The Last One Ch. 5

Story by NickoTavers on SoFurry

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#5 of Story

Short description

What happened who was that. find out next week.... or now :D

Warning yiff starts here... ;)

Chapter 5

"Get up, quickly". Came a voice Jamie remembered.

"A-Alida?". He stuttered.

"Yes!. Now quickly before they see us!".

Jamie noticed the slight anxiety in her voice, so he quickly grabbed the bag and followed the dragoness into the woods away from the university campus. Whilst he now knew the night, he thought he had dreamed the dragoness, wasn't a dream. He had yet to know for sure what had happened to him. Many of the questions that he was asking himself, were answered by the conversation he now clearly remembered. New questions had now appeared though. 'Who were those people in those cars?. And how did Alida know who they were?'. 'Were they after him?'.

They must of walked for at least a couple of hours before Alida stopped in a small clearing,. They were far from any road or development. They were deep in protected forest land. The trees where quite tall oaks, that blocked most of the light from reaching the ground, only the clearing allowed them to see the stars and the light from the moon. The grass here wasn't long, but thick enough to be soft underfoot. Apart from the odd tree trunk, there was only blackness in the forest all around them, the great oaks would not let any other plant grow where they were.

Alida turned around to look at Jamie, her eyes roaming all over his body.

"You're even more handsome then I expected". She said, walking closer to him, with a smile on her face. When she got close enough she moved her hand up to Jamie's chest. As she walked around him, she trailed her fingers over his shoulder, her eyes still roaming. Jamie shivered at her touch. Not because it was cold, but because he was not expecting it.

Bringing himself back to why he was here he asked. "Who were those people?. You seem like you knew who they were".

Alida paused for a moment before saying. "I do. I will explain everything..... When..... I'm finished". Continuing around his body to face him, smiling again.

"Finished what?". Jamie said slightly confused. After all, his life had just completely changed.

"I have been waiting a long time to do this". She said moving forward and kissing him.

Jamie was caught off guard, and started to protest but stopped, then pulled her in closer. As much as he wanted answers, he wanted her more. She moved her tongue inside his mouth and started to wrestle with his. After a few seconds Jamie worked out how to wrestle with her tongue as well. This went on for a few minutes, before Jamie felt Alida's tail move to behind his feet. Just then she pushed him back and, unable to move his foot back to stabilize himself, he fell over backwards onto the grass, with Alida on top of him.

Jamie had not thought that his first time would be in the middle of a forest, let alone with the last of a dying race that wasn't supposed to existed. In this moment though, he didn't care. She was kissing him, and that, was all that mattered. Her hands where on his chest tracing the outline of his muscles. Without breaking off from the kiss, she moved a hand down towards his scaly sheath.

"Alida. I must tell you. This is my first time.... with anyone". He breathed. Breaking the kiss.

"It's Ok. It's my first time as well, we will just have to make sire we go easy on each other". She said looking deep into Jamie eyes.

All Jamie could do was nod, as Alida moved her head down as his cock slid slowly out of the prison it now had. Looking down, he saw the there was 6 inches out already, and was surprised. He wasn't at all well endowed before, but he could still feel that there was more to come. 'Must be the transformation'. He thought. Just then Alida's tongue touched the tip of his cock and send an explosion of pleasure running up his spine. He closed his eyes, and revelled in the pleasure that she gave him. Her tongue was coiling all around his cock rubbing it as her head bobbed up and down. He could feel the pleasure building, and fast.

"Oh ... My... GOD!!". He roared into the night. His head back on the grass, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, practical drooling in the intense pleasure.

Alida's response to this was to bob her head faster, moving her tongue around his cock tasting all she could. One of her hands moved down to fondle his sack.

At this extra stimulation he managed to say. "I'm going t-to... CUM!!!". Roaring the last word into the night.

Alida slowed her bobbing motion and moved her tongue quickly, trying to catch all of his hot juice before it escaped her mouth. Once his cock had been milked of all of the juices she could find she moved her head up and kissed him again. He could taste the salty liquid still in her mouth.

In some part of his mind, he was impressed that she hadn't even touched his member with any of the dozens of sharp teeth in her mouth, but that was a lost thought in the heat of the kiss. Placing his hands on her side he rolled them both with his new found strength over so he was on top.

Breaking the kiss, he smiled down at her. "You're going to pay for that".

