Void Life-Chapter 2

Story by Seldom Panther on SoFurry

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#2 of Void Life

Void Life-Chapter 2: A Theif's Nightmare

Here is chapter two to my kind of first story. I spent some time editing this one so I could put more detail in it. But I feel as if I put too much at some points and too little at others. I just hope that is still readable...

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I hesitated a bit as I left the apartment. My mind would not rest at the thought of us being caught, somehow. I knew that police would be looking for us. After all, we had stole money from the poor and broke into homes that weren't ours. The only thing we have yet to encounter was murder. I hoped that day, when such actions were needed, would never come.

The hallway seemed to stretch behind my eyesight as my mind became clouded with judgment. The slam of the gavel on the small wooden podium, sending both me and Lance to prison. Being forced into orange jumpsuits and living in the same corridors of more vicious men then I. Lance would be fine, seeing as how he was easily stronger than most people I knew. I could only think about my life that I would be forced to live under such conditions.

My hind-paws grew heavy as I reached the stairs and my mind was lost as I walked down the rotten stairway, each board creaking as I forced my weight onto it. I had to hurry up, I had to urge myself forward. The chance of us being caught was slim to none. Optimistic thoughts entered my head and my mind started to cool down. I let out a sigh as I kept walking down the stairs, until I reached the lobby.

Lance was already down the stairs, waiting in the lobby by the time I caught up. He was leaning against the wall, next to the half-broken door. He had his arms crossed and eyes shut. I saw no sign of the money, which led me to believe it resided in his back pocket. I walked closer to him and it almost looked as if the tiger was asleep. I could understand, it was near midnight if not past it.

"You ready to go?" He asked, it seemed he wasn't actually asleep. He opened his eyes, revealing the amber beauties that shined brighter than rubies. Anyone and everyone always said he had his eye on treasure.

"Yeah." I answered as he pulled out in front of me. We both pulled our hoods over our heads, still not wishing to get wet. This time when Lance opened the door, it seemed to work fine. If I cared enough, I would have put more thought into this act.

We were greeted with pouring rain but we had what we came for. The freezing rain couldn't drag us down, not now. The tiger headed out onto the sidewalk and turned around to make sure I was following. The cold, wet concrete was slick beneath my hind-paws as I walked up behind Lance. Instead of sprinting like mad men, we decided to just walk through the night this time.

The operation was a success and there was no need to rush. For once, we were happy and felt as if nothing could drag us down. That was until we saw something coming towards us. As it drew closer I came to define it as a cop car pulling towards us. I hoped it didn't see us, as we did our best to not get noticed.

As if our luck had ran out, it parked right beside us and I couldn't help but get nervous. The cop's window rolled down and a flash of light was brought to our eyes' attention. I couldn't stop myself from squinting as it shined in my eyes. "Vail? Vail Valentine?"

My ears twitched as I heard my name being called, my true name. I only had one option left open to me, I had to respond. "Yes, yes officer." My throat seemed clear and more calm than it had been when I first saw the cop. I added an almost sick tone to my voice, making me sound as if I had a mortally ill disease.

"You know that your mother would be worried sick if she knew that you were in this part of town." The light moved out of my eyes to reveal the cop. It was a large doberman with a playful grin on his face but at the same time, his voice was stern.

"I know, officer." I gave a slight bow of my head as I spoke. As I looked down at the ground I could see the officer giving a hateful look at Lance. I quickly acted upon this moment, as I knew that cops hated Lance to begin with. "Lance was just escorting me home." The doberman now looked back at me with the same smile.

"Of course he is." A transparent breath of air left his mouth as he spoke. The grin on his face seemed to be fake as I knew that was how all cops acted towards me. "But I think it would be best if I took you home. For your friends sake of course. After all, main Central is a far walk from here." The doberman put enough emphasize on "friend" that I knew he disliked considering Lance one of those to me. But how he spoke his words, I knew that he also implied that Lance lived here, which he did. Lance did live in this part of town.

I looked back at Lance and he gave me a slight nod of approval. He knew all to well what would happen if I refused. "Of course, thank you, officer." I said and took one more slight bow at him and gave Lance one more last look. He seemed to grimace that I was having to be get into a cop car. That was his worse fear, that one of us would be getting into a cop's car but never getting out.

I walked onto the other side and the officer quickly leaned over and opened the door for me. I gave silent thanks to him and got inside, shutting the door behind me. As I sat inside the confined area of the passenger seat, I could smell a multitude of things. It smelled almost like coffee and smoke along with something with the resemblance of a male's musk. I wriggled my nose as I had to get used to the odd smelling car of the doberman.

The doberman took one more look at Lance before we drove off. Rolling up his window, the canine tried to start a conversation with me. "Are you... feeling... any better?" There was worry in his brown eyes as he looked at me. I got used to this feeling as I received it most of the time.

