Love of a Lifetime

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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First of all, I would like to thank the following people on this site for helping me prepare this manuscript: msdarkvanilla, ArcticWolf451, Et Cetera, and Melky. Without whom... well, this story would've been possible anyway, but it would've been less realistic I suppose. Thanks guys and gals, I hope everyone enjoys what you helped me to write.

Love of a Lifetime

"Wind speed is 7 miles per hour from the North East," Sarah said out softly as she took yet another quick reading. She scratched a few new numbers down in her notebook before popping back up and adding, "that leads to a correction of three mil-dots up and two mil-dots to the left of the doorstep of the hut." With that information out of her muzzle and into my ears I locked it away in memory for a moment as I continued to gaze into my scope.

Ten hours we'd been sitting here, through the heat of the day in Southern Afghanistan, keeping watch on this tiny little mountain village. Earlier on in the day we'd spotted our target, the leader of a large rebel group of desert foxes, Abdul-Aalee al Rahmann. Our command had recently received a piece of intel that hinted at the fact that he might be residing in this small mountain town and using it as his base of operations, so our commanding officer had sent us out to do some reconnaissance work. It only took us a few hours before we first caught a glimpse of him heading out to the back of the building to relieve himself. After that we both kept our scopes trained in on that house and watched as he met with varying members of the desert foxes throughout the day.

He might have been a really ruthless and cunning guy, but a brainiac he surely wasn't. He had made numerous excursions out from the safety of his hut to go greet all of the people as they arrived to talk with him, and during the short time he was outside he was completely exposed within our line of fire. Our primary mission was reconnaissance however, so we simply relayed whatever information we could back to the headquarters and let them decide what our next move was. They wanted to get a positive identification of whoever he was meeting with so they knew who had ties to him and what sort of power struggle might erupt after his death. But, as the powerful Afghan sun began to get lower and lower on the mountainous horizon, our secondary objective suddenly became active with a call over the radio.

"Come in Alpha team," the radio in our ears crackled out softly.

"Alpha team, over," Sarah replied softly into her mic.

"We have assessed the target's situation and have authorized your secondary mission objectives," the dull, almost monotone voice said in return. "If at all possible you're to eliminate the target, over."

"Copy that," Sarah replied quickly before taking another wind measurement and coming up with another quick calibration factor for me to dial into my scope.

Even after 10 hours of watching from one position we were now at full alert as both of us honed in on the house with the 1970's rusted jeep parked outside. I quickly flipped the safety off of my gun and adjusted my position a bit to get into a more accurate shooting profile as I glared into the scope. About half an hour ago some other member of the group had arrived, and supposedly the two were inside talking about whatever important things they needed to talk about. We had watched our target long enough to learn his patterns, and he always said goodbye to whomever stopped in for a visit with a nice hug and two kisses on the cheek on the doorstep of his home. He was a polite rebel leader I'll give him that, but his politeness was going to be his downfall this time.

We waited for around twenty more minutes as the sun slowly lowered itself down on the horizon, cutting the available light down to a mere shadow of the afternoon's intense glare. But, just as the conditions were starting to deteriorate, we both watched as the cover to the door flapped open and out stepped two men along with a guard or two - one of those men being our target. My pulse suddenly started to pick up once his chest appeared in my aiming reticule, but after a few relaxing breaths I began to get myself under control as my training began to kick in.

Sarah was almost constantly giving me wind readings now as I slowly and gently followed the target in my sights, calibrated to however many mil-dots necessary. Abdul went through the same ritual as he had throughout the entire day as I sat there and watched - giving the man he was talking with a small hug and a kiss on each cheek before the guards and the guest slowly jumped into the dilapidated old car. He even continued to watch as they started up the car and began to drive off. I could've taken the shot right there and then, but the only problem was that he was facing me side on. Although I've hit smaller targets at greater distances before, I'd have a much better chance of hitting him if he was flush to me. So, with the patience a raptor like me inherently seemed to have I just continued to breathed calmly and waited for him to make the move I needed. I didn't have to wait long either. After watching the car bounce down the crumbling street for a moment, he turned and began to make his way back towards the hut. Now that his back was exposed to me I had a much better shot, and as I let one last slow breath out my wingtip slowly squeezed around the trigger of my CheyTac Intervention.

A sudden blast rang out of the muzzle of my rifle as the large caliber bullet exited at more than three times the speed of sound, quickly flying the distance to the target on a collision course with his spine. I managed to get my eye focused in on the target just a moment before impact - seeing him in one solid piece for the last time. As the bullet struck him somewhere in the torso it didn't just make a nice smooth hole like you see in the movies. Oh no. In fact, it turned his whole body into one gigantic hole. I looked through the scope in time to watch a shower of blood coat the hut he was walking towards as his body literally vaporized into tiny meaty chunks. His arms quickly went shooting off out of my line of sight as they shot off in their respective directions, and his legs shook and spasmed roughly in place before coming to rest right at the foot of the curtain doorway. His tail, actually quite graceful in it's decent, flopped around a bit in the air before coming to rest a few yards behind where the fox was originally standing. As for his head, well, I could only guess that whatever remained of that managed to push passed the curtain and roll into the home he was staying in.

Without even flinching at the gruesome display, I quickly ejected the spent cartridge from my gun chamber and replaced it with a fresh round - locking it in place before returning to my view in my scope. Sarah, after calling out the obvious "hit" to me and "target eliminated" to our mission commander, quickly got busy scanning the town for any threat of retaliation to the shot. Lucky for us they really didn't seem to be expecting someone to come by and snipe one of their leaders dead. There wasn't much movement in the entire village to be had really other than a few heads popping out of window here and there. Whoever had heard the shot and possibly the fox's body explode from the force had enough sense to stay inside their homes. Even his personal body guards knew that they were outclassed and kept themselves hidden behind the safety of the hut's walls. Nevertheless, both Sarah and I remained on high alert in the quickly dimming sun even after most of the villagers felt it was safe to wander out and take a look at the carnage before them. I watched as a few of them aimlessly pointed their fingers in our direction, as well as a few other directions since the gunshot had echoed considerably in the surrounding mountains, but there was no hope of them ever finding us... at least not without us seeing it happening first. Neither Sarah nor I were worried about some random finger pointing as our camouflaged shooting area hid us far too well to be detected from anyone that far away, and no one seemed to be volunteering to start a search party for us either.

As darkness began to fall, and Sarah and I quickly changed over to our night-vision scopes, we continued to wait for any sort of counter attack. But there was none, and there was never going to be one. The villagers had gotten their fill of the violence, helped to slowly clean it up, and were now trying to get back to their peaceful lives up in the mountains. It was only under the cover of darkness that Sarah decided to radio in to our commander to get a mission complete conformation.

Before I go any farther I guess it's best to tell you who exactly we are. I'll take care of myself first. My name is Alexandra, but everyone calls me Alex. I'm a White-tailed Eagle which means that I'm quite the large lass at around 6'6'', although my hollow bones tend to put me on the surprisingly lighter side of things at just under 100lbs. But, besides my size and weight, being an eagle means I have the perfect eyesight to look through the lens of a powerful scope and get the most out of the light refracted into my eyes. Like everyone around me has always said, I guess I was destined to become a sniper from the moment I showed up at basic training really. All the best snipers around are birds of prey, and that's what I had my heart set on doing ever since I was old enough to consider going into the military. Being the big scary eagle chick usually tended to scare away most people growing up - both in school and in my personal life - so I was also fairly used to toughing things out on my own. I didn't mind the solitude one bit, and, as I said before, I seemed to inherently have the patience to sit on a mountain side for 10 hours and still be as ready as ever to shoot a perfect shot. But, as used to being on my own as I was, I was also incredibly thankful for my partner in crime on these missions.

That would leave my spotter Sarah to introduce you to. Compared to me she's a tiny little 5'6'' light brown mongoose, but don't let that fool you. She can be quite the spunky little thing when she needs to be. She's been spotting for me ever since we both started to receive training to get into the US Army Sniper School down in Georgia, and the two of us combined really showed all the men just what a female sniper team could do down there. We worked together so well in fact that we soon got promoted to Special Ops, hence why we were out here keeping a few eyes on this rebel leader... or what was left of him now anyway.

But, whatever the villagers had mopped up was their problem now as Sarah gave in one last call on the radio. "This is Alpha team reporting in, over," she said as she waited for the confirmation message back from the commander. Once we both heard it ring in our earpieces, she continued with, "Target has been eliminated, and there appears to be no threat of a counter attack. We are proceeding to extraction point alpha, over."

