Leo and Tony Chapter 1

Story by MondBluete on SoFurry

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Chapter 1


I should introduce myself first:

My name is Antoinette but all call me Tony and I am 16 years old.

Until yesterday I was a normal girl, Happy, irritable, cheerful, silly... A normal teenager mostly. But now... all is different, until the time where I realized.

I was in school. We had maths and I have asked myself where you were. I was so angry with you because I waited for a long time but you weren't there. A knock on the door wakes me up, my teacher goes to the door and comes back a few minutes later. His look tells me that something wasn't right. But never I expected that message.

Sighing my teacher goes back to his chair and sits down. Everybody was quiet now no noise was heard. He looks into the class and said with a sad voice: "There was a bad Accident" all inhales the air. Me too and I looked to the empty place next to me.

Then he continues to speaking: "It is terrible and I don't find the words to tell you but Leopold is..." He stops and I can see tears in his eyes.

My hand runs over the table next to me. A horrifies "No" goes through the room. My look meets the look from my teacher and I saw how his lips moves but.. no noice came to my ears. The room became blurred and I can feel how my body fell to the side.

Quietly noises runs trough my dreamless existence and I opened my Eyes. A happy look watched at me. I tried to get up but some hands pushed me down. "How is she?" it was the voice of my teacher. I looked at him "It was a bad dream wasn't it?" I heard my voice whispering.

His look tells me that it wasn't a dream. Tears runs down my cheeks. Loud screams of despair. I hit around myself and also on him. He said nothing, his hands hold my trembling and despaired body. A little sting in my arm and quietly words: "I'm so sorry." That was the last I heard before all becomes dark around me....

I don´t know how I come back home but now I´m lying on my bed and wait that the door would get open and that you would come in like the time before. But I wait and wait. You would never come in like that anymore. I could never imagine that I would miss that. But now I realized that I enjoyed these moments. It was one from much.

Slowly I drift into an restlessly sleep.

I don't know how much days are over now. It is not important to me. I'm still waiting that you would come back. I don't realize that the world goes further without you. It becomes morning, evening, afternoon, night and morning again.

Should that mean the world doesn´t need you to exist? Does she need me then neither?..

I still hear your voice how you smiles and sais: "Until tomorrow and don´t sleep too long!" your lips on mines, still soft and gently. With my fingers I brush over your lips. I would never touch you again, never I can feel you again.

And another time I drift into sleeping.. but now.. a dreamless dream...

I'm looking to the ceiling. When I was the last time out?... I don't know it anymore... Have I eat something?.. and that I don't know either. I don't feel hunger...only emptiness... nothing...

I still laying in my bed that looks too big for me where it was normal too little. Something is missing... you are missing...

I stretch out my hand... only an empty place in my bed...because you are away.. you are gone ,you have left me... Slowly I turn my head to the pillow, it smells like you. You slept always with wet hair and at the following day you cursed about it and I have to laugh about that....It was so funny, your face when you bit at your lips. And that too.. I will never see again... Only the mind on that is left...that brings me into my next sleep...

I still laying in my bed. A little knock on the door.. I don´t mind it.

Hoping that the door still be closed but my mother comes in. "Darlin please eat something." She said carefully.

I don´t react. My mother shakes her head and left the room. I heard her whispering voice. "That must stop.."

"So I haven´t eat something in the last days," She said quietly and look up to the ceiling. We are often out. Our fave was the Pizzalokal.

Every time you said. "Come on! Order the whole Pizza. You can fix that!" I never east up my pizza. I guess you did know that and eat the other half. How long we were sitting there and watched at the people around us and laughing over them. Your soft smile when I said what I only want to think. Your bright smile when i´m blushing when I realized that. I miss that.. these bright smile...

Now all is clear to me. It were these little moments who fill me up with success and warmth..

Now I realize how important these moments are.. like ever.. too late...

A hug, your fingers crossed with mines.. your smiles... Your lips who brushed mines softly...These little moments were enough... they show me that you love me..that I am there. Real and not only a Ghost...

[I don´t get the story by myself. A friend of me found it on: FanFiktion.de and I want to translate it into english. The story owner is called Denuselschlumpf.]