First Impressions Chapter 5.

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#5 of First Impressions

Huge thankies to Mystery D. for the touch up's and edit with me. And of course Dolphin Dreamer for the technicla details on the plane. Please enjoy, and rip some comments for me.

Yours R.o.P.

Chapter 5.

"So Stefan what brings you over to the UK?" Jessica began, leaning forward over the restaurant table, her elbows making tiny creases in the white linen.

"Erm, English good for hotel, maybe a little broken for conversation. Please, patience. I needed work, and experience, student magazine had this adverted."

"I think you mean advertised?"

"Er, yes. Thank you."

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Amy asked.

"It is little different than expected." Stefan blushed again.

"Ah, we will see what we can do about that later." Amy giggled.


"Oh, about that blushing. It can be solved."

"Oh, you have a type of medicine?"

"Well, yes, but not the type you are thinking of!" Jessica and Amy started giggling again. Stefan looked across at them puzzled.

"Sorry, I don't understand."

"Oh, you will later!" Amy laughed. "Now what do you want for starters?"

The mink re-appeared with the wine and poured a glass for each of them. "Are you ready to order?"

"Not just yet, thank you," Jessica replied.

"As you will."

Stefan looked at the menu. "Mmm, I think I will have the breaded fungi in the hot sauce."

"You like spicy food?" Amy queried.

"Yes, got taste for it when working in an Indian restaurant in Davos."

"Oh, that's good. I will have the sauteed kelp baskets, with mixed sea fruits," Amy said.

"I will go with the tiger shrimp soup. Now what's for the main? Do you want to stick with the platter for two, Amy, or now there are three of us something different?" Jessica asked.

"Oh, I'm sure Stefan and I can help with your salad. We will order our own as well though if you are hungry."

"Very well. I will have the mixed crust' sea platter then for two. Stefan?"

"I confess to liking a little fish, not usual I know, so I will have the flaked plaice salad please."

Jessica raised a brow. "You are full of surprises tonight. How did a veggie start eating fish?"

"Oh, I helped with ski parties. Tried it when I lost a bet. Liked it." Stefan shrugged his shoulders.

"As you wish, our treat and all. Amy?"

"I'm going to be boring I am afraid. The carrot and parsnip mousse, with a side order of fried sea stalks."

Jessica summoned the mink with a raised hand. She repeated the order when he arrived, and bowed, returning to the back, ringing a little bell over a tank. There was a splashing noise, and a dolphin's head appeared over the rim with a snort.

"We need kelp, sea stalks, plaice, tiger shrimp, fruit and a mixed crust platter. Sir."

The dolphin nodded and vanished, surfacing again after two minutes, dropping the shrimp, kelp and fruits over the side into a receptacle, then disappeared again with a splash. The mink clapped his hands and a stout beaver appeared out of the kitchen to collect the ingredients. The mink gave him the order, and he vanished back into the kitchen.

Jessica had watched this with Amy and Stefan. "Mmm, they must have a sea storage cave. Means the food will be fresh anyway," she mused.

"Yes, I heard from the girls that everything was supplied fresh. Good reputation in town." Stefan said.

"Oh, well that's good then. Now, back to you Stefan. Are you enjoying yourself here?"

"Yes, although not fitting in that well."


"I'm a bit shy," he said, blushing. "The others tease me."

"Ah, I thought working the ski resorts would have opened your eyes a little. Most of the chalet boys and girls are there for one reason only," Amy stated.

"Erm, I left after one week."

"Why? Did something go wrong?"

"I, erm, I lost a bet," he said blushing furiously.

"Oh dear, should I ask what that bet might have been, or should we guess?"

"Oh no, please no guessing, not here. Never live it down if it becomes known."

"Well one guess then. A girl was involved, and you said no, or something similar. She spread it around, and you ended up being pushed out after the forfeit?"

Stefan looked surprised, but nodded.

"Don't worry, us girls can be absolute bitches at times if we don't get what we want. You need to get more confidence. You are a very attractive young man you know," Amy said, patting him on the shoulder, causing him to flush again.

The bell rang by the tank, and a pile of sea stalks dropped into the receptacle. They were closely followed by a still flapping plaice. The dolphin re-appeared and dropped two king crabs, a small lobster, some prawns and some assorted shrimps into a bucket next to the plaice's holder. He submerged and then resurfaced with two anchovies and dropped them in as well. He whistled, and nodded towards the window, winking, before submerging again. The beaver re-emerged from the kitchen and collected the bucket with the still live crustaceans and the plaice and sea stalks.

A hatch opened in the wall, and two plates and a dish were pushed through. A female mink in an apron walked over, looked at the tickets and picked them up, walking over to the table. "Kelp?"

"Here please," Amy said.

"Tiger shrimp?"

Jessica nodded.

"And the fungi for sir," she finished placing the plate in front of Stefan with a wink. She oozed sinuously away with a gentle sweep of her tail, flicking Stefan's legs.

Stefan raised a finger, but Amy stopped him. "Told you, you're attractive. Like what you see?"

He flushed scarlet again. "Erm, yes, I mean no, erm I yes, but er you!"

"Why thank you," Amy flirted.

"Stop teasing me!"

"And who said I was teasing?" The was a loud crunch which interrupted them as Jessica bit down on a shrimp fished out of her soup.

"You two had better eat up before it gets cold. It's rather good. Plenty of time for talk between courses."

Amy and Stefan both laughed and tucked into the starters in front of them with relish. When they had finished, Stefan queried Amy. "What do you mean?"

"I meant what I said, who said I was teasing?"

"But, you are here with Mrs. Ruatha."

