just some info about my slef

Story by Ghostkitsune on SoFurry

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Just wanted to post somee info about my slef because i am in a realy good. John the collie

So un till now only a few people that know me in person were aware of what I am posting and of them only Swordpunk and Johm the collie know this info about me on this sight. Tho i do know swordpunk in person as you can see from what he posted a few hours ago and some of the stuf i have posted over time

Ok the thing is I was born in the USA. My dad was Italian and my mom was Japanese (how that worked out I don't know I never new either of them other then as a veag memory from what I was told my real parents were killed in car crash when I was almost 2 years old). I was raised in an orphanage in Bergamo, northern Italy till I was about 10 when I ran away, And ended up in a different orphanage in Modena less than 2 weeks later, you would be surprised how far you can get in 2 weeks if you put your mind to it. Was there till I was 14 and took off again this time with all my paper work (birth birth certificate (from the USA) and my social security card and some other stuff) along with some money I had stolen from the office, and a plan not only to not get busted but to get to the Campobasso were I have a close friend that was at the orphanage in Bergamo who got adopted (just before I took off) I was able to track down. He was quite happy to see me he even got his new parents to let me live there for a few years. They treated me like I was there own daughter even getting me back in to school with what they told me was creative paper work. After staying with them for the first year I got a surprise I was not expecting tho I had hoped for it they adopted me. To have a real family not just them letting me stay with them but too really be family most people take having a family as a matter of course. I don't think you could give someone a greater birthday present then to give them a family. The next few years went by with nothing to note worthy happening other than a boy friend or 2. At this point I ended up getting a part time job nothing special about it but I did end up sending the orphanage in Modena money to replace what I had stolen when I left even tho it was a small amount but I never got over taking it. When I turned 19 I found out we were moving to the USA when we were going through all that I found out that I was a US cetacean with what's called duel cetacean ship. Which as it turns out made my adopted families paper work go a lot faster (on a side note I had been learning English for about a year at this point so I could speak it without screwing up to much). When I turned 21 which was just this year I got a job working for a company that buys old condemned buildings and either restores them and sells them or demolishes them and I usually have to go out and take a look at the buildings with a group of 3 or 4 other people and because of the places where we tend to work like the red zone I Detroit I applied and got my concealed weapons permit in about a week (tho I no longer work for that company). If you look at the bad luck turned good luck in my journal you will see how I ended up meeting Kevin (swordpunk on the sight).. I have left out a lot of details because there are some things that are still hard to talk about but who knows maby i will post more. tell me what you think if you want.(Did i tag this with the appropriate tags if not can someone let me know thank you)