The Forgotten 5: A Last Chance

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#5 of The Forgotten

Baen stood on the edges of the ocean that he had looked over with disgust in the past decades. The waves crashed against the surf and rolled up higher on the tide line while the men started to pull out the carefully preserved boats. His people had kept them hidden in caves as memories of the past and warriors long gone, yet here they were just brushing against the salty water. The wood was darkened with age along the sides, scars that had been honorably received in battle darkened until they were bare blemishes on the entire vessel. Only the bow was freshly carved. The brightness of the wood and paint made it stand out all the more.

A great wedge shaped head curved down until the chin touched the chest. A pair of great horns swept up towards the sky and set below them was large expressive looking orbs. The seemed to swirl with every color imaginable and the artist had even managed to catch a hint of liquid gold in that gaze. It was stylized, but unmistakable. Sithen's head graced each of the five boats that were being loaded up in front of him. These weren't the fishing vessels he had been forced to sit upon or even the swift merchant boats that had traveled to the south. These were narrow and fleet, defensible in their own ways with each oiled board reinforced so that even being rammed wouldn't sink them. At least not at first.

"Baen, are ye sure?" The young warrior shifted uneasily within the confines of armor that was as old as the boat. It had been buried beneath some house, some farm, hidden from the people that had conquered them.

"Aye, I'm sure, lad. That beast's our sign. He's waitin' fer us ta rise up an' until we do he'll slaughter our live stock and sink our boats. The gods never wanted our people ta be this." He grated out and felt his lips crack in an almost smile. "Better we go to our deaths as warriors then die as farmers and fishermen."

"But the Empire-" Baen turned his head and let out a short bark of laughter as he watched the youth clench his fists against his shield as if it could stop what would come.

"The Empire's soft, boy. Ain't raised swords ta nothin' but bandits for two decades. The places we used ta raid don't have guards anymore. No fancy navy ta protect them. Nothin'." He made a slicing movement with his hand. "Soft as a sheep's belly and waiting for us ta plunge in."

"They'll hunt us down though!"

"Aye." The old warrior's eyes shifted towards the mountain peaks. He strained as if by will alone he could summon the form of the great beast from his mountain peaks. "They'll hunt us here, an' then Sithen'll come down and bring hell with him. Wait an' see lad. Trust the gods and the sea."

He slapped his two fingered hand against the youth before he walked forward to the middle boat and ran his palm against the worn wood. He half closed his eyes and imagined what it used to be, how it should have been. The sound of steel on steel and the screams of his men as they leapt over the sides of the boats through the water and to the shore made him breath in the salty sea air. It was sharper, fresher, better then he could ever remember it being. They had all forgotten so much about how it was. They forgot what was in their very blood. But by the gods he would remind him. He turned his head towards the south and bared his worn teeth in more of a snarl then a smile. They had lived too long with their wealth, it was time to take what was rightfully theirs back.


Lashane let out a muffled hiss and snapped her jaws at the pale eyed female that crowded against her. The smaller dragon seemed to show a backbone she hadn't realized the beast could possess! Even Sithen was pushed away from the group as the short broad wings were spread open wide and blocked her from trying to bolt away. Her body ached, a gut deep ache that made her feel as if she moved too slowly. The world moved too slowly as her stomach felt as if it were weighed down with lead. She snapped her teeth back at the other female who forced her backwards towards the more cramped section of the cave.

The drake shifted at the entrance of the cave while his large eyes shifted and swirled with splashes of silver and blue. The colors whirled around the dark black pupil that seemed to expand and then spiraled down to a point. She darted her head out to snap her jaws at the female again who forced her back against the wall until her swollen side scraped against the wall. Another ripple of pain ran along her stomach making her snap her jaws shut and rear her head backwards as she tried to ride out the sensation. Her muscles tensed up so tightly that she felt as if they might snap along her stomach.

A wedged muzzle slipped up and started to dip against her tail while the other female's wings spread open in an almost protect gesture. She hovered over the mage not with signs of aggression but instead it seemed protective and watchful. Lashane felt a moment of confusion until she realized the protective stance wasn't about her, but for the other female's eggs that were lodged inside of her. Her claws scored upon the ground and her back arched higher. A hiss dribbled out of her fangs as another contraction ran through her and she could feel her passage tensing up inside of her. The scales that normally protected and closed her vent relaxed to show the sensitive inner lining.

