A chance at power

Story by Pentanthin on SoFurry

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_ Awoken FINALLY have you!?"_

The ill-tempered declaration raining hollowly to the contorted toad's ears. Finding himself In branched lewdly Hilbaot softly rumble of his position. His only retort being to shift leg's to either side of his splitting head, a better positioning of comfort letting the gravity of his situation reverberate soundly throughout tender carcass in such a display. leg's upended, neck restrained leaving his inverted eyes gazing into the blinding light of the room confines. slowly he fixated upon the form that had spoken. Yes, he'd been a tad foolish in letting his guard down, knowing the situation had called for such actions regardless of potential outcome. Not scant hours prior he hoped letting slip his awareness deliberately could result in gaining chance favor, finally facing the last of obstacles in and of his goal?

"Where am I?..."

The toad's brusque words croaking thoughtlessly. Quickly cut short by the binding synched and choking his gullet to the earthen surface below. Slitting his eye's cautiously, attempting to glimpsing the locality of his captor's visage. The situation still too fresh to comprehend fully. Hilbaot inattentively squinting vainly aware of the pains of his body, their cumulative presence agonizing as the terminus ambiances he now found himself locked, in fixed into his mind his position he waited.

"Where few ever have been nor ever tell of!.. You would've ' MY diversion ' have thought twice by your choice of pleasures... You FOOL!... it wasn't clever of you taking 'HIS' family's honors such as you did! More would have been gained if'n you'd kept such lecherous desires outside his family line! Your soul wouldn't be meeting the goddess upon sunset..."

With an discomfited shift, the veiled figure arose revealing the extensive shape to be none other than a unclothed Myrh guard. His identity brandished daringly by the golden brand affixed in his chest fur, a substantial form expressed none the less being a Horse. The unfitted form stood, his shadowed perch left casually revealing him clad only by the fur that the goddess bestowed, the substantially dangling bits confirming his masculinity. In Hilbaot's mind he quietly deliberated the next course of actions. An audible metallic clap forthcoming in each lumbered hove striking of the stony floor resonating throughout his cold and stony confines. The rush of prickling Hilbaot's back perceptible with every step. The wall of muscles, that being his punisher finally strode within full view. Betraying the obvious intent of Hilbaot's predicament. Witnessing his captors sex dully slaping each knee with every step. His grotesquely swelling cock shooing from knee to thigh as the unnatural organ kept expanding. Gaius's mocking words betrayed by the passions dripping regardless of each word spoken. A visage of such would expect to be witnessed by a virginal egger, before his first taste of fervor in rutting upon a unbridled victim.

" Greatly shall I take MY pleasures, these gratification you shall provide ME! Unlike the simple ones you stole form Keel's house!?..."

"I only partook of what was freely offered .. A sound mark better than what Keel's take's... viperously I would.... " A wry smile graces his lips forcing the affixed jewels to sparkly in the light.

Hilbaot's words mislaid, slighted by the polished gumboot of a his subjugator's hove, planting staggeringly into his chest, forcing complete capitulation regardless of the toads intent.

His captivity confirmed as the squirming toads vision abruptly exploded. Lost to a multitude of crimson stars as a result of the blow of Gaius's, an act of silencing his words. The mug of the horse lost when his eyeball's forcefully challenging their normal conferment. Vain attempts of fleeing his skull in mutual protests of the impact and sudden change losing his abilities to breath.

"Now I will 'NOT' hear word of such matters!"

Enforcing his will, Gaius changing stance now full pressing his weight into the implanted hove on Hilbaot's chest. Letting his much needed life's breath stay absent moments longer, the toads squelching chest collapsing under the weight leaving noticeable folds of his skin stretching. Hearing nothing more of retort absent the guttural burble of whelps to challenge the beastly horse pressed no further.