There was a bit of silence before the commander came back with, "Roger Alpha team, proceed to the extraction point," before quickly cutting off the communications. This was just what I wanted to hear after 12 hours of lying in the same position, and I began by slowly unloading my rifle, putting the safety on, and then giving my wings and talons a nice, big, and slow stretch. Once I had gotten all the knots out of them, I slowly began to twist my back and torso to get the rest of my body nice and limbered up. Once my body was finally ready to move again, I gently pressed down against the mat I'd been laying on for hours and pushed myself up into a kneeling position. From there it was a quick push to a crouch, and then a short heave to a full standing position.

Man did it feel good to finally stand up again after so long, but the feeling was short lived. I knew that we needed to get packed up quickly so we could get to the extraction point as soon as possible. We were still in enemy territory, and we were still in quite a bit of danger even though it was dark. So, as I struggled to get my mat rolled up, my gun packed up, and, most importantly, my spent shell casing picked up, Sarah went about clearing up the site of our tracks to make the site look as undisturbed as possible. Once we were packed and had both taken out our night vision goggles for the trip, we hoisted our gear onto our backs and started the few mile hike to the extraction point up in the mountains.

Sarah carefully began to lead the way as we began to retrace our steps back down the hill we were on and back to the mountainous region behind us. Up near the summit of one of the taller peaks in the group was a small plateau which was just perfect for a helicopter to land on. That's how we were inserted into this area, and that was the plan to extract us as well. The only problem was that we had quite the hike to get there, and we had to do it carrying almost one hundred extra pounds of gear. It had been fairly easy going down, but going back up was going to be a decent challenge even for us.

Even with the strenuous hike in front of us, neither of us complained as we started the long walk up the narrow mountain trail. Heck, neither of us spoke much at all. Sarah was busy trying to follow the trail as I was busy trying to keep my footing on the rough mountain... well, trail is too good of a word for it really. My talons simply weren't made for walking over mountainous terrain like this, and I had to be careful with every step I took. One wrong move could prove disastrous for my expensive gear... and even for me if I landed wrong or fell down a steep drop. And, on top of all of those things, both of us were still on high alert as we slowly made our way through enemy territory - careful to make as little noise and as little impression in the surroundings as we could.

It was a long and quiet hike, but eventually the plateau began to come into view. I was relieved to say the least as my body was really starting to sweat under the heavy load and my heavy camouflaged uniform, even though it had gotten slightly chilly ever since the sun went down. But, we weren't quite out of the woods yet. You see, around the plateau were 3 small caves that the mission commander had been worried about before the mission. So worried in fact that he sent us in with a small cave clearing squad just to make sure that we were safe upon landing and not followed down to the village. With all the planning and worrying about the caves and what they could hide, they really turned out to be quite the letdown at the end. All three of the caves had collapsed a fairly short way in. One was no more than 10 feet deep, the other 50 or so, and the last one went an amazing 200 feet or so into the mountain before it was blocked by a pile of rocks. And, on top of that, there was absolutely no signs that they had been used by anyone in the recent passed. But, even after hearing that info over our radios just after we had set up our equipment, we still had to secure the landing area for the helicopter before it returned. And that meant checking all the caves one more time for anyone who might be hiding there now.

I guess there was a chance of someone being in there actually - if they had heard the chopper come in and wanted to ambush us when we got back. Although most of the troops here were untrained and had some horrendous tactics at times, they were usually quite dangerous and unpredictable as a result. So, I wouldn't put it passed them to try something like this. I actually felt a little bit antsy as we finally stepped onto the plateau and stopped for a moment to catch our breath and take a few minute rest. After Sarah had radioed our situation over to the commander, I reached into my bag to pull out the small remote controlled camera vehicle we'd been given for just this task. Just imagine an RC car with a camera bulging out of it... that's basically all it was.

As we walked up near the mouth of the first cave I gently placed the vehicle on the ground and began to steer it slowly into the cave. Sarah had drawn her pistol and was standing guard over me as I operated the small device and watched the tiny video feed from the vehicle to help me steer it into the back part of the cave. After a few moments of driving though I could clearly see the collapsed back of the cave. This cave had turned out to be the 50 foot deep one, and it was completely empty - no sign of anyone even being there for any long period of time. So, as Sarah kept watch outside, I went in and retrieved the vehicle before we both made our way to the next cave. We repeated the same procedure and got the same result, the 10 foot deep cave was empty as well. And, after a bit of a slow drive, the 200 foot deep cave was also cleared.

With a heavy and relieved sigh, we both started to loosen up a bit now that the threat had passed. As I went towards the back of the cave to retrieve my vehicle and finally drop all my equipment, Sarah stayed out near the mouth of the cave for a moment to radio back that the helicopter was clear to land. I caught most of the conversation in my ear piece on my trip into the cave. It was a little staticy, but for being inside a mountain it wasn't too bad of a signal really. It's amazing what military issue equipment can do sometimes.

"The caves have been searched, and the area is clear for landing and extraction," Sarah said quickly before she let out a few deep breaths of both relief and tiredness herself.

"Copy that Alpha team," the radio rang in my ear hole, "but there has been a slight change of plan." I felt my body tense up a little bit as those words stirred something up inside of me. "The chopper responsible for your extraction has been re-deployed to aid in a sudden strike against enemy forces. As you are in no immediate danger, your extraction has lower priority at this time. We ask that you take shelter in the deepest cave and await further radio contact. We estimate that another chopper will be available for extraction in approximately three hours."

"Copy that," Sarah said as she tried to hide a bit of excitement in her voice, "Alpha team over and out."

After retrieving my vehicle I slipped it back into it's case and soon after dropped all my equipment carefully down to the ground with a heavy grunt. As the radio call was ending, I had slid down against a rock near the back of the cave, and I had begun to stretch out my legs and body as a cool down after the strenuous hike.

It only took Sarah a few quick moments to make her way to the back of the cave, and when she made it I could see her give me a quite the large smile. "I suppose you heard the good news, huh?" She said out loud as she stood in front of me.

"Best news I've heard all day," I say as my own beak grew into a smile. Before either of us could say anything more, Sarah crouched down and placed her equipment down onto the cave floor as well. Once it was secure up against the wall, she reached into her pack and pulled out a small battery powered light source before placing it on the ground. As I took off my night vision goggles, Sarah quickly flipped the switch and flooded the cave with a dull white light. It wasn't powerful enough to be seen outside the cave, but it gave us a decent amount of light inside so at least we could see each other without the green tint of the goggles. Seeing each other was going to be the most important part of the next three hours anyway, at least if Sarah had the same idea as me. After Sarah and I had slowly placed our goggles back into our packs, I watched the mongoose girl quickly sit down in front of me and begin to slide herself backwards into my waiting body. I wasted little time in wrapping both of my large wings over her shoulders and around her chest - quickly pulling her in against my body with a nice tug.

She let out a surprised little *humph* as I put a bit of force behind my tug, but she didn't seem to mind as she was now in protective custody of the big eagle blanket behind her. I pointed my beak down to the side of her head and gently began to give her cheek a soft little nuzzle with the tip of my beak. I could feel her return the soft little gesture as she began to stretch our her legs and body too... as best she could as I held her tightly in my wings of course. After she had done all she could, and she finally began to relax and snuggle back into my soft body, she let out a happy little sigh before suddenly saying, "You know, that was one hell of a shot back there. You got him just below and to the left of the right shoulder blade I think."

"Well, I was aiming for the center of the spine," I said with a small smile, "so I guess I wasn't that far off."

"Not that far off?" Sarah said with a bit of surprise in her voice, "at the distance we were at it would've been a great shot just as long as you hit him at all!"

I just smiled and gave Sarah another small nuzzle on the cheek at that statement, thankful for her kind words. "Well," I started out, "it's only thanks to you amazing spotting skills that I was dialed in on him. If it wasn't for you I would've been a mile off regardless of where I aimed."

Sarah was a bit quiet at that, but instead of replying with words she simply turned her head gently and placed a small kiss on my beak.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I guess this is a good place to tell you. Sarah and I are, well... mates. I know, surprising right? Can you believe that a few chicks in the military just happen to be lesbians? Who would've guessed? I wish it were as simple as that though. It would've made talking with Sarah about it that much easier to begin with.

As for myself, ever since I was a young fledgeling I knew that I was attracted to other females. It's not that I hated guys, heck, I dated one for about a year at one point. It's just that females just seemed to be easier to relate to and get along with when it came to "serious" matters, and even the straightest female on the planet would agree that some other females look really smokin' hot under the right circumstances. In my case those circumstances are just more broad than others I guess.

