Sugar After Sunset

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Author's Note: I had a particularly fun time writing this story. While traveling the shady streets of my town, I got a wonderful idea. Why not write a story about prostitution? Better yet, let's add an age difference and throw in a fun fetish like hind-paw masturbation. And tu-duh! This story was born. If any of the tags don't particularly appeal to you, then just stop where you're at and hit the back-space button. Afterall it's your choice if you should read this. If you continue on, which I hope ever so much that you do, be prepared for a fun little tale of rule breaking and lawlessness. Enjoy =3

-Willace Diamond


~Sugar After Sunset~


Tyler rolled along the crowed streets, hunched forward in his seat, his brown fur standing on end from an un-easy attitude. He was in the wrong part of town, and he knew it. Window's up, doors locked, paws clutching the steering wheel so hard they hurt. "Fuck, where's the house at?" he asked under his breath, desperately scanning the rows of dilapidated houses. Inching the silver S.U.V. to a stop at an intersection, he sat uneasily waiting for the light to shine green again.

A tap on the window glass and tyler jumped in his seat. He looked over, his stomach turing with dread. Outside the car stood a young husky with a finger on the frame. A gust of wind fluttered the young pup's miniskirt and Tyler cracked the window open. "Looking for a date there ?" The husky asked, flipping the hanging fur from over a pair of baby blue eyes and leaned further over. Too Uncomfortable to simply drive off letting the flirtatious pup land on face-first, Tyler tried to humor the husky. "na... No I'm just looking for a friend's place." With a smirk, the husky wiggled a playful rump. "Maybe looking for a third member to join the party then?" Perhaps a shot in the dark but this little dog was really pushing the subject. "I don't think his girlfriend would like it if a brought another girl over to the house..." Soon the light would change green and he could drive off and forget this entire mess.

The husky flipped a lollipop around and let out a soft murr. No wouldn't be an answer."Who said I was a girl sweetie?" Tyler let out an audible gulp and flashed a glance over. His eyes tracing the figure that leaned over infront of him. Truly androgynous. A pair of breast would be covered up by how 'he' slouched against the door and the voice could really didn't help determine it either.

" Umm... Oh...Okay..." Tyler managed to stutter, still in surprise. He tore his eyes off of the little pup and looked back at the road. "So... uh... how old are you? You seem kinda' young to be... be 'working,' in this kinda' place." Without missing a second, the husky flipped the fur from 'his' eyes again and answered with an odd sense of satisfaction. "Sixteen, and you cutie?"

"I'm twenty-seven, and I have to go. No offense but you simply scream 'jail bait,' besides, I don't really go for boy cubs." The light changed and Tyler drove off, still uneasy by the whole situation. "Damn, this really is a messed up town." He muttered making another lap around, his destination nowhere in sight. A third time passing the run-down gas station and he lost it. If he had only plugged his cell-phone in, this wouldn't have happened. He could have simply called for directions but no, he had to loose the cord. With a grimace an idea formed in his head. Maybe the little street walking pup could give him directions. "NO, NO NO NO, a thousand times no. That's just twisted no matter how I look at it." Tyler scolded himself for even thinking up such a thing. Still what other way was there. It was going to be dark soon and this wasn't the kind of town he wanted to patrol in circles after sunset.

He peeled off back in the direction of the intersection hopping not to draw un-needed attention. His brakes screeched and he parked sloppily at the curb, the window wiring down as he scooched to a stop. Thankfully, across the street stood a very lonesome little puppy. Tyler did the only thing he could think of, he Put two fingers in his mouth and gave a high pitch whistle. Surly enough the little pup came bounding over.

"Oh welcome back sweetie, change your mind about little boys?" He asked with a devilish smile. Tyler rolled his eyes and felt tempted to drive away. But he needed directions and unfortunately this little tramp probably had them. "No, I need directions, if you tell me how to reach 516 north wielder's street I'll give you a ten dollar bill."

"Ummm I don't think so. I get paid to lay, not be a map." Retorted a very disappointed pup. Tyler let out a low growl. "Dammit, it's basically a free ten dollar bill, how hard it it to point you finger and say 'drive that way?' I really need to get there soon." With a soured look tyler reached for his wallet. "Look I'll even make it twenty, is that what you want?" Shaking his head the unruly husky put his paws on his hips. "Tell you what, you drive me to the gas station and I'll let you do things to me that you only wish your friend could do for you, THEN I'll give you directions. All in all, it'll cost you about fifty dollars. Whaddya say?"

What was he to do? Become a pedophile for a few hours or be left alone in a town where he could end up dead. Maybe he could find away around the sex and simply just pay for directions like he had originally planned. Still he couldn't understand why the pup didn't just take the money for 'free.' Reluctantly Tyler starred at the street and caved. "Get in," He said as quietly as possible. A full strut over the empty roadway and his navigator swished his hips all the way. "Good God, even walks like a frickin' girl" Tyler muttered watching the pup climb casually into the passenger-side.