Deep inside of her mind it felt as if a great leviathan was stirring beneath the surface of her own thoughts. The presence of the dragon whose body she had stolen pushed against her mind with memories older than she possessed. Ancestral memories of what was about to happen rolled against her own thoughts so that she let out a shuddering breath. Her body spread partially so that her haunches were held open in a strange half crouch while her hip was securely pushed up against the side of the cave. The large female in front of her twisted her head back and forth before hissing out another warning and sprawling out upon her stomach. The pale blue eyes locked on the mage's frame avidly.

Lashane wanted to snap back and put herself back into a position of dominance when she felt another squeezing contraction close down inside of her. Her back arched up and she spread her jaws to let out a silent cry of pain. She could feel the eggs as they pushed and moved inside of her. They weren't the soft shells that she had experienced before. The weeks of warmth and heat generated by her body had given them a thicker layer and turned them into hard round eggs that had no hope of being compressed into a manageable size for her body to push from her body. She tensed up and her body pushed down so that she felt something hard and curved shove right against her cervix.

Her own muscles clenched down to push the cervix outwards so that it started to bow and expose the tight channel that guarded her egg chamber. She lowered her upper body further as her jaws spread open wide to reveal her tongue as she pushed again and couldn't stop the groan that spilled free. She wanted to not push, she didn't want them to leave her, she didn't want to feel them destroying her passage! Yet she couldn't stop herself from clenching and rolling her muscles around the ovid until it started to peel back the ring of snug muscle. It was a slow stretching, at first it simply felt like pressure and then it started to burn as the muscles were contorted and finally pain flashed through her as the muscles formed a seal around the hard shell.

Her claws tried to find purchase against the rough stone of the cave beneath her so she could brace herself as the egg pushed harder and the muscles almost tore. A slick cloudy wetness started to gleam at her outer folds as her egg chamber's seal was completely opened up. She bellowed out in an animalistic voice of pain as her body pushed harder to her terror. It pushed and gripped the cervix around the egg until it started to widen and wedge into the softness of her passage. The tender skin was scraped over by the rough texture of the egg, it plucked against parts that were meant to feel pleasure but instead only made her mute her cries of pain as they were abraded.

The changed mage found herself gripping against what little purchase she found on the rough wall with her claws and her jaws closed over a rise in the rocks. If she could have cried she would have been sobbing as her body pushed harder. The muscles closed tightly so that the cervix was finally freed of the heavy orb. The egg felt almost as if it were made of sandpaper as it pushed its way down the tunnel and scraped roughly against the muscle spasms. Her vent peeled open slowly, the inner folds were first as the scales were strained open in an obscene manner that left her feeling violated and exposed.

Lashane lifted her head and trumpeted a scream of pain as the egg made her opening form a seal around it before she was able to push it out of her. The egg crowned with a strange grey-blue tinge to the shell. Ridges formed over it so that it looked almost like a roughened rock being pushed from her body. She dropped her hips down as her muscles pushed again and the walls gave one final squeeze before the egg spilled free from her to land on the cave floor. She heard the rough sound of the shell hitting against the ground before the smaller bodied female crowded against her with a hissing snarl and nosed the egg between her forelegs possessively.

The former mage moved a few feet forward away from the snarling female as she nosed and licked against the egg. She felt a rush of relief that she wasn't going to be expected to tend it, but her ordeal wasn't quite done. Her stomach reminded it with a sudden rolling clench that had her snarling out as she could feel the second egg being maneuvered inside of her body. She lowered her head so that her tongue dropped far enough out that it almost brushed against the rock floor. To her humiliation a splatter of drool hit the ground as she clenched her stomach muscles so tightly that they started to shove the egg forward against her already throbbing cervix.

It was worse this way, she knew what was about to happen to her. She knew what the egg would feel like so she tensed up as her muscles pushed around the orb. They molded around it as if she had done this a dozen times, her body knew what to do even if she refused to accept what was happening to her. Her cervix was inched open slowly around the rough texture of the shell, the rises that made it look almost like a stone tugged and pulled against the tender flesh. She muted her cries into strangled whimpers as the egg wedged and stretched into her cervix again.