I was always somewhat of a tomboy growing up. The fact that I was bigger than most of the males in school probably had something to do with that mindset of belonging more with them than the small, dainty, and delicate girls I saw running around. Most of my very few friends were guys, and I felt much more secure around them talking about rock bands and monster trucks and even how hot other women were. The one girl that I did hang out with occasionally I actually had a pretty big crush on... which is why I guess I hung out with her as often as I could really. The problem with me though is that I have trouble showing some true emotions sometimes, and I could never muster up the courage to ask her if she wanted to date. Most people that knew me guessed I was a lesbian, but taking that big step and finally getting a girlfriend was just more than I was willing to handle at that time I guess. I tried to lay some subtle hints here and there when I got a shred of confidence, but all of them went unnoticed or misinterpreted. I really regretted not going after her harder when it was time to graduate, but at that point I knew I had lost my chance and it was time to move on. After I graduated high school none of my friends were all that surprised that I decided to join the military really. I was big, I was tough (having played some fierce field hockey in my high school days), and I certainly wasn't smart enough to go to a decent college.

Sarah was basically the complete opposite of me for all intents and purposes. She was small, hung out with a whole bunch of girls back in her high school days, had tons of boyfriends, was more than smart enough to be a doctor or a lawyer or anything else she wanted to be, and, at least in her own admissions, never considered that she was even bisexual up until the day I'd let her know how I actually felt about her.

Man, what a crazy day that was. It actually came after we had done all the required training and actually passed sniper school together. When I first met Sarah I didn't think all that much of her... besides that she was pretty darn cute of course. But, as we spent more time together, both in the training field and out in normal military life, I really began to grow close to her. On the surface it didn't seem like we had much in common, but once we got to talking we just kept going for hours and hours if we had the opportunity - comparing and referencing our lives to one another, laughing at the differences and feeling strangely satisfied when there was something in common, which happened more than you'd think actually. I ended up telling her things that I would've never told anybody else - very personal things that I usually had trouble letting go of. But, she could be so sweet and understanding about my problems and issues that I felt so secure about letting them go to her, always getting a few comforting words and a nice hug afterwards. I had never had someone give me the amount of caring and support that she gave me, and I tried desperately to give some back to her when I could - offering her my own nice big wing hugs when she needed them. We made a great couple, but there was one little thing that was tearing me up inside.

After we had graduated sniper school and were waiting to be deployed I knew that I had a huge crush on her, but that realization hurt me more than it made me feel good really. I was scared - scared of letting her know on account of I wasn't sure how she'd react. I'd told her many things over the months we'd known each other, but I'd kept that one simple fact about myself hidden. She was so great to me, so caring, understanding, and such a great spotter that I didn't want to lose her by scaring her away with the fact that I liked her. But, at the same time, I was haunted by my memory from high school of the other female I had a crush on. I hadn't acted on that and I had regretted it ever since. As I thought about Sarah more and more, my mind kept tormenting me day after day until the issue finally came up while Sarah and I were out doing some target practice.

I was having a lot of trouble focusing that day as my feelings were really taking a hold of me, and it showed in my shots as I was consistently a few inches off in a random direction. After about the tenth shot I could only let out a big sigh as I loaded my rifle again for the next one. "Alex, is there something wrong?" Sarah said suddenly. "You seem to be somewhat off today. Something on your mind?"

"I'm fine," I said out roughly before focusing in and taking another shot... which missed by even more this time. I didn't even have to let out another sigh now as I heard Sarah's voice again.

"Alex, we've been together long enough that I can tell something's up," she said suddenly as her eyes came up and out of her powerful scope to look at me. "Your shooting is normally way better than this."

It was at this point that I began to get a bit nervous. I couldn't tell her, I just couldn't. What if it ruined everything? My career would be over, and I might lose the best friend I ever had, all because of a few words I REALLY shouldn't have said. I couldn't take that risk. I had to hold it in. "I don't want to talk about it," I said quickly - the only excuse I could think of to get out of this situation. That seemed to work fine... until my next shot plowed down into the dirt in front of the target - not even making it anywhere near the paper cut out of the person.

With a frustrated grunt, I almost tore off the bolt on my rifle as I hastily loaded another round. "Alex, please," I heard Sarah say as I felt a paw land gently on my back, "whatever this is you've got to get it out of your system. Look how much it's distracting you. If we were over in the Middle East we'd probably be dead right now."

It must have been the frustration of failing at my marksmanship for the day that set me off, because all of a sudden I took my eye out of the scope and glanced over to Sarah. "You know what," I almost yelled in a visibly frustrated voice, "I don't think it's a good idea to admit that I have a huge crush on my spotter, especially considering all the trouble I could get into from our commanders, and knowing what that knowledge might do to hurt our partnership."

The second those words flew out of my beak I immediately regretted ever saying any one of them. Sarah froze right in place as she stared at me - those words clearly ringing around in her head as she slowly began to interpret their true meaning. But, as her gaze slowly turned to stare into my own eyes, I simply couldn't look back into hers for the moment. I quickly turned away and stared back into my scope, aiming my rifle downfield and squeezing off another shot after I took a few deep breaths to relax myself.

I was at least able to hit the target with the remainder of my shots, although I still had quite the poor score at the end of the day. It didn't really matter to me anymore though. I had already screwed everything up. Of all the scenarios I had come up with where I told Sarah my secret, that one didn't even exist because it was just so bad. She had simply remained quiet after my outburst, slowly going back to preforming her spotting duties as we finished up the target practice. Our plan was to go grab some lunch at the mess hall after practice together, but I suddenly didn't feel like eating as we silently packed up and made our way back to base. As I turned off the path and headed to the barracks, I heard Sarah weakly say, "Um... weren't we going to grab a bite to eat?"

"I'm not hungry," I managed to squeeze out in a very low and occupied voice. In reality I was trying to keep myself from crying as so many emotions flooded in through my head, but the last thing I wanted to do is to show all that to Sarah. So, as I quietly headed down the path to the barracks, I could only imagine that Sarah stood there at the crossroads for a moment before making her way off to the mess hall without me.

As soon as I got back to our room at the barracks I quickly placed my equipment down before literally flopping down on my stomach onto my small bed. I tried hard to fight back the urge to cry - I wasn't supposed to cry, I was a tough girl. As tough as nails some might say. But, right now, that's all I wanted to do. So, despite my tough girl image, that's what I did. I guess it was a good thing that my other two roommates were out and doing something because they might have started asking a few questions. I don't think I could've held back from crying right now even if they were in the room to be honest, and the scary part is that they usually were when Sarah and I were free. I just happened to get quite the lucky break for once in my life as I quickly let out the first tears that I could remember for a very long time. I dug my beak deep into my pillow and began to make it slightly damp - my tears soaking through the thin pillow fabric as my sobs filled the room. I don't think I actually heard the door open up as I continued to sob, but I certainly did feel the slight weight press down on the edge of my bed as the mongoose gently placed my styrofoam container of food down on the night stand.

I quickly tried to stop crying - letting a few final sniffles and such out as I quickly pieced myself together now that Sarah was here. As I tried hard to stop my tears and catch my breath, I felt a light paw begin to press itself comfortingly down on my back as I continued to hold my beak deep into the pillow in front of me. The paw gave me a few pats on the back before slowly starting to slide comfortingly up and down - easing my emotions a bit as I began to relax some more. But, I still couldn't look at her yet. Heck, I didn't think I could look at her again after what happened.

There was no easy way to start this, but we both knew it had to be done. It was Sarah who made the first move. "Alex..." she said softly.

All of a sudden I bursted out with, "I'm sorry, I should've have said anything. I fucked everything up out there, and I'm sorry..." I said as I could begin to feel the tears coming back.

"Sorry?" Sarah said softly. "Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for everything," I can back with harder than I would've liked to. "I screwed it all up with those few words. Our friendship, my career, heck, maybe even your career too. All for something that I just couldn't keep to myself." The tears were starting to flow now, and I was glad my beak was still pressed into the pillow to soak them up.

"Who says you screwed anything up?" Sarah said comfortingly as her paw continued to run across my back.

"Well," I began with a sniffle, "once word of this gets out I'll be told to go home. That'll leave both of us all alone, and I have no idea where they're going to find you another female sniper. Plus, I can only imagine how you feel right now... knowing that your partner has a crush on you. I... I... just couldn't help myself... it just came over me all of a sudden..."

I let out a few more sobs before Sarah placed both of her paws on my back and leaned down closer to my head. "Who says that any of that's going to happen?" she said really softly and calmly, just like she knew how to do. "And how do you know how I feel right now? Am I acting like I feel how you think I feel?"

