm whispered, turning back around, walking normally. Ren slowed herself to talk to Lavana, wanting to know what that burst of heat was for. She was about to open her mouth to ask a question but Chelsa told her that she would explain everything later.

"She just really hates my girlfriend for no reason at all, I've tried to reason with her before but she never listens...she almost set my house on fire a couple times...it's best to give her space...a lot of space." Cole briefly explained.

Malcolm glanced back at Lavana with a worried look on his face. "Alright, if you say so." He said. "Though, she looks really pissed. You sure we should just ignore it? I mean...she's--"

"Umbreon!" Ren snapped, telling her trainer to hush, feeling that he would somehow make the situation worse with his entourage of questions

"She'll get over it, trust me." Cole simply said, knowing that the only one that could make Lavana feel better was Lavana herself, figuring it to be just a problem she had for some reason or another.

"Phros..." Chelsa sighed as her body drooped, calling her trainer an idiot at his insensitivity towards Lavana, knowing the whole story herself quite well.

Malcolm glanced towards the sky, seeing the sun a bit lower than what he expected, and sighed to himself. "It's getting close to the late evening, I think. I believe we should find a spot soon and set up camp."

Cole glanced at the sky for a moment and nodded in agreement. "Yeah we better...Lavs needs to vent a little anyway." He said before looking back towards the still silent Quilava.

"Alright. I guess tonight I'll deal with the low berry supply. You'll take care of the firewood and whatnot, right?" Malcolm asked, lightly patting the bag at his side

Cole's attention snapped over to Malcolm as he raised a brow. "Oh gee...those hour long berry hunts of yours...yeah I imagine I'd be able to make fire from ice with that much time." He sarcastically commented.

"Hey...it's not my fault! Ren's the one that likes to start off slow then pick up speed whenever we do hunt for berries. Shoot, blame her." Malcolm replied with a small smirk, glancing back at his pokemon, both knowing what he meant. "Speaking of hunting, any of you ladies care to join Ren and I? Could always use the company."

Ren glanced over at Chelsa and Lavana, knowing her chances with Malcolm alone were high. Lavana being the one too upset for anything for the night and Chelsa, the one who would have to help cool Lavana down.

Cole looked at Malcolm, surprised to hear him offer for anyone else to join him, especially his two own Pokemon directly. "Wait, wait, first off, ladies? Geez man. Secondly, what's this all of a sudden? This is the first time you've ever offered for anyone to go with you...you two tend to rush off for only Mew knows how long."

"Well, shoot, doesn't hurt to ask. Ren's probably tired of doing everything herself. Even Pokemon need a break, you know that." Malcolm responded, still laughing at how close his references were.

"Hold up...she does everything...remind me to skip tonight's meal." Cole commented, groaning at the image that popped into his head of what might of occurred during those long berry hunts.

"No no no....not everything. I mean...I carry the berries, she just sniffs them out. She puts her mouth on them but I clean them off when she's done. Don't worry though, dinner is always clean."

Cole chuckled a little to Malcolm's answer, satisfied enough with his explanation of the subject. "Alright, well Chelsa would certainly help since she has arms." He pointed out, knowing Ren was forced to use her mouth to handle most objects.

"Well, Chelsa...you up to join us?" Malcolm asked, turning his head to the yellow pokemon behind him

Chelsa's ears perked up and the red crystalline orb on the end of her tail flashed a little energetically, a little excited to have a chance at joining them both again. "Ros!" She replied with a raise of her arm, the orb on her tail crackling a little with energy.

"Good. Extra hands on the job. Just what I need." Malcolm said. "But you know, Cole, that leaves you with Lavana. You sure you can stay alive until we get back?"

Cole waved off Malcolm's comment. "I'll live, heck she'll probably start a fire if she stands in one spot for too long so no problem there." He joked with a small laugh, knowing it take awhile for Lavana to vent her frustrations out.