"It's been contracted to me by his grace to prepare you for the goddess's blessing... in any means that I see best fit! Grand priest Keel retires to rend asunder your actions in proper rituals with the members of his house that you defiled. Find it fitting he grants me the high honor of seeing to your preparations? Although he will affricate the final rituals, they be his alone as commanded! May your next incarnation be one of servitude in better honor of the goddess I pray..."

The tenor of Gaius's voice failing, the verbal misnomer showing his utter disappointments by the restriction commanded upon him. So many astringent pleasers awash his impassioned eye's, all so easily read by Hilbaot's eye. Shifting his stance Gaius continued, The only sound emitted from the gasping toad be that of a wet sucking sounds, given his hasty inflating chest.

"I've yet to taste the flesh of your kind TOAD!?.. Be that an oversight I shall soon reproof. This day I have to temper my flesh in every pleasure your body has to offer. There is much I shall take by you in trial for the ritual before Keel's blessing!? You shall fear the pleasures I will extract , revel in every timber they extract, yet you endure the measure of hours till blessing finds you. For your day has cum and less your mortal soul they shall richly be granting in the sating of this!"

Gaius's declarations firmed, slipping his meaty paw grasping hungrily his rapidly extending cock. Slipping fingers down the prominent ridge fold mid-shaft and down into his tan pubic curls. forcing his meat to fully extend from its sheath, its veined shaft shedding earthen crusty flakes with each pulse of his heart. Shifting beside the upended toad, fully allowing his view to be unobstructed to witness his final meal. The grotesque display of stallions elongating member quickly tripling its size with his haphazard ministrations. Hilbaot's vision fixating upon the horses buoyant balls rut-sacked below slowly churning in his anticipations of imagined pleasures yet to come. The horses needs betrayed by the long slip of viscous snot oozing from the flaring head. Hilbaot's eyes apprising the barer of what he assuredly knowing to be mundane pleasures regardless of the proclamations?!... If truth be told!

(You see, given Hilbaot's formative years lost within the confines of the temple of the goddess itself. Moreover his majorities incarceration within the high priests private chambers all being given in servitude, he first handedly experienced soundly more than a simple temple guard could fathom. Pleasers were witnessed in explicit experiences. None questioned in partaking outside of the reluctant partner who gained the final reverent blessing. But in those they were free of the mortal coiling bonds, they were only granted the embrace of deaths reverence unto the goddess herself.

Yes the participants willing or not in these acts (being of penance, pain or pleaser) usually conclude with their final joining of the goddess. In truth, Life is the lifeblood of temple acolytes pursuits. Their impassionate goals derived in (seldom perceived sycophantic) act's of sending those deemed wanting unto the blessings of the goddess's embrace. These rituals viewed by all as gratifying the Faithfull's divine right. the concluding aspiration granting standing of power, their only true virtue.)

" Shall we start with a cleaning of what you shall be your meal into the next incarnation Toad? It's been a fortnight since I had the pleasure of such a compliant servant for my needs. Tell she was not as substantial as I had wished, Her abilities barely brought me the simplest of satisfactions I needed. I pray You being so much more tell the brand I spy...?

Yes Toad, I know well the mark of a High temple servant, although I know not how you are a freeman of trade. Albeit those days concluded far to your past. Only your skilled teaching wish I to test! Open Now that jeweled mouth of yours and clean me Properly!"

Gaius's words stinging as he reached down seizing onto one of the rings strewn into the toads lower jowls. Retching the ring in demand not unlike any plows man would of a common feral bull. As all know there placed only to garner the masters desired actions in and of submission from the feral work animals to the chore at hand.

Feeling the throb as his metal ring synch against bone, Hilbaot willingly let slip his lower jaw in compliance. Be them not of his choosing, those ring's were affixed around his jawbone years prior upon his indoctrination into the temple of the moon goddess. (Quickly he learned in his youth that refusal to comply served to rend asunder his lower jaw when they are removed. A fate he'd suffered on occasion upon their initial placement those many years ago.) Taking the two steps forward stand astride Hilbaot's face, his gaping jaw held wish as the horse placed drooling members tip to the glinting lips below.