That got me to stop in my tracks fairly quickly as my tears started to dry up. I wiped off whatever I could from my eyes and my beak before slowly and almost agonizingly flipping over on the bed and looking up at those big beautiful mongoose eyes as they looked back down at me. "H... how do you feel then?" I asked softly as I tried to keep my focused centered on her even though that was the last thing I thought I could handle.

"Well," she began softly, "it's certainly complicated. It hasn't had much time to sink in yet. But, I'm certainly not going to run off and tell the command that you're a lesbian or anything." She flashed me a short smile and I weakly returned her one of my own. "You know," she continued, "I've never even really thought about being with another girl before. But, hearing that someone has a crush on you always has a way of making you blush a bit regardless of who it is. I certainly appreciate it at the very least, and... well... I don't see anything wrong with it either. And you're a really cool person too. We can chat about almost anything for hours non-stop, and I know that deep down inside you're a sweet and caring girl. It's quite obvious from all the time that we spent together. And those two things are way more than I ever got from dating any guy..."

She kind of let the statement hang a bit as I looked up at her - very surprised so far at what she had said, but waiting on those last few words I wanted to hear to fly out of her muzzle as well. "So... what are you trying to say?" I said softly to try and help them out.

"I guess... well..." she began as she adjusted her sitting position on the bed slightly, "I guess... I'd be willing to give it a try if you're up for it..." It might have seemed cryptic to some, but, as if the words were not enough, she quickly leaned down and planted a small kiss on my beak just to seal the deal. My mind was instantly flooded with emotions at that point - so much happiness, relief, excitement... basically the opposite of everything I had felt while walking back to the barracks. I really didn't know what to do with such a sudden rush of positive emotion like that, not having had all that many to practice with in my life, so I did what came natural and tried to kill some of it off with a semi-depressing question.

"But..." I started out weakly as Sarah slowly pulled away, "I'm an eagle... you're a mongoose... not exactly the most... natural of pairings. I don't know if it'll work out..."

Sarah just smiled at me as she said, "It'll work out if you want it to work out. Your species doesn't matter to me. And, it's not like there are a lot of eagles or mongooses floating around out there anyway. It's not exactly easy to hook up with another one of our own species. Plus, I dated a crow for a few months in high school, so I'm used to my partner having a beak anyway."

I could've jumped up in happiness right there, or, more likely, I could have pulled her body down against mine and kissed her so hard that she might start to think twice about everything she had said about us being together. But, as she finished her statement, we both heard someone walk right in front of our door before we both heard the knob began to turn. Thinking quickly, Sarah sprung up fast and made it look like she was placing the container of food beside me as I laid back down on the bed. The moment our feline roommate walked in she stopped for a second as she saw the scene before her. She slowly closed the door behind her before saying, "You feeling alright Alex?"

"Yeah, she's fine," Sarah said quickly, "just a rough day at the shooting range."

I nodded slowly and that was that. No one was the wiser to our secret. That was, hell, about 7 months or so ago, and ever since then Sarah and I had only gotten tighter and tighter. Although slightly shaky at first, we both warmed up to the idea of being mates fairly quickly. The hardest part was hiding it from everyone else though. Now, instead of one of us being in danger of losing our job over it, both of us were in danger if someone found out we were a couple. Keeping myself restrained was hard to do, especially with someone as beautiful and perfect as Sarah around, but it was lucky for us that sniper school really taught us how to be patient and to control ourselves. Whenever we were out in either some training exercise or an actual mission we were both focused only the task at hand and nothing more. That's the only way we could continue to preform at our best. It was only on those very rare times that we were alone for a moment that we dared show any sort of affection for one another. Although, we hadn't had any opportunities to do much more than kiss unfortunately. That is, until today.

"You know," I said softly to the mongoose in my wings, "we have a whole three hours to ourselves now..."

I felt her body start to wiggle a bit as she slowly turned around to face me. "I know," she said softly before planting another little kiss on my beak, "I'm excited... but I'm kinda nervous as well."

"Does it help that I'm nervous as hell too?" I added in with a smile. "But, nervous or not, I want to make the best use of this time possible." With those words I leaned in and gave the mongoose a soft little nuzzle against her cheek. "I love you darling, and I want to prove it to you."

"I love you too," she said back with a little smile before slowly leaning in for another kiss. This one was different though. This was an all out assault as she gently turned her head slightly sideways and wrapped her lips around my beak.

I was a bit surprised at this since we had only shared a kiss like this once before, but it seemed like Sarah was eager enough to dive right in at this time instead of being kind of cautious like she was the first time. So, I did what came natural to me as I slowly opened up my beak and gave her back the kiss she wanted to feel. It's strange at first - the meeting of keratin and flesh like this. You would think it would just be too awkward to maintain, but it's surprisingly comfortable once both of the mouthes settle into their correct positions. Sarah's lips provided the the seal and the suction, and in response it was my large wings that wrapped around her slender body and pulled her in closer to me.

There we sat in that loving embrace, gently kissing and caressing each other as Sarah was on her knees and I was still sitting on my butt against a large fallen rock. Time seemed to slow down as our mouthes locked together for god knows how long. She was the only thing that mattered to me at that point. Some Afghani rebels could've suddenly stormed the cave and started shooting, and as long as they managed to kill both Sarah and I fairly quickly then I wouldn't have cared in the slightest. She was my entire world now as that kiss drew out more happy emotions from me than I ever remember having in my life before. So simple an act, yet so powerful a feeling as I finally managed to lock my beak with her muzzle for as long as we both could stand it without any fear of being discovered by anyone. Not having to hide it anymore, not having to lie, not having to hold myself back any longer... She was mine, I was hers, and that was that. It was torture having to be something I wasn't while everyone was watching. Even after the rule that you can't serve in the military and be gay was overturned Sarah and I still made it a point to be careful. Just because it wasn't a rule anymore didn't mean that everyone was suddenly okay with it. And lord knows how many guys would've yelled at us to make out in front of them if they knew. We didn't want, need, or deserve treatment like that, so we had decided to keep our mouthes shut on the issue. But now... now were were free for the next few hours to be ourselves, and man did it feel great!

Our kiss didn't stay a simple kiss for long though. Although it felt wonderful to have Sarah's mouth pressed up against my beak, we both had slightly bigger plans for our time ahead. Before long our tongues began to get involved, and this is where I began to shine myself. I may not have been a great kisser due to not having any lips, but I surely made up for it with some fancy tongue work at times. I was actually the one who slowly started to worm my long and slender tongue into the unsuspecting mongoose's mouth at first to start it off actually. I saw her eyes slowly shoot open as she began to notice the invasion, but her eyes quickly went back to being closed, and she went back to being lost in the kiss as my tongue began to probe around her gums and the inside of her mouth. Her tongue wasn't far behind mine either as it slowly pushed passed my mouth's defenses and made it's way into my beak to explore on its own.

As we continued to share our loving kiss and slowly slide our wings and paws across each other's backs, we both let out a few happy moans as our tongues started to explore each other's mouthes. Even though we'd both had experiences with each other's mouth type before (I had a rat as a boyfriend in high school and Sarah had dated a crow), it was still quite the experience to explore something that odd and unusual for the both of us. And we made a good show of it too. At times we were both busy exploring each other's mouthes in tandem - running our tongues over each other's soft gums, teeth, or beak edge. More often than not however one tongue dominated over the other, and that person would get free reign over the other's mouth as the other took that break in concentration to focus their paws or wings along the body of the other - gently exploring and caressing each little nook and cranny.

Even though we both were really enjoying the kiss, it wasn't long before wings and paws started to get adventurous in their exploration - going places that they only dreamed they could be before today... at least in my case. I had always been jealous of Sarah's breasts myself. They weren't gargantuan or anything, a large B to a small C I'd say off hand, but it's just that breasts and avians really don't go together all that well. We leave the mammary glands to, you know, the mammals. I didn't have much more than an A cup myself, so I guess that's part of the reason that I was mindlessly drawn, like most males, to those two mounds of milk producing flesh. As I let Sarah get a bit of beak exploration in with her tongue, my wings began to slide away from wrapping around her back to gently sliding up and down her sides - feeling her slender body's curves as my wings explored further than they had before. But, within a few moments, I could feel my wings slowly brushing up against the side of her boobs as my wings slid all the way up to her armpits. It didn't take long for my wings to get a little bit more adventurous with each pass as they touched more and more of her breasts, and as her tongue continued to dive deep into my mouth I took the opportunity to make my move. My wingtips slowly slid up her body once again, but this time they quickly switched to a frontal assault as they started - sliding up her abs as they slowly made their way to her chest. With a light little moan from me, I felt my wings hit those two hills of flesh, and my wingtips gently wrapped around their circumference - giving her two breasts a firm grope in the process.