"No, I work for Mr. Ruatha. I delivered some important paperwork and a summons to him this morning, which is why he has had to leave. He gave me permission to take the rest of the week off to keep Jessica here company."

"B-but I heard you...."

"Yes!" Amy interrupted. "But, Ruth and Jessica have a very close relationship with absolute trust. They allow each other some freedoms when they are away from each other."

"B-but that's not right. Is it?"

"Yes it is young man!" Jessica snapped. "Remember whose guest you are tonight. Don't question my relationship with Ruth, and I won't push you on your experiences."

"I'm sorry, just not used to your culture."

Jessica sighed. "It's alright. To outsiders it must look a little strange, but I love Ruth with all my heart. Since that first night I met him I have never been unfaithful with another man." Jessica downed the remainder of her wine, and snapped the stem of the glass between her claws in frustration. "Ah shit, now look what I have done!"

Sighing, she laid the empty, broken glass down on her napkin before continuing. "However, I was a very, very promiscuous dragon in my teen years. When I first took Ruth home I thought he would only be just another conquest, but I fell in love. I swore though that he would be the only man for me then. I allow him to play with others, because like you he was very shy and inexperienced, and deserves to have some of the fun I did. I trust him never to have an affair. I never vowed to stay clear of other girls though, and he is quite happy with that.

"Most people don't know that I have just the same education that he has. I even have better grades in some subjects. When we took our mating bonds, we agreed that whichever of us got a strong position with a good income and prospects first would bring in our living. Ruth was lucky, so I ended up keeping the house. Never thought I would be happy as a housewife, but the challenge of keeping him surprised every time he walks through the door, and the sales parties I throw for the others in our town keep me more than occupied," she laughed in reflexion.

Amy and Stefan stared in surprise at the confession they had just heard. "Sales parties?" Amy queried hesitantly.

The hatch in the wall opened again, and more dishes were pushed through. The mink waitress collected their empties from the table and headed towards the hatch. The Maitre-dee oozed over with another glass for Jessica. "More wine?" he queried.

"Yes, a good strong red for the main meal please."

"As you wish," he weaved his way back through the tables. The waitress headed over with the main courses for Amy and Stefan. She then went and retrieved the larger platter for Jessica, just as the maitre-dee returned with the wine. "Anything else?"

"No, no that will be all for now....Thank you." Jessica grabbed the lobster off the platter with one hand, and ripped off one of the claws. She threw it into her mouth and bit down with a loud splintering crunch, causing frowns from the surrounding tables. She waved the remainder of the lobster at Amy and Stefan. "You two hope and pray that one day you will find your soul mates, like I did with Ruth. Until such time occurs though, have fun, but never question the morals of a long established couple, especially when one of them is hosting you!" Jessica said, putting the lobster back down. The maitre-dee looked like he was about to say something, but withdrew quietly.

"Now, I am sorry about that, but it had to be said. Amy what did you ask?"

Amy looked at Stefan and shrugged. "You mentioned sales parties. I was just wondering.."

Jessica laughed. "Those I will tell you about later. Not in public. Let's just say that I have a franchise of a company supplying products to other bored housewives!"

"What, Tupperware?" Stefan queried innocently.

Amy and Jessica both burst out laughing. "Well let's just leave it that some things are made of plastic," Jessica choked out, to the further confusion of Stefan. "Enough talk now, lets enjoy the meal, this lobster is perfect."

They all tucked into the meal, much to the relief of the staff and the other diners near them. Jessica continued to eat all the crustaceans whole, shell and all, but always closed her jaws before crunching through them, to reduce the noise.

"Erm, can I try some of your plaice?" Amy asked Stefan.

"Yeah sure, but it might not agree with you. Your species is even more veggie than me."

"I'm sure a little bite won't hurt to taste."

Stefan skewered a piece and held the fork out over the table to Amy. She grabbed his hand and pulled the plaice to her mouth, chewing and swallowing without letting his hand go. "Mmm, that's not bad," she said and placed her lips on the marmot's finger tips, giving them a playful nip. "They aren't bad either," she giggled.

Stefan snatched his hand away, and flushed again. Jessica laughed, and poured some more wine into his glass. "Forgive Amy, she takes some getting used to!"

Amy giggled, and went back to her mousse.

They finished their meals, and drank the rest of the wine, before the waitress returned and took the plates. "Will you be having dessert?"

Jessica looked at Stefan and Amy. They nodded "Yes, can we have the menu?"

"I will send my husband over." She walked back to the hatch, posting the plates through it.

The Maitre-dee worked his way over and handed them the dessert menus. "Has everything been to your satisfaction?"

"Yes, thank you. The food is wonderful. I apologise for earlier, I have had a rather trying day, and forgot where I was."

"No problem Ma'am. Good food and good company can do that," he said. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Mmm, Yes. I will have a single malt please."

"I will just have a coffee," Amy said.

"No I am fine thank you," Stefan said.

"You sure Stefan? I see they have Schnapps."

"Oh they do? In that case I will have a peach Schnapps then. Thank you."

"As you wish." The Maitre-dee backed away again, and headed for the bar.

"He is becoming annoying with that 'as you wish' phrase," Jessica said grumpily, and picked up her dessert menu. "How hungry are you two now?"

"To be honest, I am quite full, but need something to sweeten my buds. The stalks were quite sharp," Amy said.


"I am not that hungry anymore, Jessica," he stated, the wine finally making him less formal.

Jessica raised a brow in Amy's direction with a wink. "In that case may I suggest we just order the Baked Alaska for two, with three spoons?"