"If you say so, Cole. Just...don't get forget to do your part of the chores, you know, prepping up the tents and whatnot." Malcolm reminded.

Cole nodded and sighed. "Yeah the usual stuff, got it."

"Hm, ladies? Mind going up ahead and find a nice camping spot? I kinda need to talk to Cole alone for a moment." Malcolm said, gesturing ahead of himself.

Chelsa nodded and led Lavana on ahead, the Quilava's flames burning ever intensely still as they both walked, accompanied by just Ren now. Malcolm took a deep breath and turned his head towards the trainer next to him.

"Good, they're a good ways away. Didn't want to upset Lavana any more than what she is already. So Cole, what's your girlfriend like? You never told me much about her" Malcolm asked, placing both hands in his pockets.

Cole smiled a little and chuckled to himself at the question, letting out a soft breath as he turned his head over towards the horizon. "She's beautiful; of course, she's pretty darn smart too...a little too smart I think...but that adds to her charm, she's polite and everything you could want really, you have no idea how much of a pain it is to not be back in Johto with her." Cole explained.

"I honestly haven't said anything about this quite yet but...once I'm done with this League...I might take some time off from training to settle down a little with her, you know, be there for her and everything." He continued, turning his attention over to Malcolm.

"I see. Sounds like you got a good plan. Judging from what you're telling me, she's one of those dolls you see in the store; the ones that little girls go crazy over. Anyways, so she's a real beaut, eh? How long you two been dating?" Malcolm said, looking at the ground, staring off at nothing.

"Awhile after I was trying to beat the Johto League...we met at OlivineCityif I recall, near the lighthouse. And that was like...almost nine months ago." Cole answered, clearing his throat. "We decided to travel a while together until we eventually hooked up, that was six months back."

"Hm, so not too long ago. Love still fresh and whatnot." Malcolm started, closing his eyes and chuckling a bit before a smile spreaded on his face. "I don't know if I could trust a girl who wasn't near me. Well....let me correct that....any guy...around my girl. You know fellas these days, trying to 'tap' whatever moves. But don't let that worry you, I'm sure your girl is fully capable of handling herself.

Cole gave Malcolm a small glare before he shook his head. "Maybe I guess, this is why she's coming to visit...as I said it's kinda hard to be away from each other for such a long time. But honestly she's very trustworthy, she wouldn't do anything at all behind me with another guy, and of course, I wouldn't either as you've seen."

"Oh yeah...I know you wouldn't do a single thing to hurt a female. But off of that matter, describe her features, see how good you are with memory." Malcolm stated.

Cole's expression lightened again as he quickly gathered his words. "Ahh...well she has glossy brown hair that goes down to her neck, big hazel green eyes that are full of life, her face is more at home on an actress than a trainer honestly, with a body to match...though those legs of hers are model material." Cole described, blushing a little as he got a bit deeper into thought over the subject.

Malcolm slowly turned to his friend with a strange look. He stared for a bit until he said, "Ease up on the details, Romeo. If you're going to be talking like that..I won't ask you anything...again. Geez, one would think you took a picture of her, and stared at it forever."

"Your own fault for asking." Cole replied with a light laugh.

"Anyways, I'm sure you're going to be wanting some one-on-one time with her when we get to Lavaridge. So, just tell me everything you plan on doing in advance so I'll know what's going on." Malcolm noted. "But by everything, I don't need you telling me you are about to do 'it' or anything."

Cole sighed a little and rubbed his head. "Well I may need you to borrow Lavana for a little bit...Chelsa too while your at it. I kinda plan on spending most of our stay there with her." Cole explained. "So be sure to enjoy yourself too...as much as you can anyway with the other two there with you." He added.

"Oh, don't worry about me, I know how to keep pokemon occupied for large amounts of time. You just worry about you and your girl but don't take forever. There is only but so much i can do with three pokemon, by myself." Malcolm stated, diverting his attention back to Cole.

