First Impressions Chapter 8.

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#8 of First Impressions

This is the last chapter that runs in parrallel with Flying Mile High. It fits to Chapter 20. The lesbian scene that is alluded to throughout the scene with Ruth in the is chapter can be found in Chapter 20. Thanks to Dolphin for lending me the charactors again.

Also a huge thanks to Mysterydude for the touch up's.

Yours R.o.P.

Chapter 8.

Jessica left Stefan and Amy at the foot of the stairs and walked into the hotel's bar, taking a stool at the end. 'What am I going to do? I forced I don't want to lose him...Why? Why?' she thought, gripping her head in her hands.

The large old boar badger walked over from where he was polishing the glasses. "Can I get you anything Mrs. Ruatha?"

"What...oh, erm yes. A double shot of Bacardi please."

"Coming up..." He turned to the wall behind him, grabbing a shot glass and pumping two measures into it, before handing it to her. "Tab or cash?"

"Tab please...I will clear it when when we check out tomorrow...Erm how do you know who I am?"

"I talk to my mate, the house manager...You are easy to spot and have really helped to bring one of our new staff members into the team. Below stairs are talking about you and that rabbit all the time."


"Nothing bad I assure you madam. The males all want to be your mate, and the females are wishing they had had first crack at Stefan, because of the stories that Jane and Janet are spreading."

Jessica laughed quietly. "And what would they know about being my mate...?"

"Pardon, madam?"

"Look, stop making me sound like the owner of a whorehouse...though I might as well have been for all the playing around I did," she snapped. "If you are going to hang around just call me Jess...Please." She downed the Bacardi and pushed the glass to him for a refill.

The badger paused, looking around and observing the bar was empty. He refilled the glass, passing it back. "Would you like to talk Ma...Jess? My name is Harold, but just call me Harry." He smiled.

"No...yes...I don't know Harry...but thanks..." she threw the double shot straight down again, "Maybe after a couple more...I...I...don't talk with strangers much anymore..."

Harry silently refilled the glass, and passed it back, watching as she sipped at it this time, but still finished it in less than five minutes...He refilled again, then approached as she stalled halfway down the glass, appearing to stare at her reflection in the bar's mirror. "Jess...ready?"

Jessica gazed out into the middle distance, thoughts running through her, not taking note of her surroundings. 'Jess...ready' penetrated her thoughts...heard just at the edge of her subconscious...knocking at the door of her self absorption.

" I a whore? Am I a pimp for pushing my mate into other relationships...? Am I a worthless heap of emerald scales with nothing on my mind except sex...?" she whispered, still staring into the middle distance, not noticing the looks of shock passing over Harry's face.

"What? No...I...How? Where? Who?" Harry stuttered, not believing the questions being fired at him, not sure how to deal with them. He edged backwards gently and stuck his head through the service door. "Alice...Alice...can you come out for a minute?" he called quietly.

"Two minutes dear..." floated back to him.

He sighed, Jessica had finished her drink again. He grabbed another glass and pumped another couple of shots from the bottle into it, placing it back near Jessica's hand. She flicked her hand out and grabbed his wrist, reeling him in and staring straight into his eyes, her gaze boring through his head. "Am I?" she queried more forcefully.

Harry struggled, but even with his power as a boar badger couldn't break the vice like grip, couldn't escape the gaze of the powerful predator that was staring him down, making him want to run back to his sett and his long dead mother...

Jessica shook her head and released him, slumping back into herself, reaching and downing the fifth double in twenty minutes. "I am...I must be..." She slid the glass down the bar towards where he had retreated to. "Again." She commanded quietly.

Harry stood rubbing his wrist, trying to get feeling back into it. Alice came out the door, and took the scene in in one glance. She grabbed the empty glass, sniffed at the residue, and then pumped the remainder of the mounted bottle on the wall into it, before placing it in front of Jessica and standing next to her mate. "I saw her come in with her friend and Stefan...she seemed distracted. She hasn't hurt you has she?"

"No, just...just surprised me...I thought she needed to talk...she said some strange things..."

"Called for back up have you...Oooh the big strong boar needs back up for a lone little female like me..." Jessica taunted quietly from her end of the bar, lifting the glass to her lips, still lost in her own reflection.

Alice glanced up. "Ignore her, Harry, let the booze sink in. What did she say?"

"She said she drove her mate to find other women...that she was pimping him out." He paused blushing. "That she was a whore and was useful for nothing other than sex..." he finished with a shrug.

Alice shook her head. "Oh dear, I have a feeling she didn't say that in that way. Something must have really got her today...I know her mate left in a hurry, but that was on business. The cleaning girls said the room was well used on the two mornings she was with him, so they can't be amiss in their relationship..."

Jessica listened quietly to the conversation going on between the mates at the end of the bar. She finished her drink and shook her head, a pleasant muzziness starting to penetrate her mind. She glanced at the empty bottle on the wall, then at the half full Vodka one beside it. She slid the glass towards the couple. "Another...Vodka this time."

Alice grabbed up the glass, rinsing it under the tap, then emptied half the vodka bottle's remaining contents into it, placing it warily in front of Jessica, before retreating again.

"You keeping tab, dear?" Harry asked.

"Fuck keeping know what she and her rabbit friend have done with young Stefan...If he hadn't come out of shell soon I would have had to fire him! Would have been a bitch to find a replacement male at this time of the season. A few shots of spirits are more than equal to the service she has provided..."

"Yes dear..." Harry muttered, wilting under Alice's gaze.

Jessica let out a girlish giggle from the other end of the bar, downing the Vodka in a single gulp, then threw the glass back down the bar for a refill. Alice put her hand out and caught it, before emptying the remainder of the Vodka bottle, then placing it back in front of Jessica, observing that she was starting to weave gently in her seat.

"Give it another five," she whispered to Harry, as she rejoined him.

Jessica tried to focus on the glass in front of her, reaching for it with what appeared to be five hands. She grasped it and took a long, slow sip, before slumping gently against the bar, her mind starting a replay of one of her favorite college memories...


"Fun fun fun, I need some male fun tonight coming along...anyone you think I should go for?" she asked her dorm-mate, a beautiful silver fox.

"What, another one? I thought you were going strong with James? The wolf?" Silvia asked with surprise.

"Oh James! pffft! I finished with him two days ago...He couldn't keep up, said my scales were chafing his knot! I mean look at me, I keep myself as supple and oiled as possible." She dropped her thong, displaying herself in full to Silvia.

Silvia ran a finely manicured finger around the edges of Jessica's slit, eliciting a gentle moan. "Oh no, not again...well at least not when I am planning on going over to Ivor's tonight..."

"Ah come on Silvia...just a little tumble to take off my edge..." Jessica wheedled, running her tongue through Silvia's head fur, teasing at her ear tips.

"Stop it...come on you know we both prefer cocks...we can have fun together anytime we have none available..." Silvia laughed. "You are quite smooth enough at the moment, but I can still feel the pull at my cuticles when rubbing the wrong way..."

"B...but I am lonely...I have no cock available at the moment..." Jessica simpered, dropping to her knees and rubbing her nose horn on the underside of Silvia's chin, trying to slide a talon under her skirt.

"Oh bugger off! There isn't a guy on campus who wouldn't drop his pants at the slightest nod of your head in his direction!" Silvia stepped back out of reach, dropping a light tongue swipe along Jessica's nose ridge to defuse the barb.

"Oh alright then...Who do I nail? I have already had Jamie, Adam, Frank, Albert, James, Harold, William," she paused glancing at Silvia, "Ivor..."

"You had Ivor? When?" Silvia pouted.

"Oh, that young buck nailed me about eight weeks ago, before you bunked in with me...he lasted three days..."

"Was he any good?"

"Needs tongue training. You know what deer are like, all thrust and blow, but you won't be disappointed if you lean heavily on the foreplay..." Jessica teased, pulling her thong and clubbing skirt back on.

"Hmmph, well he'd better make a good job of it then...or I may just end up back here in your bed."

"And what if I do decide to pull?"

"Then whoever it is, may be in for a treat!" Silvia exclaimed.