A little bit shocked by this sudden attack, Sarah let out quite the gasp into my beak followed by a slowly shaking moan as her eyes flashed open to me once more - giving me a kind of happy and lusting glance. We could both quickly begin to feel the passion rise in the cave as I finally made the move and groped at Sarah's sensitive flesh. By the sound and feel of things we were both starting to get fairly aroused now as neither one of us had experienced a decent sexual release in some time. My groping on Sarah's breasts was just the first strike in a long line of pleasurable acts, but it was a major starting point in our journey. Even though neither one of us were virgins in the literal sense, neither of us had been with a woman before either. But, from the way things were going so far, we both seemed very eager to try and explore new things, especially with the one we loved so dearly. And so, after my wings had rested on Sarah's breasts for a short time, simply holding those two mounds of flesh in my wings, I slowly began to put them to work.

It's was just some gentle squeezing and groping at first - getting used to the feel of having a few sizable breasts in my wings before trying anything crazy. But, as my adventurous spirit continued to build, I gently began to play with the two restrained mounds. I rubbed gently around where I assumed the nipples to be - going by Sarah's reaction to tell me how close I was to my mark - her moans and heavy breaths telling me a great deal as I continued to rub my gentle wingtips all over her breasts. Although the tight fabric protecting her lady parts was somewhat of an annoying barrier to work against, I also somehow managed to put them both into some motion at times. I gently felt their weight as I lifted them up and pressed them together - squishing and massaging them into each other as I happily experimented and toyed with them, much to both of our pleasures. I was almost like a kid in a toy store as I continued to play with the newest and greatest toy there - squeezing, rubbing, and pressing them together as I let a happy smile run over my currently locked up beak.

I was enjoying my first real experience with someone else's breasts quite a bit, and was really focused in on the task. That is, until Sarah decided to strike back. Playing with my own breasts would've been too much of a copy for her though, and she was usually one to up the ante a little bit anyway when she could. As I continued to focus on her breasts, her own paws slowly took a pause from exploring my body and rested at the base of my back - almost as if waiting for the right cue to attack. When that cue was suddenly given they sprung into action and moved down around my tail feathers - gently sliding along my butt and hips before sliding forwards over my thighs as well. I didn't really pay much attention to them even as they began to slide along my inner thighs, but when I felt those teasing paws of hers reach my groin my eyes shot wide open almost instantly as a few of her fingers managed to press themselves up against my slit.

Even though there was a few layers of fabric there to dull her touch, I still let out a sudden squirm and moan as her paws rubbed up against my swollen lips for the first time. I broke the kiss suddenly and looked at her - with what I can only imagine was a powerful lustful and surprised look on my face. She in tern flashed me a grin as her small paws slowly began to slide back and forth over my vagina and the surrounding areas. I let out another series of moans - all unhindered by Sarah's mouth now as our kiss was currently broken for the moment. But, as the shock of the initial touch began to wear off, and the cloud around my mind started to fade away, I began to think of only one thing - how to get her back for what she had just done to me. If she wanted to dive deeper into this, then I was more than happy to dive in after her and try to out do her. A small grin begin to flash over my beak as well as one of my wings slid up from Sarah's breast to the zipper on her uniform, and one of my wingtips quickly slid through the handle and began to pull downwards.

With a loud unzipping noise, Sarah's uniform slowly began to come undone as the zipper slid down below her breasts and down onto her stomach - leaving only a sports bra holding her chest back as I slowly slid what remained of the uniform off her shoulders. Her arms popped free of her sleeves quickly enough with only a little effort from her, and before long most of the upper half of her body was out in the cool open night air. I only had a moment to gawk at her incredibly beautiful and sexy toned feminine form before her paw went back at it again, slipping back down to my vagina and causing me to moan as it rubbed against my most tender area.

Still, I wasn't quite done with her yet. There was still some fabric left around her breasts, and I wanted it off! Powering through my moans and through Sarah's treatment of my moist crotch, I slipped a few wingtips underneath her bra and quickly began to slide it up and off her body. She let out a small moan in return as her arms and paws stopped what they were doing and raised themselves above her head - making it easier for me to completely slide the bra off in one quick motion. And that's exactly what I did. I gave the bra a tug upwards and I watched in the dim light as Sarah's beautiful breasts slowly bounced free of the fabric. But, I didn't want to stop and stare until the deed was completely done, so I soldiered on through until that loop of stretchy fabric was completely off her body and gently discarded over by her pack.

Only then did I focus my gaze back on that sexy mongoose and her wonderful feminine body. My beak was probably hanging open as I took my first look at her exposed upper body and nearly fainted from the realization of just how sexy she really was. I mean, as much as I wanted to sneak a peak of her so bad before, I had never seen her naked like this - not even in the showers. But now, as her arms slowly came down and settled by her sides, I had time to let my powerful eyes analyze each and every part of that beautiful upper body of hers as she just sent me back a grin and a cute little smile. She sat there for a moment, letting me get an eyeful before finally laughing and snapping her fingers in front of my beak. "Hey Alex, my eyes are up here you know..." She said with a smile and another chuckle as she broke me out of my trance.

I blushed a little bit as I looked at her smiling face and then back down to her body and breasts before looking up at her eyes again and smiling myself. "Just... enjoying the moment..." I said weakly before leaning in to give the mongoose another big kiss and gently placing my wings back onto her exposed breasts now that I'd gotten a good look. She smiled and gave me back a moan as my soft feathers finally pressed up against her uncovered furry breasts, and I let out a moan myself at the feeling of them in my wings. I had waited for a moment like this for so long, and now it was finally happening. I could barely control my emotions as my wings softly squeezed and kneaded at the exposed breasts before I began sliding all over the mounds of flesh with my soft wingtips. I gently pressed my feathers up against her nipples for the first time ever and found that they were nice and erect - probably from the chill in the air as they sat there exposed for me to gaze at. I smiled at this feeling and gently began to rub them in between two of my wingtips - softly squeezing and rolling the two erect buds as I watched Sarah explode in a series of soft moans from my touch.

Not quite content with just feeling them though, I really wanted to do something more for her. And, as Sarah began to slide her paws back down to my thighs and eventually to my groin once again, I knew it was my time to slide into action. I gave her another big kiss and let her lips wrap around my beak for a moment, but I soon broke away from that contact and gave Sarah a small smile. As she looked at me with a sort of confused gaze at first, I gently began to nuzzle down into her neck with my beak. I gave her a few "kisses" along her neck as I slowly and sensually rubbed it against and through her fur, and as I slowly nuzzled closer and closer down into her shoulder I let my tongue slip out of my mouth and press into her fur - leaving a small and slimy trail wherever I decided to go next. It was at least as good or better than any gentle kissing ever was as I felt Sarah squirm a bit more at my tongue's touch now. But, I didn't have plans to stay around her neck for long however. I quickly began to slide down further and further, nuzzling and licking through her neck fur, shoulder fur, and finally her breast fur.

Although I'm sure my wings felt great doing what they were doing, I was also sure that a little bit of tongue action wouldn't be such a bad thing either - it never is. As one of my wings gently slid off of one of her breasts, it slid around her side and back to help support her. Once her breast was free, my beak slowly invaded in on my wing's former territory and began to lap at the large furry mound it had left all cold and unprotected. I slowly licked around the outer edge of the boob at first, not wanting to ruin this teasing opportunity, but Sarah's moans quickly started to get more needy fairly quickly. Not wanting to tease her too much, I quickly gave in and began to slide my tongue in a straight line directly towards the nipple.

The moment I got there I heard Sarah let out another sweet moan as my tongue began lapping at that erect piece of tender flesh. I let out a small moan too actually as I went to work coating her nipple with my tongue and the eagle spit it carried along with it. This whole night was a dream come true to me, and the feeling of actually getting to do something like this with another female was giving me an indescribable boost of happiness - not to mention the fact that Sarah's moans of pleasure were like music to my ears as I was repeatedly told I was doing a great job. Over and over my tongue licked at her sensitive nipple: flicking at it, circling it, making quick passes of it, and anything else I could think of trying as I made her boob as damp as my loins were feeling right now. But, not to play favorites or anything, I slowly placed my wing back on the breast I was working on to cover it back up as my beak slowly slid across her chest - my tongue lapping at her recently sweaty fur as I made my way over to the other nipple for more of the same action.