"Thanks man, I really owe you." Cole thanked with a sigh of relief, happy to have Lavana off his shoulders for that time.

"Nahh, it's fine. I'm sure you'd do the same for me." Malcolm said with a smile. "You'd better do the same for me." He repeated in a playful deep voice.

"Of course I would, though Ren doesn't seem like that much of a handful." Cole nodded in return.

"Hohoho, you'd be surprised. Little thing has so much energy in the morning. Just you wait, I'll let you take care of her for a day. As a matter of fact, we can switch pokemon for a day and see who's got it harder." Malcolm suggested.

Cole blinked and thought for a moment about Malcolm's offer. "Sure...after Lavaridge though, it'll interesting...might even help us a little." Cole said, rather liking the idea.

"Alright! But back to the main subject, what else can you tell me about your girlfriend?" Malcolm asked redirecting the conversation back to Cole's girlfriend.

Half an hour had passed, Ren, Chelsa and Lavana already finding a pleasant open spot to camp for the night, ways ahead of their left behind trainers. Ren and Chelsa were sitting next to each other while Lavana was a small distance away, trying to calm herself after hearing very unpleasant news.

"So, what's the deal between Lavana and Cole's friend?" Ren whispered, eager to know what's going on.

Chelsa chuckled a little bit as she twiddled her two paws in a slightly nervous manner. "Well, you see...Lavana and Cole have been together a very long while now, longer than I've been with them in fact. And well...don't think any less of Lavana because of this...but she's really grown to..."like" Cole a little more deeply than most like ourselves would I guess...I can understand it but...she hasn't had the best of luck with that as you can imagine, with Cole's mate and all." Chelsa explained.

"I understand..." Ren lowly responded, mentally relating Lavana feelings to hers. "But doesn't Cole know about her feelings towards her? I mean, she's expressed them, right?"

"She's tried...but Cole's been oblivious to it, though I think he kind of knows...but he just doesn't want to acknowledge it because of how...complicated it is I guess..." Chelsa answered, looking down at the ground in front of herself. "I feel bad for her but it is a rather difficult situation she's in...if she makes a direct move she might scare him off from her, but if she waits too long...I don't know really but you get the idea."

Ren leaned her head to the side, scratching her ear with her hind leg. "Well...it sounds to me like they need some time together...alone. Time to express whatever feelings there are and talk things over. It can be hard to do that when others are around."

"Well...it's kinda difficult to talk things through when one of you can't understand the other." Chelsa laughed with a sigh. "She needs to do something soon though...poor girl, she was so excited about this trip too."

Ren remained quiet for a minute, trying to come up with a way to help her fellow fire friend. 'Talking was out of the solution. Being open with it was just plain embarrassing. There has to be another way to get their feelings across.' She thought.

Chelsa turned towards the Umbreon and smiled a little as she saw the Umbreon deep in thought. "I appreciate you trying to help Ren, but this is something that no amount of thinking will really solve I think...as long as Cole's...oblivious...her chances are sort of slim." The yellow pokemon said.

"Cole's sort of ignored both our genders too, I guess to avoid any stray thoughts I guess, you're lucky with Malcolm, it's nice to be called a lady again." The Ampharos continued with a light chuckle.

"Yeah, Malcolm's great in so many ways." Ren laughing a bit at her hidden joke. "He's just all around understanding with most things. Though sometimes it seems as if he's nonchalant about things."

At that moment, Ren snatched in an idea. "Hey, what if we can get Malcolm to talk to Cole about Lavana and her feelings towards him. I mean...it shouldn't be too hard. I've done it with Mal...I mean..." Ren, stopping herself from saying too much.

Chelsa tilted her ears to that statement. "Well if you can get him to that'd be great of course. While you're at it have him talk to Cole about letting me take some time off in one of those daycares." She laughed, joking mostly about the daycare comment.