They both dissolved into laughter at the imagined look on a young male's face if he suddenly found two girls in the bed he was in.'


Alice smiled as she watched Jessica start to laugh into her hands. "I think she's ready to talk now," she said to Harry, and moved a perch down the bar in order to face her now lucid customer.

"Jess, do you want to tell me what's wrong now?"

Jessica snorted, looking up slowly, eyes unfocused. "What...?"

"Are you ready to tell me what's bothering you...why you have come in here alone...and scared my mate into his cub-hood again?" Alice smiled, trying to break the dam in Jessica's emotions. She placed a hand on Jessica's, running a claw over the smooth scales.

Harry tensed, ready to jump in if Jessica snapped again, then relaxed as she started to tear up.

"I...I think I pushed him too far..."

"Pushed who dear?"

" mate...I pushed him into the arms of another woman..." Jessica started crying.

"Really dear? He seemed quite happy when he was with you here."

"Oh, he was...that's the problem. He has always been happy with me..."

"I don't understand the problem then dear."

"I...I...was a spoilt tart at school and college...I...I spread myself around a lot, an awful lot. R...Ruth was just another cock to me the night I met him...only...only I finally fell in love."

"But surely you were ready to settle then?"

"I...I...didn't think so at the time. He was just there, and I thought I needed my first experience with one of my own species..."

"Sorry, you said you spread yourself around a lot...?"

"I am afraid males of my species tend to be more suited to manual labour...Not many have the brains to reach Oxford."

"You qualified at Oxford?"

"Yes, and got better results than him..." Jessica laughed.

"Then what do you do for a living?" Alice prompted.

"I keep house for Ruth...he got the job and position...I make sure he is always entertained in every way when he gets home...and before he leaves...and sometimes in the office when I sneak in..."

"Then what could he possibly lack for in you?"

"Oh he lacks for nothing that I can give him..."

"Then why would he go elsewhere?"

"BECAUSE I FORCED HIM TO!!!" Jessica shouted, driving Alice to back up against the bar's back. "I was a tart...I was a fucking whore...he was a fucking virgin...he never had the chance or the nerve to go looking...God knows if he had there would be fucking hybrid dragons all over the fucking south east. He could have had any woman he wanted, and HE CHOSE ME! THE BIGGEST FUCKING WHORE ABOUT IN OXFORD!" Jessica started crying again.

"Ten fucking years...Ten fucking years and he has never looked elsewhere...doing everything I ever asked of him, complying with every little kink I could think of, never so much as raising a lip in complaint...but never taking the initiative..." She paused. "We decided on children finally, and then Amy showed up and took him away from me."

"I was wondering who your friend was..."

"Oh she was no friend until this week...she is Ruth's secretary. He came home one night and asked me what to do with her as she was trying to rape him in the office...I saw the opportunity to get him some female variety, and told him to take her." Jessica gripped her horns again, and then drained the rest of the Vodka. "Whisky please."

Harry had been standing quietly, listening in disbelief to what he was hearing. He grabbed a clean glass and filled it, gently placing it in Jessica's hand.

"When Ruth was taken away on business...I told him to get some variety with no come back...He refused...we had a row via email...I may have pushed him too far...I told him not to come back without a few stories. He...he capitulated, nailed a stewardess on a plane...sent me a pic to prove shut me up. I...I...I felt awful...not cross, not angry, just absolutely terrible...Why?" She downed the whisky in one, swaying harder on her stool.

Harry refilled the glass as Alice sat back, pausing, considering carefully before she answered. "I think you want him to provide you with more variety...not himself. I think you want a strong male, who won't be cowed by the prospect of fledglings. You are afraid that when they arrive he will suddenly regret being faithful to you, and will run off screaming into an affair. I think you are wrong."

"Pardon?" Jessica tried to focus on Alice.

"I said, I think you are wrong, and I think you are a self-centred cow Mrs. Ruatha!"

"H...How dare..."

Alice slapped Jessica hard on the face. "Shut it now, you stupid bitch. I was in your position once. I was Harry's first, but I knew when I met him he was the one for me. You think you are the only one. From what you have described in your drunken rant, you are complaining...yes, complaining... that you have found a man who wants to be nothing but true to you? Do you know how many women would swap with you tomorrow, no questions asked? Any bloody woman!"

She paused, calming herself. "Go up to bed Jessica, go up and sleep this off. You are in a very enviable position you know. Wake up a little and smell the shit that you are spouting. Take stock and look at what you have got, and then work to keep it. Your mate won't run from you, unless you force the issue. You and your future children will be safe in the knowledge that they have the ideal male role model to look to for inspiration and guidance. Hell, you want to offer variety for him, go swinging together. Me and Harry have for years with the customers."

Jessica swayed, and grabbed for the whisky glass, swallowing its remaining contents. "I...I...I..." she rocked, then gently slid off the stool, collapsing in a heap on the floor.

Alice sighed. "Come on. It's two a.m. Harry, lets get her up to the suite. I gather Stefan is finished up there?"

"Yes. He and the rabbit stuck their heads around the door about thirty minutes ago. I shooed them off as you were still talking."

"Thanks, love. Sometimes people need to be told the truth...I just hope she remembers and acts upon it...Come on I need your back." She grinned, indicating he was to get on all fours.

Harry sighed, and complied. Alice manoeuvred the somnolent Jessica onto his back, and then gently supported her as he slowly padded out of the bar and up the stairs to the suite. Alice knocked and a worried looking Amy opened the door.

"She will have a huge headache in the morning, and will quite possibly be very upset with herself...but I think she will learn from the experience, and take something from our little conversation," Alice said.

"Thank you, miss. I was really worried when she turned earlier...It's just not like her..."

"No. I don't think it is either, she just needed someone to knock that into her. Come on, let's get her in the bed."

Harry padded into the bedroom and backed up to the bed, slowly standing and tipping Jessica gently onto the mattress, with Alice's help. Amy pulled the sheets over her, before walking back to the lounge with the two badgers.

"If I was in your position, I would try and get a message to Ruth. Tell him to come home as soon as possible, but don't tell him exactly why. The last thing she needs is for him to mess up his job rushing..."

"I will, and thank you again for helping her where I couldn't."

"All part of the service miss, all part of the service. We owe you for the aid you have given us with Stefan..."

Amy blushed. "Erm about that, do you think that he could..."

"Have a couple of hours off tomorrow?" Alice finished for her. Amy nodded.

"I will send him up at lunch with the girls, give her chance to wake and douse herself in the shower." Alice grinned. "I will see if the girls will help give you a really good goodbye, help lift her mood as well." Alice nodded towards the bedroom.

Amy grinned. "Thank you again."

"Aye, remember that when you get her to sign for the tip on check out!"

They all laughed and the two badgers left the room, closing the door behind them. Amy strolled into the bedroom, and typed a quick message to Ruth on her phone.

"Come home as soon as you can Ruth. Jessica is very unhappy, and I can't bring her out of her fugg. I think she needs you... Yours with concern, Amy."

She then stripped, jumping onto the bed and tucking herself in next to the lightly snoring dragoness. 'Hope she discharged her thimble,' she thought as the waft of alcohol fumes drifted across the bed to her, and she dozed off into a restful sleep...


Joe and Kyle were waiting for Ruth as he came through the planes door with Gwen. Janice was sitting on the couch in the lounge, looking much fresher, just a little tired. She held her hand up to him, but didn't rise to greet him.

"Everything go okay while I was away?" Ruth asked.

"Yes, everything went fine. The damaged plane is on its way back to base, and as you can see everything is in top order for you here. We have a full payload of fuel on board, so we can get you comfortably to Singapore. Mr. James has authorised the use of the plane as a holding point until your transfer is ready to board at Singapore. It will be the same plane you flew out on." Joe said.

"Oh, same crew?"

"Quite possibly..."

Ruth thought about another encounter with Maria and smiled. 'Might as well go for it if she offers again...' he thought.

"Your goods and luggage have been transferred, of course, and are in the bedroom." Joe continued.

"Thank you. I will probably sleep on the journey to Singapore...I'm dead on my feet, and I believe I will be suffering from jet-lag by the time I arrive at Heathrow."