The moment it pushed just to the apex of that tender channel her legs went out from under her, her chest pushed up against the stone and she shuddered. The pain dulled her vision as she pushed harder and winced to hear the wet sounds as the slickness that had cushioned the eggs inside of her was forced from her body. It trailed down against the stone floor messily as she clenched down and carefully inched the egg from her cervix. Each scrape and movement seemed to send a new pain screaming through her body as she shuddered and let out a snarl.

Some part of her, the part that was purely dragon, realized that these eggs weren't the size that they should be. They should be half this size, not as massive as they were and they shouldn't have had such a rough texture. Instead, these larger eggs were threatening to break her body apart just by birthing them! It was little wonder the female had forced this duty onto her. She closed her eyes firmly before she let out a screeching noise of pain while the first few inches started to edge out of her. The softness of her channel hugged around the monstrous egg and pushed so that it dug into her soft skin and sent her into further torment.

It pushed just out of her body so that she could feel the very base of it holding her vent open while she panted shallowly. She wanted to push it out but most of all she wanted to have never been in this position. She rolled heavily to her side as her hind legs stretched out and gave another push of her muscles. For a moment she thought she might have actually torn and broken herself. The thick hard shell came from her body steadily until it had reached its apex and she shrieked out her pain so that she heard a flurry of wings around her as the others back away.

The orb fell down and landed heavily against her tail while she curled onto the ground trembling. One of her wings was folded in a strange angle as she gulped great breaths of air and her vision wavered slightly. She turned her head as the smaller darted in to pull the egg away from her with a vicious sounding hiss. Her body throbbed with pain and she tried to fold her wing back properly against her side but couldn't quite get the energy. She wanted to sob, she wanted to scream and rail against the gods for her fate. But her mind fell mute at the silent intelligent stare of Sithen as he sat on the edge of his cave. His eyes swirled with strange mixes of purples and greens before he turned to look out towards the mountains. Would she ever be free of this place?


Sithen flirted with the skies above the mountains, away from his cave and the females that seemed to constantly bicker together. The eggs that the new female had carried as a surrogate had finally hatched and the youngest was coming close to do. No wonder his world had been upset into something of short quarrels and loud females. The closest one that gave him any peace was the newest and as yet untried female. She seemed to stay away from all of them and in her silence he felt his interest piqued. She refused even the smallest overture from her with snarls and movements of her wings to chase him away. Yet her mind remained as quiet and still as any of the other dragons he had met. There was no glimmer of it reaching out towards him or brushing him with her thoughts or feelings, she was simply as much of a lower being as the rest.

He circled leisurely and started to let his eyes go distant with thoughts that nibbled at him like a parasite. The last clutch had just hatched, and they had been beautifully large when compared to normal hatchlings, but each one was a clear gem color like their mother. He had nosed them both and drew in their scents, even reached out with his mind to try and see if they were there. They had been nothing more then like their mother, dragons that were not of his kind. Only their larger size gave any hint of their lineage. He had watched them playing with their pale eyed mother before he had set off for a flight with despair flying beneath his wings.

Was he nothing more than a beast that had survived far past his time? What was he if he had no mate, no potential for his genes and species to be continued? He felt his heart ache and took a down draft towards the sharper peaks. He had spent so long in silence, so long with nothing but his own thoughts to echo in his mind. He longed to be matched by someone that did not sparkle like the ocean on a bright summer day. He wanted to see scales and hide storm grey and where the kiss of his lightening aroused and enflamed rather then drove his partner into convulsions. Where were his people? What was he doing here?

For a moment he felt an overwhelming despair and loss as he looked down towards the dark grey peaks of his home. A thousand times he had awoken from dreams of hearing another's mind and voice calling for him. He would welcome even another male if it would ease the feeling of isolation that he was tormented with. Perhaps he should go quietly into the darkness. It would be so easy to fly as high as he could. Until ice froze against his wings and over his back before letting his wings fold to his sides and drop him down towards the earth. He would die, he knew he could die, dashed against the lands he had called his home for centuries.

The great drake faltered in his wing strokes as he considered it. How could he go on like this? The edge of madness snapped at him in the midnight hours when he thought he heard others calling him. Were they calling him? Calling him from the edge of the other side that it was time for him to come to join them? He lidded his eyes as he considered for a moment and finally started to spiral down around closer to the mountain. He dreamed of a place where the pang of loneliness would end for him and he could finally rest.