"I'll see what I can do. Malcolm's nothing special when it comes to talking to pokemon though. Sometimes I think he's stupid compared to other people." the Umbreon stated, stretching out a bit.

"I know the feeling." Chelsa agreed, feeling the same way about Cole. "But...can I ask you something if you don't mind?" The Ampharos asked as she looked down at the Umbreon.

"Of course!" the dark pokemon smiled towards the yellow pokemon next to her.

"Well...about earlier...why did you seem so upset over me wanting to join you and Malcolm?" Chelsa asked, her mind lingering over the subject since earlier.

"Ah, about that." Ren looked down, her smile disappearing from her muzzle. "Well, as you know, berry hunting is Malcolm and I's thing. That's pretty much the only time we get together aside from sleeping in the tent. It's just that I wasn't really wanting anyone to...interfere with our alone time."

Ren raised her head back up with the smile returning on her face. "But now I'm fine you joining. I guess before was just...me overreacting."

Chelsa's ears perked up at Ren's explanation, feeling a bit of relief now that she knew everything was okay. "Oh! Okay, that's a relief then...I can still stay behind if you want...I don't want to be a burden or anything to you both. I'm kinda jealous that you guys get along that well, if only things were the same way with Cole." She complimented, impressed with how well Ren got along with Malcolm to want to spend as much time as she did alone with him.

Ren couldn't help but laugh, Chelsa not knowing half of what Malcolm and her do. "Well...what Malcolm does is...something most people wouldn't do, so don't get your hopes too high." Ren immediately quieted herself after making that statemtent, fearing that she said or will say too much.

"And what does he do exactly?" The Ampharos curiously inquired.

"Well...uh...he...um...goes berry picking. How many trainers do you know that will do that?" Ren blurted, trying to keep her thoughts on their feet.

Chelsa blinked at her answer. "Uhm...well Cole? He goes berry picking too..." She said, a little confused at the Umbreon's attempt to dodge her question.

Ren swallowed hard, desperately trying to come up with another thing Malcolm does without mentioning the bulk of his 'job'. "He also....lets me cuddle up with him when he's sleeping. Though, it's nothing like what you think! It's just for comfort!" She blurted, followed by a nervous chuckle of her own.

"Well uhm...okay, so he sleeps while he goes berry hunting? I guess that explains why it takes so long with you guys...I guess I better get extra berries then..." Chelsa said, thankfully missing what it was that Ren was desperately trying to avoid. "Sounds cute though, I've tried cuddling with Cole before but he didn't really like it much, and Lavana didn't speak to me for almost a week...last time I'm doing that." She then sighed, chuckling a little with Ren.

"Hm...no one to cuddle with is sort of sad. Does Cole even let you sleep in his tent at night?" Ren asked, tilting her head a bit.

Chelsa tilted her head up as she thought about Ren's question. "He does, but we don't sleep together, he just sleeps in that bag thing while me and Lavana lay down together near his side." The electric type answered. "When we're in a room together then Lavana gets the bed with him while I sleep wherever, usually the floor."

"Oh my, you should at least get something more comfortable than some hard wood. A pillow or something with fluff to it. If you want, when we get to Lavaridge, you can sleep in our room. Malcolm always makes space for everyone so they can be comfortable." Ren invited, feeling sorry for Chelsa being that she had to sleep on the floor while, Ren, herself got better treatment.

Chelsa smiled at the Umbreon's generosity. "Thank you, I really appreciate the offer...mind if I cuddle with him some too?" The Armpharos grinned, teasing the Umbreon a little.

Ren stared at Chelsa for a moment, seriously thinking of an answer. From what she knew about Chelsa, she wouldn't make any jumps on Malcolm without consulting with her first. Besides, what harm can a small cuddle do? "You....may, but don't get too comfortable. After all, he's my cuddle buddy."

