dawn of a mythic world

Story by will fox on SoFurry

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hello I'm doing two stories my one burn baby burn will update each week on a Thursday this will update every Monday for now on with the story also if you've read my other one tell me which you think is better if I get enough viewers I might do the most popular one twice a week this was inspired by the book lirael by garth nix.

As I walk along the snowy white ground my long blue hair shimmered in the ocean of darkness surrounding the sky only the moons to illuminate the path I struggle to keep my glasses from falling off as I ascend the rocky path my white long robe touched the ground and I nearly blended into the scenery. I am tired, cold and hungry I walk now to the ever peaks the place where those who are banished must go if they hope for the chance to enter paradise for there is no comfort left for me in life no home to go back to no family to care of me any one who was once family have disowned and taken away my honour I am now no more than a worthless peasant to them. I apologise so for being so mysterious I am eline or that was once my name but they gave it to me and I will destroy anything they have given me including my life.

** I was of a noble family who were the leaders of the clan I was to be the next leader of the clan but I had not acquired the most important thing that makes our clan the strongest in the country the cenetsu the cenetsu is an ability that allows us change the future the amount you can change it depends on the level of power being a member of the clans royal blood line means I should be able to change it enormously but I can only do small things like the result of a game of blackjack but my father has the power to prevent a civil war. Though there is one exception the it is known as the gentsu lock if an event in time has a gentsu lock on it then no one no matter how powerful can change it there are stories that once many thousands of years ago there was a man the first ever leader of the cenetsu clan was able to break the gentsu locks but to this day no one knows if it really happened. **

I prepared myself to climb the mountain knowing full well how dangerous it was but then who cared I was climbing this mountain to die anyway if I died I would be mourned about as much as the dead seagulls which lye along the paths. death what would it feel like would I feel nothing because there is no soul to feel it would it be an endless pool of darkness which we may never escape or will the gods choose me and give me access to the place we call paradise a world free of murderous creatures no minotaur's and dragons plague the land where people are not judged by magical powers and what clan they come from the world I wish I may one day enter. But the gods would not choose me I am not of worthy blood I have failed my clan and every one in it though even if I am not taken to paradise I still wish to die on the ever peaks at least I can die in the place I love.

As I began to get further up the mountain I soon noticed a mountain goat I walked closer to it in hope of making friends with it that was one of my only assets I was good with animals it tenderly stroked my cold hands slowly but surely warming them up. I took a closer look and noticed a mark on his neck a canatsina mark this animal had been taken hostage by a necromancer I put up my hand close and a bright silver essence flew out of the hand and directly on to the mark the mark started to turn into blood and then evaporate entirely .I then sent the goat off on his way that was my other asset I was the third most powerful sorceress in the entire land of niverim the land which was once my home but the ever peaks are half way between the border meaning soon i would cross over into rendrim the only other country in the continent a land of great melee fighters we may beat them in magic but in a hand to hand fight they would win any day.

You may ask if I'm the third most powerful sorceress why would I care about not having the cenetsu well I will tell you how would you feel if every day of your life your looked down upon because you're lesser than them pitied because you can't do what they do hated for being born by your brothers your sisters your own parents I've had to live with that for every single day of my life that's why I'm going to kill myself that why I want to die. I looked to the sky and stared at the dark moon above that moon is the reason that I have had so much grief all my life the cenetsu runs completely off lunar power the amount of times I've looked at the sky's above and hoped no prayed that it would never existed that moon is the only moon we wouldn't need we have three moons one using gravitational pull keeps our planet in place one using sorcery is what makes the plants grow but that third moon made just for our clan does nothing else, nothing yet it's the most important one to them.

As we neared the top of the mountain I prepared myself to jump knowing full well what I was about to experience as I jumped the breeze blew hard on my face but instead of falling straight down I hit the side and landed on a ledge I was losing conscience I slowly began to drift away. When I opened my eyes in front of me there was a tall boy with short black hair and a very sharp sword on his back he was wearing a blue t shirt and black trousers could this be paradise had the gods accepted me suddenly the boy leaned down and suddenly kissed me his lips so firm on mine either I was in paradise or I was dreaming as he slowly stood back up I began to realize the scenery still the same snowy mountains of the ever peaks as I realized that this was reality and then remembered the kiss then the first thing I did was scream "aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh."

i know im a boy but hey i wanted to do it from a different perspective part two next week