A strange muted screech broke his melancholy and changed it to something more primal. He twisted his body to one side with a deep rumble in his throat. Perhaps it was his time to rest, but if he were to leave, he would try one last time to see his kind regain a foot hold in this world. The screech was cut off shortly, but he had heard it. The high pitched needy call of a female coming into heat and calling for a mate rang through the mountains. His wait had come to an end; he could finally taste the fire that she challenged him with and give her his own in answer. Perhaps the answer lay within her fertile womb.


Lashane woke up with a slightly muted rumble to herself as something had stirred her awake far earlier then she was used too. The weeks had passed until she started to despair that she'd find an escape from this place. It seemed she wouldn't be released until the beast had had his way with her, but even thinking of that often brought bouts of nausea from her. To let an animal mount and take her in such away made her want to be violently ill, but it was all she could do to keep herself calm. Some part of her knew at least if he did, she could escape and this entire horrible experiment gone wrong would bring her wealth. She'd carry young dragons back to the emperor.

As she started to wake up her thoughts lingered towards her opponent in the race to get the Emperor his prize. Timet had a ruthless streak about him that made her wonder if he'd already succeeded, if he'd already claimed her prize. He had always known exactly how to get what he wanted out of life no matter who stood in his way. There had been rumors when they had both been growing up and under the same teacher that he had killed more than one person in a duel. And at least once had had a person killed who stood in his way of success. Perhaps that's what people back at home thought had happened to her. Was that why they hadn't come to search for her? Or was this place too well hidden?

The more she woke up, the more she became aware that she didn't feel quite well. It vaguely felt as if she was feverish, yet she didn't have the chills. Her entire body felt light and airy as a thrill of energy ran through her. She lifted her head and blinked her eyes to see one of the other females staring at her. The one that kept diving off the edge of the ledge rather than flying straight up she thought. The look didn't waver as she stood up and a thrill chased down her spine as she arched her wings up and her back. She luxuriated in the feel of being powerful and strong. Her scales gleamed with a healthy glow and her body felt ready to leap into the sky and dance with the winds.

Perhaps because the mage was marveling at the sheer feeling of well being and the strange feverish warmth that was spreading over her, she didn't feel the other presence in her mind creep forward. It brushed through her thoughts like a trickle of water escaping a damn made of stone so that when Lashane lifted her head back her jaws opened slightly. Her throat swelled and she let out a sudden cry that was part croon, part screech. It rose up until the hatchlings stopped their tumbling antics and the females froze. She clamped her jaws shut and cut the second cry before it raised so high in pitch and gave herself a shake out. What was wrong with her?

A deep bass rumble came a moment before the light filtered from the opening of the cave was blocked out. She turned over on her tail to see Sithen back winging before dropping gracefully on all fours. His chest expanded as he let out another low rumble in his throat and ducked his head down as he padded into the cave proper. No, he didn't just walk forward, his neck was arched so that it formed the proud crest of a stallion. His wings were slightly spread to either side of his body as he let out another vibrating croon towards her and his nostrils flared open wide. To her horror she felt her stomach cramp up at the sight, no! The scent of him, it spoke of male and the presence in her mind stirred with a stirring of need.

Lashane spread her wings wide enough they touched either side of the wall and lowered her head until it was level with her shoulders. The hell if that beast was going to touch her, the hell if she'd let him mount her. She could feel the blood flooding through her and the way it flowed and engorged the sensitive flesh of her vent. She showed her teeth and her claws flexed down against the ground as she watched the male strut towards her and croon a song as if he expected her to submit to him. He came in so close his chest brushed hers before her temper snapped and she screamed out her challenge and hit him full on the chest.


Sithen flared his nostrils at her scent, it was sweet and salty at once, and while it was not his own kinds he had grown to appreciate the subtle pheromones that were released. Her scales held a dark azure color signaling her receptive heat and he was all too pleased to take care of it for her. He showed off the powerful masculine form for her. His neck corded with muscles and his chest vibrated with his courting song. He wasn't disappointed in her reaction to him. The other females had hissed and been confused when he had first approached, but not this one. Not his jewel.