"Now toad, I do not care for anything but your best pleasuring abilities you have to offer me. Prove you earned that tattoo emblazed upon your chest, prepare me for the pleasure you are 'GOING' to grant me!"

In proving his desires the horse roughly slapping his open palm into the hove mark on Hilbaot's chest. roughly letting it slide against the scared surface. tasting the presence of his drooling member sweat flow fill his mouth bitterly tempered with the musky flakes of several day's worth of filth, he submitted. Slowly letting his tongue launch, tasting the acrid shavings of the monstrous meat haunting above his head. "Well that answers that question?"

Hilbaot's mind retarded as he though back to the crude joke told last moon festival as a drunken barmaid tried to garner favor from him. Her pliant question: "how much of a horsed cock would you see if you had it sticking out of your forehead?" the punch line so present now within his mind as he slowly worked to shed the shaft of its incrusted smattering, the truth of the stallion poor baiting habits so oppressive to his engulfing tongue. the stagnate musk of his body left no doubt as to why any potential mate of his would shy back in distaste. Gaius hunching crudely, his intention of impaling the profaned toad with his wanton member halted unyielding by the restraints affixing the toad to the stone table. Pressing hard yet gaining no further entry into the gullet of the toad side the rasping gage the horse withdrew. Fixing his gaze squarely into his pray's eye's he pondered all the while his cock slow oozed, filling the toads mouth to the point he was forced to take a gulp before his ability to breath was restored.

"When I remove the binding you 'WILL' comply? I do not need trouble form you so early as out time together has just begun!"

in answering the demand Hilbaot slipped his tongue lose form it's appointed task letting it slither between the stallions' wide stance. Finding the puckered opening bitter within its damp rumpled heat. The caked leathery outer ring presented by his entangled tail hair. Hilbaot knew just the answer to give with what manner to achieve his goals directly. With a force of will be in dismissing the potential for what he may taste worst yet encounter, Hilbaot pointing the tip of his tongue liken to an arrow he forcibly shot forth piercing the leather ring his intended target. All at once Gaius's legs all but failed him.

_Feeling the sudden and whole unexpected penetration of a force leveling him agape in start, yet unable to move. Hilbaot quickly forcing the full length deep within the frosted stallion's rectum. breathing deeply thanking the goddess in relief by only the bitter flavor of bile absent any real solid presence. utilizing deliberate skill in forcing deeper hunting the spot that would truly establish his compliance into the demands set upon him. _

With the skill learned in youth the toad set about promptly mounting and contracting his pliant tongue against the harden walnut found deep within. Gasping out in utter disbelief the stallion studded with both hands franticly holding his girth aloft.

"By the Moon Goddess herself... no pleasure have I ever felt such as this!"( His words frantic as his inability to do other then stay is fall showed his compliance... )

Slurping free his tongue, Hilbaot sound the audible pop as he pulled free deliberately. Letting the full weight of the stallion crush down on to his face willingly. Gracefully allowed the moments presence to close his mouth retracting his tongue fully. After a short breather, Judging the amount of ooze flowing across his chest from the outrageous cock now pinned between him and it benefactor, the stallion finally spoke again lost in lusting breath.

" I have seen many of the trials of a temple servant is capable of but never experienced such personally until this day. What other wonders does such as you have to show me... By haps what name should I call you?"

Both reporting questions keen to Hilbaot. Their truth's attesting of his abilities. All happening as planned setting the stage now complete all he need now is to play the roll set upon him. With the flick of his tongue he set about the final steps needed to gain the goal he sought. Although his ability to speak restricted in a considerable weight would have to be removed from his face. That and the ripe musk of unclean horse balls was more affronting then the what they were attached to.

"Hmm.... Nmmm hisss Himmut..."