"Trust me Ruth, you will. It's always worse when flying west. It will take your body clock about twenty-four hours to re-adjust. My recommendation is that you try and schedule your sleep from now on, to London time. It will give you a head start on recovery. It's around nine in the morning there now, so I would try to stay awake on the Singapore to London flight." Joe finished.

"Fair enough Joe, and thank you. Are you and Kyle taking control? Janice can sleep as far as I'm concerned once we hit cruising height, as I will go straight to bed."

"Gwen will get her run through for her final Captain's exams, if that's okay as well. They were meant to be happening on the way up here."

"Yes that's fine...things didn't exactly go as planned." Ruth paused, "Now if you would like to get us underway, I believe Gwen wanted a word with me in private before we take off," he said quietly, making an eye flick towards Janice, to indicate what he was referring to.

"Of course, Ruth," Joe said, nodding to confirm he understood. "I will send Kyle out when we get her warmed up and the clearances are granted." He departed with the still limping Kyle for cockpit.

Gwen indicated he should follow her to the kitchen. "Ruth, she's fixating on you...she won't let up, even when I was showering with her..." Gwen blushed.

"Oh, did something else happen?"

"Ahhh...yes...stress relief, but it didn't help..." Gwen blushed furiously again.

Ruth grinned. "Don't worry...our little secret, eh?"

"Oh God yes! But seriously, she is determined to thank you the only way she can..."

"Mmm, well I am way too tired to do much...However I have a somewhat open relationship with my mate, so as long as it's just sex, there will be no repercussions."

"What? You have affairs with others?" Gwen looked shocked.

"No...absolutely not. Jessica says I can do whatever I want, with whoever I want, as long as nothing comes of it. I was inexperienced when I met her, but she'd had plenty of variety...she believes that I need some fun now too. I have to date, only exercised my option on two occasions outside of her presence. She only plays with others when I'm there though," Ruth said, deliberately not mentioning Amy.

"That is a very odd mate-ship, Ruth."

"It will, I think, change again when the eggs are on the way. She will probably tie me down then, purely for her own pleasure." He grinned sheepishly.

"Well, I warn you that I think that Janice has something planned. She is also coming into season, so make sure you are well protected if she does."

"I will. Thank you again for that warning. However I intend on doing nothing but sleeping."

Kyle slipped out the cockpit then. "We are departing in five. You need to strap in Ruth, and get Janice to do the same."

"Thank you, Kyle."

Kyle re-entered the cockpit, with Gwen following. She glanced over her shoulder..."Be careful of her Ruth...One of us will keep an eye in the cabin for you."

"I will, and thank you." He turned and entered the lounge, walking over to Janice.

"So, how are you feeling now? Any better?"

"Yes, thank you Ruth...I am very tired though..." She yawned, artificially.

The plane started to move. "Kyle says we have five minutes before departure, so we need to strap in. I will take the recliner, I suggest you use the crew jump seat, or the conference chairs."

"I will stay here in the lounge with you, in a conference chair, thank you."

"Very well," Ruth said as he sat and strapped himself in. Janice stood from the couch and secured herself in one of the conference chairs.

The engines spooled up, and the plane accelerated hard before take-off, beginning the climb to cruising height...


Janice heard the limo pull up outside, and watched as Gwen left the plane to greet Ruth. She remained in her place on the couch while Joe and Kyle greeted Ruth at the top of the steps, waving her hand when Ruth acknowledged her. She stayed where she was as they made small talk and briefed him on the forwarding arrangements.

Joe and Kyle disappeared towards the cockpit, but not before she caught Gwen glancing towards her and taking Ruth into the kitchen. 'What's that bitch up to now...' she thought. She stood quietly and slipped out of her paw covers, padding silently over to the crew division... standing just on the other side, straining to catch the conversation. 'Bloody bitch is warning him off...telling him about my love for him...I...I'll kill her if she turns him against me...'

She heard Kyle's voice informing them of the imminent departure, then heard Ruth say thank you. She quickly made her way back to the couch, sitting to disguise her subterfuge. He walked over and greeted her properly, informing her that she needed to strap in, 'As if I don't know that...I can feel the bloody plane moving...' She secured herself in the conference chair, determined to keep her eyes on him this time. 'You won't escape me Ruth...You won't...You will give me what I want...' Smiling secretively, she relaxed into the take off.


The cabin chime sounded, but Ruth had already dozed off in the recliner. Janice un-belted and stood, walking over to Ruth, before standing still and watching the light from the setting sun streaming through the windows, playing over his scales and turning them a shade of orange-gold. 'Mmm I wonder what our kid will look like...' she mused thoughtfully. 'Well, first things first, let's get him up and at em...' She bent and planted a kiss on his ear. "Ruth...Ruth, do you want anything to eat before you go to bed?" she whispered.

"Hmmmph, What?" Ruth snorted, waking up again.

"Do you want to eat before you get comfy in bed?" Janice repeated.

"No, no thank you. I ate at the meeting. I will be heading for the cabin now...Thanks for asking though," Ruth replied sleepily, absentmindedly wiping the kiss from his ear.

Janice smiled, and replanted a kiss on the end of his snout. "Do you want a hand getting to bed?" She winked salaciously.

"Ahhh, no. Really, I would love to Janice, but I am way too tired for that..." He stood and headed for the bathroom to relieve himself. He re-emerged and strode into the bedroom cabin, only to find Janice had turned back the sheets, and was sitting on the edge with her paw covers off.

"You sure Ruth?" she teased, extending her legs in a sinuous fashion, letting her uniform ride up, exposing her frilly garters.

"Ahem, Janice really...I am too tired...please just leave me to it...You can sleep on the couch for the flight if you want...I will only need a wake up call for landing," Ruth wheedled, trying to persuade her to leave him alone.

"Well if that is what you me if you have trouble sleeping or need anything...After all, I am forever in your debt." Janice stood, slipping her paw covers back on, and smoothed her uniform back down. She walked up to him and stared him deep in the eyes, placing the hand from her uninjured arm on his crotch and squeezing, trying to elicit a reaction. "Mmm, you really aren't in the mood are you?" she whispered, trying to force a french kiss on him, attempting to part his lips with her tongue.

Ruth gently grabbed her hand and removed it from her kneading attentions. He sighed and gently gripped Janice's tongue with his teeth, nipping gently until she withdrew in pain. "I said no, Janice. Another time...maybe, but not now. I do not enter into sex unless I can be sure that the satisfaction gained will be mutual." He winked, and gently gripped her uninjured shoulder and steered her out the cabin's door, closing it and throwing the lock. 'Why me?' he thought as he turned and stripped to his pants, before climbing into the fresh sheets and closing his eyes.

Janice allowed herself to be steered out the cabin door, her tongue smarting, but not bleeding. "So, you want to play it that way Ruth...? Well I can play dirty as well..." she muttered.

She went and lay on the couch for ten minutes, pretending to be asleep, she heard movement from the cockpit door, and cracked an eyelid, observing Joe sticking his head around the partition for a moment before withdrawing, believing her to be asleep. The cockpit door closed again, and she stood, stretching as well she could. She went to her bag and removed the staff master key from its pocket, moving towards the closed cabin door with a devious grin.

She quietly turned the lock, hearing it snick, then cracked the door and looked in, observing that Ruth was already fast asleep. "Perfect..." she grunted, replacing her key in its pocket, before opening the door fully and stepping in, closing it quietly behind her and re-locking it.

She unzipped her uniform, wincing as she pulled her arm out of its sling, then gently peeled the sleeve off over her bandage. She allowed the uniform to drop to the floor and stepped out of it, kicking her paw covers off. She was already bra-less, having ruined the first one with her blood, so she stepped out of her thong, observing the light speckles of menstrual blood spotting the fabric. She paused, and then gently pushed them inside her vagina, wiping up all the available fluids there, before taking a deep sniff and smiling. "Try and resist these, you hormone driven male..." she muttered, placing them on the pillow beside his head.

She removed her garters and stood, gently peeling the bedsheets off Ruth. "Damn, the bastard's wearing pants...where is his sheath?"

