pokemon world (FINAL CHAPTER part 2)

Story by Night Marchers on SoFurry

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{as the dark pokemon tried their best to hold back the many legends all they were doing was becoming easy targets to most of the legends while in the tomb Bamut shouted and struggled in pain while Dahaka in Bamuts father grinned at the pain he was causing with Bahamut not aware of whats happening or what is going on to Bamut himself but stayed in Bamut in a deep slumber with all going silent with his eyes tightly shut untill Dahaka finally got what he wanted and roared out awaking Bahamut}

"YES FINALLY AFTER MANY YEARS I SHALL FINALLY GAIN MY ORIGINAL BODY....AFTER THAT THIS WORLD IS AS GOOD AS GONE"{Dahaka shouted in victory seeing as he was about to rip bamut heart out, grinning asBamuts heart was pulled out of his body and eaten by his father causing the fathers body to darken with the same symbols as Bamuts only that this time the fathers body vanished and showed nothing but darkness covering his fathers entire body and grins dashing up creating a large hole of the tomb and flouted about glaring at all the legendaries that just finished off the millions of dark pokemon}

"So....Dahaka it seems we meet again.....how misfortunite" Mew-two spoke with his ability while he crossed his arms glaring at them and sighed seeing as all but two legends were missing making Dahaka laugh evily seeing as he was 10x stronger as he was before he was sealed away as he then looked down at Tina who was passed out on the ground}

"_ WEAKLINGS...DO YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU DEFEATED ALL MY MINIONS MEANS YOU CAN TAKE ME ON EQUALLY...TY GET A MIND CHECK...IN FACT LET ME DO THAT FOR YA! _" Dahaka shouted as he roared out causing dark chains to spore from his body and rush towards the legends seeing as it easily hit most of them and looked down seeing Arceus, mew, and mew-two wasnt hit by the wires causing a large grin to apper on Dahaka's invisible lips as he pulled in the legends that was already connected to the chains and pulled them straight into Dahaka's body giving himself more power and grinned looking down at the three remaining pokemon only to have his eyes widen to the sight of two more portals to open and causing two more legends to come out of there hiding spots and look down at Dahaka, one being Reshiram and th eother being Zekrom}

"we have been waiting Dahaka...we stayed hidden untill you would use that attack of yours...once seen it is difficult for it to work again" Reshiram spoke while Zekrom grinned and dashed forward beginning to fight Dahaka with hand to hand combat while Reshiram flouted over by Tina and poked her shoulder causing her to awaken while Tina looked up at the legend and bows her head as he did the same}

"young one...do you wish to save your trainer?" Reshiram looked at Tina seeing her stand straight up ignoring her lack of energy while Reshiram nods and looks deep into Tina's eyes seeing the love she has for her trainer and nods while he quickly ported Tina right infront of Bamut only for her tp gasp in surprise on Bamuts chest savagly ripped out leaving a clean hole that was left in the place where Bamut';s heart was while Tina held her tears back as she walked up to him with Mew and Mew-Two appering right besides Tina and looked at the sight before them causing them to look at one another and nod looking straight back at Bamut and began to break the chains that bounded him seeing as Tina caught him before he hit the ground while Tina looked at her trainers face and leans forward kissing Bamut's lips softly closing her eyes as she then leaned back opening her eyes seeing nothing happened while a large exsplotion happened outside the tomb but to Tina she didnt care as Mew and Mew-Two look down and vanish to help the fight taking the place outside}

"Bamut....if you can hear me.....please...dont die on me...i....i love you Bamut...sense you saved me from the horrible man you were my only one i loved...please open your eyes!!!"{ Tina shouted as Bahamut spored from bamuts dead corpse then looked down at Tina who confessed her love while Bahamut flouted next to Tina looking down at Bamut then sighed}

