Furry Import Nights: CE9 Vs. FD3

Story by Anen_NiteDragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Furry Import Nights

Disclaimer:RX-7/FD3 (C) Mazda Motors Inc.

Lancer Evolution III/CE9 (C) Mitsubishi Motors Inc.

Civic (C) Honda Motors Inc.

NR>G (C) NRG Performance

Sparco (C) Sparco Performance

All Products and Cars are copyright by their respective owners, I claim no rights to the above mentioned manufacturers.

This story has no yiff.

[[/></a><br /> <br /> Previously On F.I.N:::: Dorian. The kid who noone liked, got a break when his brother, Jaspher, bought him a new car. He went up against a wolf named rocky, and won the heart of the girl he saught after.<br /> <br /> Race 2<br /> CE9 Vs. FD3<br /> <br /> ________________The Next Day_________________ <br /> <br /> Dorian struggled to open his eyes as his alarm started goin off. He groaned loudly, fiddling around his night table and attempting to shut off his alarm. He grabbed it, and threw it to the floor with frustration, causing it to shut off, and turned over in his bed. He and his brother Jaspher had gotten in late last night. Luckily dodging their parents and sneaking up into bed without them noticing. But, Dorian was'nt use to being up at 4am and waking up at 7am. Exhausted from the activities of the night before, he drifted back off to sleep.<br /> <br /> BAM The door to his room swung open as his big brother stood in the doorway.<br /> <br />](%5C)

Dorian scrambled to sit up as he rubbed his nose. Grabbing the nerf football, he chucked it back at his grinning brother, just missing him as he laughed loudly and blocked himself behind the door. With another loud groan Dorian forced himself to stand up, and hit the shower to get ready for the day.

The water hit him as he turned on the faucets. A daily reutine for him, he seemed to be on "auto-pilot" as he turned off the water, dried himself off, got dressed, and headed downstairs for some breakfast.

His mother already had the food layed out. And of course, Jaz was snorting up a storm as he gulped down his portion of breakfast as always.

Dorian shook his head at his brother and sat down at the table, his mother placing a large steaming plate in front of him," Damn Jaz, You eat like a pig man."


His mother growled and yelled back promptly," DORIAN, LANGUAGE!"

Jaz just laughed as he continued to eat his breakfast. His eyes seeming to be tunneled in on his food.

Finally finishing his food, he walked over to the sink and dumped his plate into it before heading to the door and grabing his backpack. His brother turned and looked back at him in confusion, then to the clock that hung on the wall. He chuckled to himself and began clearing off the little specks of food that was left over on the plate.

Dorian, oblivious to anything, continued outside and started down the walkway to head to school. Then he stopped. He looked around noticing somthing different about his driveway. There were 4 cars. Two in the garage, which were obviously his parents', and then two in the driveway itself. He laughed to himself as he looked at his watch. He had completely forgot about the car. He walked over to it, fondling around in his pocket and finding his set of keys. He opened the door and hopped in. 'oh well.' he thought to himself,'goin to school early one day won't kill me.' With that he pulled out of the drive way and headed off to school.

Dorian could'nt help but smile to himself as he neared Arisil High. Everything was going to be different now, He just knew it. He had beatin Rocky. One of the baddest racers known at that school. Which was quite odd seeing as he did'nt even go to it. But in any case, he was sure that it would be talked about.

The deep tone of his exhaust growled low as he pulled into the student parking area. Finding the nearest parking space he drove it in, and shut off his engine. He got out of his car and stretched looking around. It seemed like it was a different school. Like he was a different guy. Not the same outcast he was just a couple days ago. It was weird. But he shrugged it off. Not really caring, and started heading up to his first class.

He noticed alot more attention, everyone staring at him, girls smiling and giggling as he passed by. He had to admit he liked it...alot. Heading up to his first class, "world history", he even got a few furs come up to him and congradulate him on the previous race. He smiled wide as he headed inside the class and sat down at his usual desk.

"Ok class, I have an announcement to make." His teacher, Mrs. Liala, said. She was an older feline. Though Dorian could'nt quite make out what kind, she looked like a cross between a tiger and a leapard. " We have a new student today. His name is Rosco. Rosco could you please come up here?"

A tall slender doberman came inside the class and smiled waving to the class.

Mrs. Liala patted Rosco on the back and continued,"Please make Rosco feel at home. Rosco go ahead and take that empty desk over there next to Dorian."

Rosco nodded and sat down next to Dorian, setting his backpack on the ground and getting out a pencil. Dorian noticed as Rosco sat down, that inside the front strap of his backpack was an NR>G steering wheel.

He tilted his head then looked up to the canine."Hey bro, Thats a nice steering wheel, What kind of car do you have?"

The larger doberman looked over Dorian then gave a toothy grin." I have an evolution."

Dorian chuckled attempting to conceal their conversation from his teacher as best as possible." Oh yea? my brother has one too. Deadly fast. I have a civic myself."

