New Town, New Lovers

Story by Xaniseth on SoFurry

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#2 of New Town, New Lovers

Vilews woke slowly, his body aching. He looked around, panicking a moment when he saw he was not in his own house. Then, memories flooded back to him in a veritable torrent. Li'el, his love of him, the bar, and sleeping with Li'el. 'That explains the ache.' Thought Vilews.

He stood slowly, realizing he was naked. The door, painted crimson like the walls of the bedroom, was closed. Vilews cracked it, and called out into the living room.

"Li'el?" He called, wondering if the dragon had left, or was in the basement. Did the house have a basement? "Li'el? You home?"

"Good morning, Alex," said Li'el's voice, from the kitchen, "Yes, I'm home." The smells of cooking breakfast wafted in, setting Vilews' stomach a-rumbling.

"Where's my clothes?" he asked.

"They're on the nightstand. I washed them." Vilews looked around the room, spotting his clothes folded up neatly on the nightstand. As Vilews dressed, he noticed the clothes had the faint scent of lavender about them. Out in the kitchen, Li'el was cooking a large breakfast. From the sheer number of eggs, it seemed that it could feed about ten people.

"Thank you for washing my clothes, Li'el." Said Vilews, as he turned the corner into the kitchen.

"It's alright." Li'el replied. Vilews watched him as he laid a couple of strips of bacon on a pad of paper towels to drain. Vilews loved the way he moved, the graceful fluidity of his movement. Li'el made every motion seem almost like a dance. Vilews felt the first stirrings of the beast named 'Love' in his heart, the first time in countless years.

"Li'el..." Vilews said, watching him crack a few eggs into a pan.


" going out with anyone?" The words tumbled from Vilews' mouth in a cascade. He crimsoned a little as Li'el turned to face him.

"You're asking me out, aren't you?" Li'el asked, a note of relief obvious in his voice.

"Y-yes..." said Vilews, to the tiles on the floor. There was a small sound as Li'el put the spatula down, and suddenly Vilews was kissing him. Vilews held the back of his scaly head, twining his tongue around Li'el's. After a few moments of kissing, they broke apart.

"I'll...take that as a yes?" asked Vilews.

"Oh, yes, love. That's a yes." Vilews' heart leapt. "Now, the band's coming over today. Get your guitar, and some clothes."


"We're going on tour tomorrow. I assume you're coming?" Li'el went back to cooking. Vilews' greatest dream had just been realized. He was going on tour.

"Yeah, I'm coming. I-I'll be right back." Vilews walked back to his house (it was just down the street, past the bar) and gathered his things. His guitar case slung across his back and a box of clothes in his arms, he arrived back at Li'el's house in a little under ten minutes. A new car sat in the driveway, a black Subaru with red flames running down the side.

Vilews knocked on the door, and no sooner than the final knock was sounded, the door flung open. A blue-suited cheetah stood there, displaying an impressive mouth of fangs. His suit had an anarchy patch on the right shoulder, and his brown hair was styled into a fauxhawk that rose above his ears.

"Yo, man!" the cheetah said, "You're here! Come in!" Vilews did, setting his box and guitar case on the couch. A white tiger reclined on the other couch. He wore no shirt, and a pair of tight black pants showed off sculpted leg muscles. MTV played on the television, and he seemed completely focused on it.

"I'm Jack, man," the cheetah said, clapping Vilews on the shoulder, "And that's Boo."

"That's your actual name?" asked Vilews, curious.

"No, my actual name's Rick, but they call me Boo for some reason." The white tiger said, looking over to Vilews with emerald green eyes.


"I assume you're Alex, eh?" Said Jack, not releasing Vilews' shoulder.


"Lemme ask you just one question, aa'it?" He turned Vilews to face him, and prodded him lightly in the nose. "How was it?"

"How was what?" Vilews asked, rubbing his nose. Jack leaned in closed, a wild grin on his face.

"The sex, man."

"O-oh. It..." Vilews shifted, blushing. "It...was really good." Just as he spoke those words, Li'el bounded up the stairs.

"Stop interrogating our guitarist, Jack!" He said, separating the two.

"Stop fucking our guitarist, Li'el!" Vilews couldn't help but grin at that one.

"Welcome to the Grindhouse, Alex." Said Boo, standing. "Get used to it. It's always like this."

"Right." Vilews nodded. Jack nudged him slightly, smiling his mad grin again.

"So, man, how good are you?" He asked.

"He belted out 'Hangar Eighteen', no problem." Li'el said.

"So, you're better than the old one. But, fuck this. I'm starving!" Jack said, running up to Li'el and grabbing him, "Feed me!" He begged, mouth open.

"Gerrof, boy!" Li'el growled, peeling Jack off. "Come on. Breakfast's on."

"Finally!" Boo rushed into the kitchen, rubbing his hands together.

After they ate, Jack leaned back in his chair.

"So, any new songs, Li'el?" He asked, as Li'el munched on a strip of bacon.

"Lots." Li'el managed, between bites.

"You hear that, boys? We get whole new songs!" Jack said, excitedly. Li'el made a small 'oh' sound, and tossed down a half-eaten piece of bacon.

"We have to get your costume around, Alex!" He said, standing and rummaging in the living room closet.

"C-costume?" Vilews didn't like the sound of that.

"Yeah, we play in costumes." Li'el smiled a bit, coming back into the dining room. He held an armful of belts and straps, along with a long leather loincloth. "Hope you don't mind."

"No, anything, Li'el." Said Vilews. Jack burst out in laughter, and Boo elbowed him in the ribs.

"Jack, you idiot..." Boo hissed. Jack stopped laughing, but that manic grin was still on his face.

"What, you two going out or something?" Jack asked. Li'el nodded.