"do you wish to save him? do you wish to be with him forever?" Bahamut asked only for Tina to nod her head as tears began to leak from her eyes while he then nods and places his hand on hers and lead it to Bamut's missing heart making Bamut's whole body shine bright blue as Bamut's eyes began to open making Tina smile softly and hug bamut causing her body to turn into the of a cross breed between a women and a Lucario while Bamut smiled hugging Tina back blushing deep red as Bahamut flouted there looking down at the two lovers}

"Bamut...relese me and i will save this world....in return though...you will have to give me almost all of your life" Bahamut offered as Tina and Bamut looked at Bahamut and nods seeing this Bahamut nods and roars out vanishing and appering outside seeing that Dahaka just got down finishing off the remaining legends while Bahamut flouted there taking the full image of a large dragon with black scales, his large wings spread out and stood up straight like a human while he grinned looking at Dahaka}

" SO THEN BAHAMUT IT SEEMS HE RELESED YOU....BUT THAT GIVES ME THE ADVANTAGE......I JUST FINISHED OFF EVERY LEGEND IN THIS WORLD...WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN DO ANYTHING?" Dahaka asked as he ccrossed his arms waiting for a response from him only for Bahamut to sigh " YOU SAID YOU TOOK OUT ALL THE LEGENDS IN THIS WORLD RIGHT? I AM SORRY BUT THAT IS COMPLETELY WRONG BECAUSE....I AM THE FINAL LEGEND.....BAHAMUT THE POKEMON OF DIVINITY" Bahamut spoke making Dahaka flinch but soon grinned as he shot his chains again sense Bahamut never seen them before only for a ring to apper inbetween the chain and its prey causing the chains to crack and shatter while bahamut uncrossed his arms and quickly grabbed the ring and tossed it behind his back seeing as it was charging while Dahaka looked at the ring then grinned as he placed his right hand in front causing a every beam to charge up in his hand while Bahamut quickly shot a mega flare that had no element but was a normal despite all the energy it had when it was charging while Dahaka shot a mega beam seeing as their attacks crashed agains one another and exsploded creating a large shockwave that pushed Dahaka back but showed Bahamut missing now}

" _COME ON OUT BAHAMUT...YOU CANT BEAT ME BY HIDING YOU KNOW _" Dahaka shouted out in the open clear sky as he looked around then sighed disappointed only to see elements to get pulled underneth Dahaka's foot only for him to look down seeing the ring charging up without a master only to have Bahamut to apper right infront of Dahaka and punch his face with a flurry of mega punches and with the final hit launching Dahakainto the Ring showing he was in a different world of dark and light while millions of Bahamuts surrounded the single Dahaka seeing a small sweat drop drip from his forhead}

"_ TORMENT HIS SOUL..........OMNI MEGA FLARE!!!!!! _" the bahamuts echoed to each other as if passing judgement as they all charged up the same mega flare each having the same power while Dahaka looked around in complete defeat while he only closed his eyes causing millions of mega flares to hit him from all sides while outside of the ring every legend that was imprisoned by Dahaka began to rush out completely tired and out of energy while Bamut sat there in awe watching the Battle that took place}

"So...its....its finally over" Bamut spoke as he layed his head back while he then sighed and sat up looking at his lover and placed his hand on hers seeing the legends beginning to return to their rightful places while Mew appered infront of them and ported them back to their rightful place which was in a forest where they first met causing a small blush to apper on both of their cheeks as Bamut looked up at the sky seeing Bahamut's figure apper in the sky allowing abright smile to apper on Bamut's lips as he then looked straight at Tina and blushed as he moved forward kissing her soft lips as they were on a meadow while Tina blushed but smiled as she leaned into the kiss slightly deepening the kiss as her tongue danced with Bamut's as they held each other close while Bamut's right hand scalled up her hips to her breast softly rubbing her right breast making Tina softly moan in pleasure while he looked into her eyes as they began to make sweet love to one another}

((well thats it.....i finished pokemon world and do forgive me about making the final part so sloppy sense not many people posted comments.....due to that i didnt know what to put.....that and im not to good at the love scenes...im more of a fighting scene maker...hope you guys like the story))