Under Lock and Key 2

Story by Balto123 on SoFurry

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NOTE: under 18's or those who offend easily should not read this fic. You have been warned.

*Wags tail playfully*

Greetings yall!

This is the second part of my first ever yiffy story 'Under Lock and Key', so please keep that in mind when reading and don't judge me too harshly. Hehe.

If you have any comments (no flames if possible), they would be greatly welcomed.

Right enough talk, enough hype! Lets light this puppy up!


Under Lock and Key 2: The Second Installment. *edited to fix embarassing mistakes*

Callum came too with a start.

He was tired, almost lifeless, sprawled out in a hard-backed chair. His vision was blurred and he found it difficult making out his surroundings. Wherever it was, it was dark.

Callum muttered to himself under his breath. "Where the hell...? How did I end up here?" His eyelids felt heavy and drooped down over his eyes. His furry, white floppy ears laid flat down on his skull and his head rang with a dull ache that seemed to drill into his skull.

And to top it all off, he was completely in the buff. His fur was the only thing he had on.

Hee shook out of his daze, and jumped frantically to his paws and looked around. He was in a large room, wooden panelling underfoot. The only light came from a small bulb hanging overhead, casting a dim yellowish glow. Apart from the chair he had been sat in, the room was completely bare of furniture. The only noise came from a hidden air conditioning unit that ruffled his fur as it circulated the room.

Callum's ears sprang up at the sound of something behind him.

"Who's there?" he spoke, rather quietly. His throat was dry and shaky.

No sound came to his ears...

"I said, who's there?" He tried it with a little more authority, but his body was shaking like a leaf. His fur had waves in it as it ruffled about on his body from the air vent. He narrowed his eyes and let a low growl escape his throat.


Callum took a few seconds to calm himself down, and sat back down to lean back in the chair. He rubbed himself with his paws in the attempt to calm himself while he took deep breaths, trying t oget his head round everything that had happened to him. There was an aching sensation from under his tail, and his nasel passages stung. His memory was hazy, but he could still picture the face of the wolf who had picked him up. The wolf he assumed was also responsible for bringing him here. Whoever he was, Callum was determined to make him pay. No one screwed with him, literally or not, and got away with it.

Relaxing once more, he thought of his next move. As he sat there thinking, he was jolted by the sound of a loud *CREAK* from inside the room. He jumped to his paws, looking ready to pounce at whoever it was when he found himself suddenly slammed onto the floor beneath him. He lay on his back, dazed with blurred vision and the sudden extra weight of something straddling him: keeping him pinned well against the floor.

Callum screamed, "Get off me!" He struggled, still dazed, and he was unable to make out the form of the person on top of him, but he could smell its musky scent. It was very familiar.

"Get off of me" Callum begged. The wolf's gray-colored paws had the white dog's paws held firmly at his sides and his bulky legs weighed down Callum's own flailing legs. This pup was going nowhere fast.

Callum blinked a few times as his struggling came to a panting halt, unable to muster enough strength to keep fighting. He just gave up; his teeth grinded together in a growl, clearing his vision. He finally got a look at what was on top of him- and his eyes grew wide.

It was the same wolf on top of Callum, and he was much larger than the dog remembered. The muscular wolf's body was covered in gray silky fur which glimmered in the dim light. His eyes were a forest green which at the moment only showed the reflection of the white dog's stunned face, and his teeth glistened viciously down at him. Callum's mind raced, thinking a mile a minute, knowing damn well that this wolf meant business.

The wolf spoke out in a very soft and husky tone. "Well, hello again. I was wondering when you were gonna wake up, boy"

Callum's ears folded down flatly; he didn't move at all. He gulped and took a sharp breath before speaking back, being very careful with the words he chose. "W..who...are you?"

The wolf forced his heavy, furry body over Callum's, putting all his weight on the smaller canine. The stronger, larger gray paws squeezed the white dogs's paws tightly, almost cutting off the circulation and holding him tight.