"Yeah, we are." He said. Jack's face fell, and Vilews' cheeks burned.

"Oh, God, I didn't think...I'm sorry..." Jack looked truly sorry.

"It's alright, Jack." Vilews said, after he had stopped blushing.

"No, it's not. I feel like a complete asshole."

"Well, anyway, want to try on your costume?" Interrupted Li'el, as Vilews stood.

"Yeah, alright." He took the mass of straps, and went into the bathroom. He stripped off his old clothing, and put on the other clothes. It was skimpy, consisting of a leather spiked harness and a long leather loincloth. He also wore a collar, with a leash that dangled down to his crotch, where it buckled into the belt of the loincloth. It was loose enough he could move in it, though.

Vilews had just finished changing when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Yeah?" Vilews asked, pressing an ear to the door.

"It's Li'el. Mind if I come in?"

"No, not at all." The door opened, and Li'el came in. He shut the door behind him.

"You look excellent, honey." He said. It was rather a shock to Vilews' system to hear himself referred to as 'honey' by another man.

"T-thank you, Li'el."

"Absolutely ravishing..." Li'el moved closer, stroking down Vilews' arm. Overcome by passion and lust, Vilews took his lover into a sudden, forceful kiss. Li'el returned it, his touch moving down Vilews' chest.

"Oh, my god, Li'el. I want you so badly right now..." He said. He felt strange saying the words, but Li'el seemed receptive.

"And I want you..." Li'el's grasp unclasped Vilews' loincloth, revealing his rock-hard erection. He moved to sit on the seat of the toilet, and Li'el took a tube of lube from the cabinet. Li'el squeezed a bit onto his lover's cock, spreading it with soft, slow stroking motions. His grasp was so light, so soft that Vilews couldn't help but moan.

Li'el stepped back, undressing, Soon he moved forward again, standing over Vilews' throbbing cock.

"How about you fuck me, now?" Said Li'el, holding Vilews' cock in place.

"Yes...please..." Murmured Vilews, as Li'el slid down his cock. His asshole wrapped easily around Vilews' manhood. It was so wet, so smooth that Vilews had to restrain himself. Li'el supported himself on the tank of the toilet, and used his legs to slide up and down Vilews' cock. His eyes closed slowly as the pleasure washed over him. Vilews stroked his lover's back, feeling up and down his spine.

With every one of Li'el's downstrokes, Vilews pressed upwards, forcing every inch of his cock deep into his lover's tailhole. Through the fog of sex, Vilews realized he could make the experience much more pleasurable for the dragon by stroking him as he moved. He slid his hands around his thighs, to his cock.

It throbbed ready for him, smooth and pink. He slid his hand up and down it, slowly rotating a bit when he came to the head. It shivered slightly under his ministrations. The fire was building in Vilews' loins.

"Shit, baby, I'm gonna come..." Vilews stopped stroking, and Li'el stood, sliding off Vilews' dick. They switched places, Vilews kneeling before his lover. He roughly pushed Vilew's mouth onto his cock, and he began sucking hard. His member tasted slightly salty, almost like a foreign spice. Vilews probed it with his rough tongue, nudging it this way and that, tracing the veins that pulsed in it.

Soon, Li'el came, his seed spurting into Vilews' mouth. It had about the same taste as his cock, but focused more on the salt. There was an awful lot of it, and he began to swallow it. 'Oh, yes, it tastes so good,' Vilews though, as the last spurts spattered in his mouth. 'More! More, please!' Vilews stood, and wiped the lube off his cock with a bit of toilet paper. Li'el slowly stroked Vilews' still-hard cock, lingering on the head and base like he knew where it felt the best to Vilews. He came quickly and hard, the shudders so strong he had to hold onto the counter by the toilet for support.

The white, thick liquid shot onto Li'el's scaled chest, and he bathed in its carnal heat. Vilews hungrily set to work lapping it off.

"Oh, that was great." Murmured Li'el, stroking Vilews' hair. He grinned as Vilews' tongue lapped the last of the come off him. "You really like the taste of come, don't you?"

"Yeah." Vilews said, simply. They dressed, Vilews in his normal clothing. They trotted downstairs, where Boo sat behind the drums, talking to Jack.

"Ah, I see the pair is done." Said Jack, carefully. Vilews nodded, going over to his guitar case and pulling the instrument out. "We'll just practice the songs once, so you can get the feel of them, alright?"

"Sounds good." Vilews said, tiredly. The exhaustion following his afterglow settled over him like a lead sheet.

They practiced until the wee hours of the morning. Vilews sank to the floor, resting against the wall. Jack nearly vibrated with energy.

"Come on, man! 'Chromatic', one more time!" Jack said, vainly trying to lift Vilews to his feet.

"Get off, Jack-o!" Cried Vilews, as if he were reprimanding a young child.

"Ah, let him sleep, Jack. I wore him out." Li'el said, leaning on the wall with his thin arms crossed against his chest.

"Wore him out?" Asked Jack, still trying to pull Vilews up. He refused, stubbornly.

"We had sex just before we came down."

"Really? How was it, Alex?" Jack said, kneeling beside the exhausted and bedraggled Vilews.

"Why do you care? I thought you were straight." He asked.

"I'm bisexual, Alex, my boy. It's Boo here who's straight." Boo nodded, from his perch on the drummer's stool.

"I've just never found guys attractive." He said. Vilews could feel himself drifting off, his eyelids heavy.

"You don't find me sexy?" Asked Li'el.

"Well, yeah." Boo responded. "If I were gay." He added, quickly.

"I think Boo's got some repressed sexuality." Jack interjected. Soon, Vilews drifted off as Li'el and Boo debated.