The dragoness challenged him! Her entire frame turned from sensuously stretched out into bristling and aggressive. Her small teeth flashed at him while he let out a deeper rumble and rose up the fur that made up his crest. Let her challenge him! He would meet any test that she set him too. He touched his chin against his chest a moment before she slammed against him and her short wings hit against either side of his head. Her teeth scraped against his scales and her claws tried to bury themselves against his stomach. He snarled out and gave a shove backwards to force her deeper into the cave.

To his surprise she used his movement to slide past him and burst out of the cave to linger near the edge. His eyes sparked and swirled with gold and reds of his lust before he erupted after her just as she leapt into the air. Her wings flailed and caught the air as clumsy as a fledgling in front of him while he erupted from the cave with his wings snapping open wide. His jaws spread before he roared out his challenge to the female. The clouds above started to swirl with his roused passions as he came up high above the franticly flapping form beneath him. Had she become so clumsy from her lack of flight while trapped in the cave?

He pulled his wings back and snarled before dropping down towards her. Her wings beat faster and he had a glimpse of her head twisted back towards him in an angry hiss as his claws sank into the meat of her wing shoulders and clenched down into them. Her tail smacked up against him as she dropped down beneath his weight and he twisted his head to avoid her jaws before he gripped the back of her neck. His larger teeth pierced the scales roughly as a desperate almost wild feeling flooded him. This was his last hope, his last chance, his last try to bring his kind back from extinction.


Lashane felt the air rush around her but her wings refused to work the way she knew they shoulder. She beat them rapidly as a sparrow might just to keep herself aloft and above the valley of lush grass that rested at the base of the mountain. Her muzzle was open to draw in breath as she flew as fast as she could manage. Away, she had to get away from him. She had to fly towards the village, she could get one of those primitive town people to understand she wasn't truly a dragon and then they'd be able to get word to her home! She dipped down a little as she felt her wing muscles burn and a shadow flickered over her.

She had just enough time to turn her head before she saw the paws come into view and clamp down against her. The weight of the brute was enough she screeched out as her body plummeted towards the ground and the massive jaws closed against the back of her neck. The hell if she'd let him have her, she wasn't an animal, and she'd not have this shame added to what else had befell her. She turned her head and got within range to scrape her teeth against his scales. Her tail whipped up to smack his side as they fell down towards the earth.

Not even the fear of hitting the ground stopped her rage. Rage against what had happened to her. Rage against what she'd gotten herself into and what this animal wanted to do to her. She would stop him if he could. His wings flashed out as he yanked his head back and pulled her neck with it. Her voice came out in a strangled cry as their fall slowed, but not enough. She tried to flare her own wings out, but it was too late. The ground hit her against the chest and she felt the grass crush under her while she was flung forward over the earth. Her wings hit with enough force she felt a stabbing pain as muscles strained and her head felt dazed when her chin connected with a crack against a rock.

The drake didn't seem to care as he stumbled over her and his weight shoved down with a challenging snarl. His teeth redug against her neck while he moved a fore paw to dig in right between the spread of her wings. The claws plucked against her scales and the warmth of his form radiated down against her while she caught her breath. Her body trembled on that edge of need and heat together, everything felt vaguely swollen and sensitive. Even the pain had some pleasure to be gathered. The scent of crushed grass, torn earth, and worst of all hot male filled her senses.

Lashane twisted her head back with a sharp shrill call of challenge until she felt the jaws tearing against her scales. They were more than simply bruised, of that she was sure, but what mattered was flinging the male from her. She snapped her jaws as rapidly together as a dog might, catching against his cheek and neck. She was beyond feeling ashamed as spittle came from her jaws in her desperation to free herself of him. The weight pushed down against the middle of her shoulders and along her haunches as the beast shifted and something slimy and heavy rested right against the curve of her scaled spine.

She jerked her hips forward before she felt the paw resting on curve of her wing shoulders clench down and the snarl of the drake spike. She snapped her jaws closer to his neck while the hips started to rub against her. The steady motion spread the wetness along a patch against the base of her tail and the scent teased her muzzle until she realized she had stopped the sudden snaps of her jaws. The scent made things inside of her shift and respond until she was breathing shallowly letting him slowly grind and roll himself against her as if scent marking her.


