Path of a Legend Chapter 3

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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The morning birds chirped their little songs as the sun slowly rose into the sky the following day. Star and Tide were fast asleep, still locked thanks to their evening activities. All that night however the nightmares that Star had been having recently seemed to have left him for that night. It was becoming a normal thing to him he thought, so to get a restful sleep was something new and completely unexpected. He woke first with a yawn and stretched. Feeling himself slip from Tide made him shiver and also the realization that last night was no dream. As he slipped out of bed and sat on the edge, he felt a paw on his tail and turned to look over his shoulder at the semi awake vaporeon female. "Good morning handsome." She said softly. Star leaned down and nuzzled her cheek before standing up and opens his wings to their full span. Turning to Tide as she sat up he smiled. "Glad you enjoyed last night but we need a shower or else we are going to smell of each other." Tide nodded. "You can go first; I'm still not fully awake yet." He lightly took her paw into his own, kissing the back of it before heading off to the bathroom.

"Did you still want to go to the library?" Tide asked.

"Yeah I think it would be best seeing as I have yet to figure out the meaning behind those markings on the blade. Maybe it has something to do with these dreams I have been having." He shouted from the bathroom. He reached for the knob and turned the handle, starting the water. He waited till it was the right temp before stepping into the shower. The heated water soon ran over his ebony fur and golden feathers, washing away last night's activities. He sighed in contentment and ran his fingers through his dark hair; the hot water was always one of the best ways to relieve stress and tension.

Upon turning off the water and stepping from the shower, Star grabbed a towel, drying himself and wings off before wrapping it around his waist and moving back into the room. "Shower's free." He said as he walked over to his clothes but not before getting a look at Tide's naked body as she made her way into the bathroom. He chuckled to himself as he started to slip on his clothes. He was buttoning his jeans when a knock came to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Amara; I have a message for you from a mister Argo Sentari." The female behind the door replied.

"Enter." The door slowly opened and the young Kitsune stepped in while Star was fixing his sword. "What's the message about anyway?" He asked. "Well mister Argo is the leading historian in the city; he said he took an interest in your sword yesterday."

"Oh yes I remember, he asked to buy it from me. Sorry but if that's what he sent you for you can just tell him it's not for sale." The female Kitsune shook her head. "No he wishes for you to meet him at the castle gates. He said that it was very important that you do so."

"Again I am sorry but we are heading to the library today." He retorted. "I believe he wished you to join him in the royal library. It's said that it holds book nowhere else in this land." Star thought for a moment then nodded. "Very well if it will get us into the royal library we will go see him." The Kitsune then bowed her head and walked out, closing the door behind her. The water from the bathroom stopped and Tide stepped out with a robe around herself. "Who was that?"

"Amara. She said that guy who tried to buy my sword yesterday wants us to meet him at the castle gate. Said it was very important." Tide shook her head. "He might just be trying to buy your sword again."

"No she said he wanted us to go with him to the royal library inside the castle. If that's the case then it would be a better opportunity to see what they might have. Hell if we are lucky, we might even meet the king." Star had no idea how right he was.

It didn't take Tide long to get dress. The two soon left their room and gave the key back to the innkeeper, thanking him for his hospitality. "Ah it weren't nothing, anything for the daughter of a fellow knight." They both nodded to him before departing and heading down the road before turning the corner and heading north towards the castle. It didn't take them long before they reach the main gates the opened to the path up to the castle. Standing close to the gate was an older man, hunch over and holding a cane. "Ah good you were able to get my message. Amara is always so prompt with things. Anyway, down to business."

"Open the gates Master historian Argo is coming through!" One of the guards shouted just before the portcullis slowly began to rise. "You're the historian to the king aren't you?" Argo chuckled softly. "I see Amara told you did she. Well you must forgive me for not revealing myself to you before, which was error on my part. Regardless, now I wish to help you discover the reason you found that sword."

"But why help us? We are just from a simple forest village." Tide said. "You are the daughter of Rain Torrent are you not? The son of Argus? You are hardly simple if I should say. Oh don't act so surprised that I know what I do. I'm not a master historian for nothing." The three of them said nothing else as they made their way up the castle steps and entered the main hall of the castle.

The room was enormous, a large staircase sat in the center of the room, leading up to the second floor before branching off in the east and west wings. On the first floor however there where several doors and long halls, leading off to different parts of the castle. Argo led them through the room to a door that was not seen before. It was situated on the side of the grand staircase. Argo pushed open the door into another room which was not as large but it was indeed bigger then what either of them are used to. "My lord here is the boy I have told you about." The one for whom Argo had spoken to sat on a huge throne. It was a dragon, but not just a dragon, a white dragon. He wore a regal red cape that wrapped around his neck and fastened together by a golden clasp. The cloth that hung down between his legs was also red but had a crescent moon and twin stars embroiled in gold upon the cloth. Upon his head sat a golden grown covered in jewels. His red draconic eyes narrowed as the three of them approached and bowed humbly.

"Ah Argo, so this is the boy? And who is this young lady with him?" His voice was deep in tone but seemed to radiate a gentle feel. "My sister your highness. Her name is Tide Torrent."

The dragon's eyes opened wide. "Argus's granddaughter. I see, he spoke of you often dear child. You need not worry, you are not in trouble. No in truth Argo here has told me of a certain sword you have procured. By chance would it be to bold if I were to ask you to see it?" Star looked to Tide then to the king, nodding he stood up and walked up to the king. Qiuckly he unsheathed his sword and laid it at the king's feet.

