Kabuto: The long awaited telling of my furry *prologue*

Story by Kabuto Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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I am Kabuto and this is my story.

And just so you know this is set northern North America in winter way up north * I made this up so leave me alone if you want to comment you can but don't say i copied anyone*

I was exiled by my father as a pup, I was different from the others. The others were black as night and I was white as snow. so they ran me off , they didn't want me but my mother fought for me. That was the only time I saw them fight. She said to my father, " I am not leaving him, I can't leave Kabuto he is the only son of the litter this season and you know this." right then he got mad and snapped at her, "You can join him if you want," he said. then she went silent and left with him. Well I could not stand to see them leave so I ran like a wolf scolded. I ran, and I wish I didn't, I ran into natures worst preditors........ man. They shot at me at first and I kept going now running for my life. At one time I remember a sharp pain and falling to the ground, it hurt and imy vision was starting to get dark when he said, " We got him they will pay hansomely in the villige for this pup." he said as he pulled out the tranquellizer. I blacked out not knowing what happened or where I was, all I remember waking up to was a cage and a lot of people standing around and raising their hands. It was loud but still drowsy I feel asleep, I woke up later when my cage was getting pick up by a woman I didn't know. I remember a sled and getting set on the chasy when I saw a lot more wolves all different colors, at one point I thought I was dreaming. I fell asleep again and remembered all the moving around but it was odd I had never moved like this before. After i got to the end of my ride I woke up and i was at a strange place, it had a caged off yard and a house made of trees. Then the rest of my life started.