"Yeah, I am feel better." I said putting on a weak smile. This seemed to overjoy the dog as I could see him smile once more.

"That's great! I bet your mother is happy for you."

"She is, actually. She still insists I take medication, though." I sighed at the mention of the medicine I had to take to prevent my "condition" from worsening.

"She does it because she cares, you know." The doberman had his eyes on the road and would occasionally to look over at me, the sick kit.

"I know." I sighed.

"Ummm, so how are classes coming along?" He changed the subject as he saw that I was slowly starting to get depressed. Not many talked to me about the medication I took or why I did.

"Fine, I guess." I answered him the same sickly tone.

"Just fine? Your mother brags about you everyday and how you are at the top of the class." The doberman seemed to praising me now.

"The classes are not that hard." I said, trying to make it not seem as important as it actually was.

"I didn't know that all advanced classes were not that hard. If I knew that, then I would have gotten through high school with better grades than I did." He was now joking with me, I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. He was doing his best to cheer me up, it did amuse me but I didn't want to show him that.

The quiet game then started as I didn't respond this time. I just put my head on my paw, as I stared out into the rainy night. My eyes searched through the clouds, hoping to find a glimpse of a star. I was unsuccessful with my small quest. So, I decided to just follow the passing buildings with my eyes.

The masculine doberman looked back at me every few seconds, making it hard for me to ignore him. He still seemed to worry about me, almost as if I was going to open the car door and jump out. I can understand that, it wouldn't have been my first attempt of doing so. His worry must have grown worse as he was the first to break the silence.

"My name is Roger, Roger Wolfe." I couldn't stifle a slight smile and chuckle as he said his name. "You think my name is funny?" His ears perked up in a playful way. He seemed happy to see me smiling.

"No, sir. It is just that I found it ironic." I giggled a little more after this. It was just something I had to play off since I accidentally let it slip.

The doberman turned back to face the road as he said something else, "You remind me so much of your mother. You look almost exactly like her, you know. Beautiful emerald-green eyes and slick black fur. Not to mention you both look very... toned." I could see the glint of happiness in his eyes as he continued to drive on. Almost as if he had said none of those things out-loud but then I saw his mouth move but inaudible words came out.

It was my turn to break the silence as the doberman looked distracted by his thoughts. "Are you sure you should be talking about my mother like that? Including her only child, who is also her beloved son." The doberman seemed to lose his train of thought as I spoke. He looked over at me for the second to see the innocent expression I had on my face.

"Umm... I, uh... I... I didn't mean it, uh..." He was unable to speak his mind as I just looked at him. He seemed very nervous and I could see a tiny speckle of sweat roll off the top of his head.

"Don't worry, I won't tell her." I looked away from the doberman and back out the window.

I heard him let out a mighty sigh and then I just thought of something else. I thought that he probably wasn't getting nervous about calling my mom beautiful but the fact that mentioned the same about me. I only took one small glance back at the older male as he seemed to finally calm down. A grin crossed my face, but I didn't allow him to see that. I know knew something that I found interesting, the doberman was actually gay.

Looking out the window seemed to be the only thing I could do. But I slowly started to notice the scenery changing from the broken down suburbs to the majestic city of Central. Bright lights and tall buildings was what Central was known for. Not many knew of the rundown place of downtown Central. That place was a ghost town compared to main Central.

"Uh, Vail? Are you okay?" I looked over my shoulder to see the doberman looking at me. I wasn't sure why he would ask that, I mean, I felt fine. Then as I paid more attention to my body, I could feel it shaking and my tail was flicking up and down. I instantly tried to stop but the harder I tried the worse it seemed to get. My body wasn't listening to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I quickly answered as I realized I hadn't replied back to Roger yet. The doberman just looked at me in doubt but then I noticed him pulling over, out of the middle of the street so that he wouldn't cause a traffic jam. Then I just saw him leaning over to remove my soaked hoodie off me. I didn't even try resist as he would have gotten it off me one way or another. He then took off the top of his uniform and set it on my body. Somehow, I felt warmer as I had his dry blue top replace my soggy hoodie. The doberman must have thought that it was the reason I was cold.

"You feeling better?" He asked as he held my hoodie that was now soaked in freezing rain water, as I was left in his own shirt and it wrapped tight around my black coat. I couldn't help but hold it tighter as I saw that my body stopped shaking as bad.

"You're not going too... take my pants off, are you?" I asked worried, as I saw the far more muscular frame of the doberman. His soft eyes looked at me in curiosity.

"No, unless they are also the cause of your shaking." Roger just answered that as simply as possible and then continued on driving. I didn't want to admit to him that they also felt cold and wet, but not as bad as my hoodie made me. But I couldn't help but think that Roger was kind of wishing to be able to help undress me further.