Ryan the birth of my instincts

Story by Kabuto Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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This is my story it wont be long but it also wont be brief so be prepared to hear my story.

I'll start at the begining......

I was born August 11 1992 11:30pm. I had a normal life fo a year then my dad got in to drugs. I was hit there were fights stuff broken stuff sold for more money. See my dad was an army vet turned biker, my mom dropped out of high school after she got pregnent then turned stripper. She liked it because she earned good money to keep me fed not becaus she liked to be a slut. She was faithful to my dad even when he beat her one night she took me out of the house. but she returned to get clothes for me later and dad stoped her and forced her out. next month we left. After that I cant remember much but i do remember the fact he lied to confuse me at the age of 4.

To this day I am still confused about what happened all i know is that we never stayed in one place long. I met relatives I never knew aunt, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. I have not told my life before so bare with me it hurts. I never knew i had a family til that moment and it was strange. I felt alien in that house in that state. We moved several times after, too many hole in the wall towns. In one of my schools I found my animal instincts. I was about to go in for the kill and take this guys throat out after I took a chunk out of his arm and knock him out. I was pulled off in time cause with that thought in mind I dont think I could of lived with myself if i did finish it. He got stitches and we were friends after that no one found out because he said a dog did it and and he hit his head.

After that i moved. My dads heath caught up to him when I was 7 years old. That is also the age I had my dog attack. This dog was a dog I had known for 3 years but for some reason it attacked me. I was a dogs personal rag doll almost lost my arm, ear, and eye on my left side. I am lucky I was saved by my dad I lost alot of blood and almost died but I was angry that i could not finish the fight. I had to have reconstructive surgery on my ear and eyelid, my arm was sown back into socket. To this day I still have teeth marks on my arm. the funny thing is that my body started to reject the blood I was being given and my heart stopped. i remeber looking at myself and wondering is this the end. Then I felt a shock then another than another and another. 3 days later I woke up and i was told what happened which is weird to say. the last time I got shocked they said i howled like a wolf. A wolf was the only way they could describe it. Several days past and I was so dopped up on pain killers I cant remember.

Moved couple more times after that got into several fights won some lost some. Dad's health caught up to him and he lost his left leg. Another funny thing is that the drugs got worse and i became a partner in hiding the stash and even smoking and drinking the stash at 8 years old. Dad's health got worse and he started sellign stuff to get drugs, food, and to pay bills. At 9 we moved our last time closer to my alien family. He got worse had more heart attacks and I called the ambulence one last time. I was at home by myself for two days before he was able to call we talked about life and mistakes time was up and I was given the number of one of my dad's friends. I was going to say goodbye and he told me not to say it he said we will be together soon you'll be with your grandma and you can come see me when I'm better. I said okay not knowing that would be the last time I speak to him.

I called the friend and stayed with them until my grandma came to get me ever since I was alone. my 11th birthday my mother found me and on that same day I met mother grandma my little brother and and big brother. I never knew i had brothers and I finally met the rest of the family. After that I was told i couldnt go with my mother because I had to be 14 to choose where I wanted to go and be with. Then I had 3 more years of good times bad times and fights. when I was just 1 month away from being 14 I decided I wanted to visit and I did. However I stayed with her til I was 18 though the fights and good and bad times. Now I am in college and trying to get one more thing in my life done.

I never want to go through something like again. I was alone on my own and I still feel that sometimes. I did not list somethings because they are to painful but might as well tell you if you have read this far. I lost a girl I loved in 2007 on March 4th. The sad thing is we hung out together we loved each other. I was going to get up the courage to kiss her and tell her and she died in a drive by because her father was in a gang and was trying to get out because he loved his family. She was the only one I knew that I could relate to about being a furry cause she was one too. 2 years after i lost my great grandma. She was like a mother to me and I had to bury her on Valentine's Day. so now you know why i am so depressed and gloomy the first few monthes all they are to me is tragety.

Well that is my story all true but i dont do drugs any more after my dad's death. the reason my furry is albino is because I feel like an outcast and that is why I'm a lone wolf. Oh and the reason I have the name Kabuto is because in real life I look like him from Naruto long hair and all. but I wish my hair was black than my blond. I am so glad i dont have white hair. Well let me know what you think and if you know a pack I can join. Wolves are pack animals you know. Sorry my life isnt fun I wish ther was something or someone out there to talk to.