Kabuto: Chapter two: A Change for the Worse

Story by Kabuto Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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I am about one and a half now and my life couldn't be better. I am trying to do the best I can but winter is coming and it is going to be a problem if we don't have the food to last the wonter. So we are now going to town to get food and stock up every other day. I am a little warn out but I keep going and going I can't quit with winter so close. I feel the wind in my fur and the rest of the things going by so fast it is exciting, but you have to pay attention or you can get lost really quickly being the lead dog now. when I lay down Natelie is beside me still and I still get let in the house at night with her now and again. I can tell the old lady is getting along in her years so it is good to keep her company time and again.

The next morning me Natelie and the old woman go out for fire wood for the house, for an old woman she is very active, so we can have it for the fireplace. We go looking for downed trees and small trees that won't last the winter, that way we will have wood that will not freeze or dry out. I start to talk to Natelie more often but everytime it seems funny to the old woman like she can understand what I am saying, it makes wonder if she is a normal human after all. I was curious from the first but it is starting to bug me now so I ask her her name and she answered me she said, " yes my name is Shany." I looked at her and stopped pulling the sled. "You understand me" I said surprized, " I thought humans couldn't talk to us." She said, I could I was taught to talk to the animals by my grandfather." it was curious to me how anyone could be taught that but I left it alone and kept it a secret between me and Natelie. We got a lot of wood that day but it would be at a fail later.

The weather is starting to get worse now and we are going to town less often with the cold weather moving in. I am now a member of the group and now I get left alone, it is weird to go from picked on to accepted but I learned to live with it. with winter getting closer we are all starting to go in, all twelve of us, I am of coarse allowed on the bed but not them for some reason. I am happy to be her favorite and when the others go to bed I talk to her about her life and all the stuff about her grandfather. She told me about how her life and that it was a tragic one and she was the last one of the tribe to learn the secret of the ancient ways but the tribe was seperated when the other tribes moved in on their land. I was sad to learn the truth but then she asked about me and I told her how I was kicked out because I was different. at that moment she hugged me and told me it is okay I found you and made you a part of my pack. I was happy she had said that but it was hard to forget.

The next day I found a lot of things were different the scents and the pressure of the air. I remember the way things looked after the first new snow it was white like me and the way the animals come out to srounge around and try to find food. This is the day we go to the town for the last time but it was snowing. I remember the way Shany acted as we were about to get strapped up she was mumbling something and it concerned me but then a light came out of now where and was hanging from the sliegh. Now it wasn't a lamp I have seen those before it was like magic then she said guide the way light of day. It was weird but I was wondering how she did a lot of things without explaination. I was getting strapped in when I felt bad about going today it was a white out but we had to go to get the last of the supplies, but it felt bad to go now. I still went with it though my body was on edge it started to prick because of the way I could not tell the way with all the snow I could smell it but not see where it was. She said, "Mush" and we started off but I could feel this would be bad. we started going and the wind grew with that trees fell close and I had to watch where I was going and listen for trees creeking and cracking.

We got there and got our supplies but it got worse on the way home. Natellie beside me was scared and I kept telling her don't worry we will make it but I was scared to and it was hard to hide. I was scared when a tree fell in front of us and we had to go around,and it was weird to have to find a new way but we had too. I was scared to continue and then the worst happened. A tree fell over the sleigh landing on Shany's legs and pinning her to the ground I stopped and slipped off my reigns to go see how she was. you okay she told me yes but she won't live from this not this time. I was freaking cause I wanted to help but I was a wolf how could I she said come closer and whispered something to me, and after that my whole life changed. I was morphed, and I mean I was morphed I was standing up like a human and I turned to see the rest were too. I was happy but it was weird. I tried to get the others to help me pull it off but the only one that stayed with me was Natelie and we tried but we could not get it off at first, we did get it off but it was too late she was gone and she left me with the best gift I could have gotten.

I grabed Shany and got Natelie to help me take her to town. when we got there it was dead in town and I went aloneto the shop to tell them what happened, but as all humans they freaked out and got guns after me. So for the secound time in my life I ran for my life. I grabbed Natelie and told her "run we have to get to the house." we ran though the woods and got to the house safe at least for the moment. We gathered supplies and clothes and started to leave the house to find a new place, but we don't get far when we hear gunshots in the air. Natelie freaks and I take her hand and run with her into the woods, gunshots zip past us and Natelie gets hit. She falls to the ground and I pick her up to carry her, and then we get away when I notice a cave and hide with her. I get the wood and the other things out of the packs we gathered and light a fire. I set her down by it on a blanket, "are you okay" I asked her and all she did was shake her head and whimper. At that moment I realized how bad it was, it was too close to her heart and I was losing her. I started to cry and lose it so I told her how I felt and kissed her holding her hand. She kisses me back but then her hand lost strength and goes limp and I howl long and hard crying out. I rap her up in the blanket and I morn the lose of a friend to the point I cry myself sleep by the fire.