Little wolf's lonely day.

Story by ScaledRex-FurSecret on SoFurry

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#3 of Wylde Wolf

Hi, just thought I'd drop a quick story by, since I messed my sleeping pattern up without making myself late for work. Not only that my PDA is really awesome, so I already had some ideas jotted for this one. It follows a little of what Lupus does in his spare time, a few details about Tyler's house, and a little of Lupus' history. Enjoy peeps!

Lupus sunk down, he had ignored Tyler's request to wear something... He was already bored, and Tyler had only been gone 10 minutes. He looked around the living room for something to do. Eventually, he spotted the 'mess' he had made on Tyler's couch earlier and sniffed at it.

It was musky at best, but something about him enjoyed the smell of his own liquids. He decided to get a little brave, and lashed a tongue at it, taking the taste in his mouth. He winced at the taste a little, not much to his liking, yet somehow enjoyable. He began to lap the rest of his cum from the sofa, and eventually, it was all gone. While eating his own seed had amused him, It was only temporary, and he eventually went back to prowling around the house.

It felt a little strange, being taken under another being's wing, especially a human's. The last "family" he'd lived with were a group of foxes. Soon, however, the foxes were hunted down by local game hunters, and Lupus was back to being lonely. That was almost a month ago. He never felt sorrow after the passing of a loved one. It had happened all to often for him. He'd learned to get over it, and yet, remembering all the friends he'd lost back in the wild still pained his memory. He began to remember all the faces he'd seen, and the friends he'd made. He never recalled even being with a human before...

He began to think about what he could do to entertain himself, other than sexually, he couldn't think of anything. So he went upstairs, to look what Tyler had in his bedroom. Tyler's room was a dull, pale beige colour. The bed was a king size, and everything else but the computer was made of a deep red painted mohogony, not exaclty to his liking. He began to pull open drawers and cupboard with his claws, until he eventually found something interesting. The bottom drawer next to Tyler's bed was full of "toys" and dirty magazines, he wasn't thinking of using sex as entertainment before, but he definately was now. While he didn't exactly take anything, he paused, remembering where he had found the stuff, before closing the drawers to find something new. He looked at the computer. He'd seen enough Humans using these to know how they worked. It was one of his hobbies, watching humans. He looked for an on switch and flipped it on. He sat on the desk chair cross legged, he watched the screen. He looked at it puzzled. There was nothing there except a picture of Tyler with his name underneath... Password locked. He soon decided that he would look for something else to do.

As he put a paw down to get off the chair, it slowly span, grabbing the wolf's attention. He looked around his area, and then pushed away from something. The chair span again, only faster. He began to look around for things to push off, untill eventually, the chair was spinning wildly, as he clutched the back of it, tongue out in excitement.

He found the chair so amusing. He went one way, then the other, faster, and faster, until he was dizzy. He began to wear out, and soon, stopped the chair spinning and laid on Tyler's bed. There was only so little the wolf could do before he gave into temptation and he knew it.

He began to make his way downstairs, one thing he knew would work was the TV. It was another thing he'd learned to use through spying, and while he never found the 'sound and picture boxes' entertaining, they were at least a small distraction to his boredom. He looked at the remote aside the TV, and pressed the first button to catch his eye, a big red one. Luckily it was the power button, and the TV sprung to life. A drama show was on about two girls who were college drop-outs. Yawn. He looked at the remote and found himself pressing a button that changed the picture on the screen, he looked bermused as the channel he was now on showed an old slapstick comedy, in full black and white. He looked at the show, and then began to howl in laughter, as one of the men slipped on some spilled motor oil in a garage. While it was funny, it didn't keep his attention, and soon, he decided that he would have a quick bite to eat, then look for a way out of the house.

He took the pizza with him, looking for a way to open a door, or even an open window. He eventually noticed the highest kitchen window was open. So, he devoured the pizza, and raced upstairs for his shorts. He was half-lupine, but it didn't stop him having some decency when it came to clothing. Soon, he was out of the back window, and in Tyler's back garden, not without making a mess of the kitchen of course. He knew roughly what time he had to be back by, since he had followed Tyler back home from work the night they first met. He snook around the back gardens taking care to not be caught, and eventually had found himself sneaking around some alleyways near a bustling urban shopping destination. He watched the people walk underneath him as he hid on a fire-escape, he was lucky people were too busy looking where they were walking to notice him. He noticed a woman on a cell-phone, and he wondered about the device. Maybe he would eventually have one of his own...

Eventually, his sneaking had become a way to pass time, observing humans from rooftops, and any other spots he should stumble across. He noted the change of sky colour, and decided it was time to make his way back. Remembering every step he'd took, he made his way back and eventually clambered through the back window. He drank down the hot chocolate, then sat and watched the TV, which was now showing 'Lassie', the original. It was still on the channel that only aired old stuff, and today turned out to be movie night.

Lupus eventually grew bored, and not a moment too soon either. The front door swung open, and Tyler walked in, carrying a large paper bag. "Lupus, boy, c'mere" He called. Lupus hopped from the couch and met Tyler with the bag at the door. "This here is for you, and this.... and this!" Tyler said, pulling three items out of the bag. The first was a pair of Cyan shorts with an intricate silver spiral pattern down the side. Lupus stripped off, and began to try them on instantly, perfect fit. "Lucky guess on the size, huh?" Tyler exclaimed. The second item was a collar, once again cyan, with a silver tag and 'Lupus' engraved in it. "Matching collar, of course." He said, attaching it to Lupus, who struggled a little at the pressure. "You'll get used to it boy. You'll see." Tyler added. The third item was a little odd to the wolf. It was a box, unsure what of, the wolf sniffed at it. "They're tablets. To stop worms. Now, if you're gonna live here, You're gonna have to take em." He said. The wolf was a little concerned. Tyler opened the box, and took out a couple of tablets. "Open wide." He said, enthusiastically.

The wolf ran, gained his voice, then howled out. "Gerrremm arregh" He howled, which Tyler translated into "Get 'em away". "They're not that bad. C'mon" He said. "I'll buy you some more hot chocolate if you take them." Which was added to coerce the Wolf into taking them. Lupus sat infront of Tyler, opened his mouth, and closed his eyes. Tyler put them in his mouth. They tasted awful! Tyler held his mouth shut as he tried to spit them out. "Oh come on! PLEASE!" Tyler pleaded with him. Eventually Lupus swallowed, then shook at the taste. "Good boy." Tyler praised. Lupus felt happy after being praised, yet the taste of the worming tablets still filled his mouth. He spent the next two hours laid with his head in Tyler's lap, watching the TV, every so often boldly making a move to undo Tyler's zipper. Tyler tapped his head every time he did so.

Eventually, the pair made thier way upstairs, and both got ready for bed. Tyler didn't even go to put underwear on, as he knew it would be a repeat of earlier events. Lupus snuggled up behind him, and quoze tight with his paws. Tyler felt his sheath against his rear-end. "Lupus, could you... uhh... move a little." Tyler said, blushing and nervous. The wolf declined his request with a bark and a friendly lick, and soon, Tyler was forced to sleep for work, even with Lupus too close for comfort...

I personally like where this is going... Since I write all my stories as spur of the moment, unless stated otherwise. This was a pretty good one in my opinion, though probably not cutest, it brings out Lupus' more animal side, yet enhances the feeling of humanity... Ahhh sweet contradiction, Man and beast as one...

Thanks for reading!