Origin of the Plushie Form

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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Voice recording for 01-12-12977 ARCC time. This is Altarious Ezeri, making some voice notes on the history of the Living Plush form that I've created. Where to start... Well, might as well start with that.

Living Plush is a form that uses very unique properties, integrating a natural null-space field in a body that is normally inanimate. The first test of the technique used in making a living toy was actually done with a statue, simply because I was bored and... something else.

My father, Naisura, taught me how to manipulate the W'Nactr power of null-space. It's hard to describe, as the name is misleading. The Legecian term *translation error: proper charset not found* translates to "space that doesn't exist". The closest I could come to an English name at the time was "null-space", and it ended up sticking to the concept like a Remoraid to a Mantine. The truth is, the power creates pockets of space-time that allow one to carry both living and non-living objects inside of it, while keeping a connection to existing space-time. Truth be told, I use it to carry all forty metric tons of my weapons and equipment when on a mission. Shows how handy it is to have.

However, less than one percent of all known beings can manipulate null-space naturally. That's where the Omnivices come into play. A version of myself from a now destroyed time line had created them, and they're the last surviving remnants of that world. On a personal note, thank Dialga for that. I still need to get some personal revenge for his attack.

Er... back on subject. Omnivices utilize a null-space generator that can attach a created pocket... lets call them spatial pockets, just because I can. Anyway, the spatial pocket can be attached to anything at the whim of the user. With the next civilian upgrade of the Omnivice system, version 2.4 , the need to use the wearer's stamina for the formation of a spatial pocket should be completely phased out, and ready for version 3.0 .

During one lazy day, about four years before I met Sirius, I was extremely bored. I had just left Vega's room after meeting with hir for a game of chess that thankfully ended with me winning. As much as I love being turned into a child and given motherly attention, I didn't want to go through it that day. Regardless, I saw the statues that I had commissioned for the new Naisurian temple that was just built in the Dragon Frontier. I decided to take a rest in there, and sat on top of one to relax... thinking of Arceus for reasons I don't think need explaining.

With those thoughts, I decided to see if I could find a way to animate one. I spent a few hours trying different ideas, but never succeeded. After all of that, some sort of inspiration struck me. I decided to test it for myself, and created a spatial pocket that would hold my real body, mind and soul. Then, I used my own mind to combine that with a skill for petrification. What was born was a nameless and experimental card that hasn't been seen since.

I scanned that card, and the result was so intense that I nearly passed out during transformation. My body slowly turned into stone. Of all things, I turned into a copy of the Arceus statue that I had been trying so hard to give life. Being the sexual species that I am, I also had some extra features that were heavily sexual in nature. Once the transformation was complete, I was somewhat dazed. On top of that, I had no ability to see, hear... I had no senses aside from my sense of existence.

After I collected myself, I tried moving. I couldn't, at least not at first. After about two hours, I figured out that the way an inanimate object wouldn't be the same as a living body. Instead of muscles and tendons, a statue would only have solid stone. That was a moment of understanding that has stayed with me all these years. I learned to rewire my mind into moving strictly on will, rather than on any sort of biological function.

Small successes kept me going with the experiment. First, I was able to feel the wind and ground where they touched me. Then, I managed to move my legs just a bit at a time. That became faster whit time, and the ability to move more parts came with each bit of effort I made. In just over five hours, I gained the ability to see and hear, and my movement was at lease somewhat fluid. I was surprised that no one had wandered in and saw me... Then again, it was late at night. Everyone was asleep, so there was no one around to see me.

Another two hours passed, and I had managed to get my mind connected so deeply to the new statue body that it felt almost natural. I was even able to alter features that shouldn't have been movable, like being able to blink and open the mouth. By morning, I had gotten so used to being an Arceus statue that I had forgotten about the sexual features that had been added.

Being the playful spirit that I am, I decided to stand with the two inanimate statues and lock myself into place to match them. When Vega came in, she came in and noticed me. I believe she even started humming the little jingle that I made for the term "one of these things is not like the others...", which almost made me giggle. Shi got right into my face, then climbed up on my back while telling hirself that shi was going to "keep the nice stone pony."

I bucked back and tore off through the halls as shi tried to hold on for hir life. When I got to the cliff on the north side of the island, I came to a sudden stop, and shi wasn't ready. Miss "I own you" flew over my head and off the cliff, into the deepest lake on the island. I started laughing when I saw hir come up and swim for the bank. It was the best revenge I could get all day.

Unfortunately, I was too stupid to remember that shi could get to my cards. At the time, one needed a Revert card to change back to normal. Shi took mine, then dragged me into hir bedroom to have hir revenge. I didn't mind it at first, but shi kept me trapped as a statue for ten days straight. Shi had drilled spiked eye hooks into my ankles, and chained me to the ground. I did find it strange that there was no feeling of pain, but pleasure worked fine.

Fast forward by about three months. I had just come home from Sinnoh, and saw a giant plush toy sitting in my bedroom. To this day, I still don't know how the idea came to me, but for some reason, I wanted to try and become a plush toy. It took another two days to figure out how to start the experiment. I did it by using a card based on Vega's ability of spiritual possession, and entered the toy.

I started taking control of it, just as I had the statue form. It wasn't very difficult, only taking about twenty minutes to get used to the differences. In reality, it was so similar that I had all of my senses within moments, and only needed the time to figure out how to move. That action alone spawned the original Living Plush card.

I began experimenting immediately after I got that card. First, I returned to normal. Then, I changed myself using the card I generated, called Plushie Form at the time. The only differences compared to the latest version, Living Plush, is that the eyes were buttons, the user had no choice to but to have visible stitching, and no parts were removable. At least, not in the way they are now.

First thing I did was sneak up on Centauri and give him a hug. He had been having a rather bad day, though I never found out why. His body felt extremely warm to me, and when he turned around and gave me a tight hug in return, the warmth increased so intensely that one could consider it "love", or perhaps "affection", in the form of a tangible energy. He squeezed me so hard that my body contorted, but like with the stone body, I didn't feel pain.

I couldn't feel pleasure, though. In that time, there was no "adult form". That came another three months later, when I managed to find out about modifications that some Pokemon make to their plush toys. I'll be honest, I was rather aroused by the idea. I ordered materials and... parts... and got to work. When I was done, it created the original Plushie Form R card.

In that version, there were no removable parts aside from the genitals. There were no magnetic hardpoints, either. Instead, they were magnetic snaps, and all "parts" had to be custom made for use with them. The hardpoints are actually rather recent, at least as far as being universal. Also, there was no stomach or womb, as those came in the next version.

I won't go into that, though. This is neither the time or place. That said, I'll leave off here. The next voice note will be more adult in nature, but I wanted this to be open for anyone to read. Mostly for a certain plushie dragon to hear... or rather read when I make the transcript available. Altarious, signing off.