The disjointed and severally muffled words lost to the stallions panting at such an unexpected exertion. shifting to one side the pungent mule finally regaining composure to a lesser degree in the fogged ascertain that something was spoke, he questioned again...

"What did you say?"

" My name is Hib-aot... But you may call of anything that suits your need!"

_ Keeping his tone light and dispelling any sign of anger or reproach, He let slip his tongue once more. This time letting it slip onto his chest along the pulsating shaft, up to the now truly flared head just teasing the copious amounts of emulsion ponding with in each pound of the stallions fortitude onto the toads scared body._

" Ahh a spirit so lost...

_ I truly now know to YOU be a REAL servant of the temple. Be still a moment whilst I set free those bonds."_

No mark present in his laden words, other than his noticeable craving for a return to the pleasures that bricked the stallion so completely. Grasping the smaller figure firmly lost in apparent thought... a sudden blush of sanity the stallion spoke again locking his grasp lessening Hilbaot's ability to breath.

"Play me the fool... and be dammed the release of his grace... I shall send you to meet the goddess with my own hands!" (the substantial paw severing the his ability to breath!)

The truth spoken in hollow words as The toad knew his whiles had worked as they always do. Knowing the hidden skills he set in to play the moment he gained consciousness he again spoke softly in his craggy voice.

"I welcome the release be it at your hand or Keel's. I only seek pleasure in all forms.. to please those that desire it my goal in this life! Had that not been my desire, do you think I would not have fled upon copulation with the members of this house?"

His question ringing true to the ear's of the desire apathetic stallion. Truth be such that any other being would not even reproach such idea's given the barer of those pleasures, let along set upon them in the very house that would serve to be their ending if caught.. Lest becoming so complacent in the afterglows to slumber in plain site as had been the toads undoing.

"Be it as you say or not Hilbaot.. that is for me alone to judge, but play with me in any sort other then pleasure and it shall be your end. Now hold still a moment and let me slip these bindings....."

_His words yet again cut shot as the fervent tongue once again darted with precision deep into its intended target. With a flailing of tail, the stallion sent his hands desperately searching for a stable surface as sensation of pleasure once again exploded from within his bowls. Hilbaot's tongue knowing is marks, nature once again set forth with his probing of seldom touched depths. Leaving the stallion all but debilitated in his fervent thrusting. Sending wave after wave of blinding pleasure forcing every hair on the now probe stallions body to stand on end. Gaius all but impaling his lacerating bowls set full ablaze once again with the considerable length of pulsating tongue, its serpentine probing deeper in every thrust. The convulsing stallion unknowingly submitting fully into the toad's objective, being such of removing his free will, lost in the unexpected pleasure so granted by such an unexpected being. _

With a up-looking glace the telltale signs of impending release are quite fusible. Those laden and pungent fruits slamming tight above his inverted face losing all slack they once displayed, in preparation of what is surely to be a molten explosion. With his final act of capitulation Hilbaot outstretching his feet, softly grasping the grotesque member. With quivered frenzy, he aims the burning meat directly at the gaping muzzle of the murmuring stallion. Knowing as nature took over his drive and in using his amply lengthened tongue to plunge in time with each contraction of the crusted leathery ring. each thrust timed against its outstretched girth as the steed suddenly bellowed lost fully to his lust. Feeling the engorged spongy meat pulse between his quivering toes Hilbaot steadies his aim knowing the truth its target would win in the next round of pleasure the stallion would desire.

"GOODDDESSS..... Ah.... WHa..... "

The stallions words cut short as his downcast muzzle suddenly began filling with his own pungent essence. Rope after rope of his very own dissolving seed began coating his a'gapped muzzle. Caught undrawn to the all at once sweat flavors of salted fruit bursting forth of his loins. Disbelief and astonishment washing his face in the utter revelation to his release, the flavors filling his gasping mouth in Dazing wonder dancing across his lust driven mind.