Ruth grunted in his sleep, muttering something she didn't quite catch, then taking a deep sniff as the pheromones from the soaked panties inches from his nose began to penetrate his subconscious. A very small ridge started to appear in his pants.

Janice smiled as the irresistible smell of her pheromones started to force the desired reaction from his somnolent body. She moved to his feet and reached for his waist band, slowly easing his pants down, gently unbuttoning them from around his injured tail-base, before sliding them over his feet. She stood back and observed his concealing slit, which at present was still only showing as a raised ridge, but gaining a prominence at the upper end.

Nothing more happened, so she glanced up, looking for the cause, and saw that her thong had slipped off the pillow. She retrieved them and held them half an inch from Ruth's nostrils, breathing across her hands so the scents were drawn directly into his nose. She glanced down his body, and smiled warmly at the enticing sight. "Come on my beauty...come on...Come to mama's waiting cave," she crooned quietly as Ruth's glans started to emerge, pink in the cabin's light, droplets of pre glistening on the tip.

She abandoned her thong to the floor and gently climbed on the bed, straddling Ruth's neck. She was facing his emerging cock --already bigger in girth, but not length-- than she had taken before. She bowed her knees slightly and rested her labia on Ruth's nose, allowing the fresh juices that were beginning to flow to bead upon his snout tip.

Ruth snorted, blowing a sharp gust of hot breath into her vagina, and licked his lips of the moisture. His brain was alerting him that something was not right, and he slowly began to come to. He cracked his eyes open, to be presented with a sea of golden curtains hanging over his face, a pulsing pink whirlpool just resting on his nose horn. He could feel the overwhelming urge to masturbate, but then his eyes focused, and he realised that he was staring straight into Janice's asshole, the enveloping curtains clarifying as her hair. 'Fucking bitch just won't take no for an answer...' he thought, and flicked his snout, plunging his nose horn straight through the pulsing ring that was resting on it, grabbing Janice's thighs, to stop her ripping free.

Janice was just contemplating the fully erect penis in front of her, deciding the best way to mount it without waking its owner. She almost screamed as she felt him grip her thighs and plunge something straight into her asshole. The sensation was overwhelming in the extreme, in part because of the surprise it gave her, in part because of her extreme arousal. She went into a full orgasm, still perched on his snout tip, and felt him lapping up every drop of fluid that her vaginal walls were pouring into his mouth.

Ruth held tight as she went in orgasm, cleaning up everything she was squirting, including the fresh droplets of her season's blood. His feral instincts were fighting his brain, trying to get him to take a bite from the acrid sweetness that the blood gave her fluids. 'Must control myself...' he thought desperately, as she subsided into a full sitting position. Only his horn in her ass ring prevented her vagina from sliding fully down onto his snout. He lifted her up gently and sat her next to his head on the pillow, awaiting her panting to ease before speaking.

"I thought I said no..."

"I...I have a master key..." Janice panted.

"So, I forgot. You my dear are a devious bitch. You forgot one thing though..."


"I am a predator...Do you really think that dripping fresh blood into my mouth when I am asleep was a good idea...?"

"Oh shit..." Janice looked scared for a moment.

Ruth grinned, exposing all his teeth. "You can very close to losing your entire lower region then...Luckily my brain woke up enough to override my instinct, before I took a bite...although you are rather tasty you know."

Janice laughed nervously, realising that she just had a very close shave.

"Well, I am still very tired, and you have caused a problem for me..." Ruth gestured to his raging erection, which was dripping pre all over his stomach scales. His balls were swollen and also showing now. "I have done all that I am able to do for you for now...You may as well have what you want and solve that for me..." He grinned again, laying his head back on the pillow as Janice stood shakily.

"You know, that was the first time I ever had something other than a tongue in my ass?" She rubbed at the tingling of her recently violated ring.

"Learn to enjoy it dear. You will form a much stronger mateship, if you give that to the one you choose. I think you enjoyed it as well."

"Yes, yes I did...but it was different..." She carefully straddled his chest, facing him, before placing the tip of his erection at her usual entrance.

"Ah, ah Janice. My pouch please if you don't want to blow me. Protection first, especially in your condition." Ruth waved a talon in front of her nose.

Janice frowned but stepped off him and fetched a condom from his pouch. "Why do you carry these if you are happily mated?"

"We have an fairly open relationship...If you do this, I will have to take a picture of you in all your glory to show my mate, you know..." he was still trying to put her off penetrative sex. "If you blow me...there will be no need."

Janice frowned at the idea of that, but then grinned and knelt next to Ruth's midriff. She tore the sleeve from the condom with her teeth, then ran her tongue from the pulsing tip of his shaft, right down to his balls, tasting the moisture that was pooling at the point where he emerged from his protective slit. She placed the open condom on his chest, and, using her unbound hand, smeared the musky fluids from the pool right back up the tip of his glans, noting that he was swelling even more in girth. Without warning, she approached the puckered ring that was hidden by his balls, abruptly plunging three fingers in right to her palm.

Ruth drew his breath in sharply as she penetrated him. He fought desperately not to embarrass himself and orgasm then and there all over his chest and Janice's fur. "You bloody sneaky bitch..." he gasped, regaining control of his impulses.

Janice ran her fingers around the inside of his ring, making him squirm, then withdrew them before taking a sniff and licking them clean of the musky residue. "Just returning the favour Ruth... Good job you clean yourself well, you only taste of what I have already sampled." She quickly waved her fingers in front of his snout. "Lick!"

He grimaced, not liking what she was suggesting, but complied so he could get it over with and sleep again. "Now mount me, or blow me, but I will be unconscious again either way in less than ten minutes. Whether you are finished or not..."

She moved back down and picked up the condom, placing it gently on the tip of his glans and making a show of unrolling it down to his balls. His shaft had swollen to nearly six inches in girth at its base, but was still no longer than ten inches from tip to balls. She looked at it doubtfully.

"What's up Janice? I thought you wanted it..."

"Erm, I am beginning to wonder if it will fit me."

"Well take the condom off and blow me then, but do something before I do it myself...I am right on the point of falling asleep, and if you are not careful I will throw you out there naked, and barricade the bloody door!" Ruth said grumpily, yawning.

"I will try it first then..."

"Look Janice, you are a bloody sight bigger than Amy, my secretary. Yes, she is a rabbit, and so has been stretching herself self since maturity, but she fits it easily. Take it slowly, but take it now. You are so well lubed it shouldn't hurt." Ruth shifted his hips -- his balls were clenching and unclenching with the urgency. The nipple on the condom's end was already full of his pre.

Janice straddled him again, facing him. Her belly hair hug down, obscuring his view of the action. She grabbed his shaft, raising it to a more vertical position. He felt her grope for the tip, fiddling with it slightly, before placing it her entrance. He clenched tightly, fighting for control as she slowly bent her knees and her hot walls enclosed him. She stalled slightly half way down, but with a twist of her hips she slid down to his pelvis. The feelings were muted slightly by the condom, but his need was so great, he nearly orgasmed before she was fully seated.

Janice made a deliberate show of her false uncertainty, intentionally misleading Ruth into believing that she was doing this as a thank you to him. She made sure her belly hair was hanging loose in a curtain, so he couldn't see what she was doing. She gripped his shaft, and slid her hand up to its tip, feeling for the condom's nipple. Carefully she pinched it hard between two of her claws, feeling the bulb of pre it contained spill into her finger tips as they pierced it clean through.

Quickly, she placed the tip of his shaft into her labial lips, and made a show of sliding down it. Grunting as the girth started to stretch her slightly, she switched her hips, and settled herself until she was on his pelvis, fully hilted. "You were right Ruth...I do fit." She leaned forward without withdrawing, and planted a kiss on his slightly parted lips. "Bet your pet rabbit can't do that either..."

Ruth panted, but placed a talon tip on her nose tip, pushing her off him. "Amy is my secretary, and my friend. She is not and never will be my pet...My mate Jessica instructed me to satisfy her needs, or fire her before she lost me my job...I chose the first option, only because of my mate's demands. Do not insult her with your implied notions, or whether you are mounted on my cock or not, you will be out that door faster than this plane is flying to Singapore..." Ruth emitted a growl of disgust.

