The Arch-Mage

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Hunter Hunted

The Greatest Tales are written in blood

Hunter Hunted: The Mage-Lord

"I can see the docks" the lookout crowed triumphantly

"It's about bloody time" the Sergeant grumbled

"Come on Sir we're home let's celebrate" Jimmy shouted joining in the rejoicing of the Sergeant's group

"If you are hung-over in the King's court you'll regret it" Tyan warned

"Most likely but who cares we are home" Jimmy laughed

"You still with me?" the Sergeant asked

"Of course you shouldn't have to ask if Tyan is in so am I" Jimmy said

"Are you in Tyan?" the Sergeant asked

"From here to the end of the world" Tyan promised

"That's good we might just be heading there" the Sergeant said

"Can we bring better weapons this time?" Jimmy asked

"Yes I think I'll insist this time" the Sergeant said "I can't see why we couldn't have had those the whole time"

"What will we be doing this time?" Jimmy asked

"Depends but I hear we might have to do something about that Mage-Lord he has apparently done something incredibly stupid and we have to kill him or something along those lines" the Sergeant said vaguely

"Oh good I was thinking of something along those lines" Jimmy said eagerly subtly loosening his sword

"But not yet we must first address the King's court with our report of the mission then we will get our orders" the Sergeant said

"Fine but can we scare the shit out of the King's court with the thing I brought back?" Jimmy pleaded

"What's he talking about?" Tyan asked

"Just a little prize we took from the battle" the Sergeant said evasively

"This mean we can scare those stuck up courtiers?" Jimmy asked

"Of course I was going to if you hadn't suggested it" the Sergeant said

"This will be awesome" Jimmy said evilly

"Are you going to tell me now or do I have to extract it from you?" Tyan asked

"Hmm..." Jimmy said "I don't really know if I should"

"Go ahead tell her already" the Sergeant said

"Alright we took a dead Rhytinyll from the battle and put it in a barrel in the bottom of the ship to use for something like this later" Jimmy explained

"And the King's guard won't bolt the one who removes it why?" Tyan asked cuttingly

"She may have a point why don't we bring the barrel and knock it over let it out that way" Jimmy suggested

"Wouldn't be as funny" the Sergeant said "I'll take it to show the King just what we are fighting and justify scaring the court shitless that way"

Jimmy laughed "Well they won't forget this meeting for a long time"

"If they do then we may need to be worried" the Sergeant said seriously and then burst out laughing

"Well let's go make some courtiers faint" Tyan said, the Sergeant's and Jimmy's enthusiasm was contagious

As expected the reception they got at the King's Court was less than friendly

"So Sergeant your men were successful?" asked an over medalled General

"Of course we do not fail" the Sergeant said through gritted teeth

"How many men did you lose this time?" the general asked sneering

At that point Jimmy thought it was wise to remove the Sergeant's sword from his belt and give it to Tyan he knew this was going to end badly. And of course it did, the Sergeant produced a barrel with something moving inside opened it to reveal a live Rhytinyll.

"I thought you said it was dead sir" Jimmy said quietly

"So did I what the fuck's going on?" he whispered back then said "Well general have you ever fought one of these? I doubt it these are the most vicious and psychotic little fuckers you'll see on the battlefield and the enemy has managed to improve them"

The reaction to that news could be put somewhere between hysterical and rioting

"Improve them!!! How?" asked a lieutenant

"The new one are called wyverns and they are faster, sleeker and they have a deadlier poison" the Sergeant said grimly

"Impossible" the general spluttered

"No it's not and all my soldiers including my two officers here will agree" the Sergeant said "Though it does seem that these things are vulnerable to their poison and so are the other monsters"

"Is this true?" the general asked Tyan and Jimmy his face white

"No it's worse that what the Sergeant says it is" Jimmy said "They tunnel to, when we were digging defences for our camp the little buggers crawled out of the ground and attacked us"

Somehow the reactions to this news made things worse to the point were the King's guards had to step in to calm the court.