"So honey, what's your name?" an innocent enough question on the surface, but Tyler knew better. "You can call me Ty, and what am I suppose to call you? " He asked letting his eyes drift and look in discomfort at the tiny skirt which hardly contained his 'guest.'

"You can call me whatever you want, from baby to butch, but most just call me Sugar; probably from how sweet I taste to them." he inched closer and leaned across the middle arm-rest. "It's okay to kiss me ya' know. Want a taste before the show?" Tyler scoffed and kept sneaking glances at the huskie, hopping they'd go un-noticed. Truth be told, he really could pass for a girl, maybe if the lights were dim...

"No, HELL NO, get those thoughts out of my head." The wolf cursed himself for even allowing that thought to slip. Twiddling his fingers the pup looked at the floor, over at Tyler, and then back at the floor. "So what you into?" He asked interlocking his fingers in odd ways. Neon lights from the stations signs came into view and Tyler chewed over how to get this over with. "Let's see..." What was the least sexual thing he could do and still convince the pup it was worth fifty dollars? "How about your take your hind paw and let me tickle it. How does that grab ya'?" Not too far from the normal for Tyler, but right now it was more of a farce than anything sexual.

Amused, the husky pup kicked off his left shoe. "That kind of wolf, huh? Well can't say that it's the first time for that sort of thing. Here, how about we take this to the back seat?" Doing his best to play along Tyler nodded and they scuttled over the the divider. In doing so the wolf caught a glance under his 'play-mate's' skirt. For such a young pup, he was incredible well hung, almost putting Tyler unit to shame.

"Guessing this isn't the first time for you, so you lay there against the far end and give me your hind-paw." Tyler instructed, feeling his temperature rise. He wasn't sure, but he might have been getting turned on by this. Was it because of the girly appearance, the willingness the pup had, or was it just the notion of paw-play? Either way he could help himself. He rolled the soft paw-pad around in his grip, and murred. It was unexpected as if he almost did it by instinct. "Okay, okay dial it back a bit, he's just a kid." Tyler thought, locking fingers and toes. Sugar snickered and wiggled his delicate little toes. "Having fun, are we?"

Looking up at the little pup, Tyler could see everything below the waist, even if it was covered by black lace. "Ya' know if you want to lick, it's not gonna' cost you anything more." Ideas began to turn in the wolf's head. He was paying, and for a fem-boy this pup was passable for cute. Why not enjoy it? With the sun falling behind the tops of the broken houses, Tyler gave up on his restraints.

"Would it cost more if you rubbed it against my cock?" A very blatant question, but obviously not one that should offend someone in this line of work. "For you, not a cent more," Chimed a very happy husky. Tyler let go of the cub's paw and got on his knees. Licking his muzzle, he unzipped his baggy jeans and shimmed them down. In the dim light of evening, Tyler abandoned his preconceptions of sex and let the little puppy go to work. A gentle set of toes massaged at velvety green boxers and He let out a heavy sigh. Tyler leaned his head against the cold window and murred in ecstatic happiness. Sugar was apparently very good at being very bad.

"Awe, is the big bad wolfie gonna' pop?" The young pup asked, his hind paw stroking up and down at Tyler's tented underwear. "Fuck, pretty damn soon," came a huffing response from a happy reciprocate. It was true, even in the fading light, Sugar could see a wet spot form beneath his busy toes. "Well then sweetie, sit back and enjoy it." Giggling the flamboyant husky slid his toes around Tyler's bulge of a knot and wiggled around. Spurts of cum splashed against Tyler's boxers while he climaxed. Soaking through, the mess gushed against Sugars paw-pad and he let out a girly laugh. "What a good grown-up you are," he remarked, giving one last ride up his 'driver's' shaft. "Now then, that'll be twenty dollars and where would you like to go?"

Not feeling inclined to argue at the changing in price, Tyler reached inside his boxers and wiped himself clean the best he could. He smeared the excess along side the back seat cushion and then zipped up his flie. Taking a second to compose himself and let his heart-rate slow, Tyler climbed back into the driver's side seat and Sugar followed into the passenger's side. "I would like to... Wow that was fuckin' amazing! How in hell's name..." He exclaimed pulling out his wallet and passing a twenty dollar bill to the young pup. "Here you go 'Sugar,' you really, really earned it."

Tucking the bill inside his sink-tight tank top, the pup smiled innocently. "Thanks, now then, where was it on wielder's street are you trying to reach?" Buckling himself in Tyler checked his reflection. His fur was simply a mess from rubbing his head against the window and he began to fix it. "A little white house with black shutters, the number is... is... let's see..." He stopped adjusting his appearance and pulled out a crinkled note from the dash. "The house number is 516." He read aloud and then placed the paper back where it was. "Think you can take me there now?"

Sugar tucked his bushy tail to the side and then buckled up as well. "Yepper's, I can," the pup said putting his shoe back on. "And if you're ever in town again, stop on by my corner, I'd be happy to give you 'directions' any time your feeling a little bit lost."