Sarah was really loving this treatment as her gentle and sweet moans began to fill the cave, and so was I as my tongue lapped lovingly all over her mammary glands. But, Sarah and I had differing ideas on where to take it from this point. After I had switched breasts and started to tease the first one with my wing once again, I could feel her rubbing on my moist crotch really reach quite the peak as she tried to burn a hole through the fabric of my uniform. Not having all that much success with that, she let out a sort of frustrated cry before grasping at the zipper on my uniform and beginning to tug. I, on the other hand, had a slightly different idea to play off of. I had Sarah moaning and groaning now, and I could only imagine how aroused she actually was if all her moans were coming out truthfully. So, since I already had her in my grasp, I wanted to finish her off first before I let her have a go at me. I was so close and so eager to finally get a chance at pleasing another woman that I didn't want to wait any longer than I had to. So, as Sarah tugged at my zipper and pulled it down a bit, I gently moved my head away from her breast and swatted at her paw with a wing. She recoiled quite hastily for her state of mind as she looked down at me for an explanation. I just smiled back up at her and said, "Uh uh, you're mine now cutie. Nothing but a little mongoose squirming in the big mean eagle's clutches. I'm going to see you through first before I give you a peak at me." And, with an added little naughty grin, I quickly went back to work on her breasts as Sarah thought about saying something back, but soon enough she let it drop. It was hard to pass up an offer like the one I just made her, so she simply leaned back and got comfortable against a rock as I continued my treatments on her.

As much as I wanted to continue working at her breasts, I knew that it was regretfully time to move on to bigger and better things. I made sure to give both of her nipples a good licking - leaving them both quite wet and chilled in the cool cave air as I began to nuzzle down the center of her breasts before sinking a bit lower. My tongue continued to lick it's way through her sweat stained fur as I gently licked around the bottom of her ribcage - teasing any point of her I could that would get another sweet moan to invade my ear holes. I eventually slid down all the way to her belly button - making the process as slow, tender, and teasing as I could. And, as I reached the cute little hollow in the middle of her sexy and toned stomach, I decided to give her a little preview of what was to come. With a grin and slight moan from me I slowly began to dig my tongue into it - lapping around the perimeter at first before really diving in and exploring the pleasantries of that little crater.

Sarah let out quite the surprised moan, and a small series of giggles as I tickled and teased at her tummy. Nevertheless, I could tell that she was enjoying the pre-show as I suddenly felt a paw press itself to the back of my head and give me a few quick scratches of appreciation. This treatment was more of a tease than anything for her though, and before long I could begin to feel her hips thrusting up against me - urging me to go further and further as the needy mongoose let out a few moans of passion, lust, and desire as she knew what was coming now. The only problem was that there were a few more clothes to get out of the way first.

Once I had made her belly button shimmer in the very dim light of the cave, I slowly lifted my head up a bit and began to slide my wings down from her upper body onto her legs. As Sarah continued to breath deeply and take a short rest to prepare for the next assault, my wings slid further down her small legs until they reached her boots. My surprisingly nimble wingtips quickly got to work untying those thick laces of hers with a calm intensity - knowing that these were one of the final barriers to me getting quite the nice naked fully body view of the mongoose. Once the knots were free, and I pulled some slack into them, I grabbed a hold of each boot and wiggled them off as Sarah's sock-covered foot paws slowly came into view. I tossed both boots over by her equipment and then slowly made my way back up to the waistband of her uniform, not really caring too much about the socks to be honest. There I found her zipper and continued to pull it down as far as it would go with an eager slowness in my wing. Once it was down near her crotch I let go of the small piece of steel and brought both of my wings up to her sides. I slowly slid them down until they hit fabric, and when they did I got a good hold of it and began to slowly slide it off the sexy mongoose's body.

She helped me out a bit by raising her backside up off of the ground and slowly wiggling herself out of her uniform as I pulled - giving me a happy and excited smile the entire time. It seemed like it took a few minutes to finally get the suit off her body and placed next to her other equipment, but that's only because everything was going in slow motion for me at this point. So many pent up emotions were flooding out of me now as I gazed over that naked mongoose body... well, almost naked anyway. Her heavy suit was gone, but now all that remained was that thin little pair of athletic boy shorts to block my view.

It was at this point that Sarah became a little bashful and shy as she closed her legs back up a bit and let her paws go down to block her crotch lazily. As I really got a good look at her sitting there, I was unsure of how to proceed. I was so close that I could almost taste it, but it almost looked as if Sarah was having second thoughts about the whole thing. I waited there for a moment and let the awkward silence between us ferment before I finally ended up saying, "If you don't want to..."

"I want to!" she interrupted almost instantly, but barely moved a muscle after that. All I could do was give her a warm and inviting smile as I leaned in to give her a tender little kiss to help soften the mood. I wrapped a wing around her side to help keep her warm in the cool cave air as I tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible. She accepted the kiss and the hug very willingly, and after a moment I could feel her paws begin to move around to the sides of her waistband, almost as if she was trying to get it over with before having second thoughts. She dug her paws between the waistband of her boyshorts and her fur before lifting her butt up - sliding them off fairly quickly as I slid back to give her some room to take them off.

I pulled away and watched in awe as that gray piece of fabric - with a nice dark stain in the middle - slowly slid over her knees and then down her scrunched in legs. She quickly pulled a socked footpaw out from each side of the undergarment before smiling nervously and placing the small piece of fabric next to her uniform. But, even though she was fully naked now (socks obviously don't count), she still managed to be a bit shy as she kept her legs bent and folded up against herself - not really wanting me to give her a look even though she had just finished sliding her underwear off. I didn't mind though - I knew she probably just needed a minute to warm up to the idea of showing her body off to another female. We had plenty of time for that, but I decided to try and see if I could speed up the process anyway. I gently moved forward again - pressing my body in between those two legs of hers as I let myself go in for another kiss. She had no choice but to open up her legs as I pressed my own body against hers - diving into another deep kiss as my wings slid all over the shy little mongoose's chilly body. They started up high at her shoulders and her back - sliding slowly and gently through her matted fur before they slid back down over her breasts again for a moment. The moment was short lived however as I soon started to slide them even lower down her sides and eventually to her hips. She tried to close her legs on me again as she knew where my wings were headed, but having my body pressed in between them made that incredibly difficult for her. I could tell that Sarah was nervous, and I was really nervous at that moment too, but we both wanted this to happen, and that thought eventually prevailed as I felt my wingtips begin to gently rub up against her wet crotch fur.

She let out quite the squirm and a nervous little squeal as my soft and teasing wingtips got to her outer lips and very gently began to slide along that flesh. I let her get used to that feeling of having something so close to her down there before trying my luck and moving in a bit closer. Sarah's response was fairly unchanged as my beak continued to try and lure her into the kiss - trying to have her forget about what was going on down near her damp crotch. It only semi worked though as I slowly and gently pressed a wingtip into that wet little slit. Sarah's eyes shot open as she let out an unsure little moan, but I held my body firm and continued to kiss her while my wingtip slowly slid around about a fraction of an inch inside her warm and wet female crevice. I could tell that she was still nervous, but as time went on the pleasure of the act began to kick in, and she started to loosen up and enjoy what I was giving her. I continued my gentle strokes down the length of her vagina for a moment before finally deciding to take it up a notch.

As my wingtip reached the top of her vagina, I slowly pushed it in farther and began to feel around for that erect little nub of flesh that brought so much pleasure to females. It didn't take long to find what I was looking for, and I knew the instant that I finally hit it as a jolt was suddenly sent throughout Sarah's body. I could feel her let out quite the loud moan through our kiss, and I even sent a happy moan back to her as I knew I had gotten the right spot - that engorged clitoris of hers. Once it was in my grasp I wasted no time in quickly beginning to rub my wingtips against it, swirling them around and over the top of it as I watched her squirm and almost buck against my wing from the pleasure she was feeling at the moment. Before long she was under my complete control as I rhythmically rubbed at her most sensitive spot, causing her body to relax and spread it's legs out a bit to give me more room to work on her. This caused me to smile widely as I gently broke the kiss and began to once again lick and nuzzle my way down her body.

As I continued to rub at her clit, my beak and tongue began to get lower and lower down her neck before reaching her breasts once again. I made a quick pit stop at each - gently teasing the nipples one last time to make the mongoose shiver and moan yet again. But, I had a new and more exciting target to hit now, and I didn't want to waste much time getting there. So, as I slid my body back from the mongoose a bit, I continued to lick and nuzzle at her breasts before slowly sliding down farther to her stomach. Her fur left quite the salty taste in my mouth, and the smell of perspiration with a hint of body odor was fairly strong on her, but I really couldn't have cared less at this point. If she had tasted and smelled like month old garbage then I still would've been happily doing this for her. I loved her, and I was determined to prove it in the best way possible. And, as my tongue lapped over her belly button and eventually her abs, I was so very close to doing so.