_ Hilbaot's deliberate actions at playing within the rutting stallion's eyes fully, yet Gaius's unable to halt the involuntary lapping as tongue feverishly slithers his muzzle with unabashed need into each brunt. The taste most assuredly desperate desired given the studding revelations gleaming in his rutting ministrations. The unseen glint of Hilbaot's eye reveling, the knowledge that never has this happened in such a fashion t, nor per tell has male seed been deposited or sampled by the steed quite apparent..._

Pressing the need the skill of Hilbaot's tongue yet fully tested he pressed further. Rapidly withdrawing only to press yet deeper driving the stallion into further desire. all at once and quite precariously the stallion half collapses onto the prone toad. His right leg coming to rest astride his pinned concubine soundly placing the pulsating ring of his wanton hole directly upon Hilbaot's distorted muzzle as his flagging tail beat in time with each release upon Poor Hilbaot's face. Forcing fully the length of his tongue into the demanding opening. With unabashed passion the steed in attempt to force all offered deeper into the musky vivacious breach.

"YEESSS... Oh.. Goddess Yess.. er... "

Gaius's proclamation unintelligently marring of desire as his orgasmic passion reached its intended fevered pitch. Knotting the stakes the toad pressed his advantage, pocketing his splaying leg's to his mounts shoulder. Forcing the comportment as such the ravenous steed now facing his own member as it continued to softly ebb with each penetrating thrust of skilled tongue. Lost to his unforeseen starvation the stallion lunged heavy his substantial cock to the full extent of reachable extent, albeit expected of his puppeteer the stallion sealed the erupting crown ravenously. such as a hungry foundling would take to the tit any offered source. Nursing in desperation on each draft that Hilbaot's skilled tongue would eeliest form the now quivering kernel so effortlessly abused deep within his captor.

In soft angulations, the pinned toad slowly milked the last dreg's of release from Gaius. Softly humming, forcing the penetrating vibrations in traveling the length of his tongue, those gravely tones into their intended target. With an audible POP the pliant stallion unexpectedly set upon Hilbaot own demanding member quite surprising the toad in such action, without missing thrust of his lustrous tongue the toad releasing his own pent seed. More out of plan then need mind you. Unabashed the steed drafted heavenly, taking forth the full fibrous member unto it's occupying jewels synched to their base. Deep within his steamy maw of the impassioned stallion they sucked. Baying and lost within his resplendent lust Gaius set his demanding mouth suckling like a newborn foal, submitting in eloquent's of his need albeit Hibaot's relinquishing every drop of his copious seed for his mounts passion. Far more then he believed the horse was prepared for. yet each pulsing draft is accompanied by his wanton mounts pressing further for more. Somewhat painful, the horses unskilled muzzle pressing as if to illicit a greater release than each draft prior.

The ebb of passion set's as they always must, although to his revelation Hilbaot felt the outstretching of coarse hand set upon his upended leg, softly traveling in prickling strokes till an audible clack of his leather bindings holding them aloft was heard setting free his leg's which he kept emplace coursing the sweaty mount above. Yet the action simple, the fact remained his very sensitive member was still wholly affixed deep within Gaius's maw. The stud's rolling tongue and crude teeth intent on drafting long past the toads ability to comply. Slowly with great care Gaius' hand slipped past the considerable weight pinning Hilbaot to the surface below. Tracing the angles of his pinned jaw, then along the length of his still outstretched tongue finally coming to rest cradling his restricted neck sending a quake that traveled the full length of his body. In compliance the toad rabidly ungulates his prone tongue in quick succession eliciting a heavy snort and renewed fervent suckling form his mount amid angered passions. the release of the bound holding his neck unexpected and the stallion again attempting to implant his anus further with a rapid thrust of his hunches. Releasing the tender flesh the horse let an loud snort as composure again found him. still firmly planted atop the rasping toad he panted.

