Threads - The Thickening

Story by Reload on SoFurry

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Copyright © To Irish Fox. All characters, sub plot, base plot, storyline and Index is, and has been created by me.

Subject to user right you MUST ask first to any subscriptions before usage. © To Irish Fox. 28th November, 2010. ®

Usage subject to change. Enjoy.


"Well, we have them ready."


The two men, same as before in the stock housing, had their cards out. But now they were inside of a coach, armoured, with large gridding sheets of metal across the mirrored windows. Two Soldiers, dressed in the Urban 'GRIT' camoflauge rested against two sofa's at the door of the coach, as the driver his self was sealed off from the four. It cruised along the M4 Motorway, averaging about 120 miles per hour, rushing by MOD escort through the traffic, ducking out of the way up along the hard shoulder.

A card was played in their Solitaire, and the bald man looked up. "They're in high spirits."

The skinnier man laughed as he took a drag from his cigarette, shaking his head. "four thousand men off to London, armed to the teeth with Challenger MK3 130 Millimetre canons and Light Assault Rifles to clear up and catalogue the Ghettoes. Yeah, I'm sure they're in high spirits."

The bald man sneered a little, looking back down at his cards. "Surely we'd like to start world war three? I mean, we have the army, why not just go and fuck over parliament?" He said in a rather sarcastic tone.

The coach roared, engine firing up as it shot down the A48 Slip corridor, and soon the police followed behind it, a cavalcade of 5 armed vehicles strong as the sirens blazed.

"World war three..." He chuckled, taking another drag from his sterling cigarette.

Eventually the coach would hit Heathrow Airport, and swing off to the M25, where the roads had been blocked off on the clockwise counter road. The slim man stubbed out his cigarette, and he walked over to the drinks cupboard, grabbing a bottle or Eorlioa, and opened the cap to pur himself a glass. "We'll be there soon."

"Did you get your injections?"

"White teeth glowed with every passing lamppost, and the coach sped up again as the police cars shot passed, creating it's streamline, headed for the London Orbital North. "Lets go to work."

"Laura... You seen Shauna anywhere?"

Shauna had been missing for some time. Usually she was sat in her bedroom, playing a video game or simply watching TV quietly by herself. She wasn't there, and so Alex started to Panick.

"No, not today, why?"

"I haven't seen her all day..." He walked into the Kitchen and looked around as it connected on to the lounge, pretty much walking through all the lower house, with Laura trailing behind her. He stopped, and turned around slowly. "No... Where the hell could she have go-OH FUCK."

"Lovely to see you too, Alex."

With a thump, Alex fell to the floor as he heard that all too familiar voice. He quickly got up, staring at Nicky.

"...Yes, Alex?"

"You're a fucking shark!"

"...Um, Last time I checked, yeah, I was."

"How the flying fuck do you sneak up on me like... Oh wait."


"Yeah, I just er... got that that--listen, have you seen Shauna?"

Her eyes seemed to eat out at Alex's as her head slowly shook from side to side. He cocked his head and shrugged with confusion, looking at her. "...Nicky... Where is she?"

Simply her eyes flicked up to the ceiling. Above them was the attic, mostly empty except for Alex's old work stuff, and perhaps a sofa and a TV he kept up there with a few beds if any inspections came along, so he could hide all the Carbine living in his house.

"What on Earth is she doing up there?"

But before Alex got a reaction, Nicky was gone.

"...Seriously? I don't get even get a hug?" he called out. "C'mon nicky... When was the last time we had a good hug? Huh?"

"What are you, a pussy?"

He shrugged again, raising his brow. "I let you stay here... Perhaps I should tell the government that I have the only one of your kind living in my--"

"OKAY... fine..." She reappeared in front of him, sulking as she held her arms out.

"Hey... Nicky..."


"If you don't want to hug me, it's fine."

He stared at her blankly, giving a flick of his brow innocently. She felt a little bad.


She leant in and pulled the human toward her. She had quite the large pair of breasts, so she had to pull in a little. She placed a kiss to his cheek, and her tail wrapped about his leg comfortably. "Thank you Alex. Thank you for letting me stay here."

He smiled and wrapped his arms round her, glancing at the tail. "I was kidding about the government thing. I'd never, ever do that."

"I know."

Her tail unwrapped, and she gave him a soft smile as she walked off this time instead of disappearing.

"What a lovely girl..." He thought to himself, and then turned round.

"WELL HEY... uh... Laura."

Laura seemed to be standing there, hands clasped as she held them up to her cheek, smiling softly with a blush as her tail flicked. She was jealous.

"Um... How goes?"

Another thud, and a feline mew could be heard as she pounced him to the floor, tickling at him mercilessly.

"Shauna... Why're you up here?" Alex had finally found his ladder after managing to escape Laura's tickling. It was like torture, but with a lot more laughing. Anywho, Alex walked through the triangular shaped room, as it had gained access to the roof with a loft extension, and conversion. God knows why he put the light at the end of the room, but he carefully traipsed toward it.

"...Shauna..." He said softly, feeling a little... Nostalgic as he carefully walked through the dark, carpeted room. A loud clang was heard, as his foot crashed against a box of old coffee mugs. He froze, heart beating rapidly as he listened into the darkness...


He calmed down, and then took another step. But of course he just HAD to step on Kiki's tail, which was hidden in the darkness of the night. She leapt out and clung to Alex's leg and side, claws digging right into his skin, to where she would stay in sheer terror, growling at him.

Alex? He was fine. He simply stood very still, holding in the massive bark of pain that was beating at his jaws and lungs to allow a scream, allow something to get away from the extreme pain he was feeling, but all that came out was... "I'm... Sorry..." The pain in his voice was evident as he spoke very quietly with a light pitch in his throat.

Kiki slowly, and emphasis on the slowly, SLOWLY let her claws off of Alex, possibly as painful as ever. He then slowly started to sway, before falling to the floor in pain. His hands were clenched, and blood began to seep through the small holes of the claws.

Finally the light was flicked on, by nonetheless, Shauna herself. "What happened?" Finally the room could be seen. Simply it held a lot of old boxes, dust, spiders, cobwebs and the sort. In the far corner where Shauna must have walked from, was an en suit bathroom to the left, and a room with three beds within for the Carbine.

"Oh... Hey, S-Shauna... Just Chillin'" He mocked, looking up at her with some sort of a smile. "Finally found you..."

Shauna jumped on Alex and blinked, searching all around him. Finally though, Alex winced in pain and she stopped, jumping off and away with a squee. "Ooops! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." He laughed, and eventually got up from his laying down position. "Now then, why are you up here?" He had to lean against the rafters as he waited for the answer, his whole left side feeling numb as he watched the two.

Kiki was almost in tears, and standing behind Shauna as she was scared of a punishment, whereas Shauna was more... prehensile toward him. "Well..." Her hands were ringing each other, as she nervously spoke. "Someone saw me in the window... It was a police officer, and... He saw me. He didn't look very happy."

"...Oh God no..."