The mighty dragon slowly stood as Star stepped back. He then reached for the sword and to his own amazement, was not able to lift it. "By the goddesses, how is it you are able to lift such a heavy thing. It must weigh as much as a mountain."

"But it does not destroy anything under such weight my lord so that must not be it. I did however witness a burning white flame consume the blade when the boy drew it in anger. I believe that the blade is enchanted and that only the wielder for whom the blade was forged will be able to use it." Argo stated as Star stood before the king. "What is you name boy?"

Star took a deep breath before speaking. "I am Stargazer Alura Scorpan, son of Midnite and Starlite Scorpan." Argo nearly fell in shock but no more than the king. "So this is Renlina's descendent." Star tilted his head in confusion. "My lord?"

"My dear boy. We, which is to say you and I are kin. I am Avyion Reuo Scorpan III. You are the great great great great grandson of Princess Relina Scorpan. She along with her sister Seraphia were princesses of the Dragon Nation. Seraphia was the eldest and thus would succeed her mother to the throne." He said as he started to sit back down. "But sire what does this have to do with me?

"Hold on I'm getting to it. Anyway she resigned from her royal title and soon fell in love with Obsidian Riser. He was a son of a farm owner. It was some years later however before the two of them married. Her sister and mother attended the ceremony which surely surprised her husband to be. To make a long story short, her line lead all the way down to you. Relina's mother was the only daughter of Dainara, daughter of the great King Avyion Scorpan. I am the descendent of his son Lance so that being said Stargazer Scorpan; we are cousins just as you and Queen Angora are cousins. But there is a difference between us. That sword belonged to Avyion himself. It was said to be forged for him by his mother, the goddess of power herself." Star was taken aback by the sudden thought that his family was related to royalty. "But of course Argo has brought you here to lean about the marks on the blade, correct? Don't be surprised, we may have lost track of Relina's bloodline some time ago but there was never any doubt in our minds that we would one day find you. Now come come, where are your mother and father, I will send word to them at once. "

Star head hung as Tide walked up beside him. "He is the only one left from his family your majesty. Star's mother and father were killed when he was just a newborn. My father and mother have been raising him all these years." Brave as Star may have been, a single tear drops from his eyes. The king's face, once full of joy, turned to remorse. "Forgive me cousin for I did not know the fate of your parents. No fate such as that should befall anyone. I will send word to Angora at once to come and speak with you, I am sure she will be overjoyed as I am. For now though I wish you to stay as my guests for today, you may return upon the next sunrise if you wish but have a lot of catching up to do." Star took a step back and took another deep breath. "I appreciate your hospitality my liege but we must respectfully decline, our 'mother' will be worried about us should we not return."

The king seemed to be disappointed by this but nodded in understanding none the less. "If you must then you must. Argo here will give you what you have sought for. I will still send word to our cousin; she will want to meet you. Once she arrives I will send word to you, I take it you father still lives in his father's manor child?" Tide nodded in response. "We do my lord."

"Then I will send a messenger upon her arrival. I pray you not refuse our invitation a second time?" He asked.

"I will not my lord; till such time may the goddesses protect you." That being said, they were lead out of the throne room and back into the main hall. It was then that Argo guided them up the stairs and down the eastern wing to a large wooden door. The man opened it to show a spiral stairway heading up. "Well go on then, you have not got all day if you wish to return home before nightfall." Star and tide slowly make their way around and up into a cavernous room filled to the brim with books of all kinds. "By the goddesses this place out master's any library in the world."

"Well no, there is one other to match it. The royal library of Karanii but compare it to any other and you would be correct. Now then the markings on your sword are those of the ancient language known as Hyperian for which our country was named for. Not many speak such an old tongue these days but a few can be found if you know where to look. I and the king however are not among them." The man seemed to comb through several tomes upon one of the many selves which house the thousands of book in the room. "A here they are, The Language of Ancient Hyperia. In this book you may discover the meaning behind those glyphs." Star took the book and placed it with his knapsack and was about to leave when Argo stopped him. "Now hold on there son. I have one more thing to give you before you go." The man went behind his desk and pulled out a book from one of the drawers, he then handed it to Star. The cover and spine of the book bore no name as if it were on big mystery. "What is it?"

"Let's just say it will help your endeavors further." The man smiled under the hood he wore. "Well go on now, off with you. I have much work to do." The two eons returned to the stairwell then to the main hall where they were escorted to the main gate. "Well that was an experience." Tide said promptly.

"Yeah." Star's mind didn't seem to be with him at the moment, like he was off somewhere else. "Hey." The vaporeon snapped her finger in front of his, waking him from his daydreaming. "We have to go you know."

"Yeah I know, sorry I guess I'm still in a bit of shock from all that's just happened." He then picked Tide up into his arms and threw himself into the air. All the while someone was watching from a castle window. "Do you think he is the one?" The figure asked. "I don't know, but if he is then there may still be hope for us."

"Perhaps though I do pray he realizes who he is soon. If not then I fear what might happen to this world were that not to happen."

"I promise you golden goddess, I will do all in my power to help the boy discover his destiny." The second shadow moved into the light and revealed itself to be the King. The first however was hooded but soon removed it to show a woman. Her hair was done up in a long ponytail and was red like fire. She wore a golden tiara on her brow that was studded in rubies. Her ears were slightly pointed and skin was cream in color. Her eye matched the shade of her hair. "He has to, he is my son reborn."