Amy and Stefan both nodded, and Jessica summoned the waitress, placing the order.

The Maitre-dee returned with the drinks and left them to their conversation. Amy turned to Stefan. "So where are you staying while you are here?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

Stefan sipped his Schnapps. "The single staff have rooms below stairs in the hotel."

"Oh, so you are single then?"

"Ahem, well yes, I have only been here a month."

"Well, why don't you come up for a nightcap with me and Jessica when we get back?"

"Pardon?" he hiccoughed.

"I said, why don't you come up to our room?" Amy giggled.

"Oh I couldn't, really. I might get in trouble."

"I doubt it, bear in mind where you are working. They have rather relaxed house rules."

Stefan giggled and turned red again. "Don't I know it. I can hardly get through a day without embarrassing myself. I nearly died earlier in your room!" He stopped, and put his hand over his mouth, realising what he had just admitted to.

Jessica and Amy were laughing at his discomfort again. "Oh Stefan, you are such a breath of fresh air! Did you know your English has improved, the more you have drunk?!" Jessica sputtered. "So are you going to accept Amy's offer?"

"Well, if it's okay, I suppose one drink won't hurt."

"Good. That's settled then," Amy said with a smile.

Jessica noticed the Maitre-dee and the waitress talking to the dolphin in the tank. They approached nervously. "I am terribly sorry Ma'am. The kitchen has informed me that they have run out of gas in the blow torch. I am afraid we can't complete your order."

"Is the meringue set?"

"Well, yes but..."

"Then have your dessert chef bring it out here. I will solve that problem for you. And don't you dare say 'as you wish' again!" Jessica finished and downed the remainder of her Malt.

"As you..." He stopped himself with a half smile, and nodded.

The dessert chef came through the kitchen door carrying the Alaska, and approached the table. Jessica noticed the dolphin watching from the tank. "Place it in the middle there please," she said, beginning to hiccough. "Turn it when I raise my claw," she added, and took a deep breath, pursing her lips.

She started to exhale, and the smell of alcohol filled the area. Pointing her muzzle at the Alaska, she ignited the fumes, and bathed the pudding with flame. She raised her claw, backing the tongue of flame off a little, and the chef turned the dish. Jessica resumed the tongue's length and finished, closing her lips and then coughing out a small puff of smoke.

The Alaska started pinging and crinkling as it's crust cooled. "There, perfect." Jessica said.

The chef turned to the Maitre-dee. "I had heard of it, but I never thought they actually could!" he exclaimed.

"Ahem, she is sitting there you know."

"Oh, sorry. I always thought it was a myth Ma'am."

"Oh don't worry, we don't do it often. Maybe you should see about taking a dragon on in your kitchen?" Jessica laughed.

"Oh, ha ha yes." The chef laughed and returned to the kitchen.

They cracked the crust on the Alaska and tucked into the frozen interior. The Maitre-dee approached them again with another glass of Malt for Jessica. "Ahem, Giovani says it's on the house, for your inconvenience Ma'am."

"Not necessary, but thank him for me. The food was exquisite. Anyone can run out of gas," Jessica said as she took the glass.

"Oh, I am sure you can thank him yourself, as you leave," he said nodding towards the tank. The dolphin winked, and nodded his head.

"The dolphin is Giovani?"

"Why yes. He and his pod own and stock the restaurant. They own the leases on the sea caves in the cliff's, where the sea veg are tended and grown."

"Then I will make a point of thanking him as we leave."

They finished the baked Alaska, and stood to leave. They approached the pay desk, and Amy reached for her purse. "No. Let Ruth and I pay for this," Jessica stopped her. "What is the bill please?"

The Maitre-dee handed her a slip of paper, and she looked at it. "Mmm," she opened her pouch and handed him nine twenty-pound notes. "Keep the change as your tip."

"Thank you Ma'am," he said as he placed the cash in the till. Jessica walked over to the tank, where Giovani was waiting.

"Thank you for hosting us tonight, and putting up with my outburst earlier."

Giovani nodded. "Doooo not worry Ma'am," he squeed out. "I heard some of it and you had good reason. You are the mate of the white dragon?"

"Well, yes!"

"I saw you watching him playing volleyball yesterday. My daughter was also watching. She expressed interest, but you did not see us swimming in the bay. Maybe if you return with him you could join us. Yes?"

"Are you inviting us for what I think?"

"Yes, for us such meetings are casual, my alpha female would not object if you joined with me. My daughter would be happy to try an experience with your mate. Would that be a problem. No?"

"I would have to talk with him, I have never been unfaithful..."

"PSSSPPPFFFT" Giovani snorted from his blow hole interrupted. "Not unfaithful if your mate with you! Fun! Never tried with an air-born creature. Will be new experience for all of us. Yes?"

"Yes! Okay I will try and talk him into coming back later in the year, although he is not all that keen on water. Call it a date!" Jessica laughed.

Giovani omitted a series of high pitched clicks, indicating laughter, and then dove back into the depths. Amy and Stefan had overheard, but not interrupted. They joined with Jessica and walked out of the door, strolling through the night air up the path and steps to the top road.

As they entered the lobby, the night porter, a rather sleepy looking bush-baby handed a bag over the desk to Amy. "Here is your bag Miss."

"Thank you," she said, then joined Stefan and Jessica on the stairs, as they walked up to the room.


Ruth was at that point snoring in his fold flat seat, in his first class cubicle on the plane.....

'He strolled down the street with Jessica at his side. Twelve months they had been together, and it seemed no more than a week. He subtly quickened their pace past the jewelers -- the same shop that he'd visited the day before. Carefully, he positioned himself so that he was between her an the window, as she always stopped to admire the display whenever they passed. He himself admired the way her green scales reflected back off the glass in the summer sunlight.