"You paint a bleak picture Sergeant" said the King

"I am not finished yet the new weapons better than we could have ever hoped you should begin mass production immediately" the Sergeant said

As he said that two couriers went scurrying off "Consider it done Sergeant" the King said

"How did the attacks go?" the Sergeant asked

"Better than we thought they would" the King said "We have managed to take back all the land on this continent though out of the eight great Kingdoms only we and the Kyrkicalsa remain"

The Sergeant appeared deeply disturbed by this news "What about the Kingdoms of Delkeda and Rolsomas?" he asked

"Delkeda's last city fell a month ago and Rolsomas fell last week we have no reports of any survivors" the King said hollowly

"I can tell you why we find no prisoners" Jimmy said "But the Court may be too disturbed to hear it"

"Go ahead we must know" the King said bracing himself for the worse but even he was shocked

"The reason there are no prisoners is simply the Alhations transform them into the monsters of war" Jimmy said bluntly

The Army officers were staggered at the news, the King was close to tears and the Court was in such an uproar that not even the guards could calm them.

"What proof do you have of this?" the King asked desperately seeking an escape from the truth

"The word of every one of our men, we witnessed the transformation of three of our soldiers" the Sergeant explained

"You mean to say that we are fighting our own people?" the King asked

"No they are monsters after they are transformed and are uncontrollable when the commanding Alhation is killed" the Sergeant said

"None of this is new Sergeant" the general said offensively

"Well if you want something new maybe you could get Jimmy here to tell you about their new flyers" the Sergeant replied

"Flyers?" the general asked

"Yes Flyers they look like bats though they can swoop and take out a man as good as any bolt though they only attacked us at night but they were following us by day" Jimmy said grimly

"Anything else to add?" the King asked

"Those strange blades kill the Alhations fairly quickly" Tyan said

"Well thank the gods at least two good things besides Intel came out of this" the general said

"Where are we going next?" Jimmy asked

"The Mage-Lord or Arch Warlock as he calls himself now has killed of every other Mage-Lord or forced them so enslave themselves to him he pretty much controls the southern half of the city with his magic alone" the King said

"Why haven't you sent anyone?" Tyan asked

"Oh we have they have come in pieces" the general said

"Let me do it" Jimmy said "I know the streets well enough to avoid his men and I can easily break into his house I did it before I can do it again"

"I am coming with you" Tyan said stubbornly

"No you're not" Jimmy said bluntly "You could keep up or move stealthily enough. You just get us both killed; I have to do this by myself"

"That's suicide" the Sergeant said

"Wrong I am a bloody good swordsman now and I plan to take an auto cross with me, the only reason he got me last time was because I had to run this time I won't" Jimmy said confidently

"You can't get in" the general said grimly

"Has he changed the building in any way?" Jimmy asked

"No but...." the general said but was silenced by Jimmy's glare

"Look I broke in there before I can do it again" Jimmy said "Look this is probably the only way you can have this threat dead soon all I need is some weapons and ammo"

"Jimmy could do it though I'd prefer it if he didn't die he is my second officer and without him we'd lose ever trooper that wasn't under Tyan's command" the Sergeant said

"Fine arm this man to the teeth" the King said "But first I would like a word with our hero"

The King beckoned Jimmy to follow and he did eventually they ended up in the palace gardens

"What you are volunteering is incredibly brave is there anything I can do to help?" the King asked

"Support the Sergeant in your court he really doesn't like your court and he has more enemies in it than he faces on a battlefield" Jimmy said simply "Oh and if on the off chance I do die I want you to make Tyan a rich woman so that she can live in peace"

"Fine consider it done" the King said "If you come back alive I would be happy to offer you a place in my court"

"I am sorry but Tyan means more to me than my life, the only reason I stayed in the Sergeant's troop was because of her" Jimmy said quietly

"To be honest I am glad the last thing I need at the moment is another political situation caused by you" the King said

Jimmy laughed "How is the princess?" he asked

"She vanished from her room a week after you left" the King said hollowly "The real reason I wanted to speak to you was about my daughter. There is a chance she may be in the Arch Warlock's keep if you find her bring her back and whatever you wish shall be yours"

"I have Tyan that's all I will ever need" Jimmy said "Now I'd best get my armour and weapons"

Jimmy headed towards the armoury leaving the sad King behind him, Jimmy shook his head he was certain now he was going to kill the Mage-Lord and when he did it was going to hurt.

Jimmy was walking through the bedroom corridor he was sure of it but how did he get there he was sure he had taken he right turn but he was obviously lost. Jimmy turned the corner and ran right into Tyan he braced himself this was going to be unpleasant to say the least.

