Artifacts, Chapter 9, The Belt

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO take!

Artifacts, Chapter 9

The Belt

By William W. Kelso

Larry was bored, which was pretty normal for him. Despite being fairly intelligent he'd never managed to stay at anything long enough to excel, and because of that, plus a lack of opportunity due to his social and financial status; he was poor, he had turned to part time burglary to help pay for his 'living expenses'. In his twisted way of thinking; like that of many criminals, he felt those who were better-off owed him something. But he was quite particular about whose houses he burgled, they had to be rich, and not at home. He was not a kick-in-the-door-smash-and-grab kind of burglar; he liked to think of himself as a professional. And maybe he was, in over ten years he had never been picked up, or even questioned. He also liked to hit what he called 'dead houses', houses whose owners had recently died. He'd watch the obituaries, drive by the house, and if there were no lights on he'd hit it that night before relatives stripped the place clean. He didn't trash the places either, and quite often they didn't even realize they'd had a 'visitor' in the night. As for daddies old coin collection, who knew what he'd done with it, he'd been pretty senile towards the end.

Larry had an accomplice for some of his 'adventures', an on-off girlfriend named Angelica; or Angie as she preferred, but she was sure not Angelic. He thought Demonica would be a better name. But she was good in bed, and liked the 'thrill' of committing a crime, even though all she did was drive the 'getaway' car. So she was with him the night he decided to 'hit' a house in the upscale part of town. It was a nice older neighborhood, and the houses were all big and opulent. He'd hit a few others in the general vicinity over the years, and his haul sof ill-gotten booty had been some of the best, so he was pretty sure this one would also yield good results for his efforts.

The house in question had belonged to some long-time college professor at the local university, and the obit had listed 'no surviving relatives', which was great. It meant that probably nothing had been touched since the old guy croaked; and it took the state forever to get around to inventorying an estate. But still, best to hurry.

Angelica dropped him off at the entrance to a convenient ally about two blocks away, and would cruise by again in two hours, then once every hour after that until he showed up. If she saw any patrol cars in the vicinity she would split and he'd be on his own. He was a slender lithe man, and in excellent condition, and he liked to think of himself as a 'cat burglar', since he could move as quick and quiet as a cat, and climb almost as well. He even dressed in black, just like a black cat.

As he approached the house from the ally side he could see nothing had changed since he'd driven by earlier in the day. It was dark, no lights, and the only car in the drive hadn't moved in days, and in fact had a partially flat tire and was dirty from some recent rains. He was positive no one was home. The only time he'd broken into a house that was occupied the little old lady had scared him more then he'd scared her, she'd looked like a bat out of Hell. They'd both screamed, and he'd run like Hell, and was long gone before the police showed up. He checked for any alarm service signs, then finding none double checked the windows in the back for any contacts or tape on the glass, or any sensors that could be seen. He used a narrow tight red beam flashlight similar to a laser pointer; which was in fact what he'd made it from, the beam was impossible to see from more then a few feet away. He smiled as he found a partially open window, and popping off the screen he lifted the window the rest of the way, then stepped cautiously inside, his sneakers silent on the thick carpet. First things first, make SURE no one was home before rummaging around. No more little old lady surprises! A quick run through confirmed his assumption had been correct, no one home but us cat burglars. The place was big; two stories with a basement, so he'd be busy for awhile. He liked to take his time and be thorough, and never left a mess. He widened the beam on his light just a little; more then enough for his purposes, and as long as he didn't shine it on a window no one else could see it.

Unlike 'stupid' burglars Larry didn't waste his time with appliances; he was after jewelry, real silver silverware, and of course, money. For some reason most old folks always had a stash somewhere, and he was good at finding them. If they were in a safe he was pretty much screwed as he was no safe-cracker, but sometimes he lucked out and found the combination tucked in a book, behind a picture on the wall, or under the bottom of a drawer; the usual 'hiding' spots for some reason. He started in what looked like a study, and scored on some rolls of silver coin in a desk drawer, a few gold ones, and a few hundred bucks in cash. He found a small floor safe, but his luck ran out on finding the combo. There was a bunch of Indian junk too; frames of arrowheads, leather and bead stuff in display cases, and stuff like that. He figured the old guy was a Native-American, or collected the stuff. He knew nothing about that kind of stuff, so stayed away from it. He didn't have a clue as to where to go to sell stuff like that, and figured it would be easy to trace.