" Never such pleasures have I ever felt, truly you're most skilled of a provider for the wear's you so richly share. How is it I have never felt the likes of you before?"

The posed question never a surprise to Hibaot's ears. Years of service has skilled him in such trades though they were seldom used on such lesser then Gaius. More often the knot he's plied them in more lofty goals of his procurements, least of them a sexual endeavor nonetheless. No skill was unwarranted if they resulted in the toad obtaining a desired object. In quick movements, enlisting a gasp of renewed fever deep within his mount. Hilbaot withdrew his abundant tongue, letting it dance the length of the placid steeds member taking time in coat the horses ample tumultuous balls. Letting his tongue slap his aching jaw in a eluded smacking sound he passively spoke.

"I tend as the Goddess wills my steed!" (The simple reply eloquent and spoken with intent. Hilbaot is no fool though one plaid few have ever seen.)

" I desire pleasure above all of those that ask it of me. There is no better service in the grace's of the Goddess is there?"

With heft of labor Gaius righting himself on unsteady leg's regardless of their mass. Leaning down he slowly slathered the remnants of his release cleaning the sacred surfaces of the now flat toad. Outstretching his webbed hands Hilbaot set about tracing the uneasy leg's of the stallion. softly sifting the damp fur feeling the quivering muscles to tightly packed beneath.

"Is there a place of such that I may attend to you properly? as may I anoint you my stud for the passion's you shall experience? I pray you have never been properly attended to as such? Being this such my last day as I am to be granted the graces of my Goddess! If it pleased you my lord, it's my final wish to attend my mate as he should properly be!"

Hilbaot's words laced with passion and wanting of such a nature that their simple spoken virtue removed any altruistic implications outside of their direct meaning. As if to enforce his spoken words the toad in a slight of movement outstretched his tongue lashing tenderly onto the substantial meat dangling before his upturned head. With presence of mine he quickly retracted both members into his mouth. In a simple swallow he took the crusty member fighting back the bitter musk taste of is shade deep within his gullet. As if by design Gaius sighed lost to contentment at feeling the suckling toad now administering so fervently upon his sex.

"It is but first light in the temple above!"

The announcement an answer yet un-give, although it's proclamation sent shivers through Hilbaot. Confirmations of his location set in as he began to work his whiles pressing the question..

"I guess we could used the Guards sanctum's retreat above... this early of the day?...

_ Be it known that none that visit these chambers ever see the light of a second day! I caution you though... play a game of me and you forfeit the marks of time you have left!"_

To eeliest the understand, Gaius leeched his substantial hand forth locking fingers deep into the menstruating toads slapdash balls. Unvoiced within a agonizing clasp threatened in his posturing. Gaius locking breath tightly in of his meaty paw. Hilbaot felt tempers placed upon his most tender of placed, suddenly lost their freedom unto the clasping confines... so demanded release yet this did not dissuade his actions to the slightest. Aside from the noticeable gulping he retorted to the pain albeit increasing the sensations that his mounts cock enjoyed. spitting the cock free, his mouth in mock anguish he allowed his body to blush speaking in hastened pitched response.

"What favor would I gain by denying pleasure.... this my final day?!"

"I know not what you are toad but be it known that no games are plaid of me. I'm Keel's first! As such, I have seen all players of game more such then you have ever attempted in your extent. Hear me clear.. OBEY! lest shall these final hours of your be filled of Pain's of this flesh nor the pleasure you so richly desire!"

The slacking of his grip betraying in Gaius's true intent. with a renewed quiver and lashing of his tongue the toad set once more upon pleasing the disillusioning steed above. letting his abilities dispel any questions of his true intent.

" Wy owly wichss is ov Pleezzing Eww..."

HIlbaot's muffled words slathering tongue is still outstretched in preoccupation. Given that Gaius had little more to his mind except the pleasures that he knew were to soon come. With no further though in reaching down gathering the spry leg's of the toad he hoisted them to his upended position yet again.

