CotJ II: The last Stand Act III Part II

Story by Cartoon Malero on SoFurry

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#18 of Chronicles of the Justicar II: The LAst Stand

[The Pantheon, Seat of the Gods]

The Justicar appeared on the opposite end of the Shadow Gate Prime. Time itself seem distorted as his suit could not show a date or time on his HUD even his own movements seem to lag as his reaction times were completely muddled. Arjun looked around as everything he saw had some kind of haze around it that was completely unnatural and felt wrong to the touch like some sort of corruption. He did not know what to make of his surroundings as it looked like Olympus from an ancient earth mythology but everything seemed not right as it started to make the human physically sick.

"Ah...there you are. I was wondering if you were going to show up at all." The voice spoke directly into Arjun's mind eating away at it

"Pandemonium?" the Justicar asked as he readied his weapons

"_I have gone by many names by countless of species, but yes. I am the Void God you know to be." _

_"_Then why aren't you showing me pictures?" Arjun asked as he felt the Void God probe his mind to see on how it works

"You have impressed me, human, the way you survived this long and best several of my infinite lords. I owe you that much too talk on an equal level instead of treating you like a beast." Pandemonium answered

The Justicar still looked around the large out of focus room where the gods of the realms would meet but nothing was around him except the tall white pillars that covered the circular room's border.

"Everything that has led to here as gone by my desire, you... mortal... will be my organic host for when I take over this realm and the next."

"Not before I figure out a way to close your precious gate!" Arjun yelled at the surrounding areas

The Void God laughed inside Arjun's head before he continued, "_Shutting down the gate will only slow my take over of the realms. I have waited eons for this plan to happen and I can wait anther eon when your race as long died out. I will always be in the dark corners of the realm, ready to wipe out all organic life on a whim." _

_"_Then I'll stop you here!" Arjun boldly said

"You have the powers of the guardian yes...but do you think that is enough to stop me? The other gods fear me and the guardian is no match against me with all of his power, what do you think a mere avatar will fare when his god has no hope?" Pandemonium answered smugly

"I have made a living by doing things people thought impossible!" Arjun yelled

" my desire, every victory you organics had has been because I allowed it; your friends that have defeated my armada out in space will just realize on how powerful the infinite are." Pandemonium said contently

The Void God showed Arjun within his mind the few remaining capitol ships and a damaged ghoul city ship finish off the last infinite warship when hundreds of black hole portals opened up spewing more than five times the amount of black metal ships than they fought before, but the huge armadas did not open fire instead they sat in space looking at the organic controlled ships.

"With a single thought my minions will destroy the rest of your organic forces and then bring this realm to its knees as my numbers will darken the skies of every world. You human, you will be the vanguard as I will use your body to spearhead the destruction of all life." Pandemonium explained

The Justicar shook his head in defiance, "I will never join you!"

"_I was told of your courage human, you are a very brave individual, or very foolish to think that you still have a glimmer of hope in stopping me. I offer you a chance to live, join me and I can make anything you want a reality with my powers." _

"I would rather die than become a slave to you and everyone else that knows the infinite would also gladly lay down their lives just to stop you so others could live a few days longer!"

"Very well organic, I'll just have to take your organic form... by force." Pandemonium answered

The Justicar was whacked with pain as he grabbed his head with both hands from the Void God trying to drill into his mind. The human screams where cut out when he blacked out from the amount of pain he was enduring.

[Inside Arjun Fiaz's mind]

The Justicar woke up inside his own head, the walls of the box shaped room where completely abstract as they seemed to go on forever into space as the room had no point of reference. The human could feel his mind slipping as he grew weaker by each passing second as the Void God's hold over him grew.

The silver knight found himself looking at an enhanced version of what a regular infinite looked like outside of their suits. The ghost like entity was three times larger the Justicar, it had a dark halo around the neck of its skull shaped head, and huge shadowy bat like wings protruded out of its spine and its legs were one solid mass of shadows that looked like the Void God floated along the ground.

The Justicar charged the Void God with his sword gripped tightly in both of his hands and swung, but before the weapon could do anything the looming figure dispersed into a dark fog before appearing at the opposite end of the room.

"Your courage will fail you, human. You cannot hope to win." Pandemonium taunted as he watched the young human charge him once more

The Justicar's blade passed through the Void God but nothing happen, the sword went through the dark being like he was trying to cut air and before Arjun knew it the god was gone in an instant.

"The gods have given up organic, why haven't you?"