But then something in one of the cases caught his eye, it was a belt, a really fancy one with a big silver western style buckle. He opened the case and took it out for a closer look. The engraved plate on the case read: 'Apache Shaman's Medicine Belt, White Mountain Clan, circa 1880. Rumored to be cursed, several previous owners disappeared under mysterious circumstances, the markings on buckle are...'. He didn't give a flip about that though; he just thought it was cool looking, so tucked it in his bag. His best find was another case with a bunch of old Spanish silver and gold coins, and even some crude gold bars. He whistled happily as he emptied the case, the sound of gold and silver clinking together in his bag was music to his ears. He'd known this would be a good haul!! Best one yet!

The rest of the house was pretty much a bust, though he did get a few nice silverware pieces from a dusty and long unused dining room. He double checked, found a few nice odds and ends he'd missed in his first sweep, then left the way he'd come. He closed the window and put the screen back up, and hopefully it would be a long time before anyone realized what had happened. Hell, maybe they never would, he hadn't broken anything or dumped the contents of drawers on the floor. The estate executors might never even know anything was missing. It had been a really good night.

It had taken him about four hours to pull off the job, and he had to wait about ten minutes before Angelica pulled up, and as soon as he slipped into the car they went on their merry way.

"Well, said Angie, what'd you get? Must have done pretty good, you were gone a really long time."

"Good haul baby, Larry said; lots of pretty gold and silver coins. I'll drive over to Dallas in the next day or two and sell a few pieces. This haul will keep us in pocket change for a long time."

"Man, you just ought to sell all of it, get us enough for a vacation or new bigscreen TV, or something nice." Angie said.

'I've told you before, Larry replied, that's how the cops catch you, if you're stupid enough to dump all the stuff in one place. Piece it out and no one gets suspicious. Plus that way you don't need a fence, those bastards really screw you on their 'share'. And screw getting a TV, we got enough for a nice car!"

"You saying I'm stupid??" Angie said.

"No baby, just a little impatient. We'll save up this time; maybe go to Mexico for a couple of weeks. How's that sound?"

"Really, for sure this time?" Angie said.

"Yeah baby, I promise." Larry replied.

"You'd better!" Angie said, but she was pretty sure he was serious this time, so didn't press the matter.

As soon as they got back to their apartment Larry dumped the bag out onto the bed, and Angie squealed in delight when she saw all the gold and silver. He whistled, there was even more then he'd thought, the bag must have weighed over thirty pounds, and quite a bit of that was gold coins and bars. The silver ones were nice too, he knew those old Spanish coins were worth a lot. There was no telling what the stuff was worth! He'd have to be really careful when he sold it though. He'd pay his Mom a visit tomorrow and hide most of it under the loose floorboard in his old room, he'd hate for some crook to break onto the apartment and relieve him of his ill-gotten gains, and he would NOT have appreciated the irony if that happened. The stuff would be safer at his Mom's.

Angie picked up the belt, and said, "What the heck is this?"

"It's cool, isn't it, Larry said, look at that beadwork, and I think it's some sort of snakeskin or something. And that buckle is solid silver! Bet it's worth a fortune to some collector."

Angie rolled the belt out on the bed and they took a closer look at it. It was some sort of snakeskin all right; what kind they had no idea, with a center panel of multi-colored beadwork showing a full length snake, forked tongue no one end and rattle on the other. The large western type buckle also had a snake engraved around the open frame, plus some weird pictoglyphs or something.

"Man, its butt ugly!" Angie said.

Offended, Larry said, "You just don't have any taste! This sort of stuff is all the rage right now, and this is double cool! I'm going to wear it."

"Oh yeah, Angie said, how you going to do that; Mr. Fashion Statement, this thing is about four inches wide, you got any pants with belt loops that wide?"

"What?! Ah crap! Larry said, I was really looking forward to wearing it with those boot s you got me for my birthday. They'd look great together! "

"Well, Angie said, you could always wear a long shirt and wear it on the outside? I've seen other guys; and girls, doing that."

"Yeah, good idea! Larry said; that would work!" And leaning over he gave Angie a long kiss, which she returned. Pulling off a successful 'heist' always made him horny, so he kissed her again and gave one of her nice firm tits a squeeze.