As I began to slide just a little bit lower, my beak and tongue almost started to press up against my wing as it rubbed against Sarah's clit. This left my wing with no other option than to slowly slide down a bit further as my tongue quickly moved into it's place - finally getting a taste of it's first pussy ever as my wingtips slid down even farther to her opening. With a sudden double assault, my tongue gave her clit a quick flick as two of my wingtips quickly dove into that moist hole of hers.

Sarah's back quickly arched up against the rock she was leaning against as her body began to spasm with the new feeling of pleasure she had surging through her groin. She let out a loud ringing moan in the tight space of the cave, and her paws clenched tightly on the dirt around her as she was almost overwhelmed by the feeling running through her at the moment. And that was just from my first strike. My tongue had only gently flicked at her clit once and my wingtips had only slid into her body about an inch or two - just a brief warm up for what I really wanted to do. And, as Sarah looked down at me with her needy glowing eyes, I couldn't help but smile as I pushed her legs open wide and dove back in on both fronts.

My tongue continued to give her clit lick after lick as it alternated directions, intensities, and durations until I found something that Sarah really liked - gaging her reaction by the sudden increase of her moans and squirms. Up and down my tongue ran over that sensitive nub of flesh, driving Sarah crazy as her body gently bucked up and down against my teasing tongue - trying to get me to give her more of what she wanted. I wasn't planning on denying her any of that though, and, taking directions from her own body's movements, I intensified my efforts and began to lick at that swollen nub as passionately as I could.

At the same time two of my wingtips were busy sliding in and out of Sarah's very moist and needy vagina as well. I had started with just an inch or two which I thrust inside at first, but before long all five inches of my soft but stout flight feathers were busy sliding in an out of Sarah's passageway at a decent pace. It must have been quite a feeling for her to have something as alien as a feather pleasing her in such a unique manor - even if she had an avian boyfriend in high-school. Something so soft and made up of so many tiny little barbs must have been quite the stimulation for someone who isn't used to it like I was, almost in the way that a paw finger was so thick and solid to me when my boyfriend first tried to finger me. I could tell that Sarah was enjoying this treatment - letting out a soft moan each time my wingtips hilted inside of her. Had I not been busy with her clit I would've taken the time to do a bit more searching for her G-spot, but she seemed to be doing well enough without some constant stimulation there. And, anyway, I wasn't prepared to get her off completely this way. There was one more thing I wanted to try to make this experience complete. I wanted a REAL taste of a real woman, not just a bit of clitoral stimulation. And, as my tongue slowly laid off her clit and slid further down her slit, my wet wingtips quickly slid out of her passageway and went back up to stroke at the needy bundle of nerve endings.

My first reaction when I finally reached a very moist part of her slit was that the taste and smell of the area was fairly strong. Being in an army camp for the past few months probably lead to a little reduction in personal hygiene, but once again I didn't care in the slightest. I wanted a taste of her no matter how strong it was, and even still it was certainly manageable as my tongue began to lap up her vaginal fluids and search for her entrance. It wasn't that hard to find really as I simply followed the fluid to its source, and before long my warm and wet muscle was busy diving as deep as possible into her warm and moist muscular passageway as I started to lap needly at her sex. This, in combination with my wingtip's attack on her clitoris once again, was enough to release a fresh set of moans and erotic cries from the now overly-stimulated mongoose.

Back and forth my tongue went - eagerly exploring inside her depths and lapping up her fluids as the strong taste started to numb itself in my mouth. And, as my wingtips continued to rhythmically stroke against the side of her clit, rubbing it furiously and making her cry out in pleasure, I could tell that Sarah was really beginning to feel my work on her start to pay off. If she was anything like me, having held back any form of sexual release for quite a while now, she must have been quite ready to let herself go at any moment. Her moans and squirms told me that she was close, but what really let me know was the fact that one of her paws had found it's way to the top of my feathered head and was busy tenderly rubbing away at it - showing me just how much she appreciated all the attention I was giving her. That new sensual feed back was like a little sign of my progress on her, and I could tell quite a lot about how close she was to her release from it. Her scratches and rubs had started out fairly calm and relaxed at first, but as I picked up the pace and began to please her with a furious and needy intensity I could really feel that paw tighten up as her body was struggling to hold something back. And, after some more quick work on her clit along with some probing of her vaginal entrance with my tongue, I heard the squirming and moaning mongoose let out a particularly loud moan through her clenched jaw. Her whole body tensed up almost violently as the walls of her vagina began to spasm against my tongue, and it was all she could do to keep her arms from flailing around wildly as they clenched tightly against the dirt of the cave floor. Her body tensed and pulsed a few times as I felt a bit more liquid get added to her sloppy vaginal mess near my beak, but before we both knew it the event was over. Sarah quickly slumped back against the rock behind her as her body finally fell loose once again - her heaving and panting chest rising and falling at quite the pace as her rapid heart rate drove her need for more air. Her tired face showed just how lost her brain was in the afterglow haze that she slowly sunk into - letting her head rest against the back of the rock like the rest of her body was already doing as she slowly tried to recover.

I was having a few amazing feelings myself as I slowly slid away from the spaced out mongoose - wiping my wet beak off with the sleeve of my uniform and licking away the taste in my mouth. I had just brought my first girl all the way to orgasm, and seeing her sitting there in that happy little haze of hers made everything incredibly worth it as I flashed a warm smile to her almost limp naked body. I felt happy for myself that I was able to pull off something like this and actually get her to cum on my first try, but I was also simply very happy just to have the opportunity to try on her finally. She meant more to me than anything else in the world right now, and seeing her sitting there zoned out in pleasure, and knowing that I was responsible for it, left me with the happiest feeling in the world.

I smiled at her again before slowly scooting over to that chilly looking mongoose and wrapping her up tightly in my warm and enveloping wings - holding her close to me as I planted a small kiss on her cheek and nuzzled into it tenderly. It took her a moment to finally consciously recognize me, but as soon as she did I felt her turn back to me and give me an authentic kiss right on the side of my beak. "Mmmmmm..." I moaned softly at her lips touch, and I gently rubbed a wing over her side in return. "I hope you enjoyed that sweetie."

Her voice was weak as she tried to reply, but after clearing her throat she started again, "I... I loved it. No one has ever made me feel like that before. It was... it was wonderful."

I just smiled and blushed a little bit as I pulled the naked mongoose even farther into my wings and against my warm body - squeezing her gently and making her feel loved. I would've been fully content with ending the evening right there - Sarah and I simply hugging and caressing each other tightly as we waited for the helicopter to come and pick us up - but I underestimated Sarah's intent for a little bit of payback. She took a few moments to gather herself back up, and then, all of a sudden, I felt a paw slide up to the top of the zipper on my uniform and slowly begin to pull it down. "Now, it's my turn..." she said with a small grin as I let my grip on her slip a little bit, giving her the freedom to move about and turn her body into the best position to slowly start removing my clothing.

I didn't resist much to her advances. Even though I would've been happy if the night had ended right there, I certainly wasn't going to deny her the opportunity to payback the favor on me. I was just as horny as she was a moment ago, and the thought of feeling a tongue pleasuring my needy feminine parts was quite arousing to me - especially after having done it to someone else myself. So, I simply spread my wings out to the sides a bit and allowed that small little paw to continue tugging at my zipper until it was way passed by chest and down to my stomach. Only then did it finally stop, and that allowed her paw to come back up to my shoulders and slowly slide the uniform off - sending it cascading down my back with a small moan from me.

Once that part was off Sarah quickly dove at my sports bra and had that thing up and over my head in no time - allowing my small but perky breasts to finally feel the cool air of the cave as well. Almost instantly my nipples started to stand at attention - both from the cold air and from Sarah's eager mouth as she quickly started to suck on the closest one to her. She was quite the eager little thing - whether that was just natural for her or it was because of the treatment I had just given her I wasn't sure, but she did jump onto one of my nipples as soon as possible.

The only natural reaction was to let out a loud and low moan as her tongue began to go to work on my sensitive nipples, and that's certainly what I did. Spurred on by my apparent pleasure, Sarah decided to finally use her one main advantage over me - her lips. She quickly stuck her mouth over the entirety of my areola and locked her lips around the flesh, gently beginning to suck and try to pull my teat into the back of her mouth. My god did that feel amazing! There was just so much tingling sensation running all along my breast as she continued to suck and lap determinately at my breast that I didn't know what to do. My beak was in a gentle cycle of moans as my wingtips began to clench around dirt - much like Sarah's had done when she was in the same position. My chest was pressed upwards and into her face as my back arched to give her the best access to my breasts possible. She took full advantage of it as she dove right in - sucking and lapping at my small breasts as her paw gently found it's way to the other one she wasn't pleasing with her mouth - beginning to squeeze and knead at it to get it ready for her mouth.