Sithen closed his brilliantly colored eyes while the female snapped at his muzzle and neck, he could almost feel the anger radiating from her but that made it all the more intense for the beast. The scent of her was intoxicating and strong enough that he felt his vent start to part. The dark black tip pushed its way free to just rest against the her tail leaving a splattering of his pre to mark her with. He rolled his hips forward again so that another slow inch pulled out and began to spread the scent against her scales. The precum clung against the very tip of him while she started to go still under him and he rumbled down at her.

He almost felt disappoint she had stopped fighting, but it was then she flung up one wing to batter against him and her body strained as if she were trying to drag herself free. The feel of holding the struggling female down made him more aroused then he had ever felt with his other females. He pushed his hips forward as if in a thrust and felt himself trace up the line of her spine as the knots started to push their way out. He moved his other paw up to trap the flailing wing down with a threat hovering just at the joint. He would prove to this female that he was a worthy mate, he would prove it and she would come to thrive on his attention.

The next push of his body grazed his chest over her back and against her wings. He snaked his tail down to twine it around her own so that it was held by the powerful muscle and controlled. The large female shrieked out and he opened one eye to see the rage filling her gaze. It was almost as if she was an intelligent being, but for all of that her mind remained closed to his searching touch. He could only dominate her with his body, not with his thoughts. He pulled with his tail and forced hers upwards at an odd angle to illicit a hiss from her when he bared the underside of her tail. He closed his eyes again and gave his hips a buck until his barbs caught against her scales and he started to pull his way backwards leaving a trail as he did so.


Lashane was beyond enraged, her body pulsed with fear, humiliation, arousal, pain and fury. The male pushed her down harder against the ground so that her chest ground against the grass and rocks. Her wing tugged roughly against the paw that pinned it down against the ground. The toe tips dug in roughly just against the bone so that each movement shot pain along her side. The hips that ground up against her body and the tail that gripped her tail forced it to raise up higher in the air almost to the point that it was forced over on itself. She bared her teeth and she set her teeth into the side of his heavily scaled neck.

She tensed up her tail base and her hind paws pushed in against the ground as she tried her best to shove herself away from him. Her entire body vibrated with snarls while she felt steady pulse of her body growing more excited. Her blood rushed through her veins and when her tail was raised she could feel the slickness upon the underside of her belly. Her engorged outer folds darkened to a rich pink coloration that stood out against the brightness of her scales. She twisted her back up and she tried to smack her head against the male dragons until she felt her scales tear slightly and thick metallic blue blood welled up from where the teeth cut into her. Not even that stopped her wild writhing and attempts to throw him off.

The changed mage felt the heavy swollen girth pull backwards and lewdly probe right beneath her tail so that a thick splash of precum hit against her scales. The strands clung against her and the black tip that looked far larger than anything her body should be able to take. Her body tensed up as it started to slide and drag against the edges of her thighs. The barbs plucked against her smaller scales and sent a shudder through her body as she tried to pull herself away again. A muted whine spilled out of her throat and she hated herself for it. She hated that she'd been transformed into this squirming beast pinned beneath the storm drake. His breath blasted hotly against the back of her neck before the tapered tip nudged up right against the outer folds and the powerful muscles started to tense as he slippery tip started to pry into her.


Sithen felt the soft slick heat of the outer folds caressing right against the very tip of him, the panicked sounds as she knocked her head against him violently. Even though he had her pinned she still tried to get away. That feel made his heart pound faster as he tensed up and started to burrow his way inside of her. The tight walls stretched open around his very tip before it started to grow wider and he suddenly spilled out a hot thick glob of precum as her own wetness pressed around him. He arched his back up and drew his wings up high on his body before thrusting forward with a sudden jabbing motion that made the struggling female shriek out.

The tip spread open wide enough that his barbs were pushed down snugly against the glans as they squeezed their way into the tight cunny. The walls clenched around him, so deliciously tight as he had to fight his way into gaining more ground inside of her. The movements were short and hard as he kept pressing forward. The slick feminine juices leaked out around the very edges of his dark cock while he started to send out hot strands of precum one after another. He put his weight further against the shoulder blades so that the bucking and screeching dragoness couldn't pull her hips away. It wasn't entirely successful as her haunches jerked forward.