Angie put her arm around Larry's neck and enjoyed the kiss; and his hand on her breast. She got really turned on when she helped him 'pull a job', just like Bonnie and Clyde. Of course they hadn't shot up a bank with a machine gun, but she still got-off on the implied danger of getting caught. Plus he was a good lover; he knew what a lady liked, and he never left her unsatisfied. He had some sort of minor sexual dysfunction, and it took him forever to cum, so no premature ejaculations for him. He could fuck her for over an hour before he came, and she'd always cum several times before he did, which was great, the longer the better, she liked nice long hard fucks. And the sooner he started fucking her, the better, so she slid her hand into his pants and cupped his nice warm balls, and he gave her tit a gentle squeeze as her nipples hardened.

Soon Angie was lying on he back, legs spread, and she gave a moan of pleasure as Larry lowered himself on; and in, to her, his nice hard cock sliding into her eager pussy, which was already nice and lubed by his tongue. He thrust a few time until he hilted, got comfortable, and then started humping her with a smooth steady rhythm, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grunting in pleasure as he fucked her. He was always amazingly quiet during sex, just giving soft grunts of his own, but she was pretty vocal, which worked out just fine. As he pleasured her she squealed and moaned, then as she neared her first orgasm she kicked her heels against his rump, and running her hands up and down his back, and sobbed,


Larry smiled as Angie writhed and bucked under him, he loved the way she groaned and moaned when he fucked her, and he could tell when she was about to reach orgasm, like NOW!! He sped up his thrusts as she bucked and arched under him, but didn't stop. He hadn't cum yet, and wouldn't for awhile. But finally he gave a deep groan of ecstasy as his balls clenched, his cock throbbing as he blasted his cum into her, her sounds of pleasure loud in his ears helping make his own release even more intense.

An hour later he pulled out of her for the second time, and they lay side by side for awhile kissing and snuggling in the afterglow of fantastic sex. Angie had to admit they'd probably never get married, but she really wasn't the marrying type any more then he was, but he was the best lover she'd ever had. They'd probably drift apart again in a few weeks or months, then hopefully back again, at least for some more awesome sex. They did know what one another liked, but liked a little 'variety' too. They didn't mind that they each had other lovers from time to time, and always ended up back together sooner or later.

"What are your planes for tomorrow?" Angie finally asked, running her fingers through his chest hair. For such a slender guy he had lots of body hair, and she liked that. She was pretty hairy herself, had to shave her legs every day, but left her thick pubic thatch alone.

"Oh, not much; figured I'd run over to Dallas or Austin and sell a few odds and ends. You want to come along?" Larry asked sleepily.

"Naw, got to work. One of us has to pay the rent, Angie replied; at least when the criminal mastermind is broke."

"Well, I won't be after tomorrow, Larry said, and we'll be well off for a long time from tonight's haul. Best one ever; that gold has got to be worth twenty-thirty grand just from the weight, not to mention collector value. People are nuts for old Spanish coins."

"Really, that much?? Angie said, well then, guess I'd better be good to you!" And reaching down she cupped his balls and fondled them gently, and got the expected reaction.

"Yeah, guess you'd better!" Larry said, leaning over and licking one of her stiffening nipples.

"Uggghhh!!" Angie gasped, as Larry mounted her from behind this time. Here we go again! "Oh yeah, like that!! FUCK ME!! UGGHHH, YEEAAHHH!" She moaned as his thighs slapped into her rear, and it took him even longer this time; much to her delight.

Larry got up and left pretty early the next morning; unlike Angie he was a morning person. Angie; on the other hand, most definitely was not. Which was why she liked to work nights, she got to sleep in late the next day. So when she got up Larry was long gone, as was most of the 'treasure'. He'd left a few coins, and the unusual belt. After a night of heavy and hot sex she always felt pretty sticky, so she wandered into the bathroom, took a shower, shaved her legs, and got cleaned up. She came back into the bedroom; still nude, and started to make up the bed, taking the belt and coins and putting them on the dresser. She liked being naked, especially right after a nice hot shower, when she was 'squeaky clean'. As the put the stuff on the dresser she admired her nice firm tits in a mirror. They weren't all that large; like Larry always told her they were a 'perfect handful', but were nice and firm and barely jiggled even when he was boning her good and hard. She cupped and hefted them to make them look bigger, but decided she liked them the way they were. Not bad, she thought, not bad at all. As she turned the sunlight glinted off the weird belts buckle, and she picked it up again. In the bright light she could see the design in the beadwork really was nicely detailed, and she revised her opinion of it. A lot of work had gone into the old belt, and despite being old it was in excellent condition.

