Wolgram's Search Part 2

Story by Wolgram96 on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolgram's Search

Heres my second part enjoy and comment special thanks goes to my good friend DasherCheetah.

"Damn it where is that little fuck at?", I said to myself as I stormed through the forest. I couldn't even smell his scent, which I should have been able to if he was waiting for me in the clearing like he was supposed to be. Finally I came into the clearing and looked up at the moon. It was past twelve! "Great . . . If the punk stood me up, I'm gonna kill him.", I growled, then paused to look around and perked up my ears to see if I could hear anything. Immediately, I picked up the sound of nervous breathing. I smiled to myself and figured I'd make his punishment amusing. I looked around the clearing and spotted a small tree. Pulling it out of the ground, I held it high then yelled,"Zestra! Get your skinny weasel ass out here", then I launched the tree in his direction. I saw him come running out as the tree sailed toward him. I smiled inwardly but I had to look mad so stood there glaring at him with my arms crossed over my chest. In a deep voice I said,"Wolgram, your fath

er sends his regards and wishes you well. Where have you been?"

Nervously he answered,"Sir?"

"You heard what I said.", I growled.

"I was here. Where else?", he told me.

"Look up.", I said in a deathly calm tone, pointing up at the moon. "Now,tell me what time is it?", I continued.

He looked around nervously, trying to find a way out the question. He finally glanced up and looked at me, then to the ground and while fiddling with his hands replied,"Maybe 15 minutes after midnight."

"Yes it is and I specifically told you to be here at twelve!", I told him with a stern tone.

"But you just got here.", he tried to defend himself with.

"You do not tell me when I am to come!", I roared at him, making him flinch and shrink away from me. I calmed quickly and started to pace as I went on,"Now Zestra, you have been a useful servant to my people for a long time. We gave you a new life and have given you a longer life. All we ask for is information on the urban world." I stopped and turned to him, looking him in the eye. Holding out a paw and smiling, I said,"Now, is that so much to ask for?" This seemed to make him feel worse, for he hung his head as he answered quietly,"No . . ."

"Of course it isn't to much to ask for. I'll forgive you this time. Now, what have you learned for me Zestra?".

He perked up and looked at me, seeming excited and tentative at the same time. He said,"Well, I know that what you're looking for exists!" I smiled eagerly until he continued,"But I haven't been able to track it down to any more of a specific area than this state you're in."

I grimaced at the information but quickly composed myself, trying to not seem ungrateful. I told him,"Thanks for the information Zestra." He smiled and turned to leave. I then told him,"Zestra? Just one more thing." He stopped instantly and turned around visibly shaking. "Don't fuck with me again." I then used my powers to lift him off his feet, floating him above the ground. He yelped in surprise, then pain as I dropped him to the ground. "Or next time I'll keep this,", I said holding up his tail,"permanently!"

He looked at me fearfully and grabbed at the stub that used to be his tail. I just laughed at his expression, then levitated him again and reattached his tail with a thought. Dropping him to the ground, I turned and headed back for the house.

I kept thinking about what just had happened with Seth 5 hours earlier, when that sexy wolf and I had got together. After it had been done.,Seth had been bashful and tried to act like nothing happened. He kept smiling at me and angel had to know something was up. I didn't really care because she was next! I would get her this weekend and I couldn't wait.

Thinking of bringing so much pleasure to the both of them made me feel slightly remorseful about what I had done to Zestra. Since he had really done very well where others had failed, I'd have to repay him. 'I know how! I'll send him that ring I had made not to long ago. He would enjoy some of the properties I had instilled in it, so ya that's what I would do.', I thought to myself. Finally the house came into view and I concentrated on being silent so I wouldn't wake anybody up, not that I really had to try hard. Since I wasn't going upstairs to my room, considering that I was so big i couldn't sleep on anything but the floor, I just curled up on the living room floor and drifted off to sleep dreaming of past days and future plans.

I woke up to the smell of meat and the sound of singing in the kitchen. I was frankly surprised that anyone had got to the kitchen without waking me up. Of course, when I stretched and my dick grazed against the floor, I realized just how into my dreams I had been last night. I stood up pondering what I would do while waiting for my morning wood to go down. As luck would have it, Seth came down the stairs rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and yawning. I just stood there wondering what he would do when he opened his eyes again he saw me and my pride. He just stopped and I gave him a smile that he didn't see, since he was to busy staring at my dick. I swear if his eyes were lasers I would just have a hole through my crotch. He just licked his lips and looked away with his ears tucked against his head, heading to the kitchen.