"Shall we then get to it!?'

No words further were spoken as the inverted toad continued to lavish every reachable part of the sweaty stallion. His brooding strides leaving the enclave through the darkened halls from the lower temple. In short order Hilbaot abruptly being dislodged from his mounts shoulders. Finding himself viewing a rather distressed bathing chamber with an open pool squarely affixing it's lackluster appointments.

"We should have a modest amount of privacy here Hilbaot. Now proceed as promised!?"

With the statement spoken and omit a measure of his surrounding Hibaot righted himself quickly. Glancing the room, setting about gathering the meager amenities he called forth his best charms.

"Come my steed let me bath your fragmented musky flesh... I wish to lavish every talent the Goddess afforded me!"

As if by siren's call Gaius slack jawed followed the green figure forward into the steaming pool, watching the figure effortlessly slipped below the surface of the waters leaving just a beckoning hand afloat. Beckoning the strong stallions company. Gaius glancing down across his muscled chest noted he was ripe of a hard day's work. It had been a couple of days since his last bathing, being such that even then his personal habits of clean those parts most viewed by those around. With a snort he set stride the four paces required to join the now submerged toad.

"Wash me servant and insure no spot are missed!"

His words falling to defend ears , Hilbaot's ability masked by the water being an darkened figure just waited for the stallion to take his place in the stagnate water. Upon seating himself the stallion was rewarded with splay fingers outstretching his leg's into the center of the pool. Letting his posture slack, feeling the penetrating heat of the pool envelop him, nothing but his upending snout was visible beyond the surface. Hilbart set about his appointed task, never letting his body rise close to the surface.

Taking brush to hand he started at the hoven feet, cleaning the muckend filth found crusted there, no doubt a fixture never removed but the hulking male. Chuckling silently to himself that a stallion of such stature would need a toad to clean his frog's so completely! Letting his hands slight the substantial hove's, effortlessly sliding up the veined caves with great care. supple touches loosening matted fur with each stork. perceptibly the affects of his work on the stallion apparent by the inflation of his elongating pride, Hilbaot continued.

Slipping further still forcing the stallion to gap his leg's in compliance into the pressure placed to his upper thighs. Slowly slipping his webbed hands flushing every strand of fur, locking his feet under outstretching leg's. The toad opening him mouth to the full length. The slab of horse meat bobbing to the surface his target. Letting tongue drag it's flaring tip into the wanton dept's of his maw, thrusting muzzle down encasing moth meat with loaded balls effortlessly. Letting the meat plump against the heated confines of his body.

Baying in utter bliss, Gaius slid both hands below the surface. The slippery back of his instrument of pleasure now encasing his now rigid spike locked firmly . Feeing the unexpected slickness of skin in attempts positing his mount his now accommodating flesh. knowing his mark, Hilbaot let slip his tongue. Finding the quivering opening easily he slipped inside.

The pleasures penetrating Gaius fully, muzzle sliding entirely below the water's surface. Blinding numbness exploding as water filled his flaring nostrils. Franticly gripped for the buoyancy in shifting position the stallion's nostrils exploding forth from the pool with a snorting spray from seared nostrils. Coughing and sputtering the total sight both erotic and respondent. Standing full to his full height of 7' Sputtering, the teary eyed stallion let the water sheen from his skin. The display quite statuesque shy the splaying toad lynching obscenely, as if the tackle sufficient be its mount unorthodox.

Hilbaot releasing lure-lessly flopping to into the surface of the bathing pool with a slurping crash. Gaius's engorged meat slapped sourly against the stallions chest pulsing with each choking gasp. Left half submerged only suspended by his impaled tongue he sighed, Yes... this is going to be a long day indeed....


Keel upon entering through stark halls of the catacombs, listening for the expected sounds found nothing. Quickening his pace to the appointed camber at the end of the hall finding the chamber both quiet and silent. Enraged letting his voice shrill in anger he spoke.