With a mischievous giggled she put the belt on, tightening it around her slender waist. She liked the way it looked against her naked skin, and holding her hands above her head did a pirouette in front of the full length mirror on the closet door. Oh yeah, she looked hot. Maybe this was all she'd be wearing when Larry got home, that would turn him on for sure! Maybe that and the cowboy boots she'd gotten him. She spun around a few more times until she was a little giddy, and felt her sex getting wet thinking about Larry, man could that man fuck! She suddenly felt flushed and hot, and also extremely aroused. After a final admiring look in the mirror she sat down on the edge of the bed, and reaching between her legs she began to finger herself, sliding two fingers into her pussy and stroking slowly. Uhh, yeah, that feels good, she thought. She was kind of surprised she was so horny; usually after a night with Larry she was good for a day or two. But her pussy was wet and hot, and her fingers felt wonderful as she fingered herself, eyes closed and mouth open as she moaned in pleasure.

Angie was so intent on the growing pleasure in her sex that she didn't feel the belt becoming even snugger, and ignored the slight itching and tingling feeling that started around her waist as the skin bordering the belt began to harden and...change. The scales and bands were small at first, but quickly began to spread and grow, moving steadily up her back and down her legs, flowing over her ass and thighs. And as they did her lust and pleasure increased, her fingers moving faster and deeper, her guttural moans getting louder. As the scales reached her breasts and knees she climaxed, her orgasm intense and violent, and she gave a loud squeal of ecstasy.

"Ughhh, oh my, that was...nice." Angie muttered, unexpected, but nice. Her pussy was still demanding though, so she kept her fingers inside herself, but moved them slower now for awhile, then faster as the pleasure built again. She was surprised at just how good it felt, she wasn't much on masturbation; a cock was so much better, but this was really enjoyable. Her tits were tingling and itching a little, so she reached up with her hand; the one not busy in her pussy, and rubbed her breast and tweaked her nipple, and frowned. What the Hell, her tit felt slick and...hard! Opening her eyes she looked down, and gave a moan of disbelief, and then a louder one of growing horror.

While she had been pleasuring herself the second time the scales now covering most of her body had thickened, and were still spreading, a light dusting of small scales now covered her face, and her hair was starting to fall out, her nose flattening. "I...I, what...?" She gasped. Despite her confusion she kept finger fucking herself, unable to stop as another orgasm was rapidly approaching, the pleasure incredible. She kept rubbing her sensitive nipples with one hand, the other still busy between her legs, and throwing back her head gave a guttural hiss of ecstasy as an even more intense orgasm racked her body, a forked tongue licking from between her now hard and immobile lips. "UGGGGHHH, Sssssss, OHHH, AAHH-HIISSSS!!"

As the agonizing pleasure faded Angie lifted up her hands and stared at them in horror, her fingers had grown together!! It looked like she was wearing mittens, scaly mittens! What the fuck was going on!! This was impossible! She had to get help, call someone! She stood up; and promptly fell on her face with a painful 'thud'. With a groan she rolled over and looked at her legs, only to find her feet had become shapeless lumps, her toes and ankles fused into flipper like shapes. And all her hair had fallen out now, including her pubic hair, but the growing hardening bands had even grown around her sex, and before her horrified eyes her vagina sank into her body between two of the bands, leaving behind a horizontal slit that closed and was hardly noticeable as it became a reptilian cloaca.

"NOOO, THISSS ISSS INSSSANE!" She sobbed, looking at her arms which had become noticeably shorter, and waved the almost featureless limbs helplessly, her legs rapidly shrinking as well as they drew up into her body, and she squealed as she saw she now had a tail, one almost as long as the rest of her body now, that swished and lashed aimlessly. "Have...too...Sssss, hisssss,!!" she moaned, and rolling onto her belly began dragging herself towards the nightstand with the phone on it, her movements awkward and uncoordinated as she tried to move using the stumps of her arms and legs. As she dragged herself across the carpet she came into view on the mirror on the closet door, and froze in shock and horror. The thing staring back at her bore little resemblance to a human anymore.

"NOOOO, Ssssss, OH GOD, PLEASSSSZZZ!!" She sobbed. It was impossible, but there was no denying what she was looking at it, she was more snake then human now. Her head was slick and bare of hair, covered in scales, and as she stared she felt her skull soften, becoming malleable as it began to flatten, her jaws pushing out into a hard scaly snout. She opened her mouth to scream, forked tongue flicking, fangs sliding into place, "HHIIIISSSSSSS!" She worked her jaws in panic, "HISS, Ssss, HISSSSSSSS!!" NO, she couldn't talk anymore! Her tail was now so long it curved out of sight behind the bed, and her arms and legs were short nubs that only twitched when she tried to make them do anything. Then they too disappeared, became small bumps, then were gone without a trace.