I smiled. At least I knew he was still happy with what had happened yesterday, which meant I didn't have to worry. Finally my dick retreated back into my sheath, so I headed into the kitchen. I smelt something like burning beans and saw Seth standing in front of some machine making coffee. I scrunched up my face in disgust since I held no love for the taste of coffee of any kind. Angel had turned around and laughed at the look on my face.

"Don't like coffee, Wolgram?", she asked. I shook my head and took a seat in one of the chairs around the dining table but I quickly jumped up as the chair made a groan of protest, then made a cracking noise.

I heard laughing and looked up to see Seth and Angel grinning and holding their sides."Seems you exceed the max weight capacity for any wooden thing, smaller than a log!", Seth gasped out. At that I joined in on the laughter too.

"Anyway, what were you doing sleeping on the ground in the living room Wolgram?", Angel asked as she set down a plate of bacon and eggs.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask that.", Seth said sitting down and pulling the plate to him.

"Oh, its just that I'm too big for the beds and the largest floor space available was in there, so I slept there.", I replied shrugging nonchalantly.

Seth nodded like it made sense and he took a sip of his coffee. Angel asked,"How do you want your eggs and bacon, Wolgram?"

"Oh, I'm good. I ate already and I only eat my meat fresh.", I answered matter of factly.

They both stopped and looked at me. "You're kidding, right?", Angel asked with a grim look on her face.

"No. Why would I be?", I asked her.

"So, you just kill and eat someone?", Angel asked in disbelief.

"Well, I guess you could put it like that but-", I began to answer but was cut off.

"That's sick!", she said sharply and stormed out of the room. I flattened my ears and curled my tail up close as it tried to tuck between my legs. I was not exactly sure what I had done.

"Hey, she just doesn't get it. I understand what you mean, since it's probably different where you come from. Here, you see how the prey lives with us? We don't eat real meat, we eat synthetic.", Seth said as he patted me on the arm.

"Synthetic meat? What is that?", I asked and cocked my head curiously.

"It's crap is what it is. Just . . . When you said you ate fresh meat, you didn't like snatch up some person and kill them, did you?", he asked as he leaned towards me.

I shook my head and said,"No, I didn't do that. I found feral deer to eat."

"Oh! Thank the gods, I was worried you had killed some homeless person for a second. I'm surprised you can find ferals. They are almost nonexistent any more. That's why we have synthetic meat.", Seth told me.

"Really, there's plenty around us. Of course, most of the non ferals live like ferals, so we eat them too but it's just how life is.", I told him.

"Hey, it's okay man. I understand what you mean, you don't have to explain. Just know that it's different here. People care about being humane now and don't want their ancestral cousins to be killed. You know how it is.", he said and looked at the puzzled expression on my face, then shook his head.

"Obviously you don't . . . I forget how different everything else is. Of course we predators don't care so much. The humans hate us, "animals", as they call us. So much that they wouldn't care if we died.", he said and sighed deeply as he shook his head.

'Hmm . . . So, humans still exist? I bet this country and land is where a lot of them fled to, when we kicked them out of our areas. And do these people think that we are ferals that evolved? Hmm . . . interesting. It seems the truth has faded away, as it always does.', I mused and then roused myself from my thoughts, when I noticed Seth looking at me. I waved his look away and turned to look out the window. I looked back when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked back and saw Angel standing there, looking down and holding her arm.

Her ears were down but picked up when she saw me looking at her and she said,"I'm sorry I said that. I heard your conversation and I guess it's just, I forgot how different things can be."

I just smiled sincerely and nodded my head, then told her,"It's okay, I understand. I was more worried that you thought I was some kind of sicko now."

She chuckled and sat down, taking Seth's offered coffee cup and taking a sip before setting it down. Angel then stood back up, saying that she should probably start getting ready and walked off to get a shower.

Seth stood up too and looked at me, looking like he wanted to say something. Instead, he turned and walked off rubbing his arm, to take a shower. When I walked by a couple minutes later, the door was cracked so I walked in and saw him staring out at me. He wagged his tail and stepped out of the spray to bring me into a passionate kiss. Our tongues wrestled for a couple minutes until he reached for my sheath and started rubbing it.

I stepped back and removed his paw. He had this hurt look on his face so I kissed him again, then whispered in his ear,"Do you really want to go to school with the smell of my cum in your fur?" His eyes went big and I chuckled then patted his ass, which made him bite his lip. "Don't worry, I'll please you later on.", I promised.

As I turned to leave, he grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him. Seth told me,"I know you like my sister too . . . and if you pick her over me, I'll be fine with it."