He had received a letter a few days earlier, confirming he had been granted a job as the assistant branch manager with a company in Cheshire. It would involve a move, but a much better salary and prospects. The moment couldn't be more perfect to spring his surprise on Jessica, though now that it was upon him, he felt he would faint from all the butterflies in his belly. The day before, he had at last worked up the nerve to ask for her hand in a formal mating ceremony.

Ruth smiled in his sleep, grunting as the scene played over his sub-conscious...

They strolled into the castle park, and Ruth steered her towards a bench in area by the lake, overhung by mature oak trees. Sitting her down, he stepped back and launched himself air-borne into the formal proposal position; hovering snout bowed, three feet in front of her.

"Jessica Giles, will you accept me as your formal mate? To hold and stand by me through all that may try divide us, and to be the mother of my future children. You are my one and only true love, and shall remain so to my dying day." He presented a twisted band of welsh-gold and white platinum. A single pure piece of topaz, reflecting his eyes, was mounted centrally in a dragon's claw.

"Ruth Ruatha. I accept you as my formal mate, and father of my future children. I will stand by you through all that may try and divide us. You are my one true love, and shall remain so to my dying day," she replied with obvious delight, accepting the band, and slipping it over one of her finger claws.

He landed, and, pulling an identical ring from his pouch, with the exception that it was a two karat emerald, reflecting her scales, set in the central claw. He slipped it onto his finger claw, and then started to hiccough along with Jessica. They stared each other in the eyes and nodded.

"With this, our heart's breath, we so bind our love and mate-hood. Only in death may we be parted from our oaths," they repeated together, pursing their lips as they ignited their flames and held up their ring hands to each other. Modulating the flames, they sear welded the ring bands into each others finger scales. They suffocated their fires, then embraced in a loving kiss. The lingering heat made their tongues tingle in delight.

Ruth's claws twitched in his sleep, as he rubbed his left claw over the ridge in his central finger, which was all that could be seen of the band, apart from the emerald. His scales had regrown around the gold and platinum, enveloping it completely.....

"Witnessed!" Came a loud shout from a group of their friends, as they came out from behind the trees.

"Accepted." A little owl said as he dropped from the branches above them, and a pole-cat walked towards them with a wax ledger and a titanium needle. "Imprint your ring and claw pattern there please, then extend your hands palm up."

They imprinted the rings, and then the pole-cat gently forced the needle into the hollow centre of their ring finger talons in turn, allowing a few drops of hearts blood to drop from each of them into the impressions.

"Bound!" The owl councillor said, as the ledger was closed and sealed, with their names etched into the cover. "May your lives, and that of your descendants be happy and fulfilling!"

A huge cheer erupted from the gathered friends, and pair of larks dropped a large bucket of confetti out of the tree above them, causing a huge amount of merriment as they both started sneezing!

The party that followed was one he would remember for the rest of his life. After a further display of public affection -- and many threatening looks from her that said she would get him for it later! -- he had steered Jessica over towards the bandstand, where a quartet consisting of the two larks as singers, an orangutan on guitar, and a husky on the drums, picked out a lively tune, to which they all started dancing. A catering truck pulled up, and a group of assorted waiters and waitresses started laying out a buffet to one side.

That evening, a small fireworks display was let off by Dragonlife Displays on the far side off the lake, and they said their thank-yous and goodbyes, before heading for their cottage, wingtip to wingtip through the night air.

Jessica adjusted her position to fly slightly above him, and called over her shoulder. "Remind you of sometime?"

He grinned as he realised she had removed her thong, giving him the same view he had gotten only twelve months previously. How that chance meeting had changed his life....

Ruth's lips curled into a smile again, his wings shifting beneath his back...

After a thoroughly satisfying night, they had departed on the morning thermals to a long weekend honeymoon in Nice. The chateaux they stayed in, had a huge medieval four poster bed made from age blackened oak. Jessica wielded her powers of persuasion on him to try suspension for the first time that night. The feeling of being hoisted upside down by the base of his tail, and tied like a plucked chicken to the cross bar was very disconcerting. It improved considerably when she started playing with his emerging cock. He would never have thought an upside down blow-job, with all the blood rushing to his head would be so good. To his consternation, right on the brink of his peak, she jumped up and hung all her own weight off his tail, telling him to return the favour with his tongue or she would hang there all night!

Ruth's tail started twitching, disturbing the cover he had pulled over him self, revealing a large and growing tent in his pants......

The pain was exquisite, but he could feel the joints starting to give. He had quickly plunged his tongue through her lips and pinched her clit with his foremost teeth. Jessica spasmed and accidentally discharged her thimble with his cock in her mouth. He was sure the roar he released should have woken the whole valley! However no-one came knocking on the suite's door to investigate.

Immediately, Jessica cut him down, and started to try and comfort him with a profusion of apologies and licking. The pain diminished in a haze of cuddling tight with his mate, but his erection did not. Her words sent a thrill down his spine. "Better not waste that..."


"Gruummpph, erm, ah what?" Ruth called.

"It's morning sir. Would you like breakfast before we land on stopover?" Maria called from the other side of the door.

Ruth groaned, levering himself up of the mattress arrangement on the seat, and undid the door. "Erm, yes. What is there on offer, thank you?"

Maria looked straight ahead. "Erm, sir, maybe you should cover-up a little?"

"Oh, crap!" Ruth was wearing nothing but a pair of pants, and was supporting a large erection from the dream. "I am sorry, you woke me from a lovely dream!"