The wolf's voice came out after a deep, guttering growl. "Don't know? Well then, we need to fix that, don't we?" The wolf grinned from ear to ear. "You can call me Mr Saxon, Master, or just plain Sir. Either way, you'll be screaming it in a minute's time"

Mr Saxon eyed Callum's throat hungrily, gripped the soft nape of his neck and squeezing tightly. A furry digit forced itself into the fur at his throat, pushing into the warm skin to force the airway tighter, making the smaller dog fight to breathe.

Callim picked up his struggling once again, trying to make it easier for himself to breathe against the offending paw. He wasn't very successful.

"Let go of me!" The poor dog yelped, desperately trying to free himself.

Mr Saxon shook his head and forced a sharp claw into Callum's furry neck, until it broke the skin. He raked it sharply across the white dogs neck, leaving a dark red mark. Callum gasped and sucked in his chest, holding his breath. He hated this. He cshut his eyes tightly, hoping the wolf would go just away. He whimpered pathetically, his body shutting down until he was limp within the grasp of Mr Saxon. Saxon tilted his head to the side as he slipped his paw from Callum's throat and placed it on the dog's chest chest, pressing against the muscle while speaking in a calm tone and keeping the lithe and vulnerable puppy pinned down.

"I'm gonna blind fold you. Don't struggle, or I'll have to do something you'll regret. Don't make me have to do that" he said in a stern, yet very calm voice.

Saxon then lowered himself onto the smaller dog, drawing his warm, musky maw across Callum's throat whilst at the same time tying a piece of black material tightly around his face, blindfolding him. Opening his maw and cupping the entire front of Callum's throat, he pressed his teeth into the skin through the delicate, white fur right into the tender neck. Dragging his canines over the skin and leaving red streak marks, he murred loudly, sending vibrations through his teeth onto the dog's neck. He worked his way to Callum's shoulder, dragging his hot, moist tongue through the white fur, matting it down with his saliva.

Callum's eyes squeezed shut under the blindfold, terrified at what was happening to him. His mind raced with possible escape attempts, all of which made no sense. In the end, he just ended up unwillingly exposing more of his neck, submitting to Mr Saxon completely. His breathing was heavy and quick, but his body still quivered under the larger wolf wolf.

"Oh, please just st--" his voice trailed off for a moment, "--Ohhh..." His words cut off with a forced whimper.

Mr Saxon moved his muzzle to the white dog's chest, nibbling and lapping slowly and wetly across the soft, white fur and matting it down with his moist tongue. He let out a soft growl of disapproval at Callum's pleading as he lowered himself even more upon the poor dog, his teeth coming dangerously close to Callum's exposed soft sheath. He spoke as he continued to groom the dog's belly, feeling the dog wiggle under the licking.

"Mmmm, such a needy little pup aren't you? I can sense it. Don't try to hide it, boy"

Callum was utterly confused; he didn't know whether to be scared or happy. His mind was still heavy from the effects of the nitrates the wolf had forced him to inhale previously, making him unable to think clearly under this exquisite torture. He let out quiet whimpers, unable to speak, the actions of the wolf leaving him speechless.

Saxon's tongue worked diligently, massaging the tender flesh of the dog's stomach. He raked it to the sides, biting into the fur and pressing into Callum's ribs. He huffed over the white fur, the warm air of his breathe causing Callum to shiver.

"Oh please, I can't stand it..." Callum's voice trailed off with a soft moan as his own cock peeked out from his sheath, quickly extending into view. Pre glistened the tip, dripping from the slit. He gave a few gentle humps at the larger wolf on top of him, which Saxon responded to by working slowly towards the tip. He breathed hotly over it, warming the pre covered head, filling his nostrils with the musky, canine scent of arousal.