Frantically she reared up, her head rising several feet into the air as she hissed in terror; desperately trying to stand up, before helplessly falling over sideways as she overextended her new unfamiliar body, and as she watched the outlines of her hips and shoulders faded into her increasingly tubular body. NO, NO, NOOOO!! "HIIISSSSSSSS!!"

She felt a pressure building inside her body as her now thick and tubular body suddenly began to stretch in both directions, and writhed helplessly from the pain as her vertebrae popped and cracked as her body lengthened and narrowed, the belt loosening. As she reared again and again; trying to deny what was happening, she tried to close her eyes to block out the horrible sight of the huge serpent coiling and writhing on the floor, but to her dismay realized her gaze was fixed, she could no longer even blink. As she watched her in utter terror her human eyes blurred, her pupils narrowed, and it was over, the eyes staring back at her now completely inhuman. However it had happened she was now a snake, over twelve feet long, her body a muscular limbless tube of scales and bands, a dark reddish brown diamond pattern on her back, her tail tipped with a large rattle.

With a hiss of dismay the huge diamondback rattlesnake that had once been Angie coiled slowly, rattle buzzing, tongue flicking frantically as she tried desperately to understand, and accept, what had happened. As she coiled she slithered out of the belt, leaving it lying on the floor unnoticed.

As Angie instinctively coiled into a defensive position she tried to think, to understand. Her thoughts felt strange, cottony, and it was hard to concentrate. She finally tried to stand a few more times, rearing up and swaying until falling over again, and then gave up in despair. She slithered closer to the mirror and looked at the inhuman scaly visage staring back at her, forked tongue flicking up to lick its snout as she 'tasted' the air, reptilian eyes cold and emotionless. Noo, oh please, noooo! She thought as she bumped her snout against the glass, that...that can't be me! She flicked her tongue a few more times, then lowered her head and rapidly slithered into the living room, and reaching the door reared up and tried to turn the doorknob, rubbing and pushing her head against it as she tried to open the door. I have to find help!! This can't be happening! She thought, but her slick blunt snout could get no purchase, and she finally gave up with a loud hiss of frustration. She slithered to where the sun was shining on the floor, and coiled in the nice warm spot, then became perfectly still except for her tongue. Larry, she thought, he'll be home in a few hours! He'll help me! And, ohh, I'm still so horny!! She uncoiled a little, and ran her snout down her horribly alien scaly body until she reached a spot near her tail, and examined the slightly puffy swollen looking slit in her belly bands. She could smell a powerful scent coming off of it. Oh my God, she realized, I'm in heat! She flicked her tongue over the sensitive slit, but that didn't help any. Finally she recoiled with a soft hiss, trying to ignore that burning need in her cloaca.

How long has it been?? Angie thought, it seemed like forever, and the nice warm spot had faded. Finally she decided to find some cover; she didn't like it out here in the open in this increasingly strange and disturbing place. Wasn't she waiting for something, though?? It was so hard to concentrate! She knew something was wrong, but couldn't quite remember what it was. She shook her head in confusion, and with a hiss she slithered into the kitchen and looked around, then moved back into the small living room and at last down the hall to the bedroom. She slid under the bed, but didn't like all the dust, but eventually found what she was looking for in the bathroom. The poorly installed sink had a good sized hole behind it, and she slithered into the nice dark space beyond as she followed her new instincts, which were becoming increasingly dominant as her primitive mind found it harder and harder to maintain more complicated thoughts. As she moved down the pipes she could smell rodents, and was pleased that the hunting would be good here. The human part of her realized what was happening, that the snake mind was slowly taking over, but was powerless. Nooo, please, I'm human, not a snake!! She thought, but it was getting harder and harder to think clearly, the effort tiring and increasingly annoying. She had things to do, her belly to fill, had to find a safe and warm den.