"Looks like it!" Maria said, twitching, "Anything I can help with?" she added with a coy flick of her hips, as she slipped past him in to the cubicle.

"Erm, ah no!" Ruth waved the emerald under her nose.

"Oh, I am sorry....."

"Don't be. I thought you had yourself under control?"

"Well, I do, but when it is thrust in my face, so to speak......Please, don't report me."

"Don't be silly, I'm flattered truly, and in other circumstances...." Ruth turned and grabbed his travel pants and shirt, quickly pulling them on. "Now I believe you mentioned breakfast?"

"Oh, yes sir, and thank you." Maria got herself back under control and efficiently made up the bed, back into a seat. "We have croissants, cereal, a continental, a Irish, a English..."

"Whoa, stop! I will take the English please, with orange juice and runny eggs. Thank you."

"Okay sir, are you sure I can't help you elsewhere?" Maria said, indicating the still pressing problem he was facing.

"No! Now could you just direct me to the toilet, and I will sort my own memories... ahem... needs... out!"

"As you wish Mr Ruatha. Follow me please," Maria said, as she left the cubicle, still twitching. She guided Ruth to the bathroom, and then scooted off to the staff's own toilet.

Ruth locked the door behind him, and stripped down quickly. 'Mmm, been ten years since I had to paw off, let's see if I remember how,' he started slowly, picturing Jessica in his mind, then grunted, as after barely thirty seconds, he covered the bowl in front of him with his seed. "It seems that I do!" he laughed to himself. "Bloody rabbits bring out the worst in me..."

He dressed again, after clearing up, and headed back to his room. Checking the time, he pulled out his dPhone. He opened the memory card that he had loaded at the airport, and sat back waiting for it to upload. The eastern dragoness walked into his room then with a covered plate.

"Your breakfast sir."

"Thank you."

"Can I help you in any other way?"

"No, oh hang on, is there anyway I can open the file on here, on the screen for easier reading?" Ruth waved the phone at her.

"Oh, of course. If you lift the end of your chair's arm, there is a universal dock. Plug the phone in there, and then opt for external on the screen's display when you switch it on."

"Thank you. That will make it much easier to read."

"You're welcome sir," she turned, leaving Ruth with the breakfast.

Ruth lifted the lid, and was presented with exactly what he would got at home!. Two perfectly runny eggs, two processed sausages, a slab of lizard bacon**, two hash browns, and a couple of slices of fried bread. He tucked in with gusto, having not eaten since the previous day's lunch.

He took a swig of the orange juice, and then docked the phone as the stewardess had suggested. It took him a few seconds to find the controls for the screen set in the other arm of the chair. The tender documents unfolded on the screen in front of him.

Ruth grunted. From what he could see, not much was different from the briefing he had been given on the phone. Basically Austran had contacted the head offices of Overland Express in London requesting assistance in streamlining their internal operations. In return for the assistance, they would sign a transcontinental, air and sea, exclusivity deal with the winning bidder. The company winning the tender would be required to supply training on site in Australia at the tenderer's expense, -- Ruth made a mental note of that, murmuring to himself as he scanned further -- and, due to a lack eligible airborne species in continental Australia, recruitment from European countries. 'Mmm, what about the east?' Ruth thought.

He loaded the second memory card into his phone. 'Ah, what do we get out of it?' he thought as the London brief came up. Ruth's eyes scrolled down the screen. "Bugger me!" he exclaimed, as they came to rest on the estimated figures. Twelve tonnes of air freight to arrive at Manchester airport cargo centre every day. Approx 400 tonnes of sea freight landing at Liverpool docks every two weeks. All arriving freight was to clear customs bonding, and be delivered to final destination within 48 hours of unload, pending unforeseen circumstances.

Ruth ran some figures through his head. Assuming average distance deliveries to all areas of the country, the revenue from the contract would add up to around 250 million a year. He whistled. 'No wonder Felix was bouncing on the phone. All that cargo would be handled by his office at arrival. That could also be the reason that London has asked for me, knowing that Felix couldn't handle shifting that amount without upgrading their operations drastically.'

"I knew that London wanted someone from up north for a reason..." Ruth muttered. "I wonder if this plane is net accessible..." He punched the command into his phone, and a notice appeared on the screen in front of him.

'Dnet is currently available for a charge of £25 per Gig of Data. Access: Yes. No.'

'That's expensive, but I need to do a little research,' he thought, and hit the 'Yes' option. Thirty minutes later he had what he needed. A secured 120,000 square foot highbay warehouse was available in Bootle, and he could get a bonded 12,000 square foot on the cargo park for the airfreight. 'That gives me the ammunition I need for negotiation. Now, I wonder what the girls are up to....' He glanced at the clock. They would be landing in thirty minutes at Singapore, and Ruth noticed the engine notes had changed. 'Mmm, it's around nine a.m. back home, they should be up now...' He punched off an email to Jessica.

"Hi darling, just landing at Singapore for stop-over. Planes are a lot different to what I thought. Quite enjoyed it so far. Had a good sleep on board, got upgraded to first class, so have my own cubicle. Hope Amy is not causing too much trouble for you. Missing you already. Love Ruth."

He shut the phone down before landing. Maria slipped into the room behind him, and saw what had just been sent on the screen. "Amy your kid, sir?"

Ruth jumped. "Ah, erm no, she is the secretary I told you about. I left her at the hotel with my mate before leaving. My instructions came when I was on holiday."

"Ah, I see," Maria started clearing up the breakfast tray. "Erm about earlier, I really must apologise again..."

"No need, no need. It was as much my forgetfulness that caused the mishap..."

