Profile: Ralphael Nakai

Story by NIGHTSTORM77 on SoFurry

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HAIR: Grayish Black

EYES: Blue Eyes

SEX: Male

AGE: 20 Years


WEIGHT: 245 Ibs

INTERESTING FEATURE: He's an anthromorphic wolf and has three earrings on his left ear.

RACE: Cheyenne

FAMILY: Unknown

PERSONALITY: Kind, logical, bias, supportive, passionate, shy, stoic, dependable, patient and respectful.

ABILITY: Communicates with animals, super strength, and shamanism.

WEAPONS: A large katana, 12 gauge shotgun, and bows & arrows.

FASHION: Mostly clothes that fits him, but usually wears baggy pants, trench coats and muscle shirts.

FIGHTING STYLE: Kick-boxing, except he doesn't really use his hands a lot.

LIKES: Reading, playing video games, drawing, painting, the Star Wars Trilogy, playing guitar, sparring and fixing machinery.

DISLIKES: Being used, freeloaders, people who use others, being made fun of, and anyone who hurts Isabelle.

*He was born an orphan in Southern Texas, raised in a foster home. He lived on an Indian Reservation. However, due to his European looks and light complexion, he was ostracized by the other children. His foster parents didn't really help, not really giving him any emotional attachment. The only person he was close to was a shaman that lived near the desert. He used to go to him to hear stories and to learn of the shamanistic ways. When he was 16, the shaman died and Raphael had a dream the same night. He dreamed that the shaman told him that now Raphael must carry on his teachings and that there was a wolf next him. Suddenly, the wolf bit him and Raphael woke up with a yell. That's when he realized that his entire form changed, he was now and antromorphic wolf. Realizing now that he can't ever have a normal life, he left the reservation. Getting a hang of his shaman abilities was a problem but when he finally did, he conjured an illusion of him looking human. He wandered around for about 4 years until he met Alphonse, who would forever change his life.

*Isabelle is his life, would do anything for her.

*Is an aspiring artist, usually paints.

*Is a pacifist, but a hell of a good fighter.

*When he gets angry, he lets out a large growl.

*He wears a beaded bracelet when he goes into society to do an illusion of a human.

*His katana was custom made. The handle has a small braid of Isabelle's hair tied to it.

*Even thought its unspoken, he and Isabelle are the leaders of the group.

* Due to his empathy and down to earth logic, everyone has great respect for him.

* He is usually the clam one of the group, always calming Isabelle whenever she gets angry.

*Calls Isabelle "Baby Girl" because she looks so young.