Rosco nodded in satisfaction," Thats cool, I hope you arnt running some weak single cam."

Shaking his head Dorian grabbed his phone and showed it to Rosco," Hell no, bro. H22 swap."

Rosco looked at the picture and smiled," Not bad, I noticed alot of cars outside. Big race scene out here?"

Dorian could tell the anticipation and hopefullness in Rosco's voice. He answered with a short nod, noticing his teacher staring at him and pretending to write somthing.

After a long while in class, the bell finally rang. Dorian jumped up and grabbed his stuff, rushing out the door. He got about halfway down the hall when he heard someone yelling his name. He stopped and turned around to see Rosco running after him.

"Hey....hey man.." Rosco started, almost robbed of breath," I was wondering.. I was trying to start a new crew out here. What you think about it?"

Dorian shrugged," That sounds good. I didnt want to join my bro's crew anyways. Alot of them are real assholes."

Rosco laughed and held out his hand," Awesome. We can go over team names tomarrow if you want. No rush right now. But, do you think there will be any runs tonight?"

Dorian thought about it for a minute and nodded," Yea. The big races were last night. But My brother Jaz told me somthing about some people running in canyons tonight. Suppose to be real cool."

Rosco's eyes got huge and a large grin spread across his black and brown muzzle." That is perfect! Canyon runs are my specialty. Wanna' roll out with me?"

Dorian agreed," Sure thing man. I'll go with you up there, but I wont run my car. I can't do canyons."

"Oh no worries, you can ride shotgun with me!" Rosco exclaimed. Sounding much like a little kid who just got told he was going to live in disney land."So where and what time should we meet up?"

Dorian thought a moment before answering."How about 9pm here at school?"

"Sure thing, see you then!" Rosco said before running off down the hall.

___________________That Night__________________

Dorian was sitting on his hood and waiting for Rosco to show up. He looked at his watch for what seemed like the hundreth time. He was fifteen minutes late. And Dorian was starting to get impatiant. He looked over the parking lot again. listening to the soft sound of the wind blowing through the trees that surrounded the school. He sighed loudly and turned to get into his car when he heard the faint sound of an exhaust in the distance. He turned and looked at the entrance as a bright yellow car pulled into the parking lot and drove up stopping in front of him.

It was Rosco."Sorry I'm late Dorian. My mom had a grocery list of things to do when I got home." He said with an annoyed look on his face.

"It's cool Rosco." Dorian said with a puzzled look, noticing it didnt look a thing like his brother's car." I thought you said you had an evolution?"

Rosco just laughed," This is an evo man."

"uhm.. A mitsubishi evolution?" Dorian tilted his head as he spoke.

Laughing even harder rosco nodded," Yea man, its the Evo III."

"Ahhhh...." Dorian said pretenting to understand, though still deadly confused," Well lets head out man." Dorian got into his car and started heading out of the parking lot, with Rosco trailing shortly behind him.

They drove for about 45 minutes. Loosing all sights of the city and the road getting shorter. Only one lane wide each way. There were alot more curves and Dorian had trouble turning on most of them. He struggled to turn the wheel as the tightly knit hairpins and steep angles confused him while trying to follow his brothers direction. Rosco on the other hand, was riding his ass the entire way up. Seeming uneffected by the tight turns.Finally the twisting stopped as the reached a look out with about 20-25 cars lined and parked in the parking lot.

'Wow, Jaz wasnt kidding.' Dorian said to himself as he stared at the cars while pulling in and parking.

Rosco pulled alongside of him and got out looking around at the other cars."This is a great track Dorian. This will be fun!"

Dorian laughed and leaned against his car. A short scrawny looking fox walked up eyeing Rosco's car. A hint of respect in his eye as he looked hard at the front bumper and rear tires.

"Who's ride is this?" The fox said, his voice a little raspy.

Rosco raised his hand," It's mine. Why? Looking for a race?"

Rosco seemed a bit cocky in his words as he walked over to where the fox was standing a large smile on his face.

The fox shrugged," If you want. Just for fun. I'm breaking in my new motor."

Rosco nodded in agreement," What kind of car you have?" His words diluted with interest.

The fox pointed over to a dark blue car parked in the corner," The Rx-7 over there."

Rosco was smiling ear to ear, and refused to go over and look at the car." Sounds good to me, Lets roll. Come on Dorian. Im gonna show you some real driving now."

Dorian, insanely confused at this point, walked over and hopped into the passenger seat. The soft fabric of the Sparco racing seats hugged him tightly as he strapped up the 5-point harness. He looked over at Rosco as he hopped in and started the car. " Just dont get to crazy Rosco. I'd like to live past tonight if you don't mind."

The canine let out a laugh and saying nothing as he backed up and headed to the starting point that was marked by a feline standing in the middle of the two lanes. He pulled up to the line and turned to watch the Rx-7 pull next to him.