"Really, I must. Would ruin my career and 'qi' if I didn't," she reached across and planted a kiss on Ruth's nose spike. "There 'qi' re-centred!"

Ruth smiled. "Surely that could have waited for arrival at Sydney?"

"Oh no sir, the crew changes at stop-over. We have to rest sometime ourselves. I think Xiu Meah is taking over from me for this area. She is lovely pantheress and will care for you on the way into Sydney."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Captain Faraj speaking. We will be landing shortly into Singapore Changi International Airport in approximately twenty minutes time. I'd like to ask that you please return to your seats with your seatbelt fastened tightly across your lap. On behalf of Air Tangara, it has been a pleasure serving you on this segment of the flight and we hope to see you in the near future. Flight attendants, please be seated for landing," came over the P.A.

A chime sounded, and Ruth's chair automatically assumed a fully upright position. "Got to go now sir. Please fasten your seat belt and prepare for landing. Nice meeting you," Maria finished, and left the room with the tray.

Ruth shook his head, as the plane started it's approach descent to Singapore. 'Some days I wish I was a cad... No scratch that!, Jessica is the best thing that happened to me...' Ruth closed his eyes, and gripped the chairs arms tightly as the plane hit the first patch of cloud turbulence on the descent...


Jessica opened the door to her suite, and Amy and Stefan followed her in. Stefan walked towards the the phone stand. "What would you like to order? I will go and fetch it when it's ready."

Jessica exchanged a glance with Amy, who was twitching. "I'm okay Stefan, but I think that Amy would like a drink of marmot cum," she said in a deadpan voice.

Stefan's hand hovered over the receiver. "P-p-pp-ppaaarrrdonn?"

Amy giggled. "Come here you daft lump. Do you not know what a night-cap is an invite to in the UK?"


Amy strolled over and grabbing Stefan by the shoulders, reached down and grabbed his crotch. "Mmm, it appears you do have some idea..." she mused, then, grabbing his belt buckle, undid it and tore his trousers down. "Yup thought so!" As his tenting pants were exposed.

Jessica laughed, and, having walked behind Stefan, picked him up by his shirt while he was still frozen and carried him into the bedroom, with Amy following. She dumped him on the bed and started disrobing herself.

Amy swiftly stripped herself naked, and hopped up next to Stefan before he could recover from the shock. "Like what you see?" She lent over and pushed her tits in has still gasping face. "If you don't you are free to leave now. If you do? Strip!" she ordered, stepping back to the other side of the bed.

Stefan glanced at the now naked Jessica, and then back at Amy who had started playing with herself in anticipation. He shrugged 'Not exactly what I had in mind for my first time,' he thought, 'but they are both sexy...' He quickly shed his shirt and pants, revealing a four-inch shaft straining from his sheath.

Jessica looked over. "Mmm, no offence, but it's a good job I am only watching and mated. I fear you would only be able to satisfy me orally. You are a good size for your species, but you and I just wouldn't fit. Amy, he's all yours. As agreed I will join you when you have finished with him..." She reached into the bag at the beds foot, and pulled out a twelve inch long, black silicone dragon's cock. It expanded down its length from two and a half inches at the tip to four inches at its base, ending in a flat suction plate. A tube also extended from it, but Jessica coiled that around the plate.

"Bloody hell!" Amy exclaimed, "What on earth is that?"

"Oh, it's just something I picked up playing on the net one day. Comes from a cheeky Scottish dragon who calls himself Varka. It's supposedly molded from a cast of his own. He markets them with others through a site called Bad-Dragon. Shame he's gay, or I may have hunted him down...." she mused. "Amy before you start on google-eyes there, can I borrow you for a second? I need extra lube for him..."

Amy hopped over. "Lie back for a second..." Jessica said.

"Whoa, that won't fit me!"

"I know dear..." Jessica reached forward with two claws, and pinched Amy's clit hard with the tips. Amy spasmed, and gushed fluid all over the Varka dildo, which Jessica slid underneath her slit. "Thank you, now go and sort him out before you lose your drink all over the bed..." Nodding at Stefan who was still dumbstruck, but straining to control himself at what he was witnessing, Jessica strolled over to the chaise-lounge, lay back and proceeded to slip the full length of the Varka into her slit with a moan.

Amy panted and stood up, before kneeling in-front of Stefan, taking his tip into her lips, tickling him with her whiskers. She looked up. "Ready?" Stefan nodded, not taking his eyes off Jessica, who was now starting to withdraw and plunge the beast.

"Eyes down kid!" Jessica barked. "It's rude to ignore your partner in situations like this..."

Stefan quickly concentrated on what was happening to him, Amy began flicking her tongue tip against his glans. Stefan groaned, and his legs buckled backwards onto the bed, as he couldn't hold any longer, and released what Amy was after into her mouth after only a few minutes. "Ohhhh Shit! So sorry, that was my first time with a girl..."

Amy cocked her head, licking her lips, "Oh? You have tried with other boys?"

"Oh, er, oh no, I meant I have only, er, only errr done it to myself," he managed to finish blushing.

"Oh that's okay then, not that I have any trouble with bi's. I saw you practicing earlier!" She giggled, picturing him cowering in the corner, "Now don't worry about that," she pointed at his retreating cock. "We will soon have that up and coming again, but first... Your turn!" She took a large hop and landed straddling his chest, planting her now sopping lips on his nose tip. "Lick, and we will see what we can teach you about concentration..."

Jessica let out a low grumbling growl, half laughter, half relief as she watched the proceedings on the bed, and brought herself to orgasm imagining what Stefan was currently thinking.

