Hodgepodge! (the first)

Story by Twilight Stormshi on SoFurry

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#2 of The Trainer - Metatexts

Kay, so here's what I could manage for this week = ) It's a three-part hodgepodge chapter, and it's one of those give-the-world-resonance insertions. To tell you the truth, I wanted to get you guys more of the orgy, but I both overdid it on the RP yiff and had a weird sleep schedule this week. I'm keeping to my friday deadlines, though! Go me! =3 Anyways, I didn't want you guys to lose faith, so the first part of this chapter's a teaser for chapter 07 of the main plot. Part two describes Nafory in a nutshell. Nafory is the town just outside of Twi's valley where she goes to buy what she needs if she ever needs anything =3 It's the place she's really referring to when she says in chapter 05 that she feels pretty safe in this area of the world. Nafory is an open, free town where furries and pokemon live in harmony away from the influence of either the Dragons or the Unicorns. Part three includes a few poems Twi wrote last winter. Oh devoted readers, please enjoy ^^

~~~~ Teaser

Flame chuckled as he lifted the Zangoose to his feet, where Enichi teetered a few steps each way before regaining his balance. Star still lay on the ground in front of him with her wings splayed out, panting very, very heavily. Enichi looked down at her quickly rising and falling belly, staring sleepily in afterglow, but then he came to focus down between her little feet where her cloaca was pulsing out a thick river of his milky seed, which ran down into her tailfeathers. Blushing as he quickly regained full consciousness, he realized what he had just done. And everyone standing or sitting around the pair panting or sighing didn't help matters any at all.

Suddenly the little Zangoose felt very sick to his stomach. He knew he couldn't impregnate her; that he'd learned some time ago from his Human trainer--but he'd just met this girl. He'd just met everyone here. And hours earlier, he'd fucked Twi, too, without thinking anything of it. He felt so happy with his new family; that wasn't in question. But awful pangs of guilt were brewing a storm in his chest, and butterflies were flapping their wings in his stomach. His erection, vibrant and rock hard till just moments earlier, shrank back into his sheath in an instant. When he felt a tear drip from his eye, he looked around the circle and ran straight back behind the house.

Everyone around the circle looked at each other, confused about what had happened in an instant. Twi and Artemis looked after him with looks of deep concern on their faces. They became ashamed they'd pushed the little guy so far. Flame looked behind him and up to Tangie, his mate. Some of the males were still half erect, and the females were still horny--especially Star. Enichi's running off hadn't been a mood killer exactly, but it had been a call to slow down. There was no action for a few seconds, maybe ten, after the Zangoose disappeared, but soon Flame and Tangie came up to Twi and Artemis and nodded.

"Want us to follow him, Twi?" Flame asked her.

"I think that would be a very good idea, Flame," she said.

"Do us a favor," said Tangie, grinning. "Don't let this ruin your good time, kay? Leave him to us."

Twi and Artemis both smiled. "Kay, Tangie," Twi said and looked around the circle, starting to grin again. The fire was still burning brightly there, lighting up what would soon be the traditional orgy grounds. Takashi's thick red was still fully extended, so long it came up to his chest and so massive he could barely fit one of his own huge hands around it. (Burr was now down sitting on one of his legs watching him begin to slowly stroke it, giggling all the while and glancing up at his face for his funny expressions.) Ki and Ge were nuzzling each other around the circle to Twi's right, the soft colors of their coats really coming alive in the firelight enveoloped in the surrounding darkness of night.

Ki, with another five or six days left to her heat, was making a little puddle under where she stood, and Ge was sitting in front of her with his cheek pressed against hers and the little red tip of his doggy cock poking out of his black-furred sheath. Flame and Tangie were following Enichi off back behind the house now, but Artemis and Star, the Yoshi's two birds, were still here: Artemis standing next to her and leaning against her now again happily, Star lying on the ground, little vent exposed on her soft, downy butt, just waiting for someone to get her off. Twi really started to feel happy again after the little bump in the road. Besides, there was that she could feel the folds between her two thick legs getting moist, as well.

~~~~ On Nafory

Nafory is the town nearest to the valley where Twi lives with her pokemon. It lies over the east hills and a mile down the road. This is an exerpt from Twi's diary on Nafory, recalling the first day she ever spent in the town: (Note: "nattie" = "non-anthro")

"To give you some perspective, Nafory was a pretty big town even back then. By its location just south of the continental border, nestled in the crux of two rivers, it had become the largest trading hub on the east coast. The town itself was always sunny in from spring to autumn. Furries and the nattie traders who outnumbered them paroused the wide main road, throwing up light caramel-colored sand and dirt, constantly judging the goods on the collapsible roadside stands along with the merchants sitting behind them. The carts and the business fluttering around them stole attention away from the rows of double-story stone and oak buildings that would be left to line the street in the trading carts' absence.

The structures comprised what then remained most of Nafory's tight business district. There were tall stone hotels, gorgeous open-air produce markets fed by the farms south of the town, and taverns left over from the days Nafory was a marble-quarrier's village. The markets were all shaded by high red-and-sand-colored awnings designed to span as wide as any of the other buildings surrounding them on either side. The road itself stretched on nearly as far as the eye could see in either direction and was as wide as seven carts put together. This would make me come to hate Nafory in the winter when there were no carts and everyone was holed up inside to get away from the rain. The wide, empty road would leave me feeling desolate. But I would also come to take walks there in the depths of winter cold. Somehow, that desolation would also fill me with peace."

~~~~ A set of Twi's poetry, "Meditations on Winter Owls"

--Story of the Owls--

was at rainy dusk that i met the owls as

suns were setting behind silver clouds.

each was a clear drop falling:

sounds on sandy streets and the awnings.

the leaves in late autumn and their shadows on the road;

petals of the fall's late bloom.

and i don't know where i was walking.

how is the sound of sobbing mixed

with the rhythm of the rain?

(two owls huddled in the dark of an alleyway)

the silver male, but the female caught my eye,

molting red plumage haggard.

sadly she looked to the sky as if

she had once been royalty;

longing for warmth in the pouring rain.

......they were abandoned

in the cold of alleyway, eyes shivered

......silver rainclouds

that longed to reveal the suns

......always falling, falling.

damp feathers falling.

......the silver said:

"even if we die here in the cold..."



straining to ally myself with the rhythm of the rain

but there's always one drop too many.

i hear what i want to hear!


--WCW's Owl Haiku--

This is part of the way, as well

......when young owls

............speak from deep in their chests.

Rare to see silver snow

......even at rainy dusk

............in this old town.


......through drift-fog and dripping eaves we

............saw our hearts, collected.


--Sonnet to Lizards--

so lizards flit

on rocks and

high places

but my tail

drags slowly through

the mud when

i walk on all fours.

when i look

back on

those old days

i see loneliness:

like an old broken mirror reflecting

scattered lines.

does time show why lizards walk slowly

or does it simply reflect that

they do it so they can balance

and not get their tails stuck

in the mud

now that i look back on those times,

having come full circle,

i see that nothing ever used to turn out



--Yuki Kagami--


When sky turns blue and grey

in dead of winter,

empty streets and rows of oak taverns. I was

a lizard walking slowly with no-one--

and two owls sat huddled under

an eave;

hoping for warmth

in the pouring rain.


Silver snow never falls

in this midland town,

but rain's rhythm taps on wooden eaves. If I

was cold then I would no longer recall--

far away far away the time


cold winds had blown

since our autumn's end.