Black Swan: When Water And Sand Meet.

Story by Naruto Uzimaki on SoFurry

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#1 of Swan

A young princess trapped in a tower from a curse she's under, a young prince destined to save her, and a evil wizard who's trying to do anything to have the princess. In the end will love break this womans curse or wil she continue to turn into a Black Swan on a full moon. On the night of the first full moon crying could be heard from a stone tower in the middle of a lake. "I wish someone would break this ill gotten curse cried Rin." I hate this tower, i hate being banished from my kingdom, and i hate the evil wizard Zasalamel who makes me a Black Swan on the night of a full moon. "Rin was no ordinary princess she had black long hair, a sex arched frame of a body and her eyes were as pale colored as her skin, and worn black robes that were sliky as the midnight sand". Hello a mysterious voice had said echoing throught the tower. As Rin turned around she saw a young man With white hair unkept, and his clothes were desert travelers clothes he had a sword, and claws. "Is your name Rin he said faintly with a serious look on his face"? Ye yes i am Rin of the Water, and who are you might i ask"? "My name is Miko of the Sand and your my slave woman". "What said Princess Rin with a confused look on her pretty face", "i'm your slave your father will hear about this treachery Sand prince Miko". Miko took Rin and jumped out the window,just when you thougth he would fall to his death a cloud of sand appeared out of no where and broke his fall. "You can bend sand shouted Rin"? "Are you shocked Rin i am a bender and i also know you are too that is, A bender of water." The princess gasped at the fact Miko knows her secret". "But do you know of my curse man of sand the cocky princess said catching the prince off guard". "I can transfom into a black swan". "Lies said the prince you lie woman." Watch this hahaha. And with the princess summoning water around her in a sphere all the prince saw was princess Rin now appeared to him as a Black Swan. She was a black swan with a beautiful beak, Black silky feathers, and black eyes set of killing the prince. "Now my prince get ready your not taking me without a fight said the Black Swan.