A Lonely Dove

Story by Kabuto Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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A Lonely Dove

By. Ryan Stoops

A.K.A. Kabuto

Love is like death

It takes every breath

It never waits

Or debates

It just attacks

In packs

While you are asleep

Without a noise or a peep

Love is hateful, mean

Downright ungrateful

For me it hits the wrists

It has never missed

It comes like a mist

With its evil fist

It attacks with an art

That strikes the heart

I hide from love

Like a wounded dove

Love is not my friend to me

I wish it would let me be

I am alone -

On my own

I am a rose hidden by the thorn

And there I mourn

I'll stay there forever

Until the permits of time

I will not marry

It's too sublime

Alone I stay

Alone I play

Away from love

A lonely dove