
Story by The Caring Guardian on SoFurry

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This is the second installment of my story. Any negative or positive comments are appreciated. Helpful pointers are much appreciated and will be taken into heavy consideration. Thank you for your time.


"Heh heh heh... Everything happened according to your plan Boss! Everyone in the village believed your ploy and fell for the trap. Now they're all dead!"

Crumbling in the distance stirs a resting body in the darkness. "Aren't I dead yet?" Silence enfolds upon my soul as I lose touch with reality once more, and I fear that this time it will claim me for good; but alas, a voice soothingly strides its way to my most internal thoughts. "Are you okay..?" The voice of an angel... "Ungh..." I wake up, groaning half-heartedly towards being awake but also towards the aches I feel pulsing through various portions of my being. A question that I feel I've been asking far too much comes to resound itself once again from my lips. "Where am I?" I weakly open my eyes and look around. All that I can see are a few half-emptied bottles filled with some reddish-green substance that are dimly lit from a source I cannot find. Then, the memories of me drowning surge forward through my post-awakened mind and my immediate action was thrashing about. That movement lasted nearly two seconds before being stopped dead by a strong jolt of pain that tore through my body. I start to cry out and begin thrashing once more but then instantly quiet down as I hear a voice. "Stop moving! You're going to tear out all the stitches."

I stop struggling and ask weakly to whomever it was to turn on a light. I hear a clack and a fire sprang to life. As my eyes adjust to the glow, I see a blue, dragon-like animal in front of me. I say hello to see if anyone was there and the dragon simply replied with a short greeting. I sat in shock for a few minutes and finally came to ask myself, "How can it talk?" It growled at me and retorted, "First of all, I'm not an 'it'; I am a womon. Secondly, you're in the Digiverse. Third and final, don't call me an "it" again." I reply with a scared "Okay." I ask meekly for her name after I get over my fright. "Oh, sorry, you must be new here if you don't know my species name. My name is Aquaveemon." I smile lightly, say my apologies, and repeat my greeting from earlier, only this time making sure I am polite in my approach. "You can call me Aqua, by the way, if you want to handsome." I blush at this, silently taking notice of how this whole time she had been looking me over. "I'm not that..." she stopped me before I could even finish, "Whoever doesn't think you're cute has no taste in men."I was blushing madly now. No one had ever thought or told me I was cute before. Not that I had been around a lot of people in my life, anyway. "Oh dear... Where are my manners? I forgot to ask you your name."

Silence hung in the cave like a fog hangs over a cemetery. "... I'm sorry... I can't remember..." An even more eerie silence overtook the tunnel we shared now as she stared at me in what I could read as only a shocked and apologetic look. "I'm so sorry... I didn't..." I cut her off with a little wave of my hand. "It's alright. You didn't know. Don't worry yourself over something like that..." Then something struck me. "Wait a minute. Was that you who saved me when I was drowning?" Now it was her turn to blush, "Umm, yes it was. We Aquaveemon, if our name doesn't hint at it, are excellent swimmers and divers. We also have very good sight and hearing. I heard you yelling for help and swam as fast as I could to save you. I told you to hold on, but you had already lost consciousness. I think you heard me though. You kicked your legs as much as you could to help me get you to shore. I had to drag you all the way here and get you dry before you got Hypothermia."

Yet another silence filled the cave as we sat there with nothing but the sounds of thunder, the hammering of rain, the gnashing gales of wind outside and the crackling of the fire inside the cave to listen to. "Umm, I hope you don't mind this and I'm really sorry, but I had to strip you of all your clothes and get you dry ones," She blurted rather hurriedly. It took a few moments for that to sink. Once it did, though, I may have gone overboard with my reaction. "You took off ALL my clothes?! You saw me completely NAKED!?!" Ok, so I DEFINITELY went overboard with my reaction. But she replied calmly, as though I hadn't even raised my voice, "If I hadn't, you were going to catch Hypothermia. It was either lose the clothes or lose you. What would you have had me do?" "Well..." I turned around as I started to blush again. "Ok. I guess you're right. If I had died then what good would it have done for you to come and save me in the first place? For that, I thank you." She smiled sweetly and let out a sigh of relief I knew she had been holding since she told me. "Okay, so now since that's settled, let's get some sleep, shall we?" My body responding before I could with a loud yawn and drawn out stretch, I release a slighted sigh. She giggled quietly as I laughed out my response, "Sounds good to me. I'm tired and I'm sure you're really tired for swimming me out of the water AND dragging my unconscious butt into this cave. So let's get some rest." In response, much like myself not even a minute ago, she yawned and stretched as well. "Okay. See you in the morning. Good night and I hope you at least have a peaceful sleep." I smile in warmth towards her kindness and respond with one last tired breath, "May you rest easy as well."