He felt his barbs flare open wide so that the very tips dug into the soft inner passage and latched themselves along her in an attempt to force her to ovulate. Instead of her responding with the pleasure and passion that his own kind would, her back jerked upwards and she pushed back against him. He lunged forward until another few inches sank into her with a slick noise. The ridges plucked and pushed the folds inwards as he let out a muffled groan. His tail never let go of the female's as she forced it upwards until the walls were forced to tighten down around him when he pulled back. A sudden scream came out as his barbs dug in again.


Lashane felt the hips bucking forwards and she tried to drag away, she almost did as she got just enough purchase to pull away from him. The sudden burning pain that erupted inside of her made her eyes bulge. Each tiny hooked piece of flesh pulled inside of her and she drove herself backwards to force him in deeper but at let the barbs smoothed down. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly while the beast grunted the beast forced him in deeper inside of her. Her walls started to stretch wider until it felt as if she were having eggs forced inside of her again. Her walls clenched down as she tried to instinctively force them back out from her.

Each movement of the massive body on top of her pulled and stroked along her soft passage, she could feel the ridges that ran along the bottom of him. The movements tugged and pulled upon her, she was stretched so wide that she had to force her legs open wider. The thick hot globs of precum pumped inside of her while she felt it leaking in deeper. His breath came out against her neck time and again as he started to thrust. Each draw back sent a scream of pain from her lips as the barbs pulled and scraped through her. The wetness was being spilled out around the heavy black shaft and her own nectar started to run along the edges of her belly scales.

The dragoness felt the weight push her down so heavily that she was pinned flat against the grass. She couldn't writhe out from under him and she let out short soft sobs under her breath while the swollen cock tugged back and forth within her. She clenched down again as the beast gave a thrust that forced her haunches upwards and a lewd wet noise could be heard. The cock drove in until she felt the tip drive all the way against her cervix and the medial knot wedged just inside of her opening. She panted out roughly as the tapered tip ground right up against her cervix before pulling backwards so that barbs tore through her.


Sithen savored the feel of the tight female beneath him. The silken walls milked and pulled around him until he felt his tip bottom out inside of her. He twisted his head to one side so that the female's head was turned to one side as he started to thrust in short hard movements. His medial knot started to sink inwards and spread her open. The ridges at the base stretched outwards a little as he drove himself in until the tapered tip dimpled in the cervical passage. The heat of the passage clenched down around him before her drove another movement that forced her head down against the grass and rubbed against dirt.

His breathing started to come out in short roughened pants came out of his throat as his thrusts forced the medial knot in and out with lewd popping sounds. Each pull backwards spilled out more of the slickened arousal while he violated the too small passage. The very tip started to push deeper into the cervix while the barbs started to push inwards along the ring of muscle. They flattened down all the way until they sprang upwards again to cling right against the heat of the channel. The tip of him forced into the womb until another hot rush of precum exploded into the fertile womb. Another thrust drove inwards as his base knot crammed up against her outer folds.

His wings mantled down on either side of the green dragon as the tail jerked against his own and he started to put more pressure forward. He tried to force it inwards, he tried to bury his knot into those clenching and squeezing walls but she was too tight. A rush of frustration ran through him before he suddenly drew back and ripped free of her cervix and listened to the ear splitting cry spill out of her. The next thrust that drove forward battered his knot against her as he tried to bury himself completely into her. The tip of him started to batter right up against the back of that soft plush womb and jarred the fertile eggs there.


Lashane wanted to bury herself somewhere. The sound of the male on her back was horrifying, the steady grunts and snarls that came from him made her snarl out. Her body drank it in, she started to suckle and pull around it. No matter how angry she was, no matter what humiliation was put on top of her, her body wanted to be bred. That was the horrible part, the way her muscles started to pull the precum inside of her and she could feel it splattering right against the back of her womb. Her wings started to twitch against the hold and she let out a whimpering noise.

The base battered roughly against her too small sex, the knot tried to force it's way in but it was all she could do to try and clench her muscles to stop it from being driven inside of her. The walls started to peel open steadily while the very tip pushed right up against the back of her womb. It bruised the sensitive flesh while the cock started to bow from the pressure. The medial knot flared open wider and it started to strain open so side so that when the male tried to pull back and the push forward sent a tremor down along the back. She screamed out a sound of pain when the hips drove forward and started to push her folds inwards with a lewd popping noise.