Arjun felt his very being slipping away as every passing moment the Void God was slowly taking his time of making the Justicar his organic host. The Justicar limped to Pandemonium as his body began increasingly weaker; he swung in an upper cut fashion that passed through the god like nothing was there.

"I'll never...give up." The Justicar argued against Pandemonium and his own increasing doubt

"Then you are more foolish than I thought."

The Justicar waited for anything that might trigger the powers he knew he had but nothing came, Arjun dropped his blade as it was much too heavy to hold anymore.

"The guardian cannot help you here will not escape the inevitable."

Arjun fell to the ground as the Void God towered over him in a looming shadow of evil. The human could see a large bright light over take his view as Pandemonium got ready to take over his new body.

"Do not listen to the Void God human, he rules out of fear, not power. See past his lies and cast him down." The voice of the guardian said in Arjun's head

In a blast of second wind the Justicar flipped back up with new vitality and gripped his sword in both hands before striking the Void God. The blade disintegrated bits and pieces of the shadows that surrounded Pandemonium as Arjun looked down to see his blade was engulfed in energies.

The Void God backed away from the Justicar as the now glowing ethereal knight readied his blade with utmost determination. Arjun ran straight towards Pandemonium who tried to stop the knight with his magic but the full protective power of the guardian defend the human long enough to deal a power slash against the dark god.

[The Pantheon, Seat of the Gods]

The Justicar returned back to reality still in his empowered state as he now saw the Void God was standing in front of him convulsing.

Pandemonium laughed madly before he spoke, "I can feel my control slipping organic...thanks to you, you have sabotage my only limiter on my powers from going completely chaotic...although I won't have the mind to enjoy slaughtering the realms myself I will be satisfied enough knowing that all of you miserable organics will perish."

The Void God rose into the air as his once black smoky body now turned to a solid blood red; all the hate and uncontained powers that was Pandemonium now had free rein over his actions now that his already weak mind had just been shattered by the Justicar's actions.

"_I am Pandemonium..._master of this realm...AND THE NEXT! KNEEL BEFORE THE VOID GOD!" Pandemonium shouted as he began to turn into his final form

Suddenly several portals opened around the massive red being that crackled in energy that distorted its body. The Justicar watched the gods from each of the realms emerge from all around their Pantheon. Arjun turned behind him to see the guardian of life himself towering over the human as he led the other gods into stopping the Void God once and for all at this critical time.

"Your madness ends here Pandemonium; you will face the full force of the Pantheon combined!" The guardian boomed


The gods immediately began draining the Void God of his life energy to weaken him that caused the massive red being to roar in pain as he too began attacking the other gods with his awesome power.

The Justicar watched the titanic gods do battle against their fallen brother in the final battle that would decide the very fate of every single organic being in every realm. Arjun ran straight towards Pandemonium as he ducked under the massive gods as they tried their best to sap the Void God of his powers or engage him directly.

A god was torn asunder when Pandemonium vaporized the realm guardian into nothingness before the Void God looked down at the charging human.

" MINIONS ASSIST YOUR MASTER!" Pandemonium declared loudly

Infinite lords that wore no suits began to teleport around the Pantheon. The Justicar began to heave his way through the powerful ghostly entitles as they throw their bodies in front of the charging human in order to stop him.

Pandemonium stood in the middle of the huge temple like area as he continued to do battle with the entire Pantheon of God he once called brothers and sisters. The Void God fired magical incantations from every part of his being as the most powerful abilities he had in his arsenal were gone from the gods sapping his powers to make the smallest chance of victory possible against the fallen god.

One by one the Justicar carved his way through the infinite lord that tried to bog the glowing knight in their endless numbers. With sword in hand the empowered Justicar leaped into the sky as his golden wings took him the rest of the way up before he could fall back down. The Void God turned to see the tiny organic hovering in front of his face before the Justicar dived forward and like a drill he drove into Pandemonium before he flew out the other end.

The Void God began to weaken as his absorbed life energy started to come back onto him, the fallen god shrunk in mass when he let out a previously absorbed entity back out.

Lord Khaos now joined the Pantheon's side from being released from his father's absorption. The constellation looking creature stood beside the guardian of life as they focused their powers into bringing the Void God into a weakened state for just a moment.

"Now organic, we cannot hold him forever, now is the time." The guardian said calmly as he spoke into Arjun's head


The Justicar stood in front of the Void God as all the gods left including Lord Khaos held the massive red giant down with their powers.