Janice sat up again, shocked at his reaction to her little observation. "I...I'm sorry, I assumed that she was a passing fancy...not a love like me..."

"You, Janice, are not a love of mine...remember exactly why you are here now. If it had been Kyle or Joe in the lounge about to blow their brains out, I would have acted just the same. They would not be sitting mounted on my belly like a hood ornament at the moment. You chose this course of action...I would quite happily be in la-la land now, dreaming of home until I landed in Singapore." He waved a finger in front of her nose.

An assortment of emotions passed through her mind, ranging from anger and doubt at his lecture and denouncement, to amusement at the thought of Kyle mounted on Ruth. She smiled then. 'Well, if you don't love me now...I will make you bloody love me, you moral minded, over-caring stud of a father figure...You won't neglect your duties when your seed is well and truly germinated...' she thought, as she started to rock herself gently on his cock, switching her tail against his balls, and concentrated on pulsing her internal muscles.

Ruth yawned hugely, and watched the emotions flashing across her eyes and face, then closed his eyes, and allowed the sensations she was extracting from his swollen loins to take him past the point of no return. His balls withdrew tightly into his body cavity, and his cock started to pulse within its latex sheath.

Janice groaned as his balls pulled away from her tail, kissing her rosebud as they withdrew into their usual home. The pulses rippling up his cock enticed her clit, which his unusual girth pressed tightly against, pushing her into her second orgasm in fifteen minutes. 'Got you...!' she thought as she felt the damaged nipple rupture fully inside her, and he filled her with his puppy making seed. A look of pure bliss passed onto her face as she collapsed, panting, onto his chest, his cock still pumping more and more ropes of seed into her deepest places, filling her womb directly.

Ruth felt himself go into full orgasm, grunting slightly as his shaft's actions pushed Janice's walls into a frenzy of contracting activities, trying to milk him of the safely encapsulated seed...his last thought as the blessed envelope of sleep enclosed his consciousness, was that there was not the expected pressure on his glans tip...

Janice smiled as she watched his eyes close into his much desired sleep, her orgasm subsiding within herself as she felt his shaft start to deflate. "Got you now, you now..." she muttered, and closed her own eyes while still impaled on his cock. She lay her head down on his neck, just under his chin, and allowed her own nerve induced exhaustion to take her into the most contented sleep she had had for more than two years...


Gwen was sitting at the pilots controls, Kyle at her side, Joe was observing from the jump seat. They had reached cruising height ten minutes previously, and the auto-pilot was engaged. She turned to face the others.

"Joe, can you check in the back for me please...Janice has got something planned again..."

Joe raised his eyebrows, but un-clipped his belt and stepped out of the cockpit into the rear of the plane. He was back in less than two minutes. "She is asleep on the couch, and Ruth's door is closed, and showing red on the lock. You have nothing to worry about love."

Gwen looked at him, unsure, but nodded. "Right, well, we three need to talk."

Kyle turned in his seat, as Joe re-sat himself on the jump.

Gwen took a deep breath. "Janice is not stable...mentally. She confessed to having visions when we were coming into land on the other plane. I told Mr. James, and he is going to enroll her in more than just suicide counselling. My bigger concern is that she has formed a love fixation on Ruth."

"Well, that will pass when he is out of her reach in a few hours," Kyle piped up.

"I don't think it will...She was absolutely adamant that she would try and entrap him from his mate when we were in the shower." She glanced at Joe blushing. "I even allowed myself to be talked into relieving her emotional pressure when we were cleaning each other."

Kyle grinned, catching the inference immediately and picturing the scene. It took Joe a few seconds longer to realise what she was admitting to, then quelled Kyle's grin with an icy look. "B...but..." he started.

"She is coming into season you bloody idiot...Her mind is fucked up enough without her hormones taking the wheel as well...I was hoping that it would stop her from forcing Ruth into something he definitely doesn't want or need," she barked at him.

Joe subsided, but with a look that spoke of a private conversation later. "Well she is sleeping at the moment, and Ruth looked absolutely exhausted when he boarded. Let's keep the bird smooth, and he should be gone before she gets a chance to do anything more," he said with reassurance.

Gwen turned to Kyle. "Kyle, how serious were you on your attraction to her?"

"What?" he blushed.

"You mentioned that you fancied her in the aftermath of the disaster..."

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did," Joe confirmed.

"Well, I had always admired her body...but pilots don't form relationships with the rear crew..."

"Of course they bloody do...they just keep it private. Most of the rear crews are only working the planes in order to hunt mates...they usually find them amongst the passengers and not the cockpit though. It does happen though." Joe waved a finger at him.

"Do you still fancy her?" Gwen pressed.

"Well yes."

"Are you in a relationship?"


"Then as soon as Ruth's out the way, you get your arse in the back, and I will fly us home with Joe. Distract her from her fixation...her feral heat instinct will override her mind when she sees an available cock," Gwen said.

"B...but I can't take advantage of her..."

"Look will hardly be an arduous task for you...Personally, I think it will help you settle your nerves, if you get into a stable relationship..."

"My, nerves?" he questioned, not dismissing the idea of mate-binding with Janice.

"The scuttlebutt around the pilots meetings, is that you have come close to losing it on a couple of occasions...You also run a fine line when it comes to showing up on time...Sharing a bed with someone means you have a back up, and living alarm." Joe paused, glancing at Gwen slyly..."Unless that alarm happens to want to detain you..."

Gwen took a swipe at him, and then sniffed the air. "Erm, guys do you smell what I smell?"

Kyle and Joe both took deep breaths and looked at each other. "Bloody master key!" they all said at the same time, as the odour of mixed musks permeated the cockpit.

Joe jumped up and went into the lounge...It was empty and so were the crew facilities. Ruth's door still showed red, but he placed ear against it, and could hear the activity within. He shook his head and retreated to the cockpit, trying to cover his own erection.

Kyle was also trying to keep control of his pants, while Gwen pretended to ignore the problem. "Flush the air system. Whatever it is she planned...she is enacting. We are too late. Kyle, go and take care of that in the toilets before we end up with even more of a mess."

Gwen activated the air flush system, while Kyle extracted himself from his seat and headed into the crew facilities. "Gwen, will you do me the same service please, or do you need relief as well?"

Gwen grinned and secured the controls into a fully auto mode. She stood and walked to the cockpit door, flicking the lock into position. She dropped her thong and lifted her uniform skirt, before folding her arms on the pilot's seat in front of her, looking out of the air-craft window. "Come on Joe...lets make this truly a cock pit...I've always wanted to do this..." she looked coquettishly over her shoulder at him.

Joe grinned, and dropped his pants, sliding himself into her damp warmth in one thrust. "You know First officer Cooper. This is strictly against regulations..." He started to form a rhythm.

"Yes, Captain Williams," she panted as he began to push her against the pilots seat. "You will have to punish me thoroughly..."

Joe grunted and brought himself to a pheromone aided, fast conclusion, before he had knotted with his paramour, pumping ropes of fresh seed into her already inhabited womb. He withdrew and pulled some tissues out of his pocket.

"Ah, ah Joe, you are not finished yet..." Gwen tickled her tail tip on his nose, and heard the sound of the cockpit door being tried.

Joe frowned, ignoring Kyle's door rattle. "But Gwen...we don't do oral normally..."

"No, you don't normally give oral...You receive it gratefully enough...One thing I learnt in that shower with do the cleaning up from now on..."

Joe sighed, and bent to clean up his cream-pie that was emerging from her lips, quickly getting into his tonguing, and starting to play with her clit, until she flushed the remainder of his juices out with her own. "You know don't taste too bad now..."

"What do you you mean now?" she panted in the afterglow.

"Well, before when we tried this you made me heave..."

"It must be the addition of your own offerings...From now on, every time you finish before me, you get to finish me off!"

"Don't tempt me Miss Cooper..."