"Hehe. So needy, so..." Saxon's words cut short, catching Callum by surprise as his lolling, moist tongue licked up the pre-covered head of his cock. "...so delicious"

Callum let out a quiet howl of pure arousal, shivering from blind lust. Saxon quickly grabbed Callum's paws and pinned them down to the floor, preventing the white pup from grabbing at anything. Callum struggled against the grip, desperately wanting to grab at Mr Saxon's head and yank the fur out, needing something desperately to keep himself from exploding with lust. The wolf chuckled quietly as he lolled his hot tongue out once more, pressing it flatly onto the base of Callum's cock, dragging the entire length of it ever so slowly up the soft pink flesh, feeling the veins throb under his tongue as he placed a finishing flick at the dripping tip.

Callum shuddered, whining endlessly at the perfect touch of the wolf. This was so wrong, and yet his cock twitched at the unforgiving tongue, constantly dripping with pre for Mr Saxon to lick up at every trip back up to the swollen tip.

"Mmmf, God...." Callum whimpered. His head shook back and forth, still struggling, not wanting to give into the wolf, and yet unable to struggle nearly enough to cause any trouble for Mr Saxon.

Saxon opened his jaw, huffing and bringing more of his musky, hot breathe to cascade over the throbbing, pink cock. Callum could feel his sheath shift about under the hot breath as he squirmed under the wolf. Saxon pressed his teeth down into the head of the doggy cock, lightly raking his sharp canines up and down the very tip of the shaft, flicking his tongue out to lick any pre that dripped off the needy puppy organ. He buried his entire muzzle over Callum's cock, bobbing up and down and dragging his sharp, saliva coated fangs up and down the tender organ. He gripped the swollen knot at the base of Callum's cock with his sharp teeth, threatening the dog whilst also tracing his tongue along the bottom portion of Gareth's shaft.

Callum couldn't stand it any longer. Shivering, whimpering and groaning as Saxons throat muscles swallowed the bulbous organ, constricting and stroking the pup's cock.

The dog suddenly felt a strong, padded paw grip the base of his cock and squeeze the throbbing knot, hard. He let out a whining yelp as his eyes shot open under the blindfold; his ears perked as he heard the wolf speak in a deep, silky voice. "You don't cum unless you're a good pup, you understand? You do, and your fur is mine, boy" He let out a snarling sound as he finished his sentence, removing his paw from around Callum's knot completely.

Callum closed his eyes as Mr Saxon spoke, taking deep breathes as he listened and trying to control himself. However, Callum's ears folded once he felt Saxon's weight let off him completely, and lifted his head as the sound of the wolf's breathing left his ears.

Sudden silence struck the room.

"...Wait...Stop this" Callum whined. "...Please, don't do this to me, don't scare me " He cried out, looking around frantically whilst keeping the blindfold on. He stood up and dusted himself off calmly, feeling his rock hard puppy-cock exposed to the cold air of the room.

Callum perked his ears up, fearful as they flicked round frantically. He jerked his head from side to side as fear and suspicion filled his head, thinking something was about to pounce on him, hurt him, or worse; and only meeting silence.

A sudden *CREAK*.

Callum jerked his head towards the direction of the sound to brace himself, digging his foot-paws down onto the floor. As he braced himself towards the sound, he was caught off guard by a hit from behind; a strong, large body forcing him to the ground on all fours and on his belly, knocking the wind out of his lungs whilst laying flat down on his belly with the same heavy, muscular weight on top of him, pinning him once against to the floor.

Callum grunted and whined as he was back on the floor. His front paws scratching around in front of him.

"You are so cruel!" Callum yelped as he shook and squirmed under the large wolf.

"I told you..." Mr Saxon's voice trailed off as Callum felt the large furry digits scrape along his sides, making him quiver and struggle even more. "...that you are now mine." Saxon gruffed.

All the while, Callum's struggling was only stimulating Saxon more, the white dog's wiggling body making the wolf's sheathed cock begin to harden and unsheath.