Stefan extended his tongue, and parted her labia with his fingers.'I have only ever read about this, mmm that nub there...' He stuck his tongue out to its full extent and flicked the nub with his tip, causing the rabbit above him to start convulsing. Amy climaxed and spilled a gush of fluid over Stefan's nose, starting him coughing as he breathed it down into his lungs.

He tipped her off and started heaving over the side off the bed, luckily not losing his wonderful dinner. Jessica couldn't help herself, and burst out laughing. "Lesson one. When giving cunniligus to a girl, breathe through your mouth!" Amy was rolling in mirth on the bed as well.

Stefan stopped coughing, licked his lips and grinned sheepishly. "Very funny!" he said. He turned and pounced back onto Amy, pinning her down and planting a kiss on her lips, before sliding down tracing a pattern across her breasts and nipples with his fingers, causing Amy to gasp and convulse again. He retreated further, forming his paw into a tight ball, and, grabbing her clit with his slightly buck teeth, he shoved it into into her bulging wetness up to his elbow and bit hard.

Amy screeched loudly, as the duel sensations grabbed her, causing her to start shaking uncontrollably on the bed, as Stefan extended his fingers inside her, and started massaging her inner realms. "Lesson two. Do not tease a bored teenager who likes to read a lot!"

Jessica rolled off the lounger with the Varka still inside her, causing it to twist and set off another orgasm, despite the fact that she couldn't breathe for laughing. Stefan withdrew his arm and fingers from Amy as she shuddered to a halt panting, and laughed with her. Amy winked at Jessica, flipped her feet under Stefan's shoulders and flipped him against the pillows. She followed him up the bed and grabbed his nut-sack with her paw, planting a kiss on his nose. "Lesson three. Don't let your guard down, when the girl is more experienced than you!..." She extended two fingers out, waved them him front of his widening eyes, then plunged them without warning straight up his virgin tail hole.

It was Stefan's turn to screech as he was penetrated by Amy's fingers, causing his cock to re-emerge fully erect and dripping. Amy slid herself up, and guided its tip to her own nether entrance. "You have just stretched me kiddo, so you have to be initiated into this earlier than normal..." She dropped herself hard onto his shaft's tip, almost bending it double before it penetrated her rosebud, and Amy hilted herself.

Amy moaned, and leaned forward, stuffing her nipples in Stefan's mouth, as he clenched his teeth with the initial pain he pinched one of the buds flat, causing Amy to groan with the pain. He twisted his hips once, settling and absorbing the enclosing sensation, then reached his hand under Amy's tail, and plunged his fingers into her empty pussy again, pinching her clit. Amy went off into another set of spasms, her anus clenching and pulsing around Stefan's shaft, causing him to lose what little control he had, and he filled her bowels with ropes of seed.

He felt a damp sensation, as a tongue felt around his own anus, probing gently. He looked down, and saw Jessica wink at him, then she pushed her tongue past his outer rings, twisting it as she went. She eased her nose horn between his shaft and Amy's tail after dipping it in Amy's vagina, and lifted her head, double penetrating Amy's tailhole, still teasing his own inner ring with his tongue. Jessica's tongue found his prostate, and she twisted her tip, pulling against it.

The pressure of Jessica's nose horn, ramming into her tail with Stefan's re-hardening shaft pushed Amy into paroxysms again. Jessica, in twisting her tongue, launched Stefan into his third orgasm in an hour, and Jessica picking up the leaking fluids from both of them, started convulsing around the still embedded dildo.

After they had all subsided and withdrawn carefully, Jessica crawled up onto the bed next to them, and gathered them into a full wing hug against her chest. "Lesson four. Never forget if there is someone else in the room!" she panted.

"Now Stefan, that was compensation for Amy's teasing, but I'm still off limit's to you. I will bend my oath a little to Ruth, but never break it with penetration. What time does your shift start tomorrow?"

"Thank-you Jessica," Stefan smiled. "Tomorrow is my day off."

"Well that's convenient. Now let's all go to sleep!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Amy and Stefan chorused.

Jessica flipped her tail into the wing tent, and prodded both of them sharply with the tip. "Enough of that!" Jessica smiled, and they all fell asleep in each others arms.

Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink........

Jessica grumbled, and glanced at the clock. It showed nine am.

Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink.........

"Must have been bloody tired last night...." She grumbled.

Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink.........

"Yeah alright, give me a minute!" She carefully unfolded her wings, and smiled as she saw Stefan and Amy were hugging each other in their sleep. Amy's eyes fluttered open, and she smiled back.

"What's up?" she queried.

"Phone's beeping. Sounds like an email," Jessica pulled her other wing out from under Stefan, finally bringing him into consciousness. She tipped herself off the bed and walked over to the dresser where her dPhone was sitting. She opened it and smiled.

Hi darling, just landing at Singapore for stop-over. Planes are a lot different to what I thought. Quite enjoyed it so far. Had a good sleep on board, got upgraded to first class, so have my own cubicle. Hope Amy is not causing to much trouble for you. Missing you already. Love Ruth.

"Anything wrong?" Amy asked, as she kissed Stefan.

"No, just Ruth checking in. He's just landing at Singapore. They upgraded him to first class with his own cubicle." Jessica grinned and typed out a reply.

"Morning darling, Amy managed to train and nail Stefan the bell-boy last night, while I watched. We had some fun together yesterday afternoon and a great evening meal, so no trouble. So your own cubicle eh? Joined the mile high club yet? Hope everything goes well. Missing you. Love Jessica."

She put the phone back on the dresser. "So what did you tell him?" Amy asked, yawning.

