Eternal Night - 5. Enter Desdemona

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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I sat at my dressing table for a solid seven hours. Everything was happening a little quickly for my liking. First the wolves, then Giovanni, after that came the Strigoii. Already things were in the works after I'd been running from it forever. It's like I'd been running on a treadmill and all I had to do was turn around and the construction paper, scissors, and glue would be there, waiting for me to turn them into a plan.

Speaking of my materials - forgive me, they are not 'things' - perhaps it was time to go back to Arael's cabin. I could even pick up a snack along the way. Finally I left my dressing table. I was in my closet now. It took no time at all to pick out an outfit. I grabbed a short, black leather dress that could be mistaken for a long shirt, black and white striped leggings and mismatched boots - one thigh-high and the other that stopped at my knee. I loved this period. If I were to dress like this in my time, I'd be burned as a witch or worse, branded as a ho - er jezebel.

I grabbed the jacket that went with my dress and made for the door. When I opened it, I found a very handsome surprise. Standing there with his fist raised to knock on the door was Mr. Giovanni Costa. Neither of us spoke. He just stood there with his mouth slightly open as if wanting to speak but not finding the words.

"How about we ease into this with 'Hi'?" I said, reaching out to lower his fist for him. While I still had his paw, I gently pulled him into my apartment. When he still hadn't spoken, I went on. "I completely understand your reaction a couple days ago. Were we reversed, I'dve done the same. What I do not understand is why you've returned."

"Your paw is cold." Giovanni said after a few moments.

I chuckled and put his paw against my cheek, soaking in his warmth while he felt how cold I was. "That comes with the territory."

He took a seat on my bed and I sat at my dressing table again facing him. Giovanni swallowed hard before speaking again. "I... I liked the person I met a couple nights ago. Is the person I met a vampire or was that an act?"

"What do you mean?"

Giovanni tilted his head and threw his hair back, showing me where I'd bitten him. "I felt tired after I left, so I went to a hospital. They told me that I was short a lot of blood, then I found the bitemarks."

He'd barely finished the sentence before I spoke. "Please tell me you didn't show them to anyone at the hospital." When he shook his head, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Good." I said, crossing my legs.

"The person you met is a vampire. I'm sorry, you just happened to catch me when I needed to drink. I did intend to kill you - I won't lie about that - but I couldn't. Somewhere between finding the sweetest blood I could and bringing you here, I guess I developed feelings for you." The tabby wrung his paws as he took in what I'd just told him. Perhaps he was stuck on the 'I was going to kill you' part. "If it's any consolation, I'd never hurt you now." I said. "I don't even think I could drink from you."

Giovanni lifted his head. "Is there something wrong with me?"

I laughed. "Not at all, it's just that I can't bear the thought of accidentally killing you." Then I was sitting next to him, holding his paw in mine and resting my head on his shoulder. "So you're absolutely safe from me... well, as long as you protect my secret."

He turned his head to me. I was surprised at how my speed didn't bother him. "So where do we go from here?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I... I'd like to try being with you, if you want to. I understand if you don't want to, and I won't bother you if you leave now, but I don't want you to go." I said, weaving my fingers between his and giving his paw a squeeze.


I was rather impressed at how well the little rabbit took being around a bunch of bloodsucking monsters. Desdemona danced around us as if we were just any audience. She was like a moving painting. There to see, but not forcing her ballet down our throats. She was quiet and sweet, entertaining herself and staying out of the way, dancing around the outside of the closed space the furniture made in the center of the living room. I don't think I could have asked for a better niece.

She deserved to be with Carmina and Maxwell more than anyone I could imagine. Desdemona Ashford, whose name was originally Penny Darko and more often than not 'little bitch', had come from a very bad home. Carmina hadn't told me and the girl hadn't spoken of it, but I could see it all in her memories. She made no effort to push it down. Instead, Desdemona took to heart the old axiom that whatever didn't kill you made you stronger. Despite the physical and emotional abuse she'd suffered, the little white rabbit could still smile.

I leaned forward in Bacchus's lap after watching her for three minutes and eighteen seconds. "Carmina, I absolutely love her." I said too quickly for Desdemona to hear.

"She's perfect, isn't she?" my sister replied, still watching the girl dart around on her toes. Carmina took Maxwell's paw into hers and rested her head on his shoulder. "She's the one person I've ever been happy to orphan."

"How many people have you orphaned exactly?" Bacchus asked, cocking an eyebrow at the fox. Carmina laughed. "Oh, twelve that I know of. I don't bother with knowing my meals unless the kids actually walk in on it."

Maxwell balked. "Children have walked in on you killing their parents?"

"It happens." Bacchus said, letting his gaze fall from Desdemona to Maxwell. "You haven't been a vampire as long as we have, so maybe it hasn't happened to you yet, but beware. There may come a time when just as you tear yourself from someone's throat, you'll hear little feet making their way to their parents' bedroom."

I leaned back and put my head on his shoulder, kissed at his neck. "You can't dwell on the past, sweetheart." I told him. He'd once told me that story. One of the few times he wished he were dead. He held me close in one arm and ran his free paw across my cheek, eclipsing my face with the huge extremity. I carefully bit at his wrist. Before I licked at the blood I'd drawn, I glanced at my sister and brother-in-law. They were both staring now, smelling the blood. I couldn't help but snicker. It hadn't been my intention to tempt them, but it happened. My wolf's blood was cold and sweet and all mine.

"Arael... we have guests." Bacchus reminded me, nibbling on my ear. "One of which is a child."

"It's okay. Mama and Daddy do that all the time." My ears turned to the sweet, chiming voice before my head did. "Blood doesn't bother me." Desdemona said, twirling within snatching range.

And I did just that. I carefully snatched the little rabbit into a hug. She squeaked, taken by surprise, then giggled. "Your hearing is impeccable, little girl." I said, pressing my cheek to hers. She was warm.

"That's because of these." She said, rubbing her long ears, unaware that I'd barely heard Bacchus and I was in his lap.

I looked to Carmina and Maxwell. "Will you be turning her?" I said. My words slipped in and out of audibility as my body did when I ran. Excellent hearing or not, the rabbit couldn't hear words spoken that quickly.

Concern was evident in the gryphon's face. He squeezed Carmina's paw and looked to her.

She wants to be one of us. Carmina's despondent mental voice said. She shook her head, and as far as Maxwell and Bacchus could tell, that was her only response. I can't do it, Brother. I just cannot imagine her killing anyone to stay alive and strong.

"I understand." I said, running my fingers through the red ringlets that fell from Desdemona's head, framing her face. "But pardon me for saying, you must consider the unforeseen. I support your decision, but keep in mind that should something happen, there's no going back and doing it beforehand."

"I've thought of all those things." She said. And one day, I'll do it, but until then, I want her mortal and warm.

Carmina was weary of this conversation. I could feel it all around her. She knew I was reading her thoughts and was trying to hide it, but each of her mental words had a sadness at its edge. Understanding, I changed the subject. We had more pressing matters anyway. "Shifting gears now, we have a bit of a mess to clean up." I felt Bacchus stiffen under me.

"Define 'bit'." Maxwell said fussing with the leather of his shirt that crossed his chest.

"Well, in a nutshell, Alextra is alive, not a vampire, and wants us all dead."

"Whoa there, baby brother." Carmina said. She sat on the edge of her seat and tucked one ankle behind the other. "What do you mean 'not a vampire'?

"I'll explain that part."

We all turned to the new voice from the kitchen. There, sitting with her legs crossed on the island counter and dressed like a witch was our Siamese cat friend, Luya.