Gwen spun as he withdrew his muzzle and knelt in front of him. She grabbed his deflating knot and pumped at his shaft, then deep-throated it, sucking all the remaining seed from it, and cleaning it externally down to his sheath with her tongue. "Mmm, you are lucky that I enjoy our tastes as well then." She grinned up at him.

Joe laughed, and handed half the tissues to Gwen, before drying himself carefully, and allowing a full withdrawal into his sheath before pulling his pants and trousers up. Gwen re-donned her thong after padding herself out with the tissue.

She re-sat herself in the pilots seat and engaged control again. "Let Kyle in...and what are we going to do about her?"

Joe threw the lock and opened the door, allowing Kyle back in with an understanding grin from him. "Well I think we should wait and see exactly what she has done...With luck it's only thanking him with sex...It's to late to do anything now."

"Yes...I will wake them when we hit final approach to Singapore." Gwen finished as Kyle took his seat....


Knock Knock.

Gwen growled softly as she attempted, not for the first time, to gain a response from within the locked cabin. "We're only thirty minutes out now...They've been in there for over three hours! What are they doing?' Gwen thought, exasperated. She fetched the master key from Janice's handbag, and opened the door, staring aghast at the scene that greeted her. "Ooooh Shit..." she cursed.

Ruth was lying naked on the bed on his back, snoring. Janice was lying naked on his stomach, her head resting on his chin, also asleep and breathing heavily. What shocked and worried her was the pool of mixed fluids that was sitting in the crook of Ruth's tail, where they had clearly spilled from Janice.

Janice's tail was slightly to one side, and she could see that Ruth's shaft was no longer visible, having retreated into its slit, but her labial lips were also no longer flushed pink, meaning her heat had passed...That could only mean one thing...trouble.

Gwen approached the head of the bed and gently stroked at Janice's ears, trying not to wake Ruth for the moment. Ruth cracked an eye first though, as Janice sighed, believing the attention to be coming from him.

"I gather it is time to get dressed...Gwen," Ruth yawned hugely.

Janice heard the name Gwen and snapped her eyes open, shaking Gwen's hand off her ears.

"Ruth, you have a problem now...I warned you this bitch was in season..." Gwen said solemnly.

Ruth shook his head..."I stopped her from mounting me unprotected...She woke me with her pheromones, and by dripping heat blood on my snout. I was unconscious, and my body took over my brain...she nearly lost her ass in the progress..."

"Have you not looked down at yourself...?"

"No, I fell straight asleep after she finished what she had started...I watched her put the condom on myself, or she would have been thrown out..." A look of uncertainty crossed his face, as he could feel the now cold liquid on his tail-base.

"Well, something failed Ruth...You are covered in the results...She is now off heat..."

Janice remained silent as Gwen told Ruth what she had observed. The look of dawning horror that passed across his face as the last sentence penetrated his still sleep muzzied brain was unexpected.

Ruth tipped Janice off his stomach and sat up, examining what was pooled in his tail area and the sheets underneath. He panicked slightly and searched for the spent condom, but then felt it was still rumpled around his shaft in his genital cavity.

"Please Gwen, excuse my exposure for a few seconds." He said and hunched himself, visibly straining, and letting out a bubble of foul smelling gas and fluids. His genital slit bulged slightly as he fished a talon into it and retrieved the end of his penis. He pulled its flaccid length out with the condom, and rolled the sodden mass off it onto the bed, allowing his penis to retract naturally again. He carefully unfolded the spent condom and examined the tip carefully. A look of anger passed over his face.

Ruth turned suddenly and grabbed Janice's free hand from under her, causing her to fall backwards and hit her injured shoulder on the bedside table, forcing a squeal of pain from her. He ignored her and sniffed carefully at her finger-tips, then forcefully exposed her claws with his talons, and dragged her towards Gwen with a jerk. "Witness, Gwen, please, and then get my phone," he ordered.

Gwen looked shocked at the way he was treating Janice, but bent to examine what he was showing her. There was a clear strip of latex embedded in Janice's claw sheath. She looked up in horror at Janice, who had a smug look on her face. She quickly grabbed Ruth's phone and handed it to him.

Ruth set the camera to picture, and handed it back to Gwen. "Please, capture that."

Gwen clicked the camera twice, and Ruth released Janice's arm. Before she had a chance, he grabbed her by the throat with his hand, and pinned her to the mattress, choking her of breath as she struggled. "Gwen, part her legs and photo the affected area...fully." Gwen paused. "Now, Gwen...or I will knock her out and do it myself..." Ruth threatened.

Gwen parted Janice's struggling legs, and zoomed the camera on the phone in close up, taking a series of pictures, showing the fluid stains, and the fading flush from her labial lips.

"Ruth love, stop are hurting me..." Janice managed to force out between breaths.

Ruth released her as Gwen straightened, and swiped the side of her face, drawing blood from her lip. "I am not your fucking love, you fucking brainless whore..." he shouted, silencing her.

He rolled her of the bed, ignoring the fact that she impacted again on the bedside table. Ruth reached for the condom and stretched it out carefully on his bedside table. The torn and pierced tip clearly showed against the dark mahogany. "And that Gwen, please..."

Gwen complied as Ruth slowly regained control of his anger. He reached for the phone, and she gave it to him. Janice was struggling to her feet on the other side of the bed. "Gwen, can Kyle hold a level flight circle on his own?" Ruth asked.


"We have enough fuel?"

"Yes...enough to get us back to Darwin..."

"Get Joe into the lounge for me now, put the descent on hold...I may lose control in the next discussion...and you haven't the strength to put me down if I do..." He glared at Janice as he spoke, and Gwen backed out the cabin, running for the cockpit.

"Janice...Out, now...Into the lounge..."

Janice paused.

"I said now!!!!" he roared.

She scurried for the door, reaching for her uniform. Ruth launched himself and grabbed it, throwing her against the door frame, and tore the clothing into strips. "Whores don't need get in there before I do this to you!"

She cowered, truly scared now, and edged past his ire into the lounge as he grabbed his pants, slipping them on. Joe emerged from the cockpit warily, having been roughly briefed by Gwen. She came out behind him. Janice went to sit on the couch. "Floor, whore..." Ruth growled. She complied without a word, leaning against the conference table leg, with her knees splayed, displaying the evidence of her treachery for all to see.

Ruth stalked over the bar. He grabbed at the half-full whisky bottle from its holder, turned and bit through the neck with his teeth, splintering it, and spitting out the glass in Janice's direction. He poured the contents down his throat, coughing a little at the burning sensation, allowing it to anaesthetise his gums where the glass had pierced.

He handed the empty bottle to Joe, and turned. "Back of the skull, hard, under my horns if my feral side takes over. Do not hesitate if I start to stand, Joe, it should put me down long enough for me to regain control, if not knock me out...Do not let me hurt her any more..."

Joe glanced at the bottle in his hands and watched as Ruth retrieved his phone again from the cabin, then took a seat on the recliner. Joe and Gwen perched on the couch's edge to await what he did next. He fiddled with the phone, checking its memory level, then set the camera to record video and passed it to Gwen. "Focus on her, and then hit record," Ruth said, sighing.

He heard the beep, and turned to face Janice. "Why?" he asked quietly.

"Because I love you and you love me..." Janice started.

"Stop!" he shouted. "You know I do not love you...The one thing I clearly remember about the stunt you pulled in there was that I told you that you were not my love...and never would be."

"B...but you saved me..."

"Stop again!" Ruth interrupted. "I saved you, as I would have anyone anyone would in the same circumstance as me if able."

"B...but I love you..." she started shivering.

"No you fucking don't, you fucking love the idea of me...A man that you can admire...give yourself act like the whore you are with..."

"No!" she screamed.

"Yes!" he roared back, cowing her. "Now look what you have fucking done! If you have ruined my relationship with Jessica...I...I..." His talons pierced the recliner's arms, as he fought to hold onto his thinking self. He panted and retracted them again. "You are worse than your pitiful mother ever was..." he started.


"Yes! She conceived you for the love of your father...She could never have known what was to come...You close as damn it raped a mated man, through pure selfishness in your desire to get his illegitimate child from his seed, by sabotaging the condom he insisted upon...knowing full well that it would never have its father to live with..."