Tyan was oddly silent "Is everything okay?" Jimmy asked then Tyan burst into tears, Jimmy shook as he embraced her, he had a feeling this might be the last time he would.

"No everything is not okay" Tyan sobbed "You'll be killed if you do this"

"I am sorry to say you're right I might be but if I don't who will they'll just send more men to die" Jimmy said "Also the King didn't mention this the Arch Warlock also has his daughter the princess"

"Let me help you" Tyan pleaded

"I am sorry but I can't let you be killed" Jimmy said

"I don't care I can't live without you" Tyan replied

"If you die so do I" Jimmy said "Think of it this way how high can you jump?"

Tyan jumped into the air trying to reach one of the lamps on the wall, Jimmy jumped and touched the roof.

"I need to be able to fling myself out of a building without worry if you are there I will get distracted and if I am distracted there will be lethal consequences" Jimmy said bluntly

Tyan sighed heavily and leaned on Jimmy "How will you get the princess out?" she asked

"Probably put her over my shoulder run through the glass windows next to the door and run down the side streets back to the palace" Jimmy said "If you want to help I am sure all the demons in hell will be after me on my way back take a few men and gauntlet any enemies that follow"

"Alright that sounds good we'll use those auto crossbows and turn the enemies into a fine red mist" Tyan said

"Good now I really need to get my armour and weapons" Jimmy said

"You're sure it can't wait" Tyan said grinding against him

"Somehow I can tell this is more urgent" Jimmy said running his hands over her body

"Good choice" Tyan said and opened a door and pushed Jimmy through and onto the bed

"Bolt the door" Jimmy said "We don't want to be interrupted

Tyan bolted the door then pounced on Jimmy pinning him on the bed beneath her slowly she removed her clothes and all the while grinding across Jimmy's groin "Somehow I doubt I am going to able to walk after this" Jimmy said laughingly

Tyan growled and practically ripped his shirt off then just as quickly removing Jimmy's pants "If you can't I'll help you" Tyan replied

"Not likely" Jimmy said and tackled Tyan to the bed and started teasing her by slowly licking her slit

"Harder Jimmy Harder" Tyan demanded as Jimmy lathered her pussy with his tongue

Jimmy smiled and deliberately slowed down but as he did dug his tongue in deeper now taking long, slow, deep strokes making Tyan boil with pleasure

"Do it faster or I'll make you regret it" Tyan warned breathlessly

Jimmy would have laughed if his muzzle hadn't been buried inside of Tyan cunt tongue fucking her, Jimmy though did speed up pushing Tyan closer pleasure making her tense up.

"Oh gods" Tyan shrieked as he she came on Jimmy's face

"Tasty" Jimmy said as he licked Tyan's juices off his muzzle

"I told you you'd regret it" Tyan said then pounced on Jimmy and started taking log, slow licks of his cock

"It would seem that I'm not" Jimmy said laughing

Tyan took the head of his length in her mouth and began giving it torturously slow powerful sucks barely moving her head only enough to increase the friction close to an unbearable level.

Precum began to leak from Jimmy's length as Tyan tortured him with her mouth driving his pleasure him but not his regret "Still I don't seem to regret it" Jimmy said then moaned as Tyan took him deep in her muzzle.

Tyan sucked hard on Jimmy taking him deep, she felt Jimmy grow close. Jimmy tensed as he came then howled as he sprayed his cum into Tyan's desperate mouth, Tyan drank every drop sucking his cock to make sure she didn't miss a drop.

Someone hammered on the door "Jimmy are you in there?" the Sergeant's voice came

"Sir this isn't the best time" Jimmy yelled back as both he and Tyan struggled with their clothes

"Look as much as I hate to disturb the two of you the palace is under attack and if you want the best chance of survival you will go now" the Sergeant voice came again

Jimmy finished dressing and helped Tyan "I've got to go" he said reluctantly

"I know, the gauntlet will cover the main streets to the palace just give us a little warning alright" Tyan replied the kissed Jimmy as she opened the door

"Let's go Jimmy and Tyan get back to the ship" the Sergeant said

"I can't Sir I am going to construct a gauntlet to give Jimmy a safe way back" Tyan said stubbornly

"Fine use the men on our ships just go" the Sergeant said

Tyan dashed down the corridor towards the docks "Alright here's your armour Jimmy we'll swing by the armoury on the way out" the Sergeant said as Jimmy hurriedly pulled on his armour

Jimmy and the Sergeant ran into the armoury and grabbed auto crossbows and the projector swords "Well at least I have decent weapons this time" Jimmy said then laughed as they ran out of the armoury and saw the chaos that was the throne room.

