The Breeder

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#2 of SCRAPS



My father always taught me that the basic of basic rules of being a breeder is, 'Look for the prominent/stand-out features of an animal and breed that into the one that doesn't have that quality.' At least, that's what my father always taught me from a young age. The only problem with that was, I was still young when he taught it to me so that I really didn't understand what he meant by that. It took me 5 or 6 years for that teaching to finally have meaning to me as I started to look at livestock in a whole new way. When my 6th birthday finally came around, my father finally showed me what he was talking/teaching me in person. He brought me out to his herd and showed me right up and personal what he meant.

My father was a breeder of Milktank, the cow type Pokemon, whereas my mother was that of the Mareep. It was easier to spot the things my father was teaching me when looking at a Milktank as their bodies were of course, not covered in fluff like the Mareep were. He pointed out the things that were always looked to be desired in a Milktank and then the things that were needed to improve upon those things that people wanted more of in Milktanks. Though unlike most breeders, my father only breed the Milktanks for two things, milk and meat, nothing else. My mother was no so much different as she sold the Mareeps electrifying coats to either the electric company to use as special wiring or once grounded as wool for clothing.

When I started to show promise in the field of being a breeder, as I was able at the age of ten to pick out flaws in either species of Pokemon, my parents instantly asked me if I wanted to go into the family business of being a breeder. I could only agree with them, as that was pretty much the only life I knew of. Battling Pokemon never came up in any conversation, as well as that of being a coordinator, so I really didn't know any other way of dealing with Pokemon.

It was upon my tenth birthday that my father taught me another one of the important things to know about being a breeder. Their were two forms of being a breeder, breeding Pokemon for indirect or direct purposes. A direct purpose was that of like that of the Mareeps wool or a Milktanks milk, the indirect was that for battles. He said that some trainers want to have their Pokemon know moves upon hatching and to acquire that move for the offspring to know was to have the Sire know the move and have it breed with a female that knew 'of' the move. The direct way was the way that they were doing it and harvesting things from the Pokemon (Wool, Milk, etc...)

The only thing was that I really didn't want to be a breeder of Mareep or Miltanks, but that of Lucario. When my mother and father heard this while we were sitting at the table, neither one could believe that I was being serious. Laughing it off they said that it was foolish, as well as a fools errand, due to the fact that Lucario were almost as sentient as humans were and even more reclusive or prone to hide very well. Upon that, even if I were to get my hands on one that it would be nearly impossible to find another of the different gender to go along with the plan and allow itself to be bred. Not to be swayed from my goal, I slammed my hands upon the table and made a solemn vow that one day, I would be a Lucario Breeder and the best that their was or would be.

For the next several years, I spent the majority of my time searching through different files on my families computer about Lucarios. Where they lived (Which proved fruitless as nobody knew where they lived), how to tell the difference between them (Which could only be done by a scan by a Pokedex), their different traits that they had and things that they were known/wanted for (That proved to be the easiest to find as practically everyone wanted them for their looks as well as their incredible fighting skills), etc...

Though through it all, my parents were also not to be swayed, as they continued to try and persuade me to take up breeding a Pokemon that was still slightly easier to come by (Starters for example), which would earn a lot more income if bred in quantity. Or something of the like that could be found out in the wild and brought in to be bred. My father even went so far as to give me first Pokemon, which turned out to be a blue colored Ditto.

When he handed me the Pokeball and told me what it was inside, I could only be shocked and amazed that he was giving me the first valuable tool to start out as a breeder. As you see, Ditto's are very versatile when it comes to breeding as they can help breed from either a Male Pokemon or impregnate a Female. That was the great thing about Ditto's, they could copy the DNA of a Pokemon but change it so that they could be the opposite gender of the Pokemon that you wanted to breed. So all you needed was one of any regular Pokemon that could be bred (As their were some that you just needed to be lucky and catch, Poregon for example) Almost every Breeder started out with this Pokemon or had one in reserve somewhere in their storage database on their computer.

When I told my father about my idea/plan now, he smiled and nodded saying that that was the idea. All I had to do now was just catch one Lucario and use this Ditto to copy it's DNA then mold itself into the opposite gender and wait. That's when he told me of one small problem. This Ditto was just hatched and didn't have that much experience in battling, which meant that if a Lucario were to come up and battle us it would probably beat the stuffing out of the poor Ditto and catching it would be nearly impossible.

So it came to no shock to me that he suggested that I start going out and battling some of the wild Pokemon that roamed around the property with my new Pokemon and gain up some experience, so that when that fateful encounter did come along that I'd be ready for it.