"No! You will stay with me now...Stay and raise your child with me at your side..." she begged.

"Never Janice! You ruined any chance of me ever associating with you again when you took from me that which was never freely given...What's more, you have proved that you are not fit to keep the pup yourself..."

"What?!" she started.

"Yes, you may ask that...that much I will grant you."

He turned to Gwen. "What's your average gestational period?"

"About six months."

"Well, it may be longer, due to the mixed nature of the child here. Keep recording. Joe, you can relax's over."

Ruth turned back to Janice, who was sobbing into her hands, the situation she was in truly hitting her for the first time.

"I will hold my agreement with John and the company. Gwen, Joe and Kyle can't suffer because of your actions here now; but there is to be a few changes. Janice, upon landing at Singapore, I will leave this plane, and your life, until such time as MY child arrives. I will then arrive without warning, and with the correct paperwork to take him/her back to the UK with me. That will apply whether or not Jessica chooses to stay or leave me because of your direct actions. Any child of mine will not be put through the upbringing that you have..."

Janice started to protest, but Ruth cut her off with a growl.

"Two things must change for that course of action to be curtailed...and I believe you can change them with help." He sighed, shaking his head. "The first condition you will have to fulfil, is a stable and loving household...That means a ring on your finger, and a father who knows the origin in full of the pup you carry...The first condition could only happen, if the second condition is fulfilled.

"When we land at Singapore, I want Joe to escort me to your local Op's control centre. The contents of that recording on the phone, complete with the still pictures, are to be emailed by me from your control centre to John, and your personnel department in Australia. I am no psychologist, but I believe your current predicament has been caused by the stresses and emotional strains of your circumstances throughout your upbringing to this date. If so, you can be cured...To fulfil my first condition, you will have to be independently certified as fully sane and stable of mind, and be enabled to further your training as a pilot with Tangara, before MY child arrives. You must also gain your wings, by the dawn of MY child's first birthday. Or my first course of action will be enacted with no course for argument."

Ruth turned towards Joe and Gwen. "I charge you, Gwen Cooper, and you, Joe Williams, along with First officer Kyle Harrison to remind her on every possible occasion of the conditions I have set. I would also like to continue our relationship as friends from this point on, and not as crisis acquaintances." He stood and held out his hand, and Gwen stopped the recording.

Joe stood and gripped Ruth's hand with his own, and shook it. "I believe you have been more than fair considering the situation...I accept the responsibility."

"Thank you, Joe." He turned to look at Gwen.

She placed the phone on the couch's arm and stood, also gripping his hand. "I accept the friendship and responsibility too."

"Thank you, Gwen." Ruth turned and faced the sobbing Janice, and walked over to her, extending his hand.

She looked up at it, and then his firm but caring face and gripped it, allowing herself to be pulled upright. Ruth extended his tongue and stemmed the bleeding on her lip with a touch, staring deep into her troubled soul. "You know now, what you have to do... The next eighteen months of your life are going to be different...and I hope for your sake better. You can never have me, for I can never forgive you for putting my relationship with Jessica at risk, but you can have OUR child to live for, if you work hard enough and stick to the conditions that have been mapped out for you."


Ruth placed a talon on her nose tip, forestalling her apology, and led her to the recliner, forcing her to sit and strapping her in. He reached into the torn arm where his talons had penetrated, and removed a broken spring. He poked at the seat-belt's catch and twisted, snapping the 'a' piece into the lock, and testing it to see if it held. He placed a hand on her midriff, and shook his head silently.

Standing, he walked over to the waiting Joe and Gwen. "Cut her free when you are on the way back to Sydney...not before. I don't trust her not to try something following me. Joe, can you get this bird on the ground safely with Kyle, and brief him as to what has gone on...? I need to borrow your fiancee please."

Joe nodded and turned, walking back to the cockpit. Ruth collected his phone, and gestured for Gwen to join him in the bedroom, before closing the door on the silently sobbing Janice. He walked over to the bed and sat, before allowing his own emotions to overwhelm him, and collapsed into his own wracking sobs. "Why Gwen...why?"

Gwen sat down next to him, and allowed him to rest his head on her shoulder, crying himself hoarse into her bosom, like a child with his mother. Gwen silently comforted him, as she had done with Janice, not saying a word, as the answers to his unasked questions were already apparent.

The engine notes changed, and Gwen felt her stomach go light as Joe started the delayed descent into Singapore. Ruth snorted, and lifted his head from Gwen's chest. "I apologise for that Gwen, but I am so scared I will lose Jessica because of this..."

"When she sees the tape, she will understand...She is the one who invited this course of action to occur, when she opened your relationship to others..." Gwen reassured him.

"What of you think she will force her own recovery?"

"I don't know Ruth, you do realise that there is another directly effected by your conditions..."

Ruth straightened. "No, who?"

"Kyle. He is her only option, he is the only male who is likely to accept her after what she has done...and understands why she has done it."

"Oh shit...I never even thought of that...I can't force..."

Gwen placed a claw tip on his snout this time, stopping him mid-sentence. "He will you know...I think he more than just fancies her..."

Ruth shook his head, and went to retrieve fresh travel clothes from his bag, placing them on the bed. "Gwen, stay with me till we land please...I am going to have to have a quick shower before dressing, or, well..." He indicated his concealing slit, and then comically pinched his nose.

Gwen laughed. "Of course Ruth, but I won't join you..."

Ruth grinned, and walked into the shower room, but didn't close the door. Gwen sat on the bed and watched, admiring the play of the water on his scales. Somehow, she was unable to help herself, even as he retrieved his concealed cock and balls from his genital cavity, washing them thoroughly in front of her. She reached inside her shirt and patted her own belly...'I hope for your sake son, Joe proves to be even half the father that Ruth will...' she crooned mentally to her unborn pup, as the plane dropped through the first layer of clouds on its approach path to their conjoined destinies...


The landing went without a hitch. Joe re-emerged from the cockpit and observed that Janice had made no attempt at movement. Gwen was not in evidence, so he knocked on the bedroom door. She opened it and stepped out, giving him a hug.

"How long before his connection is here?" she asked.

"It's already on changeover now. Ruth should be able to board it in about thirty minutes."

"What did Op's say about the thirty minutes delay on approach?"

"I had to brief them after I had told Kyle, so they know to expect me and a guest. Kyle's shutting the bird down ready for refuel. Open the door and I will escort Ruth to the control room now...John is going to be really pissed when this further mess hits his inbox."

"Yup...her treatment isn't going to be cheap, and could be a waste of..."

"I am not deaf Gwen!" Janice snarled, from the recliner.

"I know, but you nearly compromised all of us again with your latest stunt."

"For which I am sorry...I am going to keep this child, no matter what. So you are going to have to get used to me being part of your team. I will get better with the proper care. I can see that now...He may come back to me when it arrives..."

"No I won't, ever!" Ruth stepped out of the bedroom. "You lost any right to further affection from me when you put my mate-ship at risk. I am just hoping that Jessica keeps an open mind and looks at all the evidence before she makes a decision on the whole mess."

"B...but Ruth, what about our baby?...It's not right for it to be brought up by a single parent..."

"Ah, but it won't Janice...the conditions I set still apply and nothing will change that. You have a ring on your finger and a mate in your bed by the time it arrives, or it comes home with me. Even if you have forced a split between Jessica and me...I will have no shortage of suitors. Hell, I may even accept a position here in Aus, if I have won that tender. I know of at least one person who would accept an offer of a stable home with a new child and me. The child will have two parents one way or another...Three if you fulfil your conditions, as I will take an interest as is my right."

Ruth turned to Joe. "That's enough with her, I will only get angry again if I keep listening to her ramblings. Come on, let's get the evidence and report to John and your personnel department, then I can get settled on the homeward bound flight, and you can head home yourself. I suggest that you leave Kyle in the cabin with her, until you get back to Sydney. They may start to talk."

Janice snorted in dismissal at that suggestion.