It was filled with men and the strangest creatures Jimmy had ever seen "What the fuck are these things?" Jimmy asked as he cut down one of the attackers

"You got me I've never seen these before" the Sergeant said as he slashed one of the attackers

Jimmy shrugged and ran through the door cutting down enemies as he moved outside, outside the gardens were relatively peaceful Jimmy ran up to a wall and climbed over it into the street and began following his last path before becoming one of the Sergeant's men.

Jimmy saw the Arch Warlock's house it was the same as always and pitifully unprotected except for the legion of things standing outside its gates. Jimmy examined the things they seemed to be made of armour but nothing else if you looked closely enough you could see the gaps in the armour there was nothing in them.

'At least the armour is piss weak' Jimmy said thanking whatever gods there was

Jimmy ran into a house that bordered the Arch Warlock's house climbed to its roof and jumped onto the wall that surrounded the house. Jimmy shook his head that warlock was as stupid as he was a mage whatever the difference was.

Jimmy found the window he used last time and jumped into the house, it was just too easy 'the man was an idiot' Jimmy concluded

Jimmy walked into the Warlock's room and saw the warlock sitting calmly in his chair "You're back I can't say I'm pleased" he said calmly as he levered himself out of his chair

"Well this time I am not here to steal from you I am here to kill you" Jimmy said bluntly

The Arch Warlock smiled and nodded "You'll find that hard but then again who says I won't kill you with magic" he said slowly

"Because you can't, you could kill me with a spell but you can't unmake me and if you try a spell I'll cut you down before you utter one damned syllable" Jimmy spat

"You finally realised ah well" the Arch Warlock said drawing a wickedly serrated blade "This blade drinks souls and it will taste yours"

"Somehow I doubt you could touch me old man" Jimmy snarled

"The foxie thinks he can hurt me" the Warlock mocked

Jimmy snarled again and swung out with his sword and while he did drew the second projector sword he had strapped to his back "Bring it on" he growled

The Warlock sneered and spun out blade slicing through air, Jimmy caught the strike square on his right hand sword and thrust at the Warlock with his left hand sword.

The Warlock spun away "You'll have to be better than that to bleed me child" he laughed

Jimmy snarled and jumped out swinging both blade going high and low, the Warlock stepped back and blocked the low blow but the high blow struck him deep in the shoulder.

"Looks like first blood is to me" Jimmy laughed and he pulled his sword out roughly enlarging the wound

"You have much to learn I can still kill you" The Arch Warlock spat and he bound his wound Jimmy waiting listlessly

"Wait I want to know something" Jimmy said although the Warlock was still on the ground "Where is the princess?"

"Check my room" the Arch Warlock said

Jimmy quickly checked out the room and he spotted something tied to the bed "So that's where she is good now I can kill you straight away" Jimmy said venomously

The Arch Warlock pulled himself upright "You should have done that before" he said

Their blades clashed again, the warlock grabbed Jimmy's left hand and swung viciously at it. Jimmy swore and jerked his hand back just in time but dropped his second sword as he did, the Warlock kicked it away "Fair fight now" he said simply

Jimmy laughed "You still think you can win?" he mocked "You're bleeding to death as we speak all I have to do is run out the clock"

"No I will kill you first" the Warlock said then attacked again

Jimmy snapped out a blow that took the blade out of the Warlock's hand but as he did the Warlock drew a dagger and tackled Jimmy to the ground. They wrestled back and forth but Jimmy's longer blade was trapped but still pointing towards the Arch Warlock it just wasn't long enough.

"Any last words child?" the Arch Warlock asked as he raised the dagger

"Yes these swords that I carry the extend" Jimmy said, the Warlock's eyes widened as he saw Jimmy press the button and the blade sprang out and pierced the Warlock's throat and severed his spine.

Jimmy pushed the inert body of the Warlock off him and walked over to the bed, the princess was tied spreadeagled to the bed. Jimmy cut the ties and picked his other sword up, he walked over to the bed the princess was still unconscious. Jimmy sighed and picked the body up 'This was going to be interesting' he thought as he climbed out of the window the princess on his back.

Smiling Wolf