With a wicked grin on his face, he moved slowly down her body, his tongue flicking at everything it could reach. When he passed over her breasts, he paused for a moment on her nipples, giving one of them a slight suck and lick. A soft gasp left Alida's mouth, as she moved one of his hands up to caress the other breast, whilst his tongue continued its quest to find her most sensitive spot. As he continued down her body he moved his hands down her sides dragging his claws gently over her scales. The moment his tongue touched her slit, she let out another gasp.

Alida moaned in pleasure arching her back, her claws digging into the ground at her sides. She was already wet, so he dragged his tongue all the way up pausing on her clit, tickling it a bit. He poked his tongue into her, moving it around. He was surprised how much flexibility his new tongue had, and his ability to control it. Moving it around in a circular motion he proceeded to try and lick all of the juices out of Alida, but they just kept on flowing.

Withdrawing his tongue he moved back up, positioning his shaft at her hole. It was now fully erect again, at 8" long. He pushed in slowly, feeling her hot cunt around his members tip. He eased in about 3 inches, before he felt her hymen. Looking up into the eyes, she nodded assent. Pushing suddenly he broke it and plunged in a further 2 inches or so. Alida Gasped in pain, but it quickly turning to pleasure.

After a few seconds Jamie pulled out a bit, before sliding in a bit further, still drawing the occasional sharp intake of breath for the dragoness he was now connected to, both physically and emotionally. Whether it was lust or love he didn't know yet, but he continued on, slowly pushing the rest of his member into her to the hilt, pausing to allow her to adjust to the new intrusion.

He bent forward, and kissed her neck whilst slowly pulling out. As he did, he felt Alida's tail move between them, caressing just underneath his member. With all the juices running out of her it was quickly soaked. He pushed him self back into her, until his balls were touching her lips. Her tail had moved now and Jamie was unconcerned with where it had gone. He felt something moving up his leg, looking down he found out where it had gone. She skillfully moved her tail tip all the way up his leg, then proceeded to feel around with it till she found the hole she was looking for. Jamie suddenly looked at Alida, he has never had anything there before.

"It's Ok". She assured him, when she saw his look. "It feels good after a while".

"Ok. But please, go slow. I've never had anything there before".

Alida smiled then and proceeded to work her tail into his tight ring. It hurt a lot at first, but the pain quickly receded into a wave of pleasure as she plumbed for his own button.

He pulled out of her slightly faster then before, and resumed his task of trying to bring ultimate pleasure to this beautiful female dragon. Increasing his speed, he got faster until was thrusting with a passion. Alida was moaning now, almost as if a constant growl of pleasure, was emanating from the point their bodies were connected. Jamie could feel the pressure building up and tried to hold it back, he held her hips with his hands and clamped his jaws onto her shoulder. Soft enough to cause a pressure pain, but strong enough to hold them together.

"OH...... OH..... JAMIE!!!!". She shouted, as she had an orgasm sending even more juices flowing over Jamie's cock, and causing the muscles in her vagina to contract on his member as well. This was too much for Jamie, and it sent him right over the edge again. He started to paint her inner walls with his semen. Alida's claws were gripping him on his back hard enough to almost break the skin, whilst his mouth was now clamped at the base of her neck. Every pulse of his cock, caused him to try and get further into her hole. This lasted for a couple of minutes, before they both relaxed holding each other.

Jamie kissed her before saying. "That was amazing".

"It was. There will defiantly be more of that very soon". She said with one of her grins.

Rolling over so that they were both on there sides, he fell asleep still inside her, not catching the next three words she uttered.

"I love you". She whispered into into his ear, before kissing and falling asleep.

Jamie woke up, with the radiator against his back feeling lovely and warm. He felt good after last night whether it had been real or not. He wished though that it could of been real, even if it was a bit beyond far fetched. Sighing, he opened his eyes blearily and tried to pull his quilt closer. He didn't have a quilt on him. 'Strange'. Then the radiator moved, slightly pushing against him before moving away again. 'What? Radiators don't breath'. He thought. His eyes snapped open fully.

He was covered in a bright blue leathery membrane. He reached out to touch it. It was soft and smooth, and he looked over his shoulder to find the the radiator was actually Alida. His heart leapt as he remembered what had happened last night. Happier then anyone alive, he rested his head back down on the soft grass nuzzling closer to the dragoness lying behind him. As he did, her tail curled around one of his legs almost all the way up to his ball sack rubbing them slightly. He realised that he must of changed back into his human self whilst he slept.