Larry got in later then he'd planned as the traffic had been a killer, some idiot had tangled with a semi; and lost, and all but two lanes were blocked and the traffic had been backed up for miles. He wasn't worried when the apartment was empty, he knew Angie would still be at work until the early morning, so fixed himself a TV dinner, and sat down to watch TV for awhile. He'd done better the he'd hoped, and gotten excellent prices for a few nice pieces from some antique stores. He sold them one or two at a time, dumping a whole bunch on one buyer might raise eyebrows. So he had about $5,000 tucked into his overstuffed wallet, the extra rolled up in a nice fat wad. It was more than enough for the trip he'd promised Angie to Mexico, or maybe even the Caribbean. The thought of them together in some fancy resort on a beach somewhere was nice, and he felt himself get hard. Man, he could hardly wait until she got home!

Angie was actually fairly close by, coiled under some nice warm pipes in the crawlspace under the apartment. She'd found a large rats nest and caught several nice big fat ones and had feasted, her belly nice and full of small bulges. The human part of her mind had been revolted and disgusted as she swallowed the still warm bodies of her prey, but at least they had been dead, her quick strikes had seen to that. Now she was torpid and sleepy, and had coiled up for the night. As she drifted off to sleep her fading human awareness tried to regain control, but she was just too tired.

Larry feel asleep for a couple of hours, and waking up groggily turned off the TV and headed for the bedroom. As usual Angie had left the place messy, she was no more a housewife then he was, and he grinned as he picked up her things and put them in the laundry bin. He frowned when he saw the belt though, what was that doing on the floor? It had been rolled before, but now was buckled. She must have tried it on, he realized, but why had she re-buckled it? Oh well, he'd ask her later. He planned on taking a bath, and had stripped down to his shorts, but figured he'd take a look and see how he looked wearing the belt. He slipped it around his waist and ran the tongue through the buckle, then snugged it down. The soft leather felt pleasantly warm where it touched his skin above the waistband of his shorts. Man that looks good, he thought, love the buckle! He looked at himself in the mirror, and tried to imagine what Angie would look like in it, naked, and felt himself getting hard. And talk about a hard-on! It was almost painful, his cock sticking out of the fly of his shorts. He reached down and cupped his balls, and thought, well, guess I'll have to start without her this time!

He slipped off his shorts and tried to take off the belt, but the stupid thing was jammed or something, and as he felt his cock getting even harder he gave up and sat down in an easy chair, and started jacking off, his cock already nice and slick from the pre oozing from his urethra slit. Oh man, that feels GOOD! He thought as his hand slid up and down his aching shaft, his other hand fondling his balls. He moaned as he kept masturbating, and a pleasant tingling warmth grew in his cock, and then began spreading into his body. Ohhh yeah, gonna cum!

Larry grunted as he came, his orgasm intense and violent, thick ropy strands of cum splattering over his legs and the floor. Oh wow, he thought, that was a good one! He grabbed a paper napkin off an end table to clean himself, and as he did it realized it wasn't enough, he was still so hard it hurt. So he lay back and started stroking himself again, giving little gasps of pleasure. Oh God, this was even better! Normally he wasn't able to whack off twice in a row like this, but there was no soreness. He was so involved in pleasuring himself he didn't notice the dusting of scales spreading from under the belt and flowing over his body. However, when his aching throbbing penis began to split in two he definitely noticed that. And as he looked he came again, cum spraying from both slits of his now double headed penis as his shaft slowly split in two, the pleasure doubled, and he arched his back and groaned from the intense pleasure, then gasping stared at himself in growing confusion.

"What the fucking hell?" He muttered.

His cock finished splitting into two narrower, but fully formed shafts, though the tips were more pointed and slender, both throbbing and aching despite the still fading orgasm. He was so shocked by this he still failed to notice the scales and bands forming on his thighs and abdomen. Oh God, I'm SO horny!! He thought, and reaching down began to stroke each shaft desperately, and felt each one separately, doubling the pleasure.

"Uggh, Uh-uh, ohhh, ugghh-ugghh!" He'd never felt anything like this almost unbearable pleasure before! It was fantastic! He had TWO cocks, and could feel each one!!

He didn't notice as his pubic hair fell off and his scrotum hardened as bands began forming, or as his fingers began to grow together as he rapidly stroked himself to another orgasm. As he orgasmed again he sobbed in ecstasy, the twin 'V' of his new sex splattering thick cum all over his chest and stomach as both organs pulsed and strained, his head thrown back, eyes closed in bliss. Then as the pleasure faded he leaned back over and reached for the napkins to clean himself, and froze when he saw his hand, or what had been his hand, but now it looked more like a fluke as his fingers and thumb had completely grown together. He lifted up his other hand in disbelief, and it was the same. Whaaa...? Looking down he saw the now well developed bands covering his abdomen and chest, slick and hard looking, and the scales still forming on the rest of his body that he could see. And something was sticking out from between his legs that wasn't one of his cocks. Oh my God, that's a TAIL! He realized.

