New Feelings: Entry #2: Oh life, why hath thou forsaken me?

Story by Coffee Otter on SoFurry

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Hey there, me again. Uhmm....I'm not really sure what to write today, I mean, I've actually let a day pass before writing this...That's worth something,right? I think it is. Mainly because now I don't have to worry about Elliott seeing my entries or my poems. Jeeze, it still sounds weird saying that....poems. Poem. Poetry...** meh, oh well. I suppose I should write about my day a little, huh? That is the point of a journal at least. day was pretty uneventful. We got a new song in choir, I got called a fag a few times, normal stuff. *sigh* I wish I were back at school. At least there i have my furiends to talk to. Oh well, I'll write again tomorrow.**


"That should be good." I mumble to myself as I cap my pen and tuck my journal back under my bed. I climb into bed and pull the covers over myself, being carefull not to sit on my tail, like usual. I pick up my iPawd[*Note: Real original =p] and type in the passcode. I scroll over to my pictures and tap it gently and a plethora of pictures floods y screen like a surge from the ocean. As I scroll through them, I think "Not tonight, I'm not in the mood." So i skip the many pictures of attractive foxes and leopards and other male furs to where i put the scanned pictures of my book. It was a good book so far, about a tiger who plays football, and his mate, a cunning, smart, and sexy scouter. I normally wouldn't read a book about football, but, this one's different. Its got a catch; the football star is gay, and he comes out on national TV during a press conference. That's about how far i am in the book. I read a few chapters then went to sleep.

The next day at school, Elliott was gone. I found out he had the flu, so I sent him a text message:

Hey. =3

He replied several mintues later filling me in on why he wasn't at school.

** ** Hey. What's up? sry Im not @ skool.--sick :p

Sry 2 hear that bud.

Nah, is all good. I'll be bak 2moro

This time, I replied with a risk I couldn't tell if i would love, or regret horribly.

rly? gr8! its uh kinda lonely w/o u.

so.....u sayin u miss me or sumthin?

** a lot..... <3**

I didn't get a reply back after that. Saddened and embarrased I was quiet and secluded myself for the rest of the day. I was at a loss, I mean, I had spent the better part of 5 years getting to be his furiend, and to think I ruined it with a text message that took me less than 30 seconds to type. I really just wanted to scream "FML!" Instead, I did the next dummest thing; I texted him again, for a last time, simply asking :

Dude....u there?

Once more, nothing. "Well," I thought to myself, "At least I'll have something to write about in my journal tonight."