Fursona High: Chapter 9 Continuation (Part 1)

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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First of all I would like to say Hi to everyone out there and the Furry Community. I am not new to the Furry Fandom and I've been stalking around for months reading good stories and viewing amazing artwork (not all of it yiff related... but OFC some of it is.)

Second off, I got into reading this story (Why I am even writing this in the first place) that came to a abrupt end for no apparent reason. The author of it, Timid Fox, seemed to vanish off the website two years ago apparently. The story was going in a direction I really liked and maybe some other people did too. So I have reread the story in my mind about a dozen times and decided I am going to continue it in his writing style the best I can. The Story is called Fursona High (http://www.sofurry.com/?pid=65620) and has 8 pre-written chapters by him. The thing is he suddenly vanished in a hard place for me to figure out what to do with, but I will do my best to continue this 2 decade old story J

So without further Interruption, I present to you

Chapter 9: Continuation (Part 1)

No one slept easy that night, Anthony probably being the worst off. Every time he finally started drifting off to sleep, he kept replaying the scene in the locker room over and over again in his mind and woke about every 10 minutes. No matter how hard he tried to think about something else, the replay just kept happening. He soon after midnight gave up all together going to sleep and simply just stared out of his window, wondering what, if any good things, had come out of this ordeal. Sure now he knew Mike was gay, Tom was gay, but something bothered him. Something was off, and that something was Tyan.

Tom was up all night thinking about Mike and Anthony. A three way relationship didn't seem bad, but he couldn't help but wonder if there would be any true love. "Could a person love more than two people?" kept popping up in his head time and time again. He surely though it was possible, but what he was afraid of was that Anthony would start loving Mike more than him, and in the end he would be left out. Tom eventually decided that there was nothing he could do for the moment and rolled over somewhere around 2 AM and blacked out with a mind too tired to dream.

Mike simply did not try to sleep. In fact, he tried not to even think about how bad he must of hurt Tom and Anthony. All night he stayed up on his laptop watching his favorite shows on a website called Sulu, which was a site that showed the most recent episodes of TV shows with minimal commercials. For hour on end he watched his favorites such as "Family Woman", "Canadian Dad", "The Snospmis" and "Found". He even watched one of his lesser favorites "King of the Industrial Water Retention Pond" but found the son of the main actor to straight for his liking, and that and he thought cooking with charcoal was a crock of shit.

(The Next Day)

Anthony was glad when the sun came into his room and sighed with relief. He had been up since 2 AM trying to think of all the possible ways he could fix things with everyone a little faster. Only two of the dozen plans he had come up with made sense. One was to simply allow distance between him and Tom, and stay neutral to Mike. The other was to try to get Mike and Tom together in a place, and allow them two to decide and plan of action.

Anthony finally got up and rolled his shoulders to try to release some tension, which he knew would be a hopeless endeavor until one of his plans was put into action. He looked at the clock on his nightstand which read "7:17 AM" and thought to himself now that he was a bit calmer if he should at least try to get 3 hours of nap time. It was far too early for him to do anything at the moment, and far too early for either Mike or Tom to be up.

Right as that thought crossed his path he realized that Tyan would be up already getting ready for his swim meet at 8:30. It was a hard choice to make being drained of energy but he decided that if he was going to patch things up, he would need to talk to Tyan about the things Tom told him. Anthony paused for a moment putting his shirt on and tacked on to that list to ask about that all too friendly hug.


Mike finally feel asleep watching an episode of "Found" around 4 AM where Jake and Cate wondered around the island for what seemed to be 11 hours only to find a yacht anchored off shore on the south side of the island. When Mike thought hard enough about the show, he knew I would be shitty if it wasn't for the half ass conflicts and fights, somewhat funny jokes, and Jake's hotter than fuck body ...


This was just a short continuation of the story to see how many people want to catch up or keep reading it. PLEASE make sure you read the first parts of the story written by Timid Fox. ALL CHARACTERS belong to Timid Fox. STORY TITLE Belongs to Timid Fox.