"Now why would I pick one, when I can have both?", I asked with a smirk.

He tilted his head to the side and wagged his tail rapidly as he said happily,"Really? I mean, I'm fine with that and I think she would be too!"

"Oh, I figured you both would be.", I told him. He gave me this confused look, to which I chuckled and said with a knowing grin,"I see the way you look at each other. I know that last night was not the first time you have had a blow job. So putting things together, I figure . . ."

His eyes went wide again and I laughed, then walked out of the bathroom. It was really just speculation before, about those looks they gave each other but now it had been confirmed. That would make this all easier! Thirty minutes later, everybody was ready and we all headed off to the school. Walking and talking about casual things, I noticed Angel kept staring at me until finally she asked,"I don't want to sound to weird but don't your balls get really cold, when it's cold outside?" Seth stared at her, his maw agape and I just bust out laughing.

"I guess it's a valid question but believe me, they stay nice and warm all the time. If you don't believe me, you can feel for yourself.", I said smiling slyly, to which she turned away with an embarrassed look on her face. I smiled but Seth looked at me, a look of dawning comprehension on his face. 'He is smarter than I thought.', I said to myself. Before he could really question me or anything, we were on school grounds so we all said our goodbyes, except Seth who was in my first class.

We were starting class finally and learning it was history, made me chuckle. I knew I wouldn't need to do anything in this class. Math, chemistry and lit after that, were easy as well. Especially since lit dealt with old works and poems I already knew. Lunch came again and it was pretty much the same, except everyone seemed to sense that something was going on between Seth, Angel and I. Finally, Amber got up the nerve to ask,"So Wolgram, where do you live at?"

"I don't have a house but Seth and Angel were kind enough to invite me to stay with them." This instantly brought knowing looks from everybody else and some looks of concern. We finished lunch and headed off for our next classes.

I had Seth and Angel in woodworking, which seemed like I would have fun doing. Then I had Seth in metalworking and then Angel in engineering. Overall, it seemed like this wouldn't be too bad of a deal to go through school with.

Finally the day ended and I went to the front of the school, waiting for Angel and Seth to show up. I was looking out to the forest. lost in my own thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw the entire group from lunch standing there. I gave them a slight nod and asked,"Hey guys! What's up?"

"We need to talk. We know what you and Angel or Seth are probably doing.", Amber said for the group.

"What are you talking about?", I asked and played innocent.

"We're just saying that if you're gonna be with them, you better be serious. They've been through a lot and they don't need someone using them, if that's what your plans are.", Amber said and the others nodded agreement.

"Believe me, that's not what I'm doing.", I denied.

"Okay then. We just wanted to let you know how things stood.", and with that, they walked off.

"Hey Wolgram! What did they want?", I heard Seth call. I turned around and saw Angel and Seth walking up to me.

"Nothing, we were just talking. So, you guys ready to go?", I answered.

"Yep! Lead on.", Seth told me and with that we headed off. We didn't talk about much but they told me how before I had come, they had thought about maybe getting a dog. I told them that they shouldn't dismiss that idea, just because I was there. I actually thought it was a great idea and told them so. They said maybe they would go to the pet store with me some time. I thought that was great and looked forward to it.

The rest of the week was relatively the same. I made plans in wood shop to make a chair that might actually hold me. In metalworking, I wasn't sure what sort of project to work on yet, so I began looking at other student's ideas. We had to make bridges in engineering.

I was really surprised at what was offered to everybody at the school. It kept my mind occupied so I wasn't too antsy about the coming weekend. Finally it was Friday and Seth had to go out of town on Saturday, leaving just me and Angel. I was sitting around the house, thinking of which way was best to seduce Angel when Seth came up to me.

"Hey, Wolgram? I know what your gonna do tomorrow and don't worry, I'm fine with it. Just, don't get her pregnant or anything. Okay?", he asked.

"Seth! I'm hurt that you think I would have sex with her, before I'd have sex with you.", I told him.

He smiled bashfully at that and wagged his tail as he asked shyly,"You mean that?"

"Of course I do, Seth. I love you both but it was you who first caught my eye and you who I first approached. Seems to me, you should be the first one I have sex with too!", I told Seth.

He seemed to freeze for a second before I saw tears start to wet the fur around his eyes. He smiled widely, gave me a passionate kiss and hugged me tightly before choking out emotionally,"I love you too and thank you." I licked his tears off his muzzle, trying to be tender and enjoying the moment. Finally, he backed up and wiped his eyes as he asked,"I've got a question . . . why haven't we had sex or anything the whole week?"