Now horribly scared he tried to understand what had happened; was still happening as he could feel it, and what to do. The belt, he realized, it had to be the belt! He tried to take it off, but his now stubbier and fingerless 'hands' were useless, so he stood up, but fell back in the chair as he was unable to balance on the stumps his feet had become, the now longer tail writhing with a mind of its own, forming rattle buzzing faintly. Next he reached for the telephone, but the handset slipped from his awkward fused hands and rolled under the couch. With a hiss of frustration he slid off the chair onto his knees and reached under the couch trying to reach it, but just pushed in even farther back out of reach. He felt a surge of warmth in his loins; and rearing up on his knees looked down and gasped as he saw his twin phalluses, they were swelling into strange bloated shapes, and small spines (?) were forming on them, and his balls were gone!! He could feel them though as they continued retracting into his body.

"Sssssss, what the fuck isss happening to me?!!??" He sobbed in horror.

Have...have to get help!! He staggered across the floor on the stumps of his arms and legs; his now much longer tail dragging behind him looking like some sort of strange lizard, as he headed for the door. Rearing up he rubbed the short stubs of his arms against the slick brass doorknob, uselessly. What was left of his legs continued to pull into his body, and with a grunt he suddenly fell over on his side as they stopped supporting him. He managed to rear up one more time, but had to give up as his body suddenly convulsed and began to stretch and push out, and he hissed in pain and writhed helplessly as he felt his vertebrae popping and growing as his spine lengthened and his shoulders and hips collapsing as his body became entirely tubular, and much thinner.

He rested, gasping air through his open mouth, tongue flicking, until the strange warmth and nausea faded, and then tried to get up. He quickly found he would remain where he was though, on his belly, as he found he no longer had any arms or legs as he coiled in on himself, running his snout down the length of the strange new body he had found himself trapped in. His penises had retraced, and except for a fold between two of his belly bands towards the tip of his tail he appeared sexless, but he was very much aware of them, knew he was still male. When he saw the rattle he knew what he had become, he'd seen too many not to recognize it instantly. I'm...I'm a...rattlesnake! He turned and looked at the belt he knew had done this to him, it had finally fallen from his body as he had writhed during the final convulsions of his transformation. He nudged it with his snout, tongue flicking over it, and he could taste it, sense a power in it now. He slid through the belt and waited, hoping, praying...but nothing happened. It was a one way, one time, change. Finally he slithered back out again, and coiling, tried to take stock of his new situation. Well, this really sucks, he thought, tongue flicking. I don't want to be a fucking SNAKE! could he tell anyone what had happened, and he was HUGE! He knew how he'd feel if he ran across a giant rattlesnake, he'd freak and do his best to kill it! He...he couldn't let himself be seen like this! But Angie! She'd be home pretty soon, she'd understand, she HAD to! So he settled down to wait, and in the warmth of the apartment; despite his agitation, exhausted by his ordeal, he fell asleep.

Larry woke with a start from a strange sleep, realizing he had been at least partially aware as he slumbered, part of him aware of what his open staring eyes showed him. Had there been unexpected movement he knew he would have become instantly alert. Uncoiling he slithered towards a new patch of sunlight and realized it must be early morning. He was amazed; and a little shocked, that he found it so easy to move, his new horribly inhuman body almost seemed...normal now. But as he moved he suddenly paused as he scented something, something that excited him. He rubbed his snout over the carpet, tongue flicking rapidly, and began to follow the trail of the irresistible scent. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, all he knew was he had to find its source.

The meandering trail led him back into the bedroom, leading at first under the bed, but then into the bathroom. Following it across the tile floor he quickly found the hole behind the sink, and slithered easily into; and through, the narrow opening. Coiling around the pipes inside the walls he moved down towards the crawlspace, his excitement increasing as the scent grew stronger, tongue flicking excitedly.

Angie froze, then coiled and lifted her head as she heard the faint sound of movement somewhere in the dimness, and as the sound came closer she flicked her tongue rapidly as a scent came to her, a scent that some part of her recognized. As another rattlesnake; even larger then she was, came slithering into view she already knew it was a male. As more of his length emerged from the hole she began to grow interested. He was large, and quite attractive, and somehow seemed almost, familiar? As he spied her he froze, and she uncoiled and moved to meet him.

