The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties

Story by QimmiQ on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of Unova

Sorry for the long interval everyone, lately I am quite tied up with things. This'll probably be the most recent thing you'll see for a while. :/ However on a positive note, the Journies of Martha is still ongoing, I'm just adding into it with this seperate thingy. -QimmiQ

The Tales of Unova

Terry looked up from his laptop, the sun was already rising. It was late summer, so Terry's sleeping patterns was all wonky. Time flew by quickly, he had written twelve pages in the course of the night. "I really should sleep." He muttered to himself; he had a habit of talking to himself.

His body started to tremble from tiredness. With the last of his strength, he moved his sheet, pillow, took off his glasses (he didn't really need them, he wore them to look smarter), and shut off the alarm. Dreams, he was plagued of dreams of far off lands, where pokémon looked strange and unusual. He knew of a few, and longed to become friends with one. Froslass's cool demeanour, Cyndaquil's squinty eyes, and even Shrifty's impish nature.

Terry was about 5 and a half feet tall, had rectangular glasses, often seen wearing cargo pants, a light jacket, a blue bandana (his friend gave it to him), and a thoughtful expression. Almost everyone agreed that he was quiet, polite, and a bit odd. His biggest aspiration was to be a well known author.

His room appeared to be an explosion of books, magazines, print outs, and posters of pokémon, scenery, people, and most prominently of 'Legendary' pokémon. His father always told him to clean up; each time he insisted it was clean.

Morning, great. Wait; was it afternoon? How long had he slept? Terry checked the clock; it was three in the afternoon. With a slight groan he got up and stretched. He changed his clothing to suit his mood: whimsical. He chose a grey t-shirt, a pair of grey shorts, and the ever constant blue bandana.

He lurched downstairs. He needed food. He searched out the kitchen for anything that he deemed edible. Eventually he settled for coffee, cereal, and a blue berry muffin. He watched the coffee drip down from the pot. Suddenly an idea struck him like a lightning bolt. He dashed all the way to his bedroom and awakened his laptop. He feverishly typed down the quintessential idea, and returned the laptop to sleep. By the time he got back, his coffee was stolen. He walked over to the backyard and stared mournfully at his dad. He watched long enough to make his dad feel uncomfortable and shuffled back to the kitchen for what was rightfully his.

The coffee was perfect. Now he could start the day. He left his house and started to wander around. He saw children playing, workers constructing a house, pokémon and their trainers (a slight twinge of jealously), and he saw the first red leaf. Pretty soon it would be fall, than he could finally leave.

He strode over to a small stream and was hypnotized by a whirlpool caused by an eddy. About twenty minutes later he shook himself from his reverie and found a small bunch of kids staring at him. Awkwardly he smiled and left.

He spent the afternoon trying to find inspiration. Dusk was falling when he finally decided to head home. When he got home he found Florance was waiting for him. Florance was his childhood friend; she said she used to live in the Hoenn region. Florance was one of the few people Terry could completely open up to. She often compared him with a locked diary.

He walked in his house and told his father that Florance was over. He sighed and said "Kids these days." He said this in such a manner that caused both of them to laugh. They walked into the kitchen. "Would you like a coffee?" Terry offered. "Sure, I don't see any reason why not. The usual please." Florance beamed. She absolutely loved Terry's 'Cinnamon Coffee Surprise!' Terry set up the pot and chatted with Florance. They ended up talking about going on the 'Journey'; how they would travel the Unova region and then onwards.

As soon as the coffee was ready, Florance added in cream and three teaspoons of sugar, and drank it quietly. "Hey, Terr. You know how we can go as soon as its fall right?" She finally asked. "Yeah, why? What is it Flo?" "When we pick our starters, will we still be friends?" "Of course we will. We have been friends longer then I wanted to be a writer, guess how long I have I wanted to be one? Seven years, exactly. Why wouldn't we still be friends?" "Well... People change, were probably gonna have a battle, and what if we find that we do not like our ways of raising pokémon?" "Flo; your fretting. I'm nervous as well. But I am looking forward to it. I can finally travel the world, with you and Ryan. Remember, he'll be back from the hospital." "Yeah... That's why I love you, you're a great guy." Terry blushed.

"Flo, you shouldn't say that. For all you know, there might be a better guy then me." Terry said seriously. "I doubt it." Florance laughed. They continued on with the conversation. An hour or so Florance left, something about having to read a last minute book.

Terry did his nightly ritual, which was done in the following: First he reverently undid his bandana, secondly he wrote down what he considered the highlights of the day, thirdly he opened up his laptop, and finally he opened up his writing folder. He spent about an hour at writing down a story. Then he sent his laptop to Dreamland, and soon followed suit.

He woke up, got up and stretched. It was morning, he was fairly certain. Breakfast filled his mind and soul. He felt a deep, heartfelt need for pancakes and bacon. Hunger compelled his limbs to move, he lurched helplessly towards the kitchen. As soon as he reached the kitchen, his limbs took life of their own, and started to search for the Ingredients.

Soon he finished making the pancakes, and now for the bacon. His hands searched the fridge. Finally, after an eternity of searching, his hands found the bacon. He pulled out a frying pan pronto, and offered the bacon to the Gods of Cooking. About twenty minutes later he expanded from pancakes and bacon, to muffins, juice, orange juice and even coffee. He called out towards his dad for breakfast. As usual, his dad hasn't eaten. He even phoned up Florance and her mom to come over. They came over in next to no time.

An hour or so later, Florance's mom left his Terry's dad to the Seaside. Terry and Florance left. They strode around town, looking for nothing in particular. Soon they sat down by a tree's trunk. Terry looked up and saw more red leaves. "Soon our adventure begins; we will abandon our old lives. Leaving this memory strewn place behind." "Terry that is not true. We may leave home temporarily, but we will come back. Look at those kids there:" she pointed to a bunch of kids playing at a stream. "See how happy they look? Remember to be happy Terry, sometimes I think you forget to. As I was saying, we can always come back home if we need to. The Journey is more a chance to develop yourself and to learn to care for others. You'll make friends, family and relations that will last a life time." Florance said.

Terry quietly agreed and looked up at the wandering clouds. He saw the clouds form blissful, ignorant shapes; he lost himself in their watery veil. It seemed like a minute later to him, when he felt Florance doze off beside him.

Terry found himself awake from a nap he hadn't intended. By which time Flo had joined the kids in their game. Terry watched them. He noticed it was a miniature war of cops and robbers. He saw three crude circles on either side; one where the robbers were caught, another where the robber's 'safe zone' was, and finally the treasure zone.

He got up, dusted himself and strode over to the game. He joined the opposite team that Florance was on. The war was on.

Dusk beckoned the kids' home. Terry and Florance left the field to go home themselves. When he got home he started up a shower and changed to his night time clothing.

A week passed until Autumn waltzed into Terry and Florance's life. In that time, Terry spent that time writing, reading, and assisting his father in house chores. The whole time, he was trying to decide who he would like as a starter pokémon. He decided to go with the Grass-type, Snivy.

Morning felt electrifying. Terry got up, stretched and walked downstairs purposefully. Breakfast for the champions, afterwards he left for Professor Juniper's lab. He found Florance half way to Juniper's lab, he caught up with her. Together they walked to her lab. "Well... This is it, from here on out, we are stepping forward into a brave new world." "Yes Terr, we are. But, let us make this fun."

The inside of Juniper's lab was spacious. Terry felt anxiety stretch its fingers into his gut. Uncomfortably he shifted around. Juniper walked in, she had a briefcase in her hands. "Hi kids! My name is Professor Juniper, and from this day forward, you will be sent out to the broader world!" Juniper beamed.