"By the goddess what is the meaning of this"

Storming the halls clutching the sacred text he franticly searched. Room upon room found empty each step of the pace enraging him at his most trusted guards betrayal. at once finding himself to the temple main floor and feeling the need of retribution he stormed to the last bastion Gaius could be. All to quickly the muffled baying of passion perked his pointed Elvin ears. Bursting into the temple retreat his anger ebbed into utter disbelief at the sight before him.

There upended lay his prized STRAIT guard, the object of Keel's wrath atop the horse in a perch unbelievable in its grand display. The stallion corrupted with his own member crudely impaled deep within his own ass and tail flagging in a grotesque display. The lecherous toad astride his muzzle on what could only be described as a rutting disgrace.

"I ordered you to FUCK him not YOURSELF!"

The words spoken in utter shill at the site before him. Gaius splaying at the sudden and unexpected appearance of the High Mage. The hours slipped with the passions to amazing to track what should have been. Flinging the rutting toad form his face in abandon. His desperate movement just to gain footing, failing as the slicken floor below faulted his ability to stand. Well dazed by the lasting orgasmic bliss complicating the situation he was enjoying up until His Grace's sudden apprized. The befuddled stallion tried to respond..

"Your GRACE... I.. but... "

Cut short by the sudden boorish laughter from a now prone toad lay flat against the far wall.

"You should chose your guards much more carefully your grace! I took great pleasure in expounding on his limited ideals of pleasure. A task you would have been wise to instruct him of" (Standing to his feet the naked toad jovially prodding further in making jest of the stallion's predicament.)

It took no effort in the least to show him the undiscovered pleasures his body could bestow upon him. let that be a lesson you should have learned before this day...

My dear Keel, if the situation were different, maybe you could have joined in and per tell could have learned a trick or two from me as well ?!

The question poised from the small green being standing lewdly before the disjointed pair. Anger welling in both at the revelations his audience were concluding.

"Oh.. Before you say anything I first would like to thank you Gaius. it's been a fortnight since I last enjoyed a male with endowment comparable to yourself. Although that size being much smaller than his.. ( and evil curl slipping his upturned lips) No offence but you have to work with the goddess gives you.. RIGHT?"

Sliding finger tracing his lip in adjust the silver rings.

"Now before your grace utters starts. You two I would like to thank.. You see the whole gambit of this journey was to gain what you now possess. You my grace have what is MINE! Now you have one choice to hand it forth or pay dearly for what you hold. I ask you nicely be gracious Please!?"

Outstretching his webbed hand Hilbaot beckoned, Knowing the anger about to burst forth from the mages pending explosions in retort..

"How dare you speak you filth... What pretence so you play. Be Your SOUL DA..."

His word lost with impact to his throat exploding there before his eyes the presence to the toad began to morph before his eyes. the mages vision blurring as his head tore from his slacking body. Gaius all but lost at what his eye witnessed, literally retching at the forced decapitation by the tongue that had brought him so much pleasure Just moments before.

"Hmm.. Always bitter those... but Mmm.. their blood tastes so sweet.."

Stepping forward and presenting his bloodied lips to the stallion in offering of continuing their passions as if nothing had happened. Laughing casually as the mighty beast lost control of his bladder..

"Ahh.. did pony have a wittle accident?.... Does the big bad toadie's scary you..."


Blissfully stepping through the back gate of the temple grounds., flipping the hood to again cover his face and holding his prize like a child treasured new bobble. My dear... how have I sought after you, 'Now' what secrets shall you finally teach to me. Thumbing the pages of the High priest lexicon all the while whistling a catchy little ditty. The mirth of the day's endeavors' still fresh. Hilbaot all but cackling in how completely the stallion had crumpled upon seeing A true blessing of the goddess especially what she will afford the faithful.