She felt the weight of the knot swell open inside of her while she writhed and twisted beneath the dark grey weight pressed down against her. The very tip spread open until she felt the tickle of the barbs pulling back against her before the lunge forward shoved the knot inside of her again. It bulged her sex open to the point it was almost split while the male's weight nearly crushed her beneath him. The sound of his roar echoed in her ears like thunder as there was a sudden flex of the weighted girth and the first hot rush of seed that exploded upwards into her womb. The heavy splatter of the virile sperm flooded inside of her body so she could feel the heat spreading into her womb as she let out a wordless shriek while the drake inseminated her.


Sithen felt the pleasure start to build up inside of him, it tightened up his belly and he released her bruised and pierced neck as he reared his head backwards. His tongue lashed out before he let out a bugling roar while his tail started to try to lash back and forth. The movement twisted and pulled against the scaled female's tail. His back arched as his knot nearly doubled in size locking him inside of the fertile female beneath him. The first thick rope of cum started to well upwards from him to explode out of his tip. The first rich spill of cream rushed into her womb and he could feel it backwash around him as he gave a sudden thrust forward.

The next movement pulled backwards until the outer lips stretched open wide with a gash of the black cock flesh. It twitched as he flooded another hot rush of cum inside of her body and the thick drooling sperm began to ravage into her womb. It wasn't watery, instead it was almost gel like when it rushed along the fallopian tubes to force upwards into them. He shifted his weight and arched his neck to stare at the female trapped beneath him. Her head was stretched out and her entire form was trembling while he moved his grip from her shoulder and wing. Another thick bulge ran along the tube that ran along his cock until it spilled out another hot glob of sperm laden cum.

The drake shifted again and rocked his hips steadily so that each movement pulled against his swollen knot before pushing forward again. Not a drop leaked out as the thick part of his glans ensured that the channel was stretched open wide to plug it up. He rumbled softly to himself and savored the feel of the dragoness taking his seed into her. Her growls still came out in low sounds between soft hisses and whimpers. Even now she protested his claiming of her, a dragoness worthy perhaps of giving him a dragon of his own lineage, a hatchling to see another set of rainbow eyes and thoughts flowing through his own.


The moments passed as Lashane felt each heavy splash of cum erupting into her womb, it over filled her and clung against her inner flesh. She wanted to scream out her frustration and humiliation as her loins ached and felt almost torn around the massive black shaft that locked her in place with the two knots that had been driven into her. She trembled beneath the weight of him and felt his body shift until he was no longer pinning her down. A simple move forward proved she couldn't be free of him. A sudden whimper came out of her throat as she felt the knot pull against her already sore folds and went back to laying on her stomach.

The mage's mind felt something stirring deep inside of her mind, a great behemoth that started to push against her own. It was the feel of a primal mind that felt as if it clung against her consciousness. Instead of being able to shove it away from her own mind the feeling of being mated flooded her. The pain faded away as the dragon who's body she stole started to come forward and swallow over her consciousness until it felt like vines twisting through her mind. Something was wrong! Something wasn't right! She could feel the tendrils pulling her back away until the real owner of the dragon started to take claim of her body.

The mage watched darkness wrap around her mind until her vision dimmed and suddenly she felt as if she were being plunged down a never ending hold. The darkness wrapped around her and surrounded her, she was a prisoner in the darkness. Sound escaped her as her mind seemed slowed and caught as if in molasses where she couldn't move forward or stir her own thoughts. Her last clear thought was confusion and horror both. Was this death? This wasn't how this was supposed to end! The world talked of lights at the end of the tunnel, of angels and diamond gates. Ancient gods welcoming her home. Yet all that welcomed her was darkness, darkness and fear as her mind shut down entirely and the body's original owner took complete control.

Deep in the newly quieted dragonesses womb life stirred as the powerful thick globs of cum overran her ova and one was successfully seeded by the massive dragon. With that spark of life what had been Lashane was enveloped and latched onto a consciousness it could claim as its own. And still the beast pumped his seed inside of her with his hips rocking forward with slow movements. He gloried in his release though as he watched the glittering green head lower submissively a surge of disappointment went through him. She was like all the others, once mated she turned into a submissive creature that all the rest had. He was alone...still alone...

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