Dorian wiggled a bit in his seat, getting second thoughts as he looked up ahead and seeing a sharp turn no more then 2 yards ahead of them. He looked over at Rosco, Who still had a large smile on his face and gripping the steering wheel.

The feline raised her hands and the two began to rev their engines in a taunting way. He did'nt hear a blow off valve though. At least not from Rosco's car. And he had a slight feeling they were gonna loose as the loud "whoosh" of air emitted from next to them. Rosco on the other hand, did'nt seem the least bit worried as he kept his eyes on the girl in front of them.

Without warning her paws dropped and the two sped off. The velocity of the take off caused Dorian's head to slam back against the seat as they pulled ahead of the FD3 right off the line. Through the loud sound of Rosco's exhaust he could hear a faint sound. It sounded like a high pitched whine comming from his engine bay. He concentrated hard on the sound. Trying hard to figure out what it was. What if somthing was wrong with the car?

He turned to Rosco with a hint of fear in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak."Rosco! I think somthin-- HMPH!" His head jolted forward cutting him off as rosco downshifted into 2nd gear and whipping the steering wheel hard to the left. The tires started to loose traction and slide, the loud sound of squeeling tires filling Dorian's ears. He forced himself to open his eyes and look out the front windshield. But all he saw was the side of the mountain as the tires continued sliding.

"HOLY SHIT ROSCO!!" he screamed as Rosco whipped the car back around and straightened out the tires. The Rx-7 right on their rear fender as they continued to head down the mountain going 55mph.

Rosco waved a hand at Dorian before placing it back down on his shifter and shifting hard into 3rd gear. "I'm Trying to drive Dorian, relax!" he yelled, once more downshifting into 2nd gear and pressing the gas as far as it would go, whipping the wheel to the left again. The tires loosing traction once more as they slid sideways.

Dorian gripped his harness as he staired in fear out the front window. They started comming out of the turn when Rosco whipped the steering wheel to the right and counter steering with extreame skill as they hit the bottem part of the "S" turn. Dorian turned and looked behind him, the Rx-7 was getting closer. His front end now at the side of Rosco's door.

Rosco growled loudly, sweat dripping down his forhead as he concentrated on the road like a hawk stalking its pray. The dim lights of the cars just barely lighting up the small road that was completely void of any light whatsoever. Not even the moon shone through the thick trees.

"Oh my god! He doesnt seem to loose any speed!" Rosco yelled as he hit another sharp turn. He was of course talking about the Rx-7 who was matching his every move and moving up further with every turn.

Dorian's nostrals were filled with burnt tire as he struggled to gain his breath. His heart was beating furiously in his chest. He felt like he was gonna have a heart attack.

Rosco made another hard right turn around a hairpin. Apparently taking the turn to wide, the Rx-7 sliding past him, the tires just barely missing the steep cliff as he cut Rosco off and sped past them down the short straight away. Rosco yelled out as he cursed his car and hit the steering wheel, making the last short left turn before squeeling to a stop at the bottem of the canyon. The Rx-7 just a short bit ahead of him, the dull sound of its exhaust echoing in the darkness.

Dorian, still gripping his harness and turned to look at Rosco,"That....was...fucking....CRAZY!" He yelled out and started laughing hysterically.

Rosco just growled and got out of the car, Dorian shortly behind as he released the harness and jumped out. The fox followed their lead and got out of his as well and started walking over to the two.

"Good driving kid." He held out his hand to Rosco.

Rosco shook the fox's hand and nodded," You too. "

The fox looked back over the car and smiled," Supercharger... nice tactic. The low end torque makes it easier for you to slide without loosing much speed. You would of beaten me too, if it was'nt for your wide right turns." The fox patted his shoulder," Don't worry. Come back next week. I'll help you practice. My name is John by the way. But everyone calls me Sly."

Dorian tilted his head and sighed as he thought to himself, 'So that's what that whine noise was...'

Rosco just nodded and held his head in defeat. Dorian punched Rosco in the shoulder and yelled back at Sly who had already began walking to his car," Thank's for a crazy run Sly! We will be back here next week!"

Sly held his hand at them and got into his car and sped off down the road, making a u-turn, and heading back up the canyon. Dorian turned back to Rosco and laughed at him as he sulked at his loss.

"Come on Rosco, get me back up there so I can get my car and get home." Rosco nodded and got back into the car, followed by Dorian, they both headed back up the mountain.

As they reached the top, it seemed as if everyone had already left. Dorian looked around wondering if there was another way out of the canyon seeing as they didnt see anyone drive past them on the way up. He said goodbye to Rosco and got out of the car. Leaning against his fender he watched Rosco turn out of the look out and head down the mountain. He let out a soft sigh. The adrenaline and fear slowly leaving his body. He laughed manically again outloud as he looked around for one last time before getting into his car and heading down the mountain to get home and get some rest.


Tune in next week for "Furry Import Nights" Race 3: EK-9 Vs. DC2