The second Larry caught sight of the female rattlesnake he somehow knew who she was, or had been. Angie!? He thought, oh God, she must have put on that damned belt too! But is she's a snake too, then how can we get any help?? But that was a worry for later, as she approached him he felt a new...need take precedence.

Eagerly they ran their snouts along one another bodies, the scent of the other enticing; the feel of their scales rasping together exquisite, erotic, so very arousing and pleasurable. As he found a puffy wet slit towards the end of her tail Larry felt a sudden strange sensation as not one, but two, penises suddenly pushed out from his own cloaca as he flicked his tongue over her swollen sex, her pheromones overwhelming.

Angie paused in her caresses of the male as she watched two strangely shaped lumpy spike covered organs push out of his cloaca, the sight and scent of them bringing he to a level of sexual need she had never experienced before. Suddenly she felt him turning and moving back down her body, his coils sliding around her, and she responded as she coiled around him as well. As those strange organs found; and one pushed into her sex, Angie opened her mouth in a loud hiss of pleasure as he slid deeply into her quivering body, and she felt his hemipene swell and lock them together, and as he began to grind his belly bands against hers, that large organ writhing and giving her more pleasure then she had ever thought possible, she wrapped her tail tightly around his and ground back against him just as desperately, their bodies coiling and twining as they caressed one another.

Larry couldn't see it as he found, and penetrated, his mate's sex, but the pleasure as he slid into her was incredible. Frantically he pushed himself deeper, his other hemipene rubbing between their bodies as they began to move together. He didn't so much thrust into her as grind against her causing his penis to wriggle and twist in her slick wet embrace, and he opened his mouth in a silent scream of ecstasy, tongue flicking rapidly, his mates scent saturating his senses. He'd never felt anything like this! It was so strange, but so wonderful. He wrapped his coils around her as they twined and writhed, her smooth sleek body moving against his own adding another pleasurable sensation to their mating.

Angie bit gently at her mate as he serviced her, both of them hissing in growing pleasure, it being almost impossible to see where one snake ended and the other began as the heap of their joined forms writhed and coiled. As their movements became increasingly desperate Angie suddenly froze, shuddering as she felt his thick cool cum spurting into her body, and a wave of almost agonizing ecstasy washed over her body leaving her mind numb and reeling from the intensity of her own orgasm.

Ohhhh God, Larry thought, as he ground against his mate, this is unbelievable! Nothing can feel THIS good! And he needed to cum, to reach release, like he'd never needed to before. And finally, yes, yessss!! And as he orgasmed he realized they'd made a terrible mistake as the waves of ecstasy beat his human awareness deeper into his simpler mind, the reptile taking over. With a hiss of lust he pulled his spent hemipene out of her, and unable to stop himself changed his position a little, and thrust his other hemipene deep into her eager sex, giving an even louder hiss of pleasure as he began coupling with her again. N-Noo, oh God, I've got to stop!! He thought, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't, his lust in full control, his reptile mind in charge and not to be denied this need.!

Angie hissed in ecstasy and pleasure again and again as the male serviced her, switching between his hemipenes after each successful coupling, her sex overflowing with his seed. He is strong, handsome, and virile, she thought in approval, a good mate, and she knew he would fill her with eggs. It seemed there was something important she should remember, be worried about, but her last thought about what that might be vanished forever as another wave of intense ecstasy exploded in her sex and washed over her body and mind. Her need; the pleasure, was all that mattered.

The male finally dismounted from his mate and rested by her side for awhile, spent and exhausted. At least for now, but he would stay with her until her heat faded. He was confused, something didn't seem right? But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't think what it might be. Then as his mate shifted against him, her tongue flicking hopefully over his scales, he found he had more important things to think about. Soon he was holding her tightly in his coils as they coupled again, the start of several days of sexual euphoria for both of them, happy and oblivious to their fate.

Their mating finished the two huge rattlesnakes went their separate ways, and as soon as the supply of rats under the apartment complex had been exhausted; which didn't take long for two such large serpents, they found their way outside and into the countryside. Several years later they met again as they and other rattlers denned up for the winter, and perhaps vaguely recognized one another. In the spring they mated, and then went their separate ways again; for good, in the manner of their kind, anything human remaining in their primitive minds long gone by then, only the reptile remaining as they lived their simple new lives.

The End