"OF all the arrogant, self centered creatures I have met in my life time, you take the cake!" The Justicar shouted, "Divert all power to weapon!"

Powerful energies began to swirl around the knight that was both magical and technological. His glowing golden glow that was around his armour began to fade away as the blade became engulfed thanks to the guardian and Lord Khaos who gave the majority of their power to the Justicar for this one final attack against the Void God. Every inch of the Justicar's mind went into focusing his body into striking down Pandemonium to end his dark reign once and for all.

Arjun yelled as he took several steps forward and slashed the air allowing the built up powers to be launched in the motion of his attack. The yellow crescent shaped projectile flew straight into the fallen god. The Justicar covered his eyes as the blast engulfed everything in sight.

[The Shadow Core; Dark Spire 3,568 A.D, November 27th, 9:10AM]

"For VALOR! Charge!" yelled a human marine

VALOR marines in new found courage began charging the infinite drones yelling in victory with weapons firing as every single of the massive machines and their lords began to shut down one by one before entire scores began to shut down at the same time as they lost their intelligence completely. The millions of drones that still waited to be deployed too began to shut down in the depths of Dark Spire as they marched towards the organic forces and not before too long the infinite army was completely inactive as the once massive realm invasion army was nothing more than useless scrap metal.

Liken felt anther explosion go off inside Dark Spire as the demolition crews were ordering everyone to evacuate Dark Spire as it was going to be destroyed. The valgary sat in front of the Shadow Gate Prime waiting the cult made base to finally go up in flames, she watched the swirling vortex without making a sound.

The Shadow Gate Prime crackled with energy as it sputtered out and closed but not before the Justicar exited it in a timely fashion. The valgary leaped from her spot to hug the silver knight.

"Hug later!" Arjun said as Dark Spire continued to explode around them, "We gotta go, now!"

Arjun and Liken both raced onto the lift that took the two back down when the Shadow Gate Prime was engulfed in fire when the upper room exploded. The Justicar raced through the corridors with Liken following frantically as more and more impacts as nukes went off inside Dark Spire that shook the two off their feet numerous times.

Dark Spire began to fall apart and crumble as it lost structure support. The drop ships that took the organics in began to leave one by one as their load was completely full. Arjun and Liken came back to their drop off point to see all of the drop ships had already left leaving the two alone as Dark Spire was coming apart.

"We were so close!" Liken yelled in sorrow

Arjun shook his head as part of a statue from the above level came crashing down on the floor they were on.

"At least we will have each other." Arjun said calmly as he held Liken's claws as fires started to consume the room

The valgary took off her love's helmet and looked at her brown skinned mate. Liken didn't flinch when a steel beam fell down and crashed right beside her instead the valgary lowered her head to that of Arjun's as her tail curled around their bodies.

"This is gunship, 'Death from above' sorry we were late to the party." The pilot spoke when his aircraft flew through a tunnel where the drones were exiting from before they all began to shut down

The blue and white color gun ship quickly opened its boarding ramp as both Arjun and Liken climbed inside as "Death from above" still moved away from the destroyed level. The ramp quickly went back up as the pilots did their best to fly the gun ship through the falling debris as they headed towards the portal Queen Matriarch had set up. Explosions shook the aircraft that caused both the valgary and Justicar to bounce up and down as they didn't where a safety harness like the pilots did.

A steel beam fell onto the aircraft as it was trying to gain altitude to head for the portal, the right engine began to catch fire but the veteran pilots still kept their damaged ship from going down.

"Come on girl, don't fail on us now!" the co-pilot spoke to the ship hastily

The blue portal gleamed in the distance as fire began to chase the gun ship as now Dark Spire had fully collapsed into itself that caused the stored ammunition in the drones to go aflame. The flames began to consume the gun ship turning its hull red hot that melted away the paint, Liken and Arjun held each other for dear life while the pilots began to drown in their own sweat as they could see the flames started to go ahead of their ship to block the exit.

Fire surrounded the gunship to engulf it entirely but not before the aircraft entered the portal at the last possible second as Dark Spire went up like a fire cracker and exploded destroying everything the cult had built for their god.

Both pilots let out a sigh of relief as their gunship now entered space to rejoin the damaged fleets of VALOR and demon.

Liken turned her head to the side before she kissed Arjun on the mouth while holding the human down on the gunship holding bay floor. The two mates began to cry from happiness as the gun ship brought them both back home.