Recoil: Chapter 2, Advocate

Story by Spiro on SoFurry

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I was paranoid, driving west along the open roads and highways. Having already avoided 2 cruisers today, I was beginning to assume that my identity was nation-wide knowledge. If not international. I took my right hand off the wheel and picked up my already cindering Marlboro and took a long drag, grimacing at a small burning sensation in my throat. Smoking. A small temporary stress reliever that became a bit of a habit to me. I'll quit... just not now.

Pulling over at a gas station to refuel as well as clean my stolen ride, I stopped at the pump closest to the store, and got out. Because, having no credit card, I had to pay the cashier with raw cash. I'd done it multiple times now, over the course of- wait, had it been a month since the incident? It had. How time flies when you're running for your life. Approaching the middle aged man with my hood up, I could smell a strain of fear on him, not too good. I cleared my throat, "hello, I'd like to use pump 2" I asked in my mild, most human sounding voice. He just looked at me. "Is this a joke?" He snapped at me. "No, No, I'm just... dressed up for a party... that's all" my heart rate was increasing. This was taking too much time, I still had to clean and fill the car. Shrugging, the man pushed an LED lit button and waved me off. How rude...

I put the handle in my tank and pulled the nozzle, locking it in place while I opened my doors to vacuum the thing out a bit. I popped 4 quarters into the silver machine and took the device, ducking into the BMW. After about 3/4 of the car, my pump stopped, so I pulled my head out the door, grazing my ears on the roof a bit, and shut it off. I put down the half expired vacuum momentarily to go pay the cashier. Approaching the man with my wallet out, counting up to 70.32$. Damn, I was going to go broke at this rate. "Just how many of you are going to this party dressed as animals?" He asked half joking. Caught off guard, I stuttered a bit "Umm, what do you mean?" I had a very confused look on my face at this point, while continuing my stride to the counter. "Another one of your friends was just in here, he went toward the road if you're that interested." My blood ran cold, my pulse quickened. "Ok, I need to pay now, I own 75 bucks, here's 77, couple bucks tip, thanks, but I need to go." I finished while running out the door into the misty dark night. Rushing over to my car I slammed all the doors, and threw the vacuum back on its rack. I was frantic in looking for this possibly life altering person, I mean, what if I'm not alone in all this? Maybe this happened to others too? I spotted a hooded figure, wearing a dark blue windbreaker and ragged jeans. And a white tipped tail.

I sprinted at my supernatural speed to catch up to the hitch-hiking anthro, reaching him in seconds, putting my paw on his shoulder. "Excuse me..." I asked half winded. He turned quickly, as he did his radiant blue eyes widened "Oh my god..." was all the small fox got out before he wrapped his arms around me in utter excitement. "Who are you? Are there more-" interrupting me, the boy said "I-I'm sorry, I've just been so alone, and scared, and worried, and, and...." He trailed off, redirecting his gaze to his exposed paws. I thought for a moment, baffled. "Come with me, you look cold" Is all I had in mind. His ears perked up at the mention of plausible shelter, "S-sure, thank you, t-thanks so much" None of us spoke until we got into my coupe, sharing a towel to dry our fur off a bit. I turned in my seat, "Ok, Now I don't know anymore, are there more of us?" I honestly didn't know what else to say, I mean, I had questions, but that was the biggest one lingering in my mind. "Yes, yes there are!" he spoke with spirit and pride, "All of us, furries, well. Most of us have been granted our life wish! To be what we held on to for mentality and hope!" pausing, "...Sorry about that, I just... didn't really expect to meet another until I got to California" My ears and fur shot up, "What do you mean, what's in California?" I questioned to him. "Apparently, that's were almost all of the recently changed are heading, a central meeting spot," He took a breath "and a rumor is, there starting a whole new society, new laws, new everything. Hell, they might even need to rewrite the constitution after all this" by now he had his jacket off, exposing his midsection, which made the blood go to my cheeks. I avert end my eyes, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. I slumped in my seat. Wow... This was too much, actually, it's not that it was too much, just a massive, unexpected shock. But I was used to that by now.

I heard his stomach growl, as he rustled his legs to hide it. I thought for a moment, "Do you need anything to eat?" I asked out of compassion. "Yes please, If It would be too much. Thanks" He spoke as a faint smile grew on his face. "Ok, be right back" I closed the car door, turning on the heater before I left. Once again, I approached the station, opening the hydraulic shut doors, as I entered. Ignoring the man at the register, who was to my luck, just watching TV, I walked to the produce Isle, Scanning the assortment of fruit, meat, and other things. Damn, I didn't really know what the fox wanted, nor' did I know if he was vegetarian or something like that, Now days there's too much diversity. I settled on some water, potato chips, a roast beef sandwich (for me, I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning in some run down Montana-bound diner) and a salad, in case he wanted that.

The cashier, whose name was apparently Norm, didn't even give me a second glance, just checked me out, took my money and went back to his show. I got in the car and the little fox was asleep, I didn't want to wake him or anything, so I just lay the extra food on my passenger seat and lay one of my coats over him. I kinda got stuck, gazing at him, I guess... I liked him, and not that I'm happy about what he's probably been through, but I am happy that it led him to me. I finally started the engine, and set the disused GPS to southern California.