I threw my head back in lust and passion as some familiar, yet strangely new feelings began to surge through my body. The feelings of arousal, lust, and, most importantly, love quickly began to overload my brain as I sat there and let the mongoose have her way with my breasts. I fell into such a happy state at that moment as all of the above feelings mixed together in my brain - making me feel loopy with need. The need to love, the need to be loved, the need to make love, all there and all very powerful right now as that mongoose continued to work me over. Certain things managed to poke through my happy haze such as Sarah quickly switching nipples and leaving one wet and out in the cold for a moment, but otherwise all the pleasure I was feeling - both physical and mental - combined into one super pleasure and all funneled into the same happy area of my brain, almost overloading me in the process.

I barely registered it at first when Sarah slowly slid off of my nipples and began to kiss lower down my body the same way I had done to her. It was only when she was near my belly button did I finally pay some attention to her. My head tilted down and met her cute little eyes staring back up at me - playfully wanting to go further but hindered by the fabric around my lower section. I just flashed her a happy little smile as my wings came down my naked sides and slowly wrapped themselves underneath my now slid open uniform. I lifted my butt up off the ground and managed to slither my tail feathers out of their little hole before slowly sliding the heavy fabric around my butt and down my legs. I was careful to curl my talons up as I pulled the suit off each leg - being careful not to rip anything as I took off the garment and gently tossed it over next to all the other gear we were piling together.

Throughout this motion Sarah just sat back and watched really - letting me take care of my uniform and maneuver it around those sharp and sore talons of mine. But, once that was off, and only a chilly and damp pair of panties were left clinging to my body, I gently gave her a naughty little grin as I lifted up a wing and curled a wingtip towards myself - inviting her over with a small lick of my beak. "Your turn to take these little things off," I said as I reached down and snapped the waistband of my panties, which was probably was a lot more sexy in my brain than it was in real life. Nevertheless though, it was enough to get the mongoose over to me and start her paws sliding over my stomach and hips. I let out a little moan at her touch - for the first time feeling my entire body exposed to the elements as the warm comfort of her paws gently stroked through my feathers. Wasting little time though, she quickly slid her paws down to my underwear and hooked a few fingers underneath the stretchy band. From there, it was a simple enough task to wiggle me out of my underwear and begin to slide them down my thighs - slowly exposing my moist vagina to the cool cave air. It made me gasp a little bit as my warm and wet panties left my sensitive skin down there, but Sarah simply let out a small smile in the process as she listened to my beak let another moan or two in the process. She was determined though, and before I knew it she had my panties all the way down to my talons. I gave both of them a good clench to pull the sharp bits back in, and Sarah easily slipped the damp fabric off of me and tossed it next to my discarded uniform.

I began to realize why Sarah had felt so shy when she was in the same position. There I was, naked and totally exposed to her as her eyes darted all over my body curiously and eagerly. But, as eyes always seem to have a way of doing, they eventually found a way of sliding to my groin as she began to stare at my needy little vagina. I could feel my cheeks begin to blush just a little bit, but thankfully Sarah took control of the situation and slowly spread my legs apart farther for me - really exposing me fully to her as she placed a kiss on my beak. She slowly slid her way down to my breasts, giving each nipple a quick kiss on the way, before sliding down my abs and my stomach with some more slow kisses once again. I shivered in anticipation as she got closer to her target, and thankfully Sarah wasn't one to really tease all that much as I quickly found out. She got right to the action as she slid her tongue down there - lapping against my soft and downy crotch feathers before letting it slip into the very top of my vagina.

I let out quite the loud moan as the action sent another shiver up my back. Even the simple touch of her warm and wet tongue to my very outer lips caused me to shout out in another moan as a jolt of electricity shot through my crotch and up into my body. I was so sensitive after being aroused for quite a while now - ever since the moment I heard we had some private time together really - that even a touch to my outer lips caused me to begin to shake a little. But, when Sarah quickly got to my engorged clit with that warm and wonderful tongue of hers... oh man did I let out a surprised little feral screech as I my body shuddered and twitched in response. I didn't realize how much I had been aroused by pleasing Sarah until now - my vagina being so sensitive and needy as that mongoose flicked her tongue against my clit one more time and giggled a bit at my reaction.

My one wing clamped down into the dirt as my other slowly placed itself on top of Sarah's head - giving her some positive feedback as I gently stroked behind the mongoose's ears with my wingtips to let her know that she was doing a great job. She continued to lap at my sensitive bud of flesh, spurred on by the feedback she was getting now, and slowly began to get her lips into the act - wrapping them around and sucking on my erect little bump of flesh like it was a piece of candy. This was a completely new feeling to me, and I cried out in pleasure as my body almost didn't know how to handle it. My hips squirmed a bit - trying to both press the mongoose in further and trying to toss her off at the same time - as pulse after pulse of electricity surged through my groin. My beak was awash with moan after moan - constantly spewing out noises as the mongoose's fantastic lips and tongue continued to please the most sensitive part of my body. And, even though her treatment was amazing, she wasn't even ready to simply leave it at that either.

Following my lead from before, her paws slowly began to explore the rest of my vagina, and before long I could feel one or two start to probe at my waiting entrance, making me moan out again as they slowly wiggled their way inside of me one after another. Before I knew it she had two fingers lodged deep in my moist vagina, and she slowly began to pump them back and forth - only adding to the almost overwhelming pleasure I was feeling now.

I didn't last long. I couldn't last long after all I'd been through in the passed hour or so. Seeing Sarah naked for the first time, getting so close and personal to her as I explored her body, getting to pleasure her until she orgasmed, and now having her do the same to me were all too much for me to take. My wingtips curled around her head as she went in to give my clit a few more good sucks, and I could feel a powerful orgasm starting to rise up inside me. I held it back for a little bit, not wanting to seem TOO eager to finally let go, but eventually I just didn't want to wait any longer. I threw my head back and let out a quick series of moans and gasps as that powerful feeling spread through my body. And, with one final surge inside of me, I let out a loud screech that echoed throughout the cave as I felt my vaginal walls contract and start to spasm. My beak was opened wide in a silent moan as my entire body tensed up - the orgasmic pleasure quickly beginning to surge through my body as I felt Sarah's face get splashed with a few fluids as I thrashed about for a moment afterwards.

Then, as soon as it had started, it was all done. I lay myself back against the rock I was leaning against now and simply let my pleasure shattered mind drift off into happy land as I gasped and panted for breath. It was a few moments before I could actually see straight again, and when my vision cleared I saw that smiling mongoose's face right in front of my own. I flashed her my own weak smile as I heard her say, "Enjoy yourself Alex?"

The only thing I could do at the moment to give her a true answer was to quickly wrap my wing around her back and to dive deep into a kiss with her. I didn't mind that she had just lapped up my own vaginal fluids, and she didn't seem to mind that I had done the same earlier. Heck, she could've eaten ANYTHING beforehand and I still would've been overjoyed to have kissed her right now. My mind was so happy in every sense of the word that I couldn't have stopped myself, and I didn't even want to let her go when the mongoose began to push against my chest to grab a bit of air.

She did eventually break free enough to get a few deep breaths in before smiling back and nuzzling me tenderly. "I'll take that as a yes," she said with a cute little giggle as she settled comfortably into my wings and nuzzled up against my warm chest. I did my part to re-adjust my wings and to cover our bodies as best as I could with those large blanket-like structures. It was getting quite cold outside, but between my wings and Sarah's fur we were set to spend forever like this - naked in each other's arms as we both gently relaxed and let our minds swim in the overwhelming pleasure of this event. Heck, if all those helicopters they sent out on that mission started to have mechanical problems and weren't able to make it back then I wouldn't have minded in the slightest. I knew that we only had a short time to spend like this, but I was already enjoying it to the fullest, and I intended to keep enjoying it until we got word over the radio that the chopper was in-bound. It had been a long day for both of us, and as Sarah snuggled deep into my soft feathers I could almost begin to feel her start to doze off and shut her eyes for a moment. I didn't mind though - I'd happily keep watch over both of us as the mongoose took a nap in my wings if she wanted to. I simply pulled her in closer and laid my beak gently on the top of her head, letting out a small and happy sigh as I did so. After all the moans, groans and screeches this cave had endured, the sounds in the cave quickly diminished to some deep breathing and a pair of strong heart beats - the best way to end any mission in my opinion.

I had learned and experienced a lot that day, but there was one thing that I would never forget. I loved that little mongoose more than anything in the world, and I knew that I had the love of a lifetime wrapped up in my wings on that chilly Afghan night in that cool damp cave.