"Oh, only an edited version of yesterday and last night," she grinned cheekily.

"Sod off, you teaser!" Amy threw a pillow at her.

Jessica ducked and returned it, hitting Stefan in the face. "Oiy!" He shouted, grabbing another and returning fire. The next few minutes dissolved into a huge fight, which made an even bigger mess of the room than the day before had.

"Stop! Enough!" Jessica panted, laughing. "Come on let's get showered before the maids turn up."

"Ooh yes, let's. They will never let me live this down!" Stefan blushed.

"Of course they will silly. Who do you think covered for your absence from your room last night?. Janet and Jane knew my plan to catch you. You will find your colleagues will be glad you have finally joined the team. After all, we have two more days and nights to further your integration." Amy smiled reassuringly and pecked him on his reddening nose. "Come on, let's get cleaned up!"

Stefan allowed himself to be led into the shower enclosure by Amy, and Jessica turned the water on, making sure it was not too hot. She threw the fur soap at Amy and gave her scales a thorough rinsing, before jumping out. "Make sure you clean his sheath well!" she joked, and proceeded to buff herself with a cloth soaked in Kerashine. A huge amount of giggling came from the shower, along with with Amy's moaning. 'Sounds like he is passing his first vaginal experience,' she thought with a grin, as she left the bathroom.


Jessica grabbed her robe and went to open the door. She found Jane and Janet there waiting with a laundry trolley and a couple of huge grins on their faces. "Morning Mrs Ruatha. We noticed Stefan didn't come home last night!"

Jessica observed that Stefan's clothes were still in the lounge and grinned, pointing at them. "Why don't you come into the bedroom and greet the two love-birds when they come out of the shower?"

"I think we will Miss!" they giggled as they realised that Stefan must be naked. They rolled the trolley in quietly, closing the door behind them. The sound of the hairdryer came from the bathroom along with some giggling.

"Quick girls, hide behind the bed!" Jessica whispered, as the sound of the dryer switched off. They giggled and complied, as Jessica sat on the edge of the bed and started filing her talons.

The bathroom door opened, and Amy emerged in stitches. Stefan edged out looking like a huge puffed up guinea pig. "The soap I use doesn't agree with his fur type!" Amy gasped.

Jane and Janet popped out from behind the bed, and immediately collapsed laughing. Stefan gasped in horror and tried to cover himself up with a cushion from the chair. Jessica collapsed and gasped, "No need Stefan, your new look doesn't reveal anything vital!"

Janet came towards him and turned, lifting her maids apron, revealing she wore nothing underneath. "Yet!" she said, giggling, as his fur began to part.

Stefan blushed, then shed the cushion, bending to retrieve his pants from the floor. "Very funny, I'm sure!" he laughed, trying to slip his pants on over his fluff and peeking problem.

"I'd forget the shirt and trousers if I were you and head for the staff bathroom to get a new shower with your own soap!" Amy laughed.

Jane and Janet giggled again, as Stefan stuck his head out the door into a corridor, and seeing no-one around quickly jogged down the staff stairs to the basement. "I wonder if we should get the others to meet him with a camera!" Jane laughed, reaching for the phone.

Amy slapped her hand down, "Ah ah, enough is enough!".

"You like him, don't you?" Janet queried in surprise.

"Yes I do, but I would overwhelm him. I am afraid rabbits have to mate with rabbits, or possibly skunks; no other species can keep up with us. He is strictly a diversion until I find myself a true mate." Amy sighed. "Sometimes I wish I was born as something else."

Jane patted her on the hands "Don't worry dear, we know exactly how you feel."

Jessica approached then and enveloped Amy in a hug. "You can gather I was rather adventurous before Ruth came along. The right person is out there for everyone. Took me many false starts and experiences to find him, but now I have him, I wouldn't give him up for anyone. Mr. Right could be just around the corner, but it doesn't stop you from you from enjoying yourself and having fun while you are free to.

Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink........

"Oh for God's sake, trust that bloody thing to ruin the moment." Jessica cursed, turning to the dresser, causing Amy to start laughing again.

Stop pushing me love! It just didn't feel right at the time. You know that you are the only one for me! I made an exception for Amy, as she was a friend and you damned near forced me to before she wrecked my job!. You are more than any dragon would ever need or require. I know you think I need a bit of variety, but I am quite happy with all the shenanigans we get up to at home. If it makes you happy, I won't say no, but do not expect me to initiate any action. I love you dearly, but please be happy that I am happy the way I am. Now. I am on the ground again, but I will not be leaving the plane here. I believe we will be around two hours on the ground before heading off again for Sydney. I will have to try and sleep again on the last leg, as my charter is only around three hours after I arrive this evening your time. It's five thirty p.m. here and I have only been awake two hours! I should be arriving at Sydney at eleven p.m. where you are, but it will be ten am tomorrow where I arrive. The meeting is at three p.m. in the afternoon, so I will be asleep if I don't synchronize myself. Don't let Amy cause too much hassle for you, and I will speak later. Love Ruth.

"Ha, it's Ruth's reply. Bloody idiot didn't take what was offered to him like I told him to!" She started typing.

"You darling are an idiot! I told you to take it, if it was offered. Now no excuses, I want lots of juicy details when you get back. So go and create me some! See you in a few days. Love Jessica."

She placed the phone back down on the dresser, and turned to get dressed...

**Note. Lower orders of the species are used for food in this world. All mammals and creatures that developed intelligence, learning to stand on two feet are exempt from prey. However a lot of reptiles/fish/avians etc. are now the prey species. Meat eaters from feral still have to eat protein.