Chelsa laughed at Ren's answer, nudging her shoulder with one of her arms in response. "I was just teasing...nah I could go for some different cuddles actually from a male, I'm sure you know what I mean." She followed, blushing a little against her yellow cheeks. "Being a trainer's pokemon is rather lonely at times."

"Oh, well that's not true. I'm Malcolm's pokemon and I get my time to bump n' grind." Ren plainly stated.

Chelsa sighed and laughed. "Oh lucky, I haven't in...well quite a few seasons now really." She replied, lamenting her current situation with Cole in that sense.

"Seasons?! Are you serious?!" Ren questioned, a little loudly than what she was supposed to be. "My goodness, if its been seasons for you, I can only imagine how long its been for Lavana."

Chelsa blushed a little furiously at the apparent misunderstanding. "W-wait, what? N-no! No, no, no, not those seasons. Though it has been a couple..." Chelsa admitted, shuddering a little at how painfully long both were.

The Ampharos turned her head towards Lavana, her ears drooping a little. "And as for Lavana...yeah it's about as much as you think...she's actually still a virgin." She followed.

Ren was left in awe at the two pokemon's absence of mating. Slowly, Ren was beginning to think that Cole was neglecting his pokemon. If she was in Cole's shoes, she would have had Chelsa and Lavana mated with someone at least once. How could these girls be deprived of such pleasure for so long; it was torture, it was.

"I bet Lavana's saving up for Cole, huh? But...he's too stupid to realize that." Ren stated, staring at the ground. Immediately, she looked up at Chelsa, noticing that she just insulted their trainer. "No offense, of course."

Chelsa waved off the insult and shook her head. "None taken, it's true...but I don't really hold any of it against him...I guess it's because he doesn't think of us as girls exactly. Though I wish he actually...you know did a little more, like leaving me at a daycare or something." Chelsa sighed.

"But...I am looking forward to when Lavana does get her paws on him...she better give him one he'll never forget." The electric pokemon chuckled.

"After such a long wait, I bet she will." Ren smiled but noticed something small about this particular conversation. "So if Lavana's got Cole...who will you have? Don't want you getting left out on the fun."

"Well...I don't know, Malcolm's the only other male around here but he's your trainer of course and I as nice as he sounds I kind of doubt he'd agree to that." Chelsa laughed, knowing her options were particularly limited. "So I'm sort of out of luck...unless Cole catches a cute male."

Chelsa rubbed her long slender neck a little nervously at the thought of her very likely going another dry season without a mate. "Don't worry about me though, I'm sure I'll come up with something or another eventually either way."

"If only you knew what Malcolm and I do on berry hunts..." Ren muttered, accidentally speaking her thoughts.

"Come again?" Chelsa spoke up, her ears perking at Ren's words.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud." Ren covered, swallowing hard once again. Talking about mating and trainers at the same time was hard when trying to keep a secret.

"Oh..." Chelsa let out, going silent for a moment before something rather dirty graced her mind, causing her to blush a little. "Well...I guess while we're on the subject...have you...err...well, seen your trainer with his...err...clothes off and everything? I assume yes if I might be so bold?"

Ren stared at Chelsa for a long moment, wondering if this question was serious or not. In her head was a small war on whether to admit it or not. "Actually...I have...a couple times." Ren's heart was racing now. She didn't know what Chelsa would think of her after that response.

"Even with no pants or anything?" The Ampharos asked, turning the subject towards a certain direction.

"Yes...I've seen Malcolm completely naked before. Have you seen Cole in the nude?" Ren's voice lowering a bit, nervous on the subject.

Chelsa couldn't help but grin at the subject while a blush coated her cheeks, never quite speaking with anyone in this manner before about humans. "Yes...a couple times..." Chelsa answered, taking a quick pause. "...Would you say Malcolm's impressive for a male?" She followed, unable to help her curiosity of Malcolm's body now given what they had just been speaking about.