Ruth spun around angrily. "You listen here you stupid, selfish bitch. Think very carefully about what you do next...Think who may be the only option you have, when it comes to keeping the child you think is so precious to you...No stranger will touch you when the rumours start to spread --and they will this time. One damaged plane can be explained to the repair crews. Two can't without tongues wagging." Ruth gestured to the shredded recliner's arms, that had been thoroughly ruined by his talons.

Janice stared him down without saying a word, so Ruth shook his head and turned, walking towards the door that Gwen had opened. "Gwen, there is a pair of boxers on the bed to cover her dignity at Sydney. Can you make sure the rest of my luggage gets transferred to the Heathrow plane please."

"I will Ruth, and thank you again." Gwen leaned forward and kissed Ruth on the nose.

"Your welcome, and stay in touch, yes?"

"Of course, you will get an invite to our mating ceremony when we have set the date. I will make sure of it." She glanced at Joe, who nodded in agreement.

"Then, if at all possible, I will make sure that I am able to attend. If Joe forgets, try and update me on her progress every month." Ruth gestured at Janice. "If the tender was successful, I will let you know, as I will be in Aus at least a couple of times to help with the set up."

Ruth gestured to Joe, then stepped onto the covered steps, which had been rolled up to the door, ready for him to descend into the terminal.

Joe followed, pausing by Gwen. "Gwen, can you run the usual checks on the outside before departure? Explain to Kyle what Ruth wants him to do, if he is agreeable, but leave him on guard in the lounge with her."

Ruth turned on the stairs. "Even if she has to piss herself in the chair, make sure he doesn't release her until you are in the air again...I still don't trust her not to try an pull a stupid stunt in the terminal, and try and follow me...even naked."

Gwen nodded, turning to fetch Kyle from the cockpit. Joe joined Ruth on the stairs, and they headed into the into the terminal towards Singapore's Op's centre.

Ruth allowed Joe to stride past him, then followed him through the security gates into the crew only area. They had to stop a few times so that Joe could explain to guards that Ruth was cleared for access with him. They walked up to a solid wooden door, and Joe entered a pass-code into the electronic lock, then opened it onto a room full of computer screens, but only two operators.

A crested chihuahua stood up and held his tiny hand out to Ruth. "Afternoon Mr. Ruatha, Captain. Tower has relayed what you are here for. Please take a seat at the terminal here. I have dug up a docking port so the information can be uploaded from your phone. My name is unpronounceable to most, so just call me Jet." He smiled, showing a mouth full of snaggle teeth.

Ruth grinned. Everything Jet had just said ran together so fast it was just about understandable. The little dog barely stood higher than Ruth's hips, and had a hairstyle that any punk in the seventies would have been proud of. "Thank you, Jet, this won't take me long. I assume that you have been briefed on the need for this to be kept confidential...?"

"Yes sir, of course sir, we at Singapore don't gossip with the others..." Something passed across Jet's face, then he blushed. "Erm...You don't happen to know a Xiu, do you..."

Ruth frowned. "I thought you said you didn't gossip..."

"Ah...well...ah...when something unusual happens to a colleague, that we are all pleased about...ah...well..." Jet turned even more pink than usual where his bare skin was showing around his collar. His colleague in the room, a weasel, was also trying to hide her embarrassment. Joe stood and observed, completely oblivious to what the conversation was about.

Ruth laughed at the reaction he had provoked. "Well I am glad that you all approve...I only wish that all people were as receptive to their colleagues' needs as you are to Xiu's, or I wouldn't be here now..." Joe frowned at the minor dig at the Aussie organisation. "And yes, as you gathered, you have the right dragon, although I can't understand how the news has spread in less than eighteen hours..."

"Ruth, what are they on about?" Joe queried.

"I am sure Jet will fill you in after I have left. Call it a rather more mutual encounter than my last one, on my flight from here to Sydney, and leave it at that for now. I need to get this done, and be on the Heathrow plane before it gets held up."

"Of course sir," Jet barked quickly, and cleared the way for Ruth to sit.

Ruth pulled his phone out and docked it with the port that Jet pushed his way. He hit a few buttons and watched as the required video and picture files were uploaded and converted into zip folders ready for email. He pulled John's card out from his pouch and sent the files, along with a covering note updating John on the new conditions that Janice's actions had forced upon him. He also assured him that, should it be required, he would pay for the re-upholstery of the recliner in the second G6, as it was damaged from his partial loss of control.

"Who in personnel will need these at Australian Op's Joe?" Ruth asked.

Joe paused for a minute, then replied, "Personally, I would send them to Heather. She is in control, and unless someone gets into her account she will keep them on need-to-know only."

Ruth raised his brow at that, but complied, knowing that the fewer people that knew the truth behind Janice's mental state, the more chance she would have of rehabilitation. "Jet, have you got her details please?"

Jet nodded, and pulled the email address up from the the computer's directory.

Ruth wrote a shorter, less detailed explanation to Heather, but added that she should consult with John if there was anything else she needed, in order to work the best course of action for Janice's rehab and training. He hit send, then went into the sent mail folder and deleted both of the outbound messages. He then pulled up the picture and video files on the computer's hard drive and deleted them there as well, before emptying the recycle bin.

He pushed the chair back and stood, stretching. "Thank you, Jet. Joe, the files have been deleted from the surface memory of the computer. I want to to keep your nose to the ground and watch for them if they surface amongst the general staff. I think John and Heather will be discreet, as I clearly included in both the emails that should Janice's indiscretions become public will the circumstances in which the manifested themselves. You know as well as they do exactly what that would do to Tangara as an organisation." Ruth never let his eyes off Jet as he spoke. "I am pretty sure they would be rather angry if rumours started to spread..."

Jet swallowed hard, and glanced across at the weasel, who also nodded at the implied threat. "Erm, the computer will be left exactly you have left it this case I believe the gossip that could be generated from the content of said files should be left private..."

Ruth grunted, and smiled. "Make sure that it does," he said with finality, and turned towards the door.

Joe quickly shook Jet's hand, with a look that promised he would uphold Ruth's implied threat even if the company didn't, and opened the door for Ruth. They strolled back out through the security checks and headed for the gate that Ruth's flight was being held at on turnaround. As they approached the desk down the skyway, the cat behind it glanced up and caught site of them. She started, and then turned and called something up the jetway behind her, to an unseen colleague.

Ruth stopped at the desk, and the cat turned to greet him hesitantly. "Good afternoon, it is Mr. Ruatha isn't it?"

Ruth glanced at the entrance to the jetway and saw four female heads peering around the corner, who quickly withdrew when they spotted that they had been seen. Ruth nodded with a slight grin towards Joe. "Yes..."

"Well welcome aboard to flight TA359 to London, Heathrow." She paused, fidgeting for a second. "Erm your luggage has been transferred into the hold, and your hand luggage is already stowed in your cabin...You are in number twelve at the rear today sir...but we can fetch you what you need from the bar/lounge. Maria will guide you there. Please, everything is in order, feel free to board and then we can be underway," she rushed out.

"Ahem...I haven't discharged for over forty-eight hours..."

"Oh, shit...I forgot..." She clasped her hand over her mouth in shock at her slip with the swearword.

Ruth laughed, and dismissed it as she got the required earthing strip out from the desks draw. He gripped it in his teeth and the light lit on the desk with the resulting crack. He handed it back with a grin. "Is something bothering you about me... Lana?" He caught the name from the badge on her lapel.

"No no, nothing at all..." She blushed, turning quickly.

Ruth grinned at Joe, who returned the gesture. "Something tells me that you are going to have a very interesting flight back, Ruth," Joe said, laughing.

"Why do women always gossip Joe?" Ruth said with a laugh.

"I don't know Ruth, it's one of the great unsolved mysteries of the gender...though I wouldn't mind swapping with you for this trip..."

"And what would Gwen say about that?" Ruth said with a mock frown.

"Touche. Give Jessica a peck for me as well."

Ruth nodded with a grin, shaking hands with him before turning and strolled up the jetway. He paused and turned. "Joe, look after her for me please...I hope that you think I have been fair in my actions..."

Joe nodded, "I will friend...I will..." He turned and headed back towards the G6, as Ruth walked around the corner of the jetway and out of sight.