I smiled because all week, I had neglected him to give him a set of blue balls. But it was all for a good reason. When he and I really got intimate, I wanted him to cum like never before! Of course, that's not what I told him though. "I'm just saving you for later.", I replied with a smirk. Reassured that I was not forgetting about him, he smiled back and walked off to his bed.

The next day I was in luck. Seth left early with a kiss, a hug and a love you from me, he was off and Angel was still asleep. I licked my chops and crept off to her room.

When I walked in, she was sleeping contently on her back. She must have been having dreams, for the sheets were kicked off her body. Lo and behold, she had nothing on but a shirt too big for her. I just stood there admiring her beautiful face for a couple of minutes, then got down onto my hands and knees and crept up until my head was level with her crouch. I could smell her arousal, so she was obviously having a good dream.

I slowly pried her legs apart, making sure not to wake her. Then lifting her shirt up, I was greeted by the sight of her puffy lips. I licked my lips and got in close, taking a deep breath of her scent and noticing how damp the fur was around her slit.

I stuck my tongue out and dragged a long lick up her slit. She immediately moaned out and arched her back so I did it again, except this time flicking my tongue against her clit. The response was immediate as her hands reached down to my head and she ground her crotch against my snout.

I just took it all in stride and plunged my tongue into her depths, getting a nice sweet taste that had me diving back for more. It didn't take long until I felt her tense up and moan out loudly as I brought her to orgasm. I was busy licking up her juices when I heard,"Wolgram? What are you doing?" It wasn't asked in anger but more out of curiosity. I looked up to see her staring at me lustfully. I just licked my chops casually and told her,"Just making sure you're squeaky clean and happy."

"Well, wouldn't I want to be awake to appreciate it?", she asked playfully.

"I didn't say I was finished, did I?", I said and winked at her. She bit her lip and panted slightly. I loved doing that to people. I crawled up to her and put my hands on her shirt, starting to lift it as I said,"Let's get rid of this, why don't we?"

She lifted her arms above her head and I took it off, admiring the soft curve of her breasts and how nice they looked. She surprised me as she took hold of my hands and placed them on her breasts. I took the cue and started to feel and knead them, causing her to moan out. I bent down and put my lips to hers, silencing her. I felt her stiffen slightly as my dick brushed against her thigh. She reached for it blindly, searching then finally finding and taking hold of it. Giving it a few good strokes, she caused me to moan out and pre cum to start flowing a bit. She pulled back from the kiss, then looked down at the dick in her hands.

"So, this is it, huh? Bigger than I thought it would be. Since you helped me get clean, why don't I return the favor?", she asked. She sat up, then leaned down and engulfed my dick with her maw, causing me to grab her ears and moan out in pleasure. She started to bob her head twisting her tongue around my shaft in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

I growled sexily to her,"Hold on. I want to taste you too!"

She rolled us over so I was now on my back and turned around, positioning her slit above me. It was a little difficult, considering the size difference but we made it work. She went to work stroking me and bobbing her head like an expert. I attacked her slit with equal ferocity, driving my tongue in and out. Making sure to constantly rub and simulate her clit with my fingers, I attacked her g-spot with my tongue.

I caused her to practically yell out her pleasure! I brought her to a multiple orgasm and was surprised she could keep going. Finally, I was close to coming after what felt like hours of heaven. She must have read my my thoughts as she sped up and started squeezing around my knot. Two could play that game. I sped up my stimulation of her slit, bringing her to orgasm again and then she squeezed behind my knot! I howled out as I filled her maw with my seed, then painted her face white. When I finally felt the heavy spurts calm down, I pulled her around to me, licking my own cum off her face and kissing her passionately.

She was panting heavily and just leaning against my chest. When I was finally done, we laid down together on her bed while she snuggled up to me and then passed out. I just laid there, thinking how great my life had become and what I would do for round two.

When she woke up two hours later she kissed me and said,"So, I thought you and Seth were doing stuff?"

"We are.", I answered.

"But me and u . . .", she asked.

I told her,"I'm bi and I would like to have both of you as my mates, if that's alright with you?"

"That's fine with me.", she said with a gentle smile.

"Then its settled. You said its fine and Seth said it was fine with him, so we are now mates. All three of us, together.", I told her and hugged her warmly.

Angel smiled and gave a sigh, then said,"I feel better . . . like I am fulfilled. How about you?"

I grinned and growled softly,"Oh yeah. I feel good, so I've got one more question for you angel."

She looked into my eyes and asked,"What's that, Wolgram?"

I slid my paw down to her butt and gave it a squeeze as I asked with a light leer,"You ready for round two?"