"Well...his is the only one I've seen so...I can't say, but if he were a pokemon like me then he'd be big for his size." Ren commented. At this point of the conversation, her mind was completely gone from Lavana's problem and engulfed by something more pleasurable.

"Ever thought about...doing "that" with him?" Chelsa questioned, knowing the answer was likely yes given how comfortable she seemed to be with the idea of humans as mates.

"Well...yeah...I thought about it a few times. Honestly, what pokemon can't say they never thought about doing such things with their trainer?" Ren was beginning to blush a bit, her mind trailing in and out to the special alone time she has with Malcolm.

"The normal ones...I guess that makes us the strange ones." Chelsa chuckled, knowing that it was a little bit of a taboo. "But moving on...well I guess I should speak for Cole next shouldn't I? Only if you're interested in hearing of course..." She asked, wondering if Ren was interested in her trainer at all.

"Oh sure...go ahead." Ren smiled, hiding her frustration that Chelsa ended such a wonderful, excitable conversation.

Chelsa smiled back, blushing a bit harder as she picked her words. "Well...I'll certainly admit that Cole is quite...impressive as well...shame he doesn't really put any of...that...to good use. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have more than a few stray thoughts, I can't imagine how bad it must be for Lavana." The Ampharos boasted, honestly finding her own trainer fairly desirable in that regard.

"Actually...it's the reason I...err..."cuddled" with him that one time..." She followed with a deep gulp, blushing rather heavily to admitting that.

The dark pokemon gasped at the Ampharos' statement. Of all people, Cole was the last person she would have guessed Chelsa had her first time with. "Oh really? Cole? Like....wha....uh...how?"

"N-no not like that!" Chelsa stammered out, the blush on her face getting even worse with Ren getting the wrong idea. "He and I never did anything like that...I...er...sorta got a little...uhm...friendly was all..." The Ampharos explained, turning her head away in embarrassment. "Besides...Lavana would have killed me..."

"Oh...sorry, I thought...you know... Anyways, how did Cole react?" Ren laughed in embarrassment, feeling a little stupid for jumping into things so quickly.

Chelsa laughed a little at the memory. "Oh...pretty bad...but he sort of had a glaring lump in his pants for most of the following night...I think I was the first one to touch him there..." She explained, chuckling a bit. "He's kind of excitable I guess one could say..."

"Hm...you felt it?...well, sort of? Well, not meaning to brag but I've had the pleasure of touching it a few times." Ren said, growing red on the cheeks.

Chelsa nodded softly. "Y-yeah...through his pants though...I didn't actually...you know." She nervously answered. "How'd you go about touching Malcolm there? While he was asleep?" Chelsa asked, curious about how Ren went about doing such a thing.

"Yes, I used to sneak a few paws in while he was sleeping. Now whenever I touch it, he just looks at me then carries on with whatever he's doing. I guess he just doesn't mind it being touched since no human's touched him before." Ren informed, sliding one paw up and down the low grassy ground as if it were something of Malcolm's.

Chelsa blushed at Ren's words, getting an odd idea. "Well if you're ever interested, you can sneak a peak at Cole sometime when he's asleep if you'd like." The Ampharos offered.

"Oh no, I'm fine. As much as I would like to, I'd rather not push a certain fire type over the edge." Ren glanced up at the fire pokemon a couple feet away from them, also noticing a small speck becoming larger in the distance. "Speaking of Cole, here comes our trainers."

Chelsa turned and faced the direction Ren was looking in, noticing both her trainer and Ren's heading towards them. "Oh good...and don't worry bout Lavs, I can distract her if you ever feel the need to peak." She offered before getting up and walking off towards Cole and Malcolm.

Ren watched as Chelsa walked past her to the trainers, shocked at what she heard. Of all the time she's been with Chelsa on this trip, she would have never guessed she had a side like this. She was so...willing to give and didn't even expect anything in return.

"Hey ladies!" Malcolm yelled, waving at the pokemon.