"Mmmm.. Oh yeah, keep wiggling my big puppy. Give me all you've got." Saxon spoke as he laid completely over Callum, latching his strong muzzle around the white dog's neck. His teeth entered into Callum's neck slightly, piercing the skin beneath the white fur. Beads of blood trickled down over the wolf's tongue, only to be lapped up quickly; matting down the white fur around the pups neck whilst keeping a strong grip on Callum's neck.

Callum completely froze from the lock Mr Saxon had over his neck, shivering from terrifying fear of what the wolf might do to him next. His body lay limp under the wolf, his mind seeming to have stopped all together, only able to taste the musky scent of wolf arousal, which blocked out all other thoughts.

Saxon began pushing his hips down onto Callum's rear, rubbing his hardened wolf cock along the dog's perfectly curved white-furred rump, smearing pre-cum into the fur and matting itdown to a sticky mess. Callum gulped and tensed his ass up, protecting his tail-hole as best as he could by swatting Saxon's muscular legs with his bushy tail whilst digging his paws into the floor, latchign his claws into the wood to hold himself still from the wolf's rocking.

Suddenly, Callum felt a sharp pain run up his spine. Saxon gave a sudden push which forced the head of his cock inside the exposed tail-hole, spreading it wide to fit in the enormous cock just inside the pup's ass. Callum let out a loud scream from the pain of his hole being spread out to fit the width of Saxon's thick cock, feeling the head pop in just slightly, hooking around the tip.

"Oh Gods! Stop!" Callum yelled out at the top of his lungs. He could feel the wolf's cock pulse within the soft walls of his ass, stroking the thick wolf member as Saxon began to push himself deeper within the cushy rear. He only latched harder around Callum's neck, dragging his sharp teeth and making dark red marks along the tender skin, drawing blood that soaked into the white fur. Callum's mind was too locked onto the thick pole in his tight, hot rear to worry about his bleeding neck - his mind racing as to why he was beginning to enjoy the feel of something stuck up his tight tail-hole without the aid of any sort of lubrication.

Callum's body began to unwillingly push and grind back against the invading wolf cock, exposing more of his throat to Saxon's biting, finally submitting to the wolf's dominance. All be it unwillingly.

Saxon began humping harder, shoving himself deeper and deeper with each thrusting motion, slapping his furred balls against Callum's tender furry orbs. Each thrust made the pup grunt, his eyes focussed straight ahead as his own already hard cock shook and rubbed against the floor, grinding his dripping member down against the rough surface.

Saxon reached a paw to grip Callum's side and hoist him up off the floor, ass in the air as he began to actually fuck him. Working his cock deep within Callum's tight passageway, his knot being the only thing stopping him from hilting Callum completely. The poor pup began to moan out, his throat rattling along the sharp canines of the strong jaw locked around his neck. He even pushed back against the wolf's thrusting as he began to feel the need for his own release.

"Oh God, get this over with! I need to cum! Please!" He yelped out between each thrust. His eyes growing larger as he felt the pounding of Saxon's largely sized knot threatening to enter his tight ass; his puckered hole already painfully torn open to accept the thick wolf pole inside him.

"Such a tight little pup" Saxon grunted as he continued his movements. Each thrusting movement had Callum on the edge, awaiting the thick, round knot to enter his hole. Saxon's speed and stamina was phenomenal; he never slowed down, only sped up and got rougher. Callum sqeueezed his ass-cheeks together tightly to keep the knot from invading as he felt the wolf pick up his speed and roughness, his unwillingness making Saxon want to knot his bitch more than ever.

"You want to play games, boy?" the wolf grunted between thrusts. "I'll give you a game" He growled whilst gripping Callum's hips and slamming himself into his ass, pulling the pup back to meet the thrust harshly, finally popping in the thick, bulbous knot inside the tight tail-hole. Callum screamed as he felt the thick knot pop inside him, his ass instantly wrapping around the very base of the wolf's cock, gripping it hard where Saxon could only work in fast, hard humps. His full length fucked Callum's ass hard, forcing his muzzle off of the dog's neck, raking his teeth up his spine as his paws gripped Callum's hips tightly, forcing him back and forth into the hard thrusts, pounding his ass as hard as he could muster.

Callum whimpered and whined, his body sending out mixed signals of pleasure and pain as Saxon fucked him. He could feel the thick wolf-cock filling up his tail-hole and pushing in further, fucking his insides deep within him. His moans were not very loud due to the massive length inside him, forcing the air out of his lungs with each hard hump. He could feel Saxon's cock slicken within his tail-hole due to the continuous flow of pre-cum.

Suddenly, all of Callum's senses were shot, and he could only feel. Saxon had managed to yank his swollen knot out and pop it back in several times. Callum's body shivered as he felt his groin grind itself in the slick puddle of pre underneath him, whilst all the while being brutally pummeled. His body screamed out in pain, but Callum's mind wanted it rougher. He loved it.

Saxon's body tightened and lodged himself fully inside Callum's furry rump, including his swollen knot. He held himself as deep as he could, grinding his hips into the pup's ass, balls to balls as he arched his back and let out a piercing howl of dominance. Thick, hot strings of cum shot into Callum's bruised ass, filling him up completely with wolf-cum. Saxon emptied his heavy, furry orbs, some of it seeping out of the torn hole which the knot had been unable to block, but most of it moved deeper into Callum's stomach, leaving the dog only able to breathe in the taste of wolf cum, nearly able to taste it the scent was so strong.

Callum gasped and choked as he felt the thick cum seep inside his belly in a powerful burst, his own cock throbbing rock hard and ready to send himself over the edge, until he felt a strong paw grip the base of his cock, hard, squeezing his knot so tightly he couldn't release. He let out a high-pitched whimper from the pain in his ass and the desperate need for release. His body shook, spasmed and cried out, his balls swelling so full that it hurt. Saxon's strong paw worked like a cock-ring and keept the poor pup from going over the edge in his own climax.

"Please let me go! Please let go of me!" He yelped, as Saxon shifted around inside him, lifting him off the ground enough to snake his head under the dog's belly, sniffing the aroused pup. Placing his nose at Callum's twitching cock, flicking the tip with his tongue mercilessly. He picked Callum up in his strong embrace and fell backwards so that the pup was now lying on top of him and on his back. He gave Callum a few teasing humps to torture him further. He snaked his head around the pup's body and cupped the tip of Callum's cock, biting down lightly whilst his tongue and slowly licked up the bottom of the shaft, dragging the moist surface over the under-side of Callum's throbbing pink organ.

Callum whined and quivered on top of the wolf, desperate with needy release. Saxon finally started to let up and knead the pup's knot, stroking the full cock agonizingly slowly.

Callum couldn't cope with it, his whole body heating up as he let out the loudest howl he had ever made. He cried out as he arched his back, regardless of how big the cock was inside him; shooting the biggest load of cum onto his muzzle and face. Saxon bobbed up and down underneath him, his furry paws caressing the pup's knot and stroking him throughout his climax until he had released his entire furry package onto his chest and muzzle, leaving the dog absolutely drenched in his own seed.

They both felt exhausted, both panting in arousal and one whining in pain. Callum winced. His ass hurt, no matter how good his orgasm had felt he finally began to feel the pain of how much the wolf's the knot had ripped him open. After a few minutes of quiet, Callum had to speak. He was curious and confused.

"I..." he started out, trembling from his high. "I need to..."

Saxon gave him a devilish grin. "Oh, you're not going anywhere, my little pup. You're knotted for good this time. For a good long while, boy."

Callum gave him a defiant 'Humph' and wiggled around a bit to get comfortable as Saxon span him round to be back on the bottom; both of them on their bellies and with the wolf still lodged inside the trembling dog.

"Truth be told boy, I could get used to this"

He opened his muzzle and gave Callum a few soft licks, matting the fur down. He murred contently in Callum's